
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Meeting the Queen of the Beast Kingdom

Lucy POV

After a day, we finally reached the elf kingdom. We don't know what happened to Atlas and we haven't seen the Draco Kingdom's group since we left Mett. I hope he will be okay.

"Lucy, are you still worried about Atlas?" Princess Eva has asked me this a couple of times now. It seems like she can read my emotions easily, just like May.

"I'm fine. Once we reach the kingdom, I'm sure that your mother will be able to help us."

"That's right Lucy. Zen knows that she will do her best to save Atlas."

Zen pays the entrance fee and we entered the kingdom. They were actually making it hard for us but when they saw Princess Eva, they stopped giving us trouble and allowed us through.

This was the first time I have ever been in the elf kingdom. This is what Princess Eva has told me about the kingdom.

The kingdom was built in a circle with the World Tree being at the center of it all. The World Tree was protected by a barrier that some claim the Tree itself put up. Only a few were allowed to cross that barrier, if someone that wasn't allowed were to cross, they would be killed instantly by the Tree.

The palace that the royal family lived in was north of the Tree. It was the first building that the elves built when they first moved here.

The rest of the kingdom was built around the Tree and palace. No one truly knows how long the elves have been living this way but since Wrath revealed them to the world 100,000 years ago, the elves building structures haven't changed.

Many of the buildings were built on the ground. They were mostly made from wood found throughout the forest. Some of the homes were also naturally occurring. There was a famous bar here that was built into the side of a hill. There was also a famous inn built within a old tree trunk. Those were just a few examples of the buildings here.

Since we were in a forest, the kingdom was also built around many of the big trees that surrounded the World Tree. Some of these trees had homes built into them. It was a sight to see, something that I could never see outside the elf kingdom.

The closer we got to the center, the more grand the World Tree seemed to be. From a distance the trunk of the tree seemed to be at least 300 to 500 ft wide. The tree itself kept going up, disappearing into the clouds above.

"Princess Eva, do you know where we are suppose to meet the Beast Kingdom group?" I was hoping Princess Eva knew where we were suppose to meet. The elf kingdom was far bigger than the Nova Kingdom so I don't want to imagine how long it would take to find them.

"I do. They rented out an entire inn. It's close by the palace so we aren't to far." Princess Eva points in the direction of the inn and Zen follows.




"Welcome back Princess!" When we reached the inn. There was a line of guards waiting outside. They all bowed to Princess Eva when she stepped out. This was the first time I have ever seen something like this. It was also the first time I saw Princess Eva being treated as an actual princess.

"Please lead me to mother." That was all she said. The guards quickly obliged and had us follow behind. We were led to a modest room. Inside the room was a few female guards and one beast woman who resembled Princess Eva.

"Eva, my baby girl!"


The two greeted one another. Hugging and smiling. I wonder if this was how a happy mother and daughter relationship looked like.

"Mother, let me introduce you to everyone. You've met Zen already." Zen waves at the Queen. "This here is Katherine and Lucy." I try bowing down with Katherine still in my arms. The Queen also smiles at us and returns our greetings with her own. She then looks around, expecting one more person.

"Eva, where is Atlas? I thought he was the reason you guys were coming here?"

We all looked at one another, I felt Katherine gripping onto my shirt.

"Zen will explain. Atlas was taken by the Fallen Dragon King. His group accused Atlas of falsely accusing the king and the elf prince of kidnapping. This annoyed the group so that captured him and took him away."

The Queen listens carefully to what Zen says. After he finishes she sighs. "What was Atlas thinking?! I know that he's right but he shouldn't have said it so openly!" The Queen was rubbing her head. Apparently just thinking about what Atlas did was hurting her head.

"But you can help him right mother?" We all anxiously wait for the Queen to answer us but she didn't answer back with what we wanted to hear.

"I'm sorry baby. But it isn't possible. I am in no position to question the legitimacy of the Dragon King's claims. Not only just him, anyone for all that matters. The Beast Kingdom has barely stayed afloat thanks to the help of the other kingdoms here in the Western Continent. I can't go around causing trouble."

I felt my heart drop. What will happen to Atlas then? How can we save him if the Queen couldn't help?

"But mother! What can we do then? We have to do something!"

The Queen just shook her head. Denying us if any hope.

"I'm sorry. Atlas told me about everything that he's been through. If the king decides to hand him over to the prince then we can only pray Atlas can escape on his own."

"What do you mean mother? Does it have to do with the Salvis Event?" We haven't learned much about the event. Will Atlas be forced to take part in it?

"Yeah. If the prince is as petty as I've heard, he would most likely send Atlas to the Salvis Event."

It looks like she's about to explain the entire event.

"The event features thousands of monsters that run loose in the arena that the elves built specifically for this day. The elves that are participating must kill all the monsters. They have a tracker that keep track of the number they kill. It ends when the final monster is slain."

"It sounds like great event to watch but I don't understand how that could endanger Atlas if he was forced to take part?" I had to agree with the princess here. Atlas was powerful, he wouldn't struggle much if he truly focused on surviving.

"I understand why you would think that but this event isn't as it seems. This event is based off of historical events, where many elves fought and saved humans. However, this event is also used as a test for the young elves. The criminals are secretly released along side the monsters. If the criminals don't die from the monsters then the young elves are tasked with also taking out the survivors."

Atlas has to fight through all that? Not only survive the monsters but survive being hunted down by the elves?! I couldn't help but be angry. Why is it Atlas that always has to go through something so difficult?

"I know it's hard to believe but that is Atlas' fate, however! You guys should believe in him more. He's a persistent and strong person. I'm sure he will do what he can to escape and see you guys."

Even if the Queen was trying to uplift the sad mood, I couldn't help but be angry at myself. I thought I could be of some help if I came with Atlas but now I'm just standing helplessly on the sidelines.

"Zen will continue to believe in Atlas. Atlas has many powerful spells and many other unknown factors. Zen thinks Atlas will be fine. Let's prepare his welcome."

Zen is right. I guess we can only wait now. The Queen tried changing the mood again.

"Anyways! We can just believe in him! Let's prepare for tomorrow okay? There will be a party before the start of the event. It is happening in the palace and I made sure to get enough invitations for everyone, including you Katherine." Even though she was sad hearing that they couldn't do anything to help Atlas, Katherine was excited about going to the palace. I could see it on her face.

'I guess that will be a good distraction for Katherine. I good one for me as well.'

Once we finished talking, the queen had rooms prepared for us. I slept in the same room as Katherine.

Next chapter will be Lucy and Katherine will be dress shopping!

Did you know: Zen did not sleep at all the entire travel from Mett to the Elf Kingdom. He felt he needed to protect everyone since Atlas wasn’t around anymore.

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