
The Undercover Mom

Aliana is a brave woman who started her bakery business from scratch. she met and got married to John, who is a civil engineer who never told her about his background. Now Aliana and her 3 years old daughter are on the run from whom she had no idea.......... Mrs Cody is a self-made woman whose only philosophy is conquer and possess all. she has a son, John, who never liked her way of achievement. he could do anything to dissociate himself from his mother. For this, John studied civil engineering and lived far from his mum. He met and got married to Aliana they had a happy and beautiful home, and he had secrets he never wished for her to know. Four years later, John died in a building site. Andy Peter is a private investigator who is known as the best, can find anything, and everything. He has a knack for revealing things no matter how well hidden. he was hired to track down Aliana. Andy never gets involved with his clients, no matter how bad the situation seems. he hates to get blood on his hands. will he hand Aliana over to Mrs. Cody or will he go against his own word.............

Esi_Onoro · Urban
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


As Aliana walked into her bakery, the warm aroma of freshly baked goods enveloped her. She felt a gentle buzz from her phone and smoothly retrieved it from her bag, deftly navigating the message from Ms. Ophilia confirming the payment for the remaining 20% of the dessert order.

With a content smile, Aliana glanced up to see Alex, her loyal employee, beaming at her with contagious happiness. "Good morning, Ms. Ana," Alex greeted cheerfully, his enthusiasm palpable in the air.

Returning the greeting with a warm smile, Aliana replied, "Good morning, Alex." She paused momentarily, her curiosity piqued by Alex's radiant demeanor. "Today seems like it's going to be a really good day, Alex. What made you so happy?" she inquired, her tone filled with genuine interest.

Alex's eyes gleamed with excitement as he responded, "Oh, nothing really. I just want to soak up every bit of happiness today brings." His words hung in the air, hinting at a deeper sense of appreciation for life's simple joys.

Aliana nodded understandingly, recognizing the importance of cherishing moments of happiness, especially amidst the hustle and bustle of running her bakery. With a renewed sense of gratitude, she turned her attention back to the bustling activity of the bakery, ready to embrace the day with open arms.

With a smile, Aliana soaked in the positive energy permeating the bakery. Turning her attention to the task at hand, she shared the news with her team."I just confirmed the 20% payment from Ms. Ophilia!," she exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement. "We have a lot on our plate today."

Eager to ensure everything was in order, Aliana turned to Dalia, her dependable assistant manning the counter, and inquired about Ms. Ophilia's dessert order. With a confident nod, Dalia quickly retrieved the details, listing the tantalizing selection: tiramisu, a mixed berry tart, and a decadent chocolate mousse.

Aliana's smile widened as she affirmed the accuracy of the order. "Correct," she confirmed, her excitement evident. "Let's get started on the dessert tasting now, as Ms. Ophilia will be arriving soon."

Aliana's steps quickly made her way to the office to change into her chef attire. With a quick glance at the clock, she noted the time and decided to call Amy, ensuring she wouldn't miss the important tasting session scheduled for later in the morning.

"Hey Amy, how are you?," she spoke into her phone with a warm tone.

"Hey babe, I am fine. Amy answered with a glee.

"I wanted to let you know that Ms.Ophilia tasting session will be today, probably around 11 or 12. It would be great to have you."

"Ok that's fine, I will be there."

After confirming the details with Amy, Aliana emerged from her office, now clad in her chef's coat and comfortable crocs. She approached her team, ready to engage and provide guidance for the preparations ahead.

Addressing her team with a confident yet approachable demeanor, Aliana began delegating tasks and giving clear instructions on what needed to be done in preparation for the dessert tasting session. Her passion for excellence and attention to detail inspired her team to work diligently, ensuring that every aspect of the tasting would be executed flawlessly.

As they busied themselves with the preparations, Aliana moved among her team, offering encouragement and support where needed, fostering a collaborative and positive atmosphere in the bakery. With each instruction given, she instilled a sense of pride and commitment in her team, knowing that together, they would deliver an exceptional experience for their client.

As Aliana delicately added the finishing touch of fresh fruits to the desserts, she sensed the excitement building in the air. Just then, Amy arrived, almost simultaneously with Ms. Ophilia and her companion, perfectly timed for the tasting session.

Aliana's smile widened as she greeted them warmly. "Right on time," she remarked, her voice filled with genuine delight. With a graceful gesture, Dalia ushered them to comfortable seating arrangements, while Aliana signaled to Alex to present the desserts for tasting.

As Ms. Ophilia and her companion beheld the beautifully crafted desserts before them, their faces lit up with anticipation. "Oh, this looks so nice," Ms. Ophilia exclaimed, her excitement palpable. "I can't wait to have some."

With each indulgent bite, Maxi, Ms. Ophilia's companion, couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "Oh my god, this is just too good!" She exclaimed, her eyes widening in delight. "Ms. Ana, can I have it all, please? This is perfect!" she declared, reaching for more.

Maxi echoed her sentiments, her satisfaction evident in her expression. "This is too good, please don't change anything," she insisted, her praise genuine and heartfelt. "If I were you, I would add more to this order." she nudged Ophilia with her shoulders.

With a gracious nod, Ms. Ophilia expressed her satisfaction with the dessert order, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "We are more than okay with this order, Ms. Ana," she affirmed, her tone reflecting contentment. "Thank you for going above and beyond. I am truly delighted with this outcome."

Her words of gratitude resonated deeply with Aliana, affirming the dedication and effort she had poured into creating the perfect desserts for the occasion. As Ms. Ophilia continued to shower her with praise, Aliana's heart swelled with pride, knowing that her culinary skills had brought joy to their valued client.

With humility, Aliana accepted the accolades, her eyes sparkling with gratitude. Each word of praise from Ms. Ophilia served as validation of her passion for her craft and fueled her determination to continue delivering excellence in every aspect of her bakery.

As the tasting session concluded on a high note, Aliana couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment wash over her. With Ms. Ophilia's seal of approval, she knew that her desserts had not only met but exceeded expectations, leaving a lasting impression that would surely lead to more opportunities in the future.

Aliana, Amy, and the rest of the team exchanged joyful glances, their hearts swelling with pride at the overwhelming praise. With each word of admiration, they knew their hard work and dedication had paid off, leaving a lasting impression on their esteemed clients. They couldn't help but smile, knowing that they had succeeded in creating a truly memorable culinary experience.