
Treasure hunt

In the dim and ancient tombs of Western Xia, who has waited for whom for a millennium! Amidst the beauty of the land and the allure of heroes, a fateful encounter by the Crescent Spring under the moonlight a thousand years ago destined an entanglement that time could not erase! Yet in this life, born into an era of warlords during the Republic, a...

jojokria · Eastern
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73 Chs

027 The revolution has not succeeded, comrades need to work hard

At this moment, the two individuals in the compartment seemed like a colossal magnet, drawing Jian Yumei over.

He rose, making his way towards the compartment.

As he approached not far from where the two individuals resided, the two bodyguards standing at the door became vigilant, eyeing him warily.

Jian Yumei stood there, merely hoping to catch another glimpse of the two individuals if one of them emerged. After all, such grace was seldom witnessed by him.

Jian Yumei remained there, while the two bodyguards sensed unease. They inquired, "Young man, do you have any business here?"

"I... I..." Jian Yumei faltered, unable to articulate, merely standing there.

At that moment, the door swung open, as the soundproofing of the compartment wasn't very effective. A person emerged from within.

Jian Yumei looked and saw it was Mr. Du Xinwu. Upon seeing him, Jian Yumei's face flushed, displaying great excitement.

Mr. Du noticed Jian Yumei, observing the child's admiring gaze upon him. He smiled, for Mr. Du himself had once looked at his own idols with such reverence in his youth. He understood the child's sentiment.

"Young man, do you have business here?" Mr. Du inquired.

"I just wanted to see you and Mr. Sun together. I simply wished to observe you both!" Jian Yumei replied.

Mr. Du chuckled, "Is that so, young man? Have you seen us before?"

"I have indeed. I witnessed you and that British strongman sparring on the stage. You were impressive, effortlessly knocking the Englishman off the platform with a gentle tap! I admired you greatly at that moment!" Jian Yumei recounted.

Mr. Du chuckled, approaching and patting Jian Yumei's head.

"Young man, you have quite the memory!" Mr. Du chuckled.

"Of course, I have an exceptional memory! Moreover, seeing your martial arts that day was truly mesmerizing. I remember it vividly, just like this!" Jian Yumei gestured, "Just like this, with a single strike, you knocked the Englishman off the platform! At that moment, it seemed as though he was propelled by a tremendous force. We were all astonished!" 

"Haha, that takes years of practice and an abundance of internal power!" Mr. Du remarked.

"Indeed!" Jian Yumei nodded.

At that moment, the room's door swung open again, revealing Mr. Sun's emergence.

"You seem engrossed in conversation! Come in, come in, let's chat!" Mr. Sun smiled and said.

Jian Yumei's face flushed red.

"Come, let's chat inside, young friend!" Mr. Du also smiled and said.

"Alright!" Despite feeling a bit embarrassed, the excitement of conversing with prominent figures drove Jian Yumei to follow Mr. Du inside.

"Hello, Mr. Sun!" Jian Yumei greeted Mr. Sun upon entering.

"Hello, young man. What's your name?" Jian Yumei remembered Mr. Sun's first words to him.

"I'm Jian Yumei, Mr. Sun. I saw you both boarding the train earlier, and I've been wanting to talk to you. I hope I haven't disturbed you!" Jian Yumei nervously expressed.

"Oh, haha!" Mr. Sun glanced at Mr. Du, sharing a smile.

"Old Du, do you see if this young one is your fan or mine? It's rare indeed to find an appreciative audience. And especially a young one! Old Du, you should have a good chat with Jian Yumei. I see great potential in this young fellow. You could take him under your wing!" Mr. Sun joked with Mr. Du.

"Well, I feel like Jian Yumei admires you more. His gaze toward me was merely excitement, but toward you, it was sheer excitement! You should have a good chat with him. Nurturing talent should start from a young age. Look at our present military situation, chaotic and warlord-dominated. Achieving republicanism, sigh, it's difficult. It's better to cultivate new talents!" Mr. Du and Mr. Sun bantered.

"Indeed, the revolution is yet to succeed. Comrades still need to strive!" Mr. Sun's expression turned solemn.

After Mr. Sun finished speaking, he looked at Jian Yumei and said, "Jian Yumei, you're quite remarkable. Will you remember Mr. Du as you've remembered me?"

"My father said you were an extraordinary person, and upon seeing you, I felt the same. Though I may not become someone like you, if I could possess the martial prowess of Mr. Du, I would surely follow you to achieve great things!" Jian Yumei still recalls why he had the courage to utter those words.

Perhaps it was the years of wandering that made him yearn for glory, or perhaps it was the hardships he witnessed while traveling the world with his father that made him always hope for a better society. When he heard his father describe Mr. Sun as someone striving for a better society and dedicating his life to it, he had such thoughts.

"Haha! Not simple, Jian Yumei. I sense something special in you. You'll have a bright future!" Mr. Sun chuckled.

"Jian Yumei, when you grow up, do you aspire to have martial arts skills as formidable as Mr. Du's?" Mr. Sun asked.

"Yes, since I was a child, accompanying my father everywhere, I have always had a fondness for martial arts! But I feel that mere martial prowess is not enough. I believe there is suffering everywhere. I think someone like Mr. Sun, who seeks to save the country and the people, represents the highest realm!" Jian Yumei expressed.

At that moment, Mr. Sun and Mr. Du exchanged a glance. Mr. Sun appeared somewhat astonished.

"Indeed, there are kindred spirits in the world. Old Du, you see me rushing around, hoping to establish a republic in our country and implement the Three Principles of the People. But now, my hair has turned white, and I've accomplished nothing! But seeing this child today has reignited my hope! There's hope for the republic, and the Three Principles of the People will surely be realized!" Mr. Sun spoke.

"Yes, sir. Don't worry about the lack of kindred spirits. There are indeed kindred spirits in the world!" Mr. Du concurred.

Just then, suddenly, a voice rang out from outside, "Who's there?"

It was Mr. Sun's bodyguards' voices. Immediately, they heard a few screams.

Mr. Du was startled. "Mr. Sun, get down! Jian Yumei, you too. Don't move. Stay in the room!"

Mr. Sun swiftly approached, shielding Jian Yumei in a corner.

Mr. Du went over and stood behind the door.

At that moment, the door was kicked open. Two individuals entered, brandishing handguns. They quickly surveyed the area, preparing to open fire. However, Mr. Du rushed over, swiftly incapacitating the two.

Jian Yumei observed the attackers already rolling their eyes and estimated that even if they survived, they would likely be disabled. In such a critical situation, there was no room for joking.

 This was a life-and-death struggle.

"Jian Yumei, stay here and don't move!" Mr. Du's eyes showed his grave concern.

Mr. Sun looked outside, seeing the commotion. He grabbed a handgun from the ground and moved towards the compartment door. "I'll go and see!" he declared.

"Mr. Sun, be careful!" Mr. Du exclaimed.

As Mr. Sun left, Mr. Du stayed behind, protecting Jian Yumei.

Moments later, Mr. Sun returned. "It's all under control now. Jian Yumei, it's safe outside. You can come out!"

Jian Yumei emerged from the compartment, relieved to see that Mr. Sun and Mr. Du had swiftly dealt with the situation.

"It's dangerous outside. Jian Yumei, go back inside first. We'll handle everything!" Mr. Sun reassured him.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Sun, Mr. Du!" Jian Yumei nodded and retreated into the compartment.

Mr. Sun and Mr. Du then addressed the situation outside, ensuring everything was secure. Despite the attempted attack, they remained resolute in their mission to bring about change and pave the way for a better future for China.