
The, Wingless

A world with magic and mystery. A young girl named Raina sets her sights on becoming a monster hunter to become stronger. but fate has it out for her, for she found herself in a terrible situation looking into deaths eyes until someone saves her. This someone agreed to take her under his wing to become stronger in this monster hunting world. But her teacher has some secrets himself and soon to be discovered the stronger Raina becomes.

Zgr · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

First Mission

A group of people standing on a wooden dock over the cloud, as a floating ship powered by wing magic was held up by massive balloons bringing people in and out, some visiting and others leaving, but there was one thing in common, monster hunters taking them to go hunt down monsters. The group of people consisted of a big man with broad shoulders a sword on his back and a metal shoulder pad. He talking with a man not as tall and a bit chubby holding a mace and a woman holding a staff with a red witch outfit.

Suddenly a girl with pure black hair and light leather armor with 2 daggers on her back runs up to them with a backpack. She also had wolf like ear on top of her head.

Girl: "Hey, sorry I'm late"

Man: "It's alright Raina, are last party member has not even shown up yet"

Raina was the girl who showed up late and was younger than the 3 who were talking. The big man with the sword was Darren, an Apprentice Monster hunter, and so was William, the man holding the mace. Finally, the witch's name was Nina and she introduced herself because she never met Raina.

Suddenly a man who looked to be in his 20s showed up, he had somewhat long gray hair with a brown coat with ruin written all over it that went down to his knees. His eyes were off-putting some would say but he acted nice.

Darren: "Finally, you've shown up Tamaki"

Tamaki: "My bad, I was busy with something"

Darren slapped his back and told him not to worry about it. 

They walked to the boarding area to catch their flight, because they were hunting a high-ranking golden beast owl, it stood 14 feet tall stood on its 2 legs, and had 2 arms with sharp claws.

Raina was next to Tamaki, she was nervous because this was her first mission. She tries to calm herself and strikes up a conversation with Tamaki.

Raina: "So, Tamaki, how was your day?"

Tamaki: "It was alright, it would be better if I was at home now, but I need some money to pay my rent so yeah"

Raina: "Really, you never struck me as the type to only do this for money"

Tamaki: "Never believe what you see on the surface"

He walks ahead and they board the flying ship. Inside it was made of wood and metal, with the front the driver is steering into with glass window stretch around him and as tall as the captain.

Darren tells him where they want to go and The captain told them to be careful because that area had a good amount of monsters. Darren asked for Raina's class and she was a Bandit class, quick with her feet, and specialized in daggers. Then Darren lays out a plan, Raina is a newbie so she sticks with them and collects valuable herbs to sell and jumps into the battle when asked to gain experience, and Tamaki scouts the areas for extra monsters that might come in. Nina sends in support with magic and William is the tank.

They agree with the plan and then the back of the Ship opens up with wind pulling them out. But they had seatbelts preventing them from moving. They thank the captain as they jump out.

Raina was scared but mustard up enough courage to jump out and as her eyes were closed. She felt the wind pass by her body as she slowly opened up her eyes to find a magically rich field of grass and greenish-blue trees that were pretty tall. She looks down to see them all landing on their feet without a struggle. She kicks out her legs preparing to land, bracing for impact until Tamaki grabs her by her shirt before she touches the ground. 

Tamaki was holding onto a branch and had his legs planted on the main body of the tree.

Tamaki: "You alright?"

Raina nodded, as she was scared because this was her first time. He drops down and lets go of her and Darren mocks Raina for her lack of experience, but a roar cuts the fun.

Darren: "Alright, let's continue with the plan"

They all followed the plan and Raina was picking up plants and valuable ores off the ground and stuffed it in her backpack as it made extra money. As she is collecting they are running towards the destination of the roar to see the massive Beast owl and it seemed it knew they were coming.

Darren: "Alright stay in formation!"

Darren goes in the front pulls out his sword and strikes at him 2 times, the sword clashes with its strong feathers and attempts to strike down but William gets in front of Darren parrying the attack and striking the owl in its leg. The leg goes down and the Owl yells in pain and tries to attack again but is stopped by spells coming from Nina.

Nina: "Let's try and prevent him from attacking, like at all"

Raina watches in amazement at their coordination and teamwork, until William fails to parry an attack and gets knocked back, pushing him far away.

William asks to switch with Raina and Raina does what he asks and jumps in as he tries to patch himself up. She pulls out her 2 daggers and goes for multiple stabs but the feathers are too strong. Suddenly 4 massive feathers sprout from the owl's arm and it glows blue. It slashes down at Raina and Darren grabs her barely avoiding its attack.

Darren: "It finally pulled out its weapon"

The owl roars as it dashes towards them and slashes down. Darren blocks it and Raina notices some places where feathers are not present. Down at his feet, his bare skin showed witch means the place where William attacked it was most effective. Raina goes around Darren blocking the attack and she pulls out a bottle of poison before pouring it on her dagger and stabbing it in the bare shit. The Owl shrieks and kicks her away with her dagger deep within its skin.

Darren: "Nice thinking Raina!"

Because the owl was weakened Darren knocked away his blade arm and Magic surrounded his arms, it glowed orange as his muscles got bigger. Darren did a war cry before slashing and cutting the owl's arms. The owl falls back a bit and looks at the party, William gets up and gets ready to fight with Nina ready to apply support spells. The owl looks in a direction behind him before Running off with tremendous speed.

Nina cast a speed boost on William and Darren, but Raina's quick nature allowed her to keep up. Darren proclaimed that the beast would not get away and as they chased down the beast deeper into the forest they stopped as the owl was in front of a cave, they ran towards it but a presence stopped them from moving any further. The cave reeked of death and one step closer means getting closer to your demise.

A giant crystalized foot steps out of the darkness. It was a Dragon, specifically a stone dragon. It towered over the owl as the owl looked at the group before realizing it was crushed by the dragon's foot. Crystal emanating Mana so thick the naked eyes can see, and within the dragons eyes, death stared back.