
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasy
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101 Chs


The next day Lucy took Katherine out to buy a dress for the party that was happening tonight. They left the inn around 10 a.m. to begin shopping.

"What kind of dress did you want Katherine?" Lucy thought they she should get a dress for Katherine. She wasn't sure if she had anything fitting to wear during a party in the palace, where nobles and the royal family would be.

"I told you Auntie Lucy! I already have the green dress that Uncle Atlas bought for me before we left. I want to wear that one!" Katherine has been saying this all morning. She couldn't understand why her auntie wouldn't believe her. Lucy did though. She just thought that taking Katherine out would be a perfect distraction for Katherine.

"If you really don't want to then it's okay. But you have to pick a dress for auntie then." Katherine quickly seemed interested again. She hasn't gone shopping with another girl since she last did it with Noel.

Princess Eva told them about a popular dress shop not far from the inn. That was where the duo was slowly heading towards, avoiding the busy roads.




"The Rose. That's the shop right auntie?"

"That's it."

The shop was built into an old tree. It had two floors. The two stood there in awe. You could never find a tree being used as a store outside the elf kingdom.

The inside had a strong nature smell. This was obvious since it was built within a tree. The first floor had many dresses and according to Princess Eva, the second floor was where you could have a custom dress made. Unfortunately, they didn't have time to wait for a custom dress.

"Auntie! Get a green dress! Match with me!" Katherine was excited. She really wanted to match with her auntie.

"Sure, will you choose it for me then?" Katherine let out a gasp. She ran held onto Lucy's hand and took her around to see all the green dresses.

It was long before Katherine found a dress that she thought would fit Lucy. It had frills similar to her dress and was the same shade of green.

"Should I try it on?" Katherine was nodding up and down. She wanted to see her auntie in it before anyone else did.

They went over to the changing room. Katherine sat right outside as she waited to see her auntie. After 10 minutes, Lucy came out with the dress on.

"How is it Katherine?"

"Wow! Auntie looks so beautiful!" Lucy looked like a lot like a Scottish princess from Atlas' former world. She just didn't have red hair.

"You think so? Will we be the most beautiful girls tomorrow Katherine?" Lucy was feeling shy. She never wears dresses since she lived a life as an adventurer. "Of course we will!! No one can be prettier than us!" Katherine was no longer feeling sad about Atlas. She was happy to be with Lucy when Atlas wasn't around.

"Is that so? Let's get this dress then." Lucy changes back into her regular clothes and pats for the dress.

"Let's go eat Katherine. I will find a good place for us." The two girls left the shop and began looking for a place to eat. What they didn't know was that someone was following close behind.

"Prince. Why would you have me follow them around?" The person following the two was a guard of the elf prince. He was assigned the task this morning. He did his job without question but it still annoyed him.

He was tasked with figuring out what the relationship between these girls and Princess Eva. He didn't know what the prince was doing but he knew the prince was going to cause trouble once again.




Lucy and Katherine found a food cart that had tables set for their customers. They bought a few skewers and drinks and sat down.

While they were eating, Katherine suddenly asked a question that Lucy was not expecting.

"Auntie. Do you like Uncle Atlas?" Lucy was caught off guard by the question. Lucy didn't know it yet but she was already in love with him. It's just that she wasn't aware of it yet.

"I do like him. He's an amazing person." Katherine gave her a pout. "No! That's not what I mean. Do you like like him?!" She pointed her little finger at Lucy while still chewing her food.

Lucy felt her face blush. For a girl like her, it would be sometime before she could truly understand why she felt this way.

"I mean. I don't know Katherine. Maybe?"

"Maybe?! What if Uncle had a girlfriend already?! How would that make you feel?" Many didn't know this but Noel and instilled some romance fantasy in Katherine. Noel would tell love stories that she heard of to Katherine. Now Katherine was a true sucker for love stories.

"Hm." Lucy really considered what Katherine was talking about.

'What would I be feeling if that happens?' With that thought in her, Lucy begins to imagine an entire life scenario evolving around Atlas and her.

'Atlas introduces her to his girlfriend. Lucy is happy for him but there is discomfort within that she hasn't accepted. Fast forward and she is witnessing Atlas propose to his girlfriend. She was once again happy for him but now the discomfort had turned to a heavy feeling in her heart. Whenever she saw him she would act like her usual self but in reality she was losing it. She didn't know why she was sad seeing Atlas with someone else. Eventually she left, hoping to run away from her feelings. She wouldn't return until she had reached the end of her life. Atlas was gone already. Buried next to his wife who wasn't her. She sat by his grave, crying and wishing for another chance to tell him the truth.'

"Auntie! Why are you crying all of a sudden?" Katherine had went over and sat down next to Lucy. Using her tiny hands to wipe her tears.

Now that she was out of her deep thought, Lucy realized that Katherine had helped her realized something.

"I think you're right Katherine. I think I do like like your Uncle." Katherine squealed in excitement, this was a love story in the making! Katherine wanted to know everything.

"Tell me!!! Tell me what you like about him!!" Lucy was taken aback by how excited Katherine was.

"I uh… his… sturdy body? He was never like that when we were kids." Lucy was shy. She couldn't believe it! She was confessing her love for someone and telling it to a child! Katherine was ecstatic! She kept on asking questions while Lucy tried to answer them all.

Lucy didn't really know if she liked Atlas that way but she knew she felt something for him. She was now determined to see him again and try to understand these new feelings.




It was now 7 p.m., the Beast Kingdom's group was heading towards the palace for the party being thrown.

Queen Ivory's carriage was packed. The Queen and one of her guards sat with her. Princess Eva and Zen were sitting besides Queen Ivory. Katherine and Lucy were sitting across from them.

"Is everything alright Lucy?" It was Ivory who asked her. Lucy had been keeping to herself since she and Katherine came back from shopping.

"Yes, everything is fine Mrs. Ivory." The Queen insisted they all call her Mrs. Ivory instead of something more formal since they were friends of Princess Eva.

"Good, Katherine, are you excited to see the palace?"

"Yup! I can't wait! I wonder how cool the party will be?"

They all laughed. Katherine was the most excited. The group wanted to protect that smile.

Together the group reached the palace gates. Awaiting them inside was a long night of mingling.

Next chapter, the place party! Some shenanigans will most likely be happening.

Did you know: Lucy once walked in on Atlas after he gotten out of the shower? He was in her room changing when she walked in. She saw a glimpse of his muscular physique before running away in embarrassment.

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