
The, Wingless

A world with magic and mystery. A young girl named Raina sets her sights on becoming a monster hunter to become stronger. but fate has it out for her, for she found herself in a terrible situation looking into deaths eyes until someone saves her. This someone agreed to take her under his wing to become stronger in this monster hunting world. But her teacher has some secrets himself and soon to be discovered the stronger Raina becomes.

Zgr · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

New Mission

The clash between blades filled the air, piercing the ear and surroundings. Tamaki and the Dragonoid throw blows at each other and block them. The attacks get faster and faster the longer it goes on. The Dragonoid uses his claws instead of a blade while Tamaki uses his katana.

Tamaki blocks one of his attacks poorly and the dragonoid takes the opportunity to expose his opening.

The Dragonoid curls his fist up and tries to punch him but instead, a portal where his gut is, it consumes his arm, and then another one appears in front of the Dragonoid's face causing him to strike himself.

The dragonoid falls back a bit pulling his arm out. He looks down to see his bloody nose and looks back up with a grin.

Tamaki: "Still not tired aye? Shall I meet you with a proper force"

Dragonoid: "BRING IT-"

His words cut off as darkness enveloped him with only eyes looking back.

Dragonoids thoughts: "Am I hallucinating!?"

Suddenly a force puts a hole through his gut then his left shoulder. Then after the right part of his face is missing.

The darkness disappears as the dragonoid falls onto the ground coughing blood.

Dragonoids thoughts: "Was that magic!? No, my scales would have deflected it by now it must be his pure strength"

He looks up to his Tamaki in a stance. his katana is nowhere to be seen but his fist is out with steam coming off it.

Tamaki: "I don't need magic to do everything. Must be groundbreaking for you dragonoids"

The dragonoid gets ticked off, and all his wounds heal back to normal after what Tamaki did.

<Dragonoids 40 Magical healing factor: this is what separates Dragonoids from normal hybrids, their factor as great or even greater than someone who has evolved, Humans too can obtain but they have to train rigorously, estimated take around years match level, dragonoids do it off the bat>

Dragonoid: "I'll kill you"

Tamaki: "Did I hit a nerve?"

The dragonoid jumps at him, throwing an even faster attack. His arm goes toward Tamaki's face intending to rip it off, but Tamaki dodges it and pulls out his Katana from the portal he summoned.

He slashes his arm and swiftly turns around. Tamaki strikes him in the gut with the back of his handle. The Dragonoid eyes roll back from the attack. He flew back and Tamaki jumped up in the air and pulled out a dagger in his other hand. The dragonoid crashes onto the ground and shoots a beam of fire at Tamaki. Tamaki threw his dragger. It splits the beam into strands of light cutting the clouds. The dagger pierces the dragonoid head. his head falls, but he jolts it back, he proceeds to rip out the dagger but then looks up to find Tamaki crashing down to slash his head off. 

The Dragonoid reinforces his arm with magic as his scales turn to shiny metal. Tamaki's katana slides off from the angle. The dragonoid gets up swiftly and punches Tamaki in the side.

Tamaki was sent flying into some tree. He gets his footing, stopping himself from flying any further. He looks back at the dragonoid to see a beam of fire shooting toward him. Tamaki smiles as he runs towards the beam and puts his weapons away. A magical aura surrounds Tamaki's right arm and he uses his hand to deflect the beam. The Dragonoid was shocked until Tamaki swiftly got in his face and punched him consistently.

The Dragonoid thoughts sped up after each punch hit his gut and face, breaking everything in his body.

Dragonoids thoughts: "Why is this happening… who is he? How can I lose to a human… why… how"

The Dragonoid determination skyrockets and he gets in position to throw another punch. But Tamaki was there. Like the darkness enveloping the light the dragonoid could not do anything. Tamaki strikes him in the face, pushing him into the ground so hard it starts to fall apart.

Blood from his body and wounds started to spit out as everything was being unfolded. Everyone watches in horror as Tamaki summons a light blue Dagger and stabs the Dragonoid continuously without mercy.

The smile on Tamaki's face stayed as the blood of the dragonoid went everywhere. After every stab, The dragonoids healing factor got slower and slower.

The Dragonoid's healing could not keep up, so his body eventually gave out as Tamaki kept stabbing until his upper body was nothing but a pile of flesh and blood.

Tamaki, covered in blood, walks away from the bloody murder and goes to a well. He pulls up a water bucket and pours a bucket of water over himself getting rid of most of the blood on him.

Voice: "SIR TAMAKI!"

