
The Vice Captain of the WhiteBeard Pirates

In the Desolate world of one piece, a young man finds himself wrapped right in the middle of it all. Follow him as he follows his captain and proclaimed "Father" Whitebeard as they explore the sea, fight pirates, marines and God knows what in this fan fiction web series. DISCLAIMER : I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS FROM THE ONE PIECE ANIME OR MANGA EXCEPT FOR THE OC. THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW ON WHETHER I COOKED OR NOT. MUCH LOVE

Leo_DiAngelo · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

A Plan Of Retaliation

It was early morning when I had gotten a call from Nico Olvia. 

I hadn't slept all night, Whitebeard's rage was concerning. I didn't want to sleep and wake up on our way to a war. So I decided to stay up while the rest of the crew slept, and kept an eye on the Whitebeard Pirates. Nico Olvia had just managed to contact me when the first few members of the crew woke up.

"Boris, we somehow managed to escape the fleet thanks to a storm. However, we are currently marooned on an island," Nico Olvia reported her situation.

"That's troubling, I was mostly counting on you to find my location. Looking for you might take a bit, do you have any notable landmarks nearby?" I inquired, I was really curious as to what she had found out that the World Government went out of their own way to get rid of. 

"We'll patrol the island to find any clues, and then contact you after we have confirmation," Olvia promised before hanging up. 

I sighed as I lit another cigar for myself. Whitebeard had just gotten up, and he had already begun drinking. Today was going to be the day a plan of action was going to be decided. After a lengthly arguement with him, I managed to convince him to attack vital islands that were currently under the control of the World Government. 

He wasn't too happy with the arguement, but he relented after a while. Just like that, I managed to prevent a first War Of The Best. Anyway, we were currently going to meet up with the Division Commanders over our next plan of action. Soon after everyone had a heavy breakfast, we all met infront of Whitebeard's seat. 

Everyone was standing side to side in two rows. Bot rows were facing each other in front of Whitebeard's couch. It was giving a mafioso meeting vibe that I could barely remember in movies. We were all silent as we waited for Whitebeard to say something. The air was tense up to that moment, I could tell that some were nervous; while others were just simply excited over what was going to happen.

"Alright, my dear children, I have made a decision on how we will act from here on out. Initially, I simply wanted to raid Mariejois and burn it down to the ground. However, after Boris gave me an earful, I decided not to do so," Whitebeard began slowly.

"However! This doesn't mean that I'm going to let the World Government actions slide. As such, we are going to attack vital strong points for the World Government. Also, I might want to have the head of one of those Celestial Dragons. However, that's something for later," Whitebeard summersed. He quickly looked my way before calling for Stussy.

Stussy quickly made her way towards the meeting, I had already notified her of her duties in this meeting. Matter of fact, I had to wake her up and tell her what was currently going on. She was shocked at first, but after I told her how we would be retaliating. She was determined to be an aide to our operation. 

She stood right next to me, who was on the left side of Whitebeard. 

"Yes, there are a lot of assets that the World Government values highly. One of them being an island called Latten that has an abnormal supply of Seastone. They normally use this to make bullets,seastone cuffs and other materials for the Marines and Celestial Dragons," Stussy suggested.

"Good! Bleinheim, Atmos, and Fossa! I want you three to gather some men and give those World Government Agents hell! Moreover, I want to claim it as my territory if possible. However, don't push yourselves too hard, you hear?!?!" Whitebeard ordered the three. 

The three men immediately hummed in compliance and quickly set off to get ready for action. It was after they left that Stussy began to give out more intel about potential targets. 

"The time for the delivering of Heavenly Gold is closeby, we can raid the World Government ships and steal their Gold, according to what I've been hearing; they are really valuable within the black market," Stussy suggested. 

Whitebeard hummed in thought about it. It was a lucrative proposal that would attack flow of income for them, it was then one of the Division Commanders: Rakuyo, decided to step up.

