Kefir Snezra, a man in his 20s finds himself stuck in a secluded dystopian location where the only source of safety he holds is the revolver he carries, 6 rounds in a chamber. A hellhole with no system to help nor blessings of god’s to give mc’s op powers or harem. Through trials of abominations he could encounter paired with horrors, will he survive with all his limbs attached? [This is my first time writing a story and this purely out of passion. Loved to write my own novel after reading so many fantastic ones :) ]
The watch ticked as its minute hand strikes 12:00 AM. A man laid on the cold smooth surface of an odd hallway which glimmered in utter darkness, seemingly though there was an occasional flicker of light from the ceiling that sparked amongst every few meters of the broad but embracing emptiness of the corridors.
Planted firmly on the ground, a few seconds passed as the man woke up in an instantaneous manner, breathing heavily as the thumping of his heartbeat echoed its melody in the quiet dimmed halls.
He wore a red overcoat that loomed over his shoulders, which in fact matched well with the rest of his outfit embroidered in a military-style attire. His name was Kefir Snezra, a man in his early 20s who had just woken upon this eerie place.
Glancing around, Kefir was in dismay, "where the hell am I…" he mumbled to himself as he analyzed his surroundings, completely dumbfounded on the situation he was in while checking his pockets for anything of use.
The sensation of cool metal soon embraced the palms within Kefir's hand as he stared down with some relief.
It was his trusty buddy Dipshit, also known as a revolver, a precious gun that held many fond memories he carried in the past of his early military years…
Reminiscing of the past, a headache suddenly struck Kefir, pressing his palms on both sides of his temple he groaned in anger.
"Fuck… why can't I remember anything, who brought me here?.." pondering upon countless questions flowing through his mind. The only single question that stood firmly implemented on his brain was the fact he literally couldn't remember what happened before he was brought to this damned place.
A few minutes passed as he quietly stared off into the gloomy distance of the halls, his mind hazy paired with his eyes a little blurry from the slumber. Slowly lifting himself up off the cool surface of stone with his revolver in hand, shifting his posture to an alerted form. In an irritated voice he spoke.
"Now shouldn't be the time to be worried about my personal issues, I should focus on the situation currently presented to me instead-" Kefir paused his words, realizing some scribbled words inscripted on his left arm that ended with a winky face:
Six rounds lingering in one chamber, through abominations and horrors you shall encounter… faith shall view your journey to the very end brimmed with survival or death, dear human… ;)
His face grimaced with his eyebrows furrowing as he read along the lines thoroughly, sighing deeply, Kerir realized the note spoke of his revolver because what else here had a chamber with 6 rounds? Nothing, well which he assumed. And furthermore, who the hell even ends a serious sentence with a winky face.
Besides the ominous message that benefited him to some extent for useful information of what is going on, Kefir wrapped his fingers even tighter upon the revolver with a determined resolve to live.
Pacing his steps while proceeding down the sinister corridors which greeted Kefir in a mocking manner, a sound echoed in the depths of the halls where Kefir headed to, hauling his movements, he squinted his eyes trying to adjust to the dark.
"Tch… it seems I might not be alone unfortunately…" swirling his eyes around the front and back of the distant corridors , he wasn't covered on either side that spanned to god knows what, which meant a bigger disadvantage for him.
The only source of relief being his gun; his eyes unwavering from what horrors he could encounter, he wiped some sweat from his forehead as he proceeded once again down the abyss of the shrieking halls.
Time constantly ticked as it striked 2:00 PM, small sounds of echoing footsteps followed Kefir as he continued his movements, the halls were starting to get repetitive with the constant same walls and tiles followed by the sparking lights appearing every few meters. It was so… DAMN BORING.
At first, Kefir was extremely cautious with his steps, turning back and forth, revolver in hand, ready to commit to action the moment it could come… However after 2 hours passing and nothing much happening, he began to slowly loosen his guard though still tense.
"Am I gonna be stuck in this place forever? This reminds me of the back rooms with their dystopian areas so secluded but familiar. At least I have you Dipshit" he chuckled, watching his revolver nod its tip in agreement as he tilted his gun downwards then up.
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