Everyone turns around and sees the beautiful young girl run to Tamaki holding his coat.

Tamaki: "Oh what are you doing here"

Girl: "Well… I heard something from here and I got worried"

Tamaki: "There's no need to be worried, I'm a paladin after all so I can deal with a low-rank Dragonoid"

Girl: "AND!... I came here to return your jacket"

Tamaki: "Oh thanks!"

He grabs it and puts it back on. Tamaki walks to the group of monster hunters who witnessed everything.

Samuel's thoughts: "So this is the power of a paladin, it's so… Ruthless"

Tamaki: "So Raina, how was your first mission?"

Raina: "Um.. it…it was not that great"

Tamaki: "Aw, why's that"

Raina proceeds to go on and on about everything that went wrong with the mission. But then Healia walks up to Tamaki with a serious expression.

Healia: "Are you sure you're a Paladin"

Tamaki: "Yeah I am"

Healia: "How long?"

Tamaki: "Couples years maybe"

Healia: "Really! I've never seen you on the roster for paladins!"

Tamaki: "I used to be an undercover one"

It's very lively as Tamaki tells them more about his power and how he trained Raina. A couple of minutes go by until Tsuki brings up a question.

Tsuki: "Hey me, Healia, and Samuel will be sent back to the first city next week. Can we all tag along on a mission of yours sir Tamaki, so we can get credit for our school"

< their school is the most famous school for producing the strongest monster hunters and is located in the 1st city of power, and the director is known to be one of the only humans in history to evolve and is one of the strongest paladins, and the reason why the 3 of them are out there is that they gave the students 2 weeks to do an advance monster hunter mission as homework.>

Tamaki: "Sure I dont care, just dont get in my way, but about the mission hmmmmm"

Samuel whispers: "Great thinking Tsuki"

Tsuki: "Thank you"

Tamaki: "I got it, we can go on a monster den hunting mission"

Raina looks excited as Samuel is starting to reconsider joining the mission, and Tsuki is close to taking back her words.

<a monsters den: Usually reserved for high-ranking monster hunters because they might have weak in them, but are very powerful numbers>

Tamaki: "You guys scared?"

He had a smug grin across his face.

Tamaki: "If you guys are second-guessing your decision I'll just take Raina and you guys can fail your class"

Samuel with a determined look snapped back at Tamaki.

Samuel: "Fine! We accept your proposal. It's just-"

Tamaki: "Great let's head back to 4th city and we can figure out the rest from there"

Samuel: "But sir Tamaki, we need to get are weapons first"

Tamaki: "The school's weapons are cheap so I'll get you some"

Samuel, healia, and Tsuki: "Thank you for your kindness"

Tamaki: "You got some lively friends Raina"

Raina: "Thank you, Teacher!"

Tamaki: "Where did that come from" he made a smug face. "Calling me teacher all the sudden, making me blush"

Raina: "Oh forget it!"

Tamaki laughs and looks at the lively bunch of teenagers, he smiles to himself.

Tamaki's thoughts: "Man I've gotten old"

2 hours later in the first city of power a school, massive walls surrounding it, and fancying carvings and statues on the side. The walls looked a bit orange and had red flags and roofs covering the building, and on one end of the school there were giant windows, and inside was an office.

Inside a man sits proudly while doing some paperwork. Bookshelves are to the left and right of him with a wooden desk holding his work. Paintings of old elegant men are hanging on the wall. The man was very handsome, with bright orange hair that burned like fire, that ran down his shoulder. He had red eyes with a marking on his neck that looked like fire.

A woman opened the massive door in front of his desk, she was holding more papers and had her black hair with glasses.

She sets the papers on his desk.

Man: "Can you give this old man a break"

Women: "No can do, you're the principal of the academy after all"

As the man continues with his paperwork the woman helps him. As they went through papers something was brought up.

Women: "Sir Dante the man you asked us to investigate recently came out of the undercover job and became a normal paladin"

Dante: "You don't mean"

Women: "Yes, but he goes by the name Tamaki now"

Dante: "Seems like he's forsaken his last name"

Women: "And he took on a student as well"

Dante: "Hah that bastard, not the first time he's done that. I wonder how much stronger he has become after our match 38 years ago. I'm excited just thinking about it AHAHA"

Women: "Instead of thinking about it how about you do your work instead"

He did not listen and still had his head lost in thought.

Dante: "Next time we fight I won't lose to you again"

Dante smiled as he looked outside the window.

My bad I've been procrastinating

Im working on a valitines day special for tmrw as well as a couple new chapters

<edit: For me Tmrw is valitines day so ye>

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