
treasure : Searching for oneself

An interesting and enjoyable journey for a young man with tremendous intelligence, strong determination and who found himself in young age in mazes that he could not find a way out of, so he got lost in the mazes , so he decided to sail in the wide world to find himself Notices: The maze is a metaphor•__• *This is my first novel *If you are a fan of bloodshed, shock and action, you will enjoy this story *If you like the story, support me morally with a comment or financially *This story contains a lot of comedy, even at the wrong time, so don't be shocked *This novel is pure fiction and does not extend to reality, and I do not intend to offend any beliefs or myths.

Yassin_Slaoui · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Claude against the Five Swords

smoke comes out of the chamber of the hundred years,,The Five Swords looked at the room, as it has been a month since Claude entered it, and already a silhouette appears behind the smoke curtain of Claude, and when it fades, they are shocked by his terrifying aura"Looks like the room helped you in the end," Alpha said, but Claude didn't answer him and went to sleep.

In the morning of the next day, everyone got ready to start the fight. The Five Swords met before fighting him. "Okay, listen to me. If we We faced him one-on-one, we will surely lose You have to wear him down and then i finish him off." Alfa said, Then they turn to Claude and tell him that they will all confront him Claude draws his sword, "Okay." He said, and when the fight begins, Claude attacks quickly, bypassing them all, and reaches Alfa, Before hitting him, Alfa appears from behind him and says to him, "Did you believe that you are able to defeat me with a blow?" and hits him with the handle of the sword in his back Alpha then jumps towards the ceiling of the hall, and when Claude tries, the Great Giant stops him He was a hairy giant with coarse brown hair, and you could not see his features from it, He used a giant hammer in combat The giant attacked Claude again, but Claude avoided it. Claude was unable to reach the Alpha Five Swords, all of them blocking him, So he eliminated him, but he did not break their swords, so they rose again. Dergham asked them to spare him some time, so he started fighting Claude, and Dergham began to collect energy The swords could hardly keep up with Claude, so he knocked them all down, but Dergham had accumulated energy. "The Lion of Hell" shouts, a shield of fire surrounds his body, and Dergham has long soft light brown hair and its color tends to white and looks like a lion, attacking Claude begins to keep up with his speed, and Claude notices that he has an amount of energy the size of a pea in the sky and continues to fight Dergham, and Claude hit him with the wind, so he kept him away from him, then raised his hand to the sky "the waters of torment, the deadly cold", the small ball turned into Giant and Claude threw it at Dergham, so Dergham's shield was extinguished and he was frozn"Fight seriously!" Alpha shouted. Dargham melted the ice around him and charged at Claude quickly and waved his sword, Claude avoided the blow, but was hit in the eye, so he got angry and used one of the door skills, and it was called the sword of control, so Dergham injured in his foot And his hand and his face, Silver raises his hand to the sky and lowers it, Claude looks up and sees lightning coming towards him, He takes a step to the right and avoids it, then goes towards Silver And before cutting his neck, Silver Maides does the silver, and Claude's sword stops and cuts Silver's neck, but Claude continues to direct attacks at him, then he turns away from him and directs his hand towards him

''Glorious Earth Azure Fist'' Then a hand came out from the ground and grabbed Silver, then cutter attacked him, and his hair was black of medium length and soft, and he had all the standards of beauty on his face at that time But Claude easily caught him using plants that sprouted from the ground, the giant attacked him, but Claude surrounded him with a field of immortality fire, then Dragham Claude freezes him again, Alpha shouts at them "Hey, use all your strength" and they all say in one voice "Finally '' Silver smashes the hand that holds him, and cutter cuts those plants, and the giant extinguishes the fire, and Dergham melts the ice once again, and they attack him once.

