
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Many Surprises

I could finally make out their faces. It took me a moment to figure out who was who but I figured the hair color matched their element.

"Look sir!! I'm sexy now!!" Ceto was still the same person. Nothing changed at all except for the new body. She began jumping around, all excited.

"Please stop Ceto! Your body is rather distracting." She looked like she was 20 years old. She was wearing a blue and white dress that reminded me of a Chinese dress. It was skin tight and she had a very curvy body with a pair of large assets. This only stood out more because of the dress. But her goofy nature canceled anything I felt.

"Ohhhh? You are bothered huh?" Ceto came up to me and started holding my arm. Rubbing her head on it like a cat.

I tried pushing her off. "Ceto! Why didn't you tell me that the others had names?"

"I wanted to sir! But they insisted that we would wait until they evolved to introduce themselves to you."

I push her off of me and face the group of three. They still had their heads down. Waiting for me to order them around.

"Come on guys. Let's not do this. Just introduce yourselves to me." The three stood at attention. It looks like it will take time before the three stop treating me like some god.

"Of course! Let me introduce myself first." The first person to introduce themself was a man with red hair tied up into a man bun. He was wearing red light armor. He had bright yellow eyes that stood out. He actually looked like he could of been Ceto's brother.

"My name is Uri. I am the fire spirit sir." He bows down, I once again have him stand. The next person was a beautiful woman with white hair and blue eyes. She had a mature aura about her. She looked like she was in her 30s. She was wearing a strapless white dress that showed off her shoulders. She slowly bowed and got back up.

"Hello Master. My name is Juno the wind spirit." She smiles as the last person introduces themself. The man was the tallest of the four. He was wearing full armor. He even had a helmet on and his own giant sword. The man takes off his helmet and kneels on one knee.

"Greetings Master. I am Genesis. The earth spirit." The man was an older gentleman. He looked like the same age as Juno. He had short textured dark green hair. His yellow eyes also seemed to glow as he looked around. He even had facial hair. These are spirits and not actual humans right?

"Why didn't you three introduce yourselves sooner? It's been a few years now since we've made our contract."

Uri was the one jumping up and down. Ready to answer me. He reminds me of Ceto a bit….

"Oh! We wanted to properly introduce ourselves to you sir! We thought it would be rude if we allowed Ceto to do it in our stead." The other two nod in agreement. I don't think it would have been rude since they couldn't speak, but they are spirits. They probably value things differently.

"So that's why. Well I'm glad to finally talk to you three. Now I was hoping to change one thing." The three were paying close attention to me. "Will you continue to call me master? I would prefer if you called me by my name instead." The three looked at each other. Uri was the first to speak. "I do not mind calling you Atlas!" Juno said, "I wish to call you Master Atlas if you don't mind." And Genesis said "I wish to continue calling you Master, Master."

That's all fine I guess. I really do wish they would just call me Atlas though. I call out to Rowan. I wanted to know a few things.

"Rowan! Does this do anything to them? Is there a reason for them to have human bodies? And will I still be able to use magic like before when they were merged with me?"

"Woah woah! So many questions my boy. Let me tell ya!"

He sits down on the floor. He taps on the ground next to him, asking for us all to sit with him. I sit down with Uri and Ceto. Genesis and Juno decided to remain standing.

"Alright. To answer your first question. The human bodies they have are the origin. That was how all spirits were suppose to look. I based their appearance off of the elves but I wanted them to look different so I didn't give them pointy ears."

So this was how all spirits were suppose to look like? I'm sure humans would be far more interested if it was known that spirits could do this.

"Your second question. You are still able to use magic just like before. Even though you five are no longer merged together, there will always be a connection between each of you." Ceto was tugging on my arm. I looked at her but she just gave me a cheeky smile and a thumbs up.

"There is something else you should know though Atlas. The spirits stay in the ball form because they have too much power in their human form. The spirits must prove to me that they are mature and are capable of handling all their power without misusing it. These four have proven that already." I could feel the four auras from them. A bit of happiness with a slight touch of smugness. Seems like they were proud of themselves.

"What does that mean then Rowan? What is the full extent of their power? Can I use it as well?" As happy as I was for them. If they received new powers then I did too right?

"Hm! You are correct. You can use it! And their new power is just like the history book you humans have. Their elements have evolved. They can now use Ice Magic, Explosion Magic, Thunder Magic and Nature Magic!"

I was excited and happy! Happy at the fact that the four can take on human forms and stay by my side. But they can even use the evolved form of the element now!! That means I can too!!

