
The, Wingless

A world with magic and mystery. A young girl named Raina sets her sights on becoming a monster hunter to become stronger. but fate has it out for her, for she found herself in a terrible situation looking into deaths eyes until someone saves her. This someone agreed to take her under his wing to become stronger in this monster hunting world. But her teacher has some secrets himself and soon to be discovered the stronger Raina becomes.

Zgr · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Undercover Paladin

The dragon walks towards them, they are all frozen in fear and the dragon looks at them with an air-piercing stare. Darren dropped his sword onto the ground and so did William.

Darren: "Welp... I'm dead"

A yellow light glows in the dragon's mouth as it shoots out a beam at them, but Raina can move out of the way, Darren's top half is disintegrated, and Williams's legs are gone. William yells in pain as the dragon charges up another beam, Nina sits on the ground shaking. Nina panics and starts repeating to herself that she going to die there. 

The dragon shoots another beam, but Raina cannot dodge it. She closed her eyes expecting the worst but she felt a tug on the back of her shirt pulling her back. It was Tamaki, He pulled her away from the dragon breath on time so the breath did not do much.

Tamaki: "You alright?"

Raina could not respond because of how much she was in shock.

Tamaki rubs his neck.

Tamaki: "Look, just stay here and dont do anything"

Raina tried to respond but he disappeared and grabbed Nina, She was tied up and shouting to find the answer to why he was doing this.

Tamaki: "Holy shit will you be quiet, I'm trying to do my job here and you're making it worse"

Nina: "What do you mean I'm making it worse! Why did you tie me up you fucker!"

Tamaki hovers his finger over his lip.

Tamaki: "I'm a paladin under cover, so I'll take care of this oversized lizard and we can get to the rest later"

Nina starts cursing even more were Tamaki ties a piece of clothing around her mouth so she can be quiet. 

Tamaki: "Let's just say im undercover"

He turns around to the menacing dragon with his hands in his pockets like he has no care in the world. Tamnaki looks up in confidence and without a worry in his face or tone he states.

Tamaki: "Let's get this over with"

The dragon roars and stops his leg on the ground and stone spikes sprout from the ground under Tamaki. Tamaki disappears and everyone is confused here he goes, Raina looks above to see an upside-down Tamaki in the air. Tamaki spins around and kicks the dragon in the head crushing his face into the ground.

Nina was able to get the cloth out of her mouth.

Nina: "One Shot! All it took him was one shot to kill a dragon!"

As Tamaki falls back to his feet in front of the dead dragon, he looks over to Nina with a smile.

Nina: "Only a few people can do this, He must be a paladin!"

Tamaki: "Oh you figured it out, I'm not a well-known one so I do undercover work"

He walks over to Nina and flips her on her back.

Nina: "Hey! What the hell are you doing!"

Raina could not do anything as Nina begs for her to help her out. Raina grabs her dagger but Tamaki looks at her as she slowly lets it go. Tamaki proceeds to grip off the back of her robe.

Raina: "What are you doing!"

Tamaki: "Investigation, and if you look her back is tattooed"

Raina looked to find the head of a dragon tattooed on her back, it was red and the dragon tattoo was massive.

Tamaki: "This is the mark means she is a part of the church of Kagutsuchi"

Raina: "Who?"

Tamaki: "Kagutsuchi, the Dragonoid that caused the death of the wingless for the past 1000 years, Honestly there is no point in me telling you this because im going to wipe your memories"

He picks up the witch.

Raina: "Wait!"

Tamaki: "What?"

Raina: "Instead of wiping my memory, can you…"

A terrible memory came back to Raina, fire, and blood everywhere, people screaming and her mother telling her to run.

Raina: "Help me get stronger!"

Tamaki looks at her in confusion.

Tamaki: "What?'

Raina: "I said I want you to help me get stronger"

Tamaki: "I heard you the first time just why?"

Raina: "I just-"

Before she could finish Tamaki knocked her out with a quick chop to the neck. He catches her fall and locks her under his arm.

Tamaki: "Right time to head back"

A blue portal appears in front of him, as he walks through only leaving the bodies of Darren and William behind because they are beyond recovery.

Its the middle of the night and I'm doing this instead of homework, I should really manage my time better

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