
Treasure hunt

In the dim and ancient tombs of Western Xia, who has waited for whom for a millennium! Amidst the beauty of the land and the allure of heroes, a fateful encounter by the Crescent Spring under the moonlight a thousand years ago destined an entanglement that time could not erase! Yet in this life, born into an era of warlords during the Republic, a...

jojokria · Eastern
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73 Chs

029 Immortality grass in the ancient tomb

Jian Yumei gradually entered a state of optimal concentration.

He felt as if divine light descended from the heavens, illuminating and bathing every cell in his body. At this moment, his entire being was enveloped in radiant light.

Utilizing the esoteric techniques from the "South China Sea Immortal's Transmission," he circulated the white light in continuous cycles.

Unlike the traditional Daoist martial arts, this method moved horizontally, focusing on the acupoints emphasized in Buddhist esotericism. With each revolution, Jian Yumei sensed the column of light between his heavenly apex and Baihui acupoint beginning to emit a self-luminous glow. Gradually, this column of light grew brighter, once again suffusing his entire body in a snowy radiance.

In this radiant glow, Jian Yumei invoked his intentions once more, this time employing some unique methods from the South China Sea Secret Manual. Following the manual's instructions, he assumed various postures and hand seals, and recited ancient incantations as required, initiating imagery and contemplation.

As he began to levitate, Jian Yumei remained in the posture of the Five Hearts Facing Heaven meditation, yet he ascended into the air, distinctly feeling his levitation differing from the technique taught by his master.

Daoist levitation imparted a sensation of transcendent clarity and ethereal lightness, as if about to drift away. However, in this instance, Jian Yumei unmistakably felt an infinite brightness within this ascent, sensing the entire world bathed in a vast illumination, akin to a grand crystal realm.

It seemed as if his thoughts could influence everything at this moment, traversing the past and future. Yet Jian Yumei remembered the warning from the South China Sea Immortal's book: not to let his thoughts stray, lest he become ensnared in strange realms.

Therefore, Jian Yumei dared not indulge in excessive contemplation, even though numerous images flooded his mind. Among these images were people from various eras, many resembling himself, clad in attire spanning different dynasties. Apart from himself, some depicted women, some familiar, others unfamiliar.

Of course, his senior sister was among them, but the glimpse was fleeting, and Jian Yumei dared not linger. He dimly realized his abilities were insufficient for delving too deeply, lest it lead to trouble.

Continuing to recite the incantations and contemplate the patterns from the South China Sea Secret Manual, Jian Yumei suddenly felt a flurry of words and images flood his mind, slipping through his grasp one by one. Eventually, he discerned that these characters, while resembling Chinese, were distinct.

These characters gradually formed lines, then entire books, yet suddenly, they ignited and burned in flames. Then Jian Yumei saw an ancient city besieged by countless armies, engulfed in flames. From outside the city walls, armies launched numerous rockets, hurling fireballs into the city, engulfing it in flames.

Jian Yumei was struck with panic. Amidst the confusion, he spotted two words clearly inscribed on the city gate: "Dunhuang"!

He continued watching as a beautiful woman, elegantly attired, emerged from the flames of Dunhuang's gates, approaching a figure outside. The figure stood on the outskirts, mounted on a magnificent steed. Clad in silver armor, armed with a longsword, he stood motionless, resembling a celestial being.

To Jian Yumei's astonishment, the figure bore a resemblance to himself!

The scene was vivid yet eerie, with elements sharply defined yet many others hazy.

Jian Yumei vividly saw the sky ablaze, the sun sickly pale, casting its light over the surrounding yellow sands. The entire scene was magnificent yet melancholic.

Yet in a blink, all brightness faded into darkness, plunging everything into obscurity.

In the darkness, a lamp suddenly flickered to life, its flame oddly enduring, illuminating a gloomy ancient tomb adorned with murals.

Jian Yumei was no stranger to this tomb; he recognized it as an ancient burial site, yet the murals depicted scenes unfamiliar to typical Han Chinese tombs—no palaces, attendants, or celestial legends. Instead, the walls portrayed swaying riverside grass, maidens by the riverbank, and galloping horses on the grasslands.

Among these scenes, Jian Yumei noticed a figure on the verdant riverbank—the same woman who had emerged from Dunhuang's flames, unclothed, bathing in the water.

Her eyes held a haunting sorrow, her figure graceful and alluring, her every contour exquisite and delicate.

Jian Yumei felt a sense of unease but recalled his master's teachings: no frivolous thoughts were permissible, for they led to disaster. It was a principle instilled in him by his master and one he strictly adhered to.

With no intention added, Jian Yumei evaded the illusion, allowing the images to unfold and evolve on their own.

Slowly, these images shifted to the center of the ancient tomb, where an exotic plant akin to immortal grass grew peculiarly.

In the tomb's heart, where the master would typically repose, stood a table adorned with a beautiful coffin. Before the coffin lay a jade vessel, within which grew a strange plant resembling immortal grass.

Jian Yumei felt a surge of astonishment. The words "Elixir of Immortality" flashed in his mind. Yet he dared not entertain further thoughts, knowing that in such circumstances, errant thoughts were the gravest taboo.

Gazing further, he observed the coffin, crafted seemingly from gold, resplendent in its entirety. Embedded with the most exquisite gemstones, the coffin lid lay open, revealing the serene figure of a woman.

Her luscious hair coiled like dark silk within the coffin, her eyes closed in peaceful repose, her beauty undiminished even in death.

Beneath her graceful eyelashes, traces of tears seemed to linger, evoking a desire in Jian Yumei to gently wipe them away. The faint tear stains on her crystalline skin stirred his imagination, prompting him to wonder about the sorrows she had endured.

This book will be updated with two to three chapters every day until completion, and friends can enjoy reading it for free.

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