I guess I was a bit to excited since i didn't notice the nice pair of mountain peaks engulfing me.

"Master Atlas. I know how much you wanted more power to protect those around you but show a bit of care for us as well. We will be together for now on. It's like we're all married." It was Juno whispering in my ear. Her mature aura was to strong for me to withstand.

"Ah… yes. We will be taking care of one another from now on. I hope you're happy with me as your Master." As excited as I was, I have to remember that not only did I gain more power from this, I now have four more people to care and protect. I will need to continue to get stronger.

"Sorry to bother you guys but isn't there one more thing you wanted from me?" Rowan reminded us of why we came here.

"That's right! Could you tell us where the ancient god is?" Rowan stands up and walks around the tree.

"He's right over here! HAHAHA! He's been waiting for you actually!" What? I tell the others to stay there while I ran over to where Rowan was and that's when I see him.

An old man was sitting on a bench. His shiny bald head reflected the stars. He must have been been quiet tired, he had deep bags under his eyes. He was wearing what look to be pajamas. He was holding onto his cane while looking up at the night sky.

"So you're here Atlas. I've been waiting for a very long time my boy." I quickly kneel down to him. Even if I was surprised that he knew me, I wouldn't show it. I wanted him to know that I mean nothing but respect, even if I didn't know him.

"Please rise boy. Let me properly introduce myself to you since you don't know me. My name is Theo Hayes. I am the Vampire God. You humans also know me as an Ancient God."

When he looked at me, he smiled, showing me the fangs. I felt so much power from him. The primal fear caused me to step back.

"Hahaha! No need to worry boy. You're here for my spell right? Why don't you ask me for it?" How does he know?? It seems like all the gods and Demi gods of this world just knows what I need all the time.

"Uhm. Yeah. I came all the way here sir to ask you if you could use the resurrection spell. If anything could you teach it to me?"

"Hm. Hm. Of course that's why you're here." The old man paused for a moment. "I can teach it to you but there is something you must do for me. It won't be easy."

Nothing is free. I figured already. If he asks anything like Rowan did then I should be okay.

"I will sir. I will do whatever it is you wish, as long as I can bring everyone back to life."

"Good. Good. You can get more use out of this spell than me anyways." Rowan was also close by. It looks like he wanted to know as well. "I want you to fight and survive the Salvis Event. I need you to change the perspective the elves have on humans."

"Sir! Isn't that a very difficult task? I heard that the elves hate and look down on humans! They've been doing so for generations now. How do you except me to do this?!" I tried pleading to him. I also hoped Rowan could hear me out. I wanted to save Noel and the others but this task was near impossible. It's hard to change someone's mind when they grew up a certain way already.

"That's why I had Rowan give his blessing to the five of you. Now you're not just a Human Sage but you're the Sage to the elves too since Rowan blessed you."

I am the Sage to the elves now? I was tricked! That damn line about great power comes with great responsibilities was true! Shit! I glared at Rowan but he quickly got up and left.

"Is it that much of an issue boy? Don't you want to bring back your dead family?" I felt the same fear from earlier again. I look glance at Theo just to see a blank expression, void of any emotions. Now I understood. I had no choice but to accept this task.

"Nothing is to much for me. I will do it sir. I will do it so I can bring them all back."

"Good." Theo slowly gets up and begins walking. "Follow me, I want you to meet one more person before you go back."

I swiftly follow behind, making sure to listen to anything he says.

We had walked away from the World Tree and we were now near the palace.

"Who was it that you wanted me to see sir?" I was still nervous. I remembered the ancient gods didn't care for humanity so I was worried he would just kill me instead. However, someone had called out to us.

"Oh Theo! You're here! Who's the boy?"

"I'm here you old bastard. This boy is Atlas."

The elf that showed up had a surprise look on his face.

"So he's actually here. Everything is going the way we were told it seems." Theo just nods. "Go on, introduce yourself to Atlas." The elf turns to me and that's when I see his eyes. Those soulless eyes, they belonged to someone that had regret.

"Oh. Where are my manners? My name is Jonathan Lowen. But you probably know me as the Elf Sage of the Four Elements. I was reincarnated just like you Atlas."

Good place to stop. Next chapter will be from Lucy’s POV. Don’t worry! All mysterious things will be solved by the end of the arc. I will also bring back the “Did you knows” I did for like two chapters. It helps bring the characters to life.

Did you know: When spirits make a contract with the humans, the oldest spirit is in charge of the rest. They must relay tasks and other information from the host to the other spirits.

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