
The Undercover Mom

Aliana is a brave woman who started her bakery business from scratch. she met and got married to John, who is a civil engineer who never told her about his background. Now Aliana and her 3 years old daughter are on the run from whom she had no idea.......... Mrs Cody is a self-made woman whose only philosophy is conquer and possess all. she has a son, John, who never liked her way of achievement. he could do anything to dissociate himself from his mother. For this, John studied civil engineering and lived far from his mum. He met and got married to Aliana they had a happy and beautiful home, and he had secrets he never wished for her to know. Four years later, John died in a building site. Andy Peter is a private investigator who is known as the best, can find anything, and everything. He has a knack for revealing things no matter how well hidden. he was hired to track down Aliana. Andy never gets involved with his clients, no matter how bad the situation seems. he hates to get blood on his hands. will he hand Aliana over to Mrs. Cody or will he go against his own word.............

Esi_Onoro · Urban
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31 Chs


With his mind made up, he made his way to the library, a glow of street light illuminated his path, casting a long shadow across the sidewalk.

Determined to uncover any information that might shed light on John Johnson.

Upon arriving at the library, he was greeted by the sleek, contemporary architecture that characterized its exterior–a testament to the institution's commitment to innovation and knowledge. Stepping through the automatic doors,he was enveloped by the quiet hum of activity and the scent of freshly brewed coffee emanating from the cafe nestled in the corner.

Armed with cups of steaming coffee to ward off the chill of the night, he approached the information desk,and Andy exchanged a brief greeting with the librarian.

Good evening! Welcome to our library. With her eyes wondering to the coffee in his hands, How can I assist you today?

Hi there! I was wondering if you offer overnight access for research?

Yes, we do offer overnight access for researchers with valid library memberships. Have you applied for overnight access before?

No, this is my first time. What do I need to do?

No problem at all. I'll walk you through the process. First, you'll need to fill out an application form with your personal information and the reason for needing overnight access.

Okay, sounds straightforward. Is there anything else I need to know?

Yes, we also provide a brief orientation for overnight users, highlighting our library's amenities, safety procedures, and guidelines for maintaining a quiet study environment.

That's helpful. I'll make sure to follow all the rules.

Perfect! Once your application is approved, you'll receive a special access card granting you entry during overnight hours.

Excellent! Thanks for your help. I'll fill out the form right away.

You're welcome! If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask. We're here to make your library experience as productive as possible. Please ensure you keep them clean, she said pointing to the coffee in his hand. The area I meant.

Andy smiled, I will,Thank you, I appreciate it.

After he was granted access into the library, he navigated through the aisles of books and rows of computer terminals, his eyes scanning the titles and screens of pertinent information.

Finding a secluded corner in the library, he settled into a comfortable chair, his laptop opened before him. With practiced efficiency, he accessed the library's vast array of digital resources, and news archives in his quest for the latest developments related to John Johnson and his construction company.

With each sip, and several cups of coffee emptied,he found himself drawn deeper into the web of the case. The rich aroma and bold flavor of the coffee served as a steady companion, fueling his determination to find a lead as soon as possible.

Hours after hours passed as he meticulously combed through the wealth of information at his disposal, taking notes and book marking relevant articles and reports. The soft glow of the computer screen illuminated his determined expression as he immersed himself in the task at hand, undeterred by the passage of time.

As it waned into night, he finally unearthed a promising lead—an article detailing recent developments within Johnson Constructions, including mentions of key personnel changes and ongoing projects. Armed with this newfound information, knowing that every piece of the puzzle brought him one step closer to unraveling the mysteries surrounding John Johnson.

As he delved deeper into his research, he stumbled upon a somber revelation—the tragic death of John Johnson, the founder of Johnson Constructions, in an on-site accident. The details of the incident sent a shiver down his spine as he absorbed the gravity of the situation.

Further investigation revealed that several months after John's untimely passing, the company had undergone a transition, with a team of seasoned professionals stepping in to manage its operations. Articles chronicled the challenges and adjustments faced by Johnson Constructions in the aftermath of its founder's demise, highlighting the resilience of the company amidst adversity.

But amidst the business affairs, he also came across poignant accounts of how John's wife was coping with the loss, her journey through grief and resilience portrayed with touching honesty. He couldn't help but feel a pang of empathy for her, recognizing the human toll that lay behind the headlines and corporate updates.

As he sifted through the wealth of information available at the library, his attention was drawn to a compelling photograph attached to an article—an image capturing John Johnson's wife and their daughter standing amidst the serene backdrop of a cemetery. The somber yet poignant scene struck a chord within him, evoking a sense of empathy for their shared loss.

Beside the photograph, he noted a crucial detail—the wife's occupation as a baker and the proud owner of Ana's Bakery. This revelation sparked he's curiosity, igniting a desire to uncover more about this woman whose life intersected with the tragic narrative surrounding John Johnson.

With meticulous precision, he meticulously documented every detail he could glean from the articles, taking note of the bakery's name, its location, and any additional information that might offer insights into the lives of its proprietors. Each stroke of his pen felt purposeful, as if he were piecing together fragments of a puzzle that promised to reveal hidden truths.

In his mind's eye, he painted a vivid portrait of the woman behind the headlines—the grieving widow who found solace and purpose in the artistry of baking. With each confection she crafted, perhaps she channeled her grief into something tangible, finding comfort in the familiar rituals of flour,sugar, and butter.

As he jotted down the final details, he resolved to pay a visit to Ana's bakery, sensing that within those walls, he might uncover more than just pastries and treats.

Finally, as the light of dawn began to filter through the windows, he closed his laptop with a sense of accomplishment. Though the journey was far from over, he had taken a significant step forward.

As he exited the modern library, a sense of exhaustion washed over him, the weight of hours spent poring over research and information leaving him weary. Hailing a cab, he sank into the plush seat, grateful for the respite from the bustling city streets.

Arriving at his hotel, he walked straight, eager to retreat to the comfort of his room. Upon entering, he immediately requested his complimentary breakfast to be delivered, knowing that nourishment would rejuvenate him after a long night of intense work.

With a sigh of contentment, he stepped into the soothing embrace of the shower, the hot water cascading over him like a gentle rainfall, washing away the weariness of the night. Refreshed and revitalized, he emerged from the bathroom, ready to indulge in the promised breakfast awaiting him.

True to its word, the hotel staff promptly delivered his breakfast—a tantalizing spread of freshly baked pastries, fruit, and steaming coffee. Sitting down at the table, he savored each bite, the flavors awakening his senses and replenishing his energy reserves.

As he ate, he reflected on the events of the past few hours, his mind already formulating the words he would convey to Mrs. Cody—an update on his progress..

Finishing his meal, he resolved to heed the call of rest, recognizing the importance of replenishing his body and mind after a long night of work. With a satisfied sigh, he settled onto the comfortable bed, feeling the gentle pull of sleep beckoning him into its embrace.

Before succumbing to slumber, he made a mental note to call Mrs. Cody after his well-deserved rest, eager to share his findings.