Two years passed, and both sides suffered heavy losses. The energy of the five swords, except for Alpha, collapsed, and Claude's energy collapsed. "It's time,"Alpha said , then goes down to the battlefield, and as soon as he descends, Claude regains his energy. His energy throughout the two years, Claude attacked directly towards Alpha, but the rest of the swords gathered their energy and created a knight of energy standing in front of Claude, but Claude destroyed him with a blow, Claude attacks again, but the swords create a shield that prevents him. Claude gets tired of it and prepares his sword as if he wants to stab someone''Weak Point, Controlling Sword'' and the sword attacks by itself on the weakest area of ​​the shield and shattersThose were two skills from Door skills''Fluid Movement, Halves Slash'' added these two skills and hit all the five sword and destroyed their weapons, except for alpha , so when he approached his weapon,he disappeared, Claude pointed his sword at the ground and lightly struck it, releasing a wide-ranging aura revealing the location of anyone in it And the name of this skill is''Detector'' Claude threw his sword towards Alpha's place and struck his sword, then Claude appeared in front of his sword and struck Alpha's sword again, Alpha jumped away from Claude and looked at his sword and noticed that it had a small crack in it He smiled, then let out his true strength. "Aura of Destruction." He shouted, then appeared in front of Claude quickly, and before Claude even realized it, he received a punch in the face. His ignorance flew towards the ground and turned it into rubble, It was such a strong punch that it shattered Claude's entire left flank bone, Claude tried to get up, but before he could do that, Alpha appeared in front of him again and punched him in the stomach, and that punch made him bleed from everywhere, his eyes, his nose, his mouth, his ear, even his hand, But Alpha did not suffice with that, so he kicked him hard, then jumped and continued to punch him again and again, then gave him a punch in the face, and sent him to earth again, Claude's bones were shattered completely and he became a mass of blood. Alfa threw his sword at him and before hitting him cried Claude ''Graaaaad''A frightening black aura came out from Claude, which made the Alpha Sword bounce away, and after the aura faded, Grad appeared He threw Claude's sword away and pulled his sword out from his chest and attacked alpha Alfa jumped from the blow, but it hit him, and they continued to do this until Alfa reached for his sword and blocked the last blow, which caused a strong buzz, A fierce fight began between the Alpha Grads, and that caused a large energy wave that reached all the kingdoms near the Pirate Kingdom, In one of the kingdoms, "Sir, we have detected an energy wave from the Pirate Kingdom." said one of the soldiers

"Let me see, what is impossible, prepare the maximum state of defense," said the commander

Returning to Grad and Alpha, we find that Grad has the advantage, but Alpha sends a ball of energy towards the sea He creates a giant samurai to confront Grad, but Grad destroys him with the Weak Point skill He lunges at Alpha and slashes him in the chest, "Okay then." Alpha says in anger and gives out a scary red aura, so his hair turns red and attacks Grad and cuts off his arm, Grad renews his arm and starts stabbing Alpha with it, but that angers Alpha, so he catches him and throws him towards the mountain, and moments after Grad hits the mountain, the mountain turns into a flat land Alfa notices something shining coming towards him, so he steps aside and Claude's sword, which Alfa threw a while ago, falls and causes an explosion that destroys half of the palace, Grad returns to the palace and throws a black hole at Alpha, but Alpha divides it into two halves and attacks Grad, but Grad fades into spirits and appears on the right side of it and kicks Alpha's sword Turning him into ashes, he points his sword at Alpha's neck And Claude returns to his nature, Alpha and the rest of the swords warmly applaud him .

And at the end of the day, Claude begins to prepare his luggage that he will take. While the swords were talking about the fight, Alpha began to remember the day of the last battle. He and the swords had managed to penetrate the ranks of the enemies, but by virtue of their mother, they did not eat for a month. They quickly got tired, And before their heads were cut off, the hands of those who were going to kill them were cut off They looked to the left to see that the one who did this was a ten-year-old boy who was carrying a sword like the one Grad carried, except that the inscriptions on it were blue, The child walked and stood between them and the enemies, and waved that sword, and the enemies' heads were cut off. Alfa did not see the child's face because he was wearing a mask, but he saw his hair, and it was like Claude's hairThe child gave them some food and told them to wait. The army commander attacked him with a heavy sword, but the child grabbed his hand and pressed it until it shattered, Then he grabbed the leader by the neck and pressed him until he broke, The child knew that the head of the army was not the leader of the envoy from the king, but he did not know his location, so he made the detector movement that Claude did, and in the same way he threw his sword at the envoy, then appeared in front of him and used the movement of the liquidator and cut the envoy in two halves, Alfa did not know the names of the movements, but he knew that they were the same ones that Claude had done. "I wonder who is that person and who is Claude?"