"Pops, let me handle it! I'll rob those bastards blind!" Rakuyo declared.

"Fine! However, you won't be able to rob all of them by yourself, who else wants to join?" Whitebeard asked.

"I want to do it!" A small fishman by the name of Namur raised his hand and shouted eagerly. 

Namur was one of the newer members that joined the crew a couple of months back, his fishman karate along with his mastery in Observation and Armament haki earned him a spot as a Division Commander for the 8th Division. He wasn't the only one willing to take this alone, a couple of more Division Commanders quickly raised their hands to volunteer.

"Good! You guys go and rob those fools blind! I'll give you one of the Moby Dicks so you can have some extra space for the gold!" Whitebeard offered.

Namur, Rakuyo, and four more Division Commander immediately hummed in obedience and went off to begin preparations. 

In just two orders, the World Government had just lost a yearly income along with a stable supply of Seastone. It was no wonder that they had to make deals with Wano later on in the future. Whitebeard suddenly took a swig out of a barrel of liqour before making another statement.

"This is all nice and all, but I want blood. Robbing these idiots won't teach them a thorough lesson!" Whitebeard complained. 

Stussy shifted a bit uncomfortably before making another suggestio

"We....we could raid one of the three main branches of the marines," Stussy offered quietly.

Whitebeard's eyes flashed mysterious upon hearing that.

"That's a great idea! Oden! I want you to go and wreak havoc on Enies Lobby!" Whitebeard ordered.

"EEEHHH?! What if the people there are weak? I don't want to fight a bunch of losers," Oden complained.

"Don't worry, its Enies Lobby, of course they're going to have someone strong guarding its gates," Toki consoled Oden with a kind smile on her face.

"Oooh! I'll go with Oden, Pops" Marco offered as well. Whitebeard nodded his head and agreed with his decision.

"This is good, but not enough. I want to kill one of those damn dragons while I'm at it," Whitebeard thought out loud.

The air suddenly became cold as all the remaining Division Commanders looked at Whitebeard incredulously. Killing a Celestial Dragon was often considered a Cardinal sin. Whitebeard looked at the rest of the Division Commanders with a questioning look.

"What? Scared? You guys do know that Boris has killed five of them right? Surely its not that bad, right?" Whitebeard questioned.

"Pops, the World Nobles are known to leave to and from Mariejois discreetly after Boris' incident. I doubt that you will be able to find one outside like that, especially out here in the New World," Stussy argued reasonably.

Whitebeard simply took another swig of his barrel before throwing the barrel away. It was evident that he wasn't happy that he wasn't able to do what he wanted. It was at this point of time that I decided to suggest something utterly absurd.

"How about you and I go and pay Mariejois a visit?" I offered.

The rest of the Division Commanders looked at me like I was crazy. What I was suggesting was simply a prelude to a war. However, in my opinion, they kind of already started this fight with us. They shouldn't complain if they face backlash from us as a result. 

"GURARARARARA!!! THAT'S A PERFECT IDEA!! LET'S PAY THOSE FOOLS A VISIT!!!!" Whitebeard immediately agreed with my offer. It was a perfect oppurtunity to let Whitebeard vent his anger at them. I would be there to ensure that he would be able to escape safely without any hicks, it was an efficient plan.

"Pops, I wish to join Marco and Oden as they attack Enies Lobby," Jozu suggested to Whitebeard.

Whitebeard immediately agreed and had Vista in charge of the two remaining Moby Dick replicas that we would be leaving in the New World, also, the remaining Division Commanders were ordered to patrol the territories while we were gone.

However, after the meeting had ended and everyone was getting ready to go and perform their duties, I immediately went to Vista and explained Nico Olvia's situation.

I wanted to make sure that she was in good hands while I was away, I would visit her soon after this fiasco was over.

I think that this is a reasonable response, but let me know if I overdid it though.

Love y'all!!!

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