
The Undercover Mom

Aliana is a brave woman who started her bakery business from scratch. she met and got married to John, who is a civil engineer who never told her about his background. Now Aliana and her 3 years old daughter are on the run from whom she had no idea.......... Mrs Cody is a self-made woman whose only philosophy is conquer and possess all. she has a son, John, who never liked her way of achievement. he could do anything to dissociate himself from his mother. For this, John studied civil engineering and lived far from his mum. He met and got married to Aliana they had a happy and beautiful home, and he had secrets he never wished for her to know. Four years later, John died in a building site. Andy Peter is a private investigator who is known as the best, can find anything, and everything. He has a knack for revealing things no matter how well hidden. he was hired to track down Aliana. Andy never gets involved with his clients, no matter how bad the situation seems. he hates to get blood on his hands. will he hand Aliana over to Mrs. Cody or will he go against his own word.............

Esi_Onoro · Urban
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31 Chs


As Aliana awakened to the dawn's light filtering through her window, she felt a renewed sense of determination stirring within her. Despite having faltered in her commitment to fitness in recent months, today marked a fresh start. The crisp morning air whispered promises of revitalization as she prepared herself for the challenge ahead.

As she went about her morning routine, memories of John, her steadfast companion in previous workouts, gently nudged their way into her thoughts. His encouragement had always been a catalyst for her dedication, a reassuring presence that spurred her onward. Though he was no longer by her side, his influence lingered, a silent reminder of the strength she carried within.

With a bittersweet smile playing on her lips, she wore a black simple leggings and a fitted armless top. She laced up her shoes, tied up her hair in a ponytail, the familiar ritual grounding her as she prepared to embark on her journey.

As she stepped out, a wave of surprise and joy rippled through her staff, evident in their expressions of shock and excitement. Soft murmurs of "Oh, so happy she is back" and "Glad to see her in her usual self" floated among them as they caught sight of her. Each member greeted her with warm smiles and a chorus of "Good morning, ma'am," their genuine happiness palpable in the air.

Aliana reciprocated their greetings with a heartfelt "Good morning" to each one, her own smile reflecting their enthusiasm. As she made her way towards the gate, she felt a sense of gratitude wash over her, thankful for the support and encouragement of those around her. With their well wishes echoing in her ears, she embarked on her morning run, fueled by their unwavering belief in her and the journey ahead.

Stepping out into the world beyond her doorstep, she embraced the unknown with a sense of anticipation. Each stride carried her closer to her goal, each breath a reaffirmation of her commitment to self-improvement. Though the path ahead may be challenging, she faced it with courage and determination, knowing that with each step, she was one step closer to reclaiming her vitality and strength.

As she embarked on her familiar route, the rhythmic pounding of her feet against the pavement echoed through the quiet morning air. The road stretched out before her, lined with elegant duplexes standing sentinel along the way. With each step, she felt a sense of connection to the neighborhood she called home, the comforting familiarity of her surroundings enveloping her like an old friend.

Her AirPods nestled snugly in her ears, filling her world with the soft strains of music that served as her companion on this solitary journey. The melodic tunes acted as a catalyst, infusing her movements with renewed vigor and energy, each beat pulsing in sync with the cadence of her footsteps.

As she jogged along, Aliana exchanged friendly waves and greetings with her neighbors, their faces lighting up with recognition as she passed by. Their smiles served as small reminders of the community that surrounded her, a testament to the bonds forged over years of shared experiences and interactions.

After approximately 40 minutes of steady running, she reached the bridge, a familiar landmark marking the halfway point of her journey. Pausing to catch her breath, she took a moment to stretch her tired muscles, her movements fluid and deliberate as she eased away the tension that had built up during her run.

With her body feeling refreshed and invigorated, she made her way towards the nearby park, drawn by the promise of tranquility and greenery that awaited her within its confines. As she entered the serene oasis, she was greeted by the sight of familiar faces engaged in lively conversation, the air alive with the sound of laughter and camaraderie.

Aliana approached them with a warm smile, exchanging pleasantries and engaging in conversation as she basked in the sense of belonging that surrounded her. In this moment, amidst the beauty of nature and the warmth of community, she felt truly alive, her spirit soaring with each passing second.

"Good to see you too," Aliana exclaimed warmly as Ms. Talia, an elderly woman known for her love of yoga, enveloped her in a heartfelt hug. The embrace conveyed years of friendship and shared moments, filling Aliana with a sense of comfort and belonging.

Ms. Talia's eyes sparkled with affection as she spoke, expressing her delight at Aliana's return. "Oh, darling Ana, I came by the bakery several times but met your absence. I am so glad to see you," she said, her smile radiating genuine happiness.

Aliana returned the smile, feeling a rush of warmth and gratitude for the kind-hearted woman before her. "Oh, Ms. Talia, I have missed you too," she replied, her voice tinged with sincerity as she savored the reunion.

With a promise to catch up another time, Aliana waved farewell to the other members of the park, their friendly faces etched in her memory as she turned to leave. Glancing at her watch, she noted the time: 7:30 am.

