
Treasure hunt

In the dim and ancient tombs of Western Xia, who has waited for whom for a millennium! Amidst the beauty of the land and the allure of heroes, a fateful encounter by the Crescent Spring under the moonlight a thousand years ago destined an entanglement that time could not erase! Yet in this life, born into an era of warlords during the Republic, a...

jojokria · Eastern
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73 Chs

028 The days when I lived with my senior sister

When Sun Yat-sen asked Chiang Kai-shek to carefully examine Jian Yumei's wound, Chiang Kai-shek walked over and set down the gun he was holding. "The rest of you, keep watch everywhere and don't let any loopholes occur," he commanded.

Chiang Kai-shek then delegated tasks to the others and approached Jian Yumei carefully. Upon observing Jian Yumei's wound himself, he exclaimed in astonishment, "Mr. Sun, this child has no injuries at all!"

This statement startled Jian Tianhong, who hurried over to take a closer look. "Indeed, it seems to have already healed!" Mr. Du also came over and expressed his surprise.

"This can't be possible, am I seeing things? I myself removed the bullet, see, it's still there! Could it have healed so quickly?" Sun Yat-sen remarked. He too approached, repeating, "Incredible, truly incredible!"

At this moment, Mr. Du noticed the Buddhist beads on Jian Yumei's hand. "Could it be the effect of these Buddhist beads?" he suggested.

As he took Jian Yumei's hand adorned with the beads, a strange sensation instantly permeated his entire body. "It must be these beads, no other reason! It seems this young fellow is quite extraordinary!" Mr. Du remarked.

Then, Chiang Kai-shek urged Sun Yat-sen, "Sir, since the young lad is not seriously injured, for your safety, you should come with me!"

Sun Yat-sen glanced at the sleeping Jian Yumei, then at Mr. Du, and replied, "Very well, let us go then!" He looked at Jian Yumei and took some silver coins out of his pocket, handing them to Jian Tianhong.

"I initially wanted to chat more with him. I believe he has a promising future, and I hoped to guide him onto a path of national salvation. But now that he's injured, and I must leave immediately, I entrust him to you for rest. You're welcome to come find me anytime in the future, and I will provide him with assistance. He has many ideas, and I believe I can help him with them!" Sun Yat-sen said.

"Alright, Mr. Sun, I don't need the silver coins. You need them more for your cause. I insist on not taking them!" Jian Tianhong replied.

"No, you must accept them!" Sun Yat-sen insisted.

"No, while you can devote your life to the republic, can I not sacrifice some money? No, I absolutely cannot accept it! Please respect my decision, Mr. Sun. If this child grows older, I will tell him about your intentions, and I will encourage him to seek your guidance!" Jian Tianhong affirmed.

"Very well, if I'm not around temporarily, you can also find Mr. Chiang Kai-shek here! You've both met! If this child wishes to learn martial arts, Mr. Du can also take him as his disciple!" Sun Yat-sen suggested.

"Indeed, I quite like him. If it weren't for the current crisis, I would truly want to take him away! Otherwise, after things settle down, you're welcome to come find me anytime. Sometimes my whereabouts are even reported in the newspapers! Having such a disciple would bring me great joy!" Mr. Du remarked.

"Alright, Mr. Du, thank you for your kindness. Our Yumei will be very happy! You should hurry now, and we'll disembark here. Take care on your journey!" Jian Tianhong said.

"Very well, let's not linger. Farewell!" Chiang Kai-shek nodded to Jian Tianhong, while Jian Yumei also gestured farewell to Sun Yat-sen and Mr. Du.

Watching Sun Yat-sen's group disappear on the road outside the carriage, Jian Tianhong nodded to himself, murmuring, "Everyone has their own destiny and career. I too must strive for my own endeavors!"

Looking at the still-sleeping Jian Yumei, he lifted him onto his back and got off the train, heading towards the wilderness.

As Jian Yumei reminisced about this past event tonight, his thoughts wandered. He knew about Sun Yat-sen's subsequent experiences, enduring setbacks in his career, yet relentlessly pursuing his goals. He hoped for the genuine realization of the republic and the Three Principles of the People.

Occasionally, Jian Xinwu's whereabouts were reported in the newspapers, each time evoking admiration from Jian Yumei.

If he weren't already studying with his master, he truly wanted to seek out Sun Yat-sen and Mr. Du.

At this moment, he noticed his senior sister had already fallen asleep on the table.

"Sister, sister!" Jian Yumei saw his sister asleep and went to wake her.

But today, Lin Li was sound asleep, and no amount of calling could rouse her. Jian Yumei had no choice but to pick her up and carry her to her room.

Along the way, Jian Yumei felt his sister's softness, something he had never considered before. Yet now, as he held his sister, he truly felt it.

Then he noticed his sister's body was slightly warm. Jian Yumei suddenly felt nervous.

Jian Yumei also found it strange why he was nervous. He was accustomed to seeing familiar faces every day, so why would he feel nervous holding her in his arms?

When he arrived at his sister's room, he pushed open the door.

Approaching his sister's bed, he laid her down. He helped her remove her shoes and debated whether to take off her coat. But after some thought, he decided against it, simply letting her lie down and covering her with a blanket.

As he prepared to leave, he noticed his sister's face was even redder.

He wondered, "Why is her face still so red even in her sleep? Strange! Is my sister ill?"

He mused to himself, then reached out to touch his sister's forehead.

Yet everything seemed normal, leaving Jian Yumei feeling perplexed. He truly didn't know what to do.

As he was about to leave, his sister spoke from behind him, "Fool, won't you give your sister a kiss?"

"Ah, sister! You're not asleep!" Jian Yumei exclaimed.

"With clothes on and face unwashed, can one sleep? What do you think!" Lin Li replied.

"Haha, you, you wanted me to wash your face and undress you, dreaming! I won't do it, I'm leaving, you take care of yourself! Haha! Luckily, I am perceptive and astute, or I would've been fooled by you today!" With that, Jian Yumei ran off.

"Stubborn rose, remember, don't come looking for me tomorrow!" his sister's voice echoed in the night sky, as Jian Yumei burst into laughter.

Jian Yumei returned to his room, carefully pondering today's events. Looking at the "South China Sea Secret Manual" in his hand, he carefully flipped through the section on internal skills. As he read, he began to practice with a carefree mind.

Following the method in the "Muscle-Tendon Changing Classic," he gradually grasped its essence. After practicing it himself, he felt his entire

 body relax, as if with this technique, his previous skills could be executed more swiftly.

Reflecting on the past, he felt more adept at deploying his moves.

Then, he diligently studied a section of the "Bone Marrow Cleansing Classic," quickly grasping its mysteries.

It's miraculous! Jian Yumei thought. To think there's such an excellent technique in the world that can bring about such significant changes to the body!

He then practiced a segment of the "Divine Light **." As he entered a state, he suddenly felt surrounded by a golden light and colorful lights, bathing in the divine light, feeling incredibly comfortable!

Then, more colors began to appear before his eyes, and gradually, many magical things emerged.