
Treasure hunt

In the dim and ancient tombs of Western Xia, who has waited for whom for a millennium! Amidst the beauty of the land and the allure of heroes, a fateful encounter by the Crescent Spring under the moonlight a thousand years ago destined an entanglement that time could not erase! Yet in this life, born into an era of warlords during the Republic, a...

jojokria · Eastern
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73 Chs

026 Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world

When the train started moving, Jian Yumei watched the platform recede into the distance, the city disappearing again before his eyes. He and his father were about to head to another unfamiliar city, with desolate fields on both sides, autumn winds blowing, and Jian Yumei felt a sense of wandering.

Although young at the time, Jian Yumei had always loved reading. He read all sorts of books he could find. At that time, the Four Books and Five Classics were being criticized, and although he had studied them and didn't see any harm, the newspapers were full of criticisms of them, leaving Jian Yumei pondering in confusion.

Facing those debates on ideology, Jian Yumei couldn't participate. She felt Confucius wasn't bad; she had started learning from his teachings at a young age, and there was nothing wrong with that. However, encountering many new things was still very intriguing. Opening up a floodgate of thoughts, the many things introduced in the newspapers opened up another world for her.

For example, foreign novels, which Jian Yumei loved the most, and some books on the direction of the country, he had seen them too. He knew foreign philosophers and was aware of the latest social ideas. After all, he was a diligent learner, eager to learn everything.

Jian Yumei admired those who spoke passionately on the streets. He saw that those people were full of enthusiasm.

He once witnessed young people demonstrating on the streets of Beijing, and the people at that time were so passionate.

"Father, what are they doing? Why are they so excited?" Jian Yumei asked his father.

At that time, his father brought him to a street in a glaze factory in Beijing, where he had bought something taken from an ancient tomb.

"They are all passionate youths!" his father said.

"Are they all students?" Jian Yumei asked.

"Yes, they are. They are doing this to express their anger because our country has been betrayed again! We are a victorious nation, but our territory continues to be divided!" his father said.

Jian Yumei was surprised. His father rarely expressed opinions on current affairs, but for some reason, his father seemed to be reminiscing about a long time ago. His father rarely expressed many opinions on current matters, but this time his father was genuinely angry, though he tried to suppress his anger.

Jian Yumei remembered that he only learned about the Paris Peace Conference later. When he saw those angry students, he admired them very much.

Jian Yumei remembered that on that night, he had locked the door and recited the speeches of those students facing the wall of the inn room.

"Compatriots, friends, our country has been trampled on again. Are we Chinese destined to be bullied forever? Are we destined to be lambs to the slaughter by the foreign powers? Compatriots, what can we do to prevent our country from being divided again? What can we do for our compatriots to stop being looked down upon like pigs and dogs? Friends, the signs saying 'Chinese and dogs are not allowed' still hang in many places in the concessions imposed on us by Shanghai imperialism. What can we do? What else can we do? We must fight! We must struggle!" Jian Yumei repeated those stirring sentences over and over again.

Jian Yumei vividly remembered that after the student finished his speech, people around him shouted his name, "Zhang Guotao, Zhang Guotao, well done, well done!"

His father came back with things to buy, attracted by Jian Yumei's voice, and he smiled. Jian Yumei smiled embarrassedly.

"Mei'er, if you weren't with me, if you went to study, you could be as excellent as them when you grow up!" his father said.

"Can I be as outstanding as that big brother named Zhang Guotao?" Jian Yumei asked.

"Yes! You can be as outstanding as him! You are excellent in many ways. Remember what the monk from Nanhua Temple said, you have extraordinary talent, right?" his father said.

"Father, I understand. But my biggest thought now is to accompany you!" Jian Yumei said.

"Well, after a few years, when we settle down as soon as possible, when we really find a valuable ancient tomb, we can stop working. Then I will find a good master for you, and you will shine!" his father said.

Jian Yumei remembered that the next day, he and his father, after receiving a few hundred taels of silver from an antique dealer on the street of the glaze factory, went to the ** Square.

There were still many students giving speeches there, many people sitting quietly, watching. Many people slept there. Many of those students looked like they were from out of town, with thin clothes and malnourished faces, but they persisted there.

"Refuse to sign, refuse to sign! Beat the traitors!" they shouted.

His father went to the students' donation box.

"Sir, please donate some money so that we students from out of town can have food to eat and tickets to go back. Thank you, sir!" a thin student stood there, his clothes too thin, shivering in the cold wind.

His father took out the several hundred taels of silver he had just obtained from his pocket. He only left a little for himself and gave the rest to the student.

The student trembled with excitement. "Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir! You are truly a good person. The country will thank you, and our Patriotic Student Association will thank you!" 

"You're welcome, student. We are all patriots. Let's do our best, for our country! Come on!" his father said.

"Okay, we will definitely work hard. We won't give up until we reach our goal. We are ready to sacrifice our lives and shed blood. We are not afraid even if we lose our heads and shed blood. We are ready for everything!" the thin student waved his arm and clenched his fist.

Jian Yumei looked at his father. At that moment, his father's image was so tall in his eyes.

"Okay, students, do your best. However, our country needs you to study well even more. Stop when it's time to stop. When you achieve something, make a greater contribution to the country!" his father said to the student.

The student looked at his father. "Sir, I promise you, I will study abroad in the future, hoping to truly find a way to save the country and the people!"

"Okay, student, you have great ambition! Hope to see you again in the future!" his father said.

"Well, my name is Cai Hesen, and I'm from Hunan! Hope to see you again in the future!" Cai Hesen said.

"Come on, China counts on you!" his father said.

Jian Yumei, on the train, remembered his father's actions. He knew that his father's behavior would deeply influence him. His father had set an example for him, because when leaving **, his father said to him, "As a lowly person, I dare not forget the worries of the country!"

At this moment, Sun and Du in the next compartment made Jian Yumei unable to calm down, as if there were two huge magnets there

, attracting him.

This great attraction made Jian Yumei unable to sit still. She got up and walked towards Sun and Du's compartment.

"Where are you going?" his father asked.

"I'm going to the bathroom!" Jian Yumei said embarrassedly.

At this time, several people walked past Jian Yumei. Jian Yumei didn't notice their gloomy faces and fierce eyes. They glanced at Sun's compartment from a distance and then disappeared into the carriage.