
The, Wingless

A world with magic and mystery. A young girl named Raina sets her sights on becoming a monster hunter to become stronger. but fate has it out for her, for she found herself in a terrible situation looking into deaths eyes until someone saves her. This someone agreed to take her under his wing to become stronger in this monster hunting world. But her teacher has some secrets himself and soon to be discovered the stronger Raina becomes.

Zgr · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Monsters Den

A dark tunnel, with a spiky roof and leaking water. Glowing magic crystals fill up the cave. Panting can be heard inside the cave. It was Samuel holding himself up with a sword while Tsuki tried to help him with his fatigue. In front of him Was Raina Fending herself against a giant lizard monster. 

The monster yells and charges at her. She jumps over its head and stabs it. The monster yells in pain.

Samuel Observes Raina's Bravery in disappointed in himself.

Tamaki: "Hey Pronz kid. Shaking in your boots and not supporting your teammate is not teamwork You know!"

Tamaki was behind them observing the situation. He was sitting on a piece of cloth eating some food with Healia right next to him also eating some bread.

Healia: "Yeah try harder Samuel!"

Samuel: "Like you can talk Healia, you're slacking off more than me."

Healia: "Sire Tamaki said I can relax, as long as he gets my cut of the money. And you know I am already fine with money"

Raina was struggling to keep herself on the monster and eventually infused her blade with magic having black flames shoot out where her blade. The monster shrieks even more as it tries to slam her into the wall but Samuel gets up to the monster and cuts off his leg making him stumble instead.

Flames came out of the severed limb burning it up and then continued to burn where the cut had been made on the Monster.

Raina fell off and the monster tried to strike her.

Raina gets in a defensive position but then the monster froze. Its eyes roll back and foam comes from its mouth and eventually falls over, dying.

Raina is confused about what happened.

Tamaki: "Nice you killed it from the inside"

Raina: "What do you mean?"

Tamaki: "The dark magic that you used before you got knocked off killed it from the inside"

Raina: "That makes sense!"

Samuel, Healia, and Tsuki: "NO THAT DOES NOT!"

Tamaki: "I rarely see dark magic so I do not know much either, but I assume it because dark magic can cancel out most magic"

<Authors note: How Raina killed the monster is due to fact magical beasts run on magic, so if it completely runs out of magic then dies. When used her dark went through every muscle and nerve inside its body cutting off his from moving or doing anything. It even stopped blood cells moving, eventually killing>

Tamaki: "Anyways Shall we go deeper into the cave?"

They all agreed. As they head deeper into the cave.

Far away on a battlefield, The woman Liz who appeared in Tamaki's room to give him his mission was sitting down on a pile of dragon and normal monster corpses. she was observing a gem, as blue as the ocean and as cold as ice.

She turns it around a bit until a voice snaps her back into reality.

Voice: "Hey Liz, they are here to pick us up"

The voice came from a massive man covered in armor. He had a giant golden axe on his back and had a broad shoulder and massive legs.

Liz: "Okay Tier"

She pockets the gem and pulls her ice rapier from the monster. As she climbs down the limbs of the monsters she walks next to Tier.

Liz: "Hey Tier you think this will be a good gift for Ryu? His birthday is coming up so I felt like getting him something"

Tier: "The gem is nice and all but wouldn't Ryu just say it is useless and just keep it somewhere to be forgotten"


Tier: "Let's just give him a simple celebration"

Liz: "Yeah Ryu is a simple man"

As they walk off from the battlefield, monster corpses are slashed or torn apart. Others are frozen and some look to be strangled. scattered in the dirt fields.

Back at the monster den cave, they walk through finding nothing but the eerie sound of dripping water echoing through the cave. The deeper they go in the worse the stench of blood and rotting corpses.

Healia covers her nose.

Healia: "Gross, what's that smell?"

Tamaki: "Monster dens are usually isolated spots. Where are they going to use the bathroom?"

Healia: "Gross"

Tamaki laughs as they keep walking through the cave. They keep walking through as a dim light beams through.

Tamaki: "We made it, the Monsters' den"

Short chapter

I will be gone for a week or 2

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