Realizing the morning had slipped away faster than expected, Aliana hurriedly made her way home, eager to freshen up and ensure her daughter, Ava, was well-prepared for school. With thoughts of her family spurring her on, she quickened her pace, each step bringing her closer to the comforts of home and the responsibilities that awaited her there.

Aliana entered her home with a sense of haste, surprised to find Ava already seated at the breakfast table, munching on her morning meal of cereal. A warm smile graced her lips as she greeted her daughter affectionately, "Good morning, baby."

Attempting to embrace Ava, she was met with a playful protest as Ava wrinkled her nose at her mother's sweaty state. "Good morning, Mum," Ava replied with a hint of amusement, gently urging her to go wash up with a playful wrinkling of her nose and a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Her lips curled into a half-smile, as if she couldn't help but find humor in her mother's sweaty appearance. There was a hint of exaggerated disgust mixed with affection, creating a lighthearted atmosphere in the room. It was a look that conveyed both amusement and fondness, adding a touch of levity to the moment as Aliana chuckled at her daughter's playful antics.

Chuckling at her daughter's reaction, Aliana agreed, her laughter filling the room as she promised, "Okay, baby, but I won't be able to see you before you go to school, alright?"

Ava responded with a sweet gesture, blowing her mother a kiss as Aliana made her way upstairs to freshen up. The exchange between mother and daughter was filled with love and warmth, a simple yet heartwarming moment that highlighted the bond they shared. With a contented smile she ascended the stairs, grateful for the joy and companionship that awaited her within the walls of her home.

Aliana gently pushed open the door to her room, the hinges creaking softly in the stillness of the morning. Stepping inside, she felt a sense of calmness wash over her as she closed the door behind her, shutting out the outside world for a brief moment of solitude. She made her way to the bathroom , revealing the serene oasis that awaited within.

With a sense of relief flooding over her, Aliana retrieved a plush towel from the rack, its softness a comforting embrace against her skin. She proceeded to undress, shedding the layers of clothing that clung to her body, eager to immerse herself in the soothing waters that beckoned from the tub.

Turning on the faucet with a decisive twist, Aliana watched as the water cascaded into the tub below, filling the air with the sound of gentle splashing. She adjusted the temperature with practiced precision, ensuring it was just right to soothe her tired muscles.

Reaching for her favorite bottle of rosemary-scented bubble bath, she added a generous amount to the water, the familiar aroma enveloping her in a cocoon of tranquility. With a contented sigh, she lowered herself into the welcoming embrace of the tub, the warm water enveloping her in its comforting embrace.

As she settled into the bath, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to relax, the cares of the world melting away with each passing moment. This brief respite before the demands of the day began was a cherished ritual, a moment of pure indulgence in the midst of life's hustle and bustle.

After indulging in a luxurious soak for about 30 minutes, Aliana reluctantly rose from the comforting embrace of the bathtub, feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. With deliberate motions, she rinsed off under the warm spray of water, washing away the remnants of bubbles and tension alike.

Emerging from the bathroom, Aliana made her way to the dresser, her bare feet padding softly against the cool tiles beneath her. Seated before the mirror, she took a moment to pamper her skin, applying a rich, hydrating cream with gentle strokes, her movements deliberate and unhurried.

Surveying her wardrobe options, Aliana opted for a simple gown that hugged her curves in all the right places, its understated elegance complementing her natural grace. With a flick of her wrist, she released her blonde wavy locks from their confinement, allowing them to cascade freely down her shoulders in a cascade of golden waves.

As she gazed at her reflection in the mirror, Aliana's soft blue eyes held a promise of inner peace and serenity, a reflection of the tranquility she had found in her morning ritual. With a final adjustment to her attire, she slipped into a pair of simple strap sandals heels, their muted tones adding a touch of sophistication to her ensemble.

Gathering her belongings, including a sleek bag slung over her shoulder, she made her way towards the door, her steps imbued with a quiet confidence and purpose. With one last glance back at her reflection, she offered herself a reassuring smile before stepping out.

"Let's go, Joe," Aliana instructed as she settled into the backseat of the car, her tone decisive yet friendly.

"Ma'am, should I head straight to the bakery or do you have other plans?" Joe inquired, his voice respectful and attentive.

"To the bakery first, please," Aliana replied, her mind already focused on the tasks awaiting her there.

With a nod of understanding, Joe reached for the keys and swiftly made his way to the driver's seat. With practiced ease, he started the engine and maneuvered the car onto the road, the vehicle gliding smoothly through the morning traffic.

As Aliana sat back in her seat, she watched the world pass by outside the window, the familiar sights and sounds of the city serving as a comforting backdrop to her journey. With each passing moment, she felt a sense of anticipation building within her, eager to return to the familiar hustle and bustle of the bakery where her day would truly begin.

With Joe at the wheel, she knew she was in good hands, his steady demeanor instilling her with a sense of confidence and reassurance. As they neared their destination, Aliana couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement, eager to immerse herself in the busy rhythm of the bakery once more.

thanks for reading.

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