
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

The World Tree

** thanks to b_cobb, SnusDax and dominik_schwarz for the powerstones!! I appreciate it very very much!


"Pollux?! How did you end up here?!" I couldn't believe it. The scrawny and sickly looking boy was Pollux. How could he have ended up here?

"Teacher. I'm sorry. I couldn't be strong like you. I lost everything. I lost everyone." He was barely speaking loud enough for me to hear. His eyes remained unfocused, almost as if he was close to falling asleep. I walked him over to the side so he could rest up. He closed his eyes the moment he sat down.

Checking his pulse, it would seem as if he was only asleep. I glance at Valerie. "Valerie. How long has this boy been here?" She looked at me, probably wondering what my relationship with him was. "He's been here for about 3 months now. Actually, he arrived not long after I got here."

'Only three months huh? I wonder where he was before?' A small crowd had gather around us. Many of them a lot younger than Pollux. "Sir? Will big brother be okay?" A little girl asked me that. Many others that were to shy to ask were listening in.

"Don't worry everyone. He just needs some rest." I hear a collective sigh of relief from the group. It looks like Pollux has many people that looks up to him now.

"This happens to Pollux at times. I assume it's because he gives his food to the kids before he even feeds himself." Valerie made sure to tell me why Pollux's current condition was like this. I look back at him. That would make sense if he has been doing that for the last three months. He must of ate and drank just enough to survive.

I wanted to ask Valerie more questions as we wait for Pollux to wake up but I then feel four familiar brats.

'SIR! We finished!!! Oh!! You found him! You saw him! We can go now!!'

'What do you mean Ceto? Was Pollux the only reason you told me not to escape yet?'

'That's right sir! Since you were knocked out for so long, I thought I'd visit the Forest first. I was surprised to see him you know!'

I guess it would be good to go now, however we still have to find someone.

'Ceto, did you happen to find the Ancient God? We need to find them before we officially leave.'

'I didn't sir. But I know someone who might be able to!'

'You do? When can we meet them?'

'Right now sir! The person is near the World Tree right now.'

If that's the case, I should teleport. These shackles can't stop my teleportation and shadow magic anyways.

"Valerie, do the guards check the jail cell often?"

She thought for a moment before answering. "No, they shouldn't be here until tomorrow night. They plan to prepare us for the Salvis Event that will happen the following morning."

I see. Then I have a full day. I can meet this person now so I will have more time to search for the ancient god.

"Valerie. Please watch over Pollux."

'Ceto, let's go.'

I feel the insignia that Ceto left near the World Tree. I saw it in the distance when I was dragged here. I feel my body move and teleport.




I open my eyes and see a tree in front of me. The trunk of the tree must of been 100 ft wide. The tree itself went far up into the sky. Who knows how tall it really is.

While looking up I notice someone else looking back at me from the tree.

'Ceto! There is someone up there!'

'Don't worry sir! That's who we are here to seeee!'

Ceto just left my body and flew towards the person. I see her flying in circles, I could almost hear her tiny squeals. She came back down after a moment and the person from the tree also floats down. The person was a boy. If I had to guess maybe 15-18?

When he landed I made sure to greet him. "Hello. Are you the person Ceto told me about?" I tried to be as friendly as possible. The boy in front of me looked human but we were deep in elf territory. This boy seemed to be able to communicate with spirits as well. Who knows how strong or old he really is.

The boy just laughs. "HAHA! Ceto! You're right! This boy is so serious all the time!"

"Didn't I tell you! He's hilarious. HAHA!"

The duo laughed and giggled like children. This isn't what I expected. I tried interrupting their fun.

"Ah. What's your name?"

The two stopped and stared at me. The boy acts as if he suddenly remembered.

"That's right. Let me introduce myself! My name is Rowan. But the elves call me the World Tree! It's great to meet ya!"

The boy enthusiastically introduced himself. WAIT.

"You're the World Tree? How's that possible?!"

"Ahaha! When you're as old as me then you learn a few things!"

I tried to keep my facial expression from changing. It looks like I was right. This guy is different. He's literally the personification of the World Tree.

"Aha! I can see it on your face! Don't be to shocked. There's plenty of more things to be surprised about later. Now tell me. Who were you looking for?"

Ceto nudges me on. "Go on sir!"

I clear my throat. I was asking the World Tree, a god like figure to the elves, for a favor. I was nervous.

"I was hoping you could tell me where the ancient god is staying. I was hoping to ask them for a favor."

"Oh ho! So you want a favor from the World Tree and an ancient god? You're a bold human. Don't you think that you're asking for too much?" Rowan smiles, as if he was a mischievous boy ready to cause trouble.

Now that he said it out loud, I guess I was asking for a lot. But it doesn't matter.

"What can I do in return then? I will even give up my life if that means I can get what I want."

"Oh Ceto! You finally return after all these years and bring such an interesting boy! He's even willing to die?" The boy suddenly appears right in front of me. Staring into my eyes, looking straight into my soul. I didn't even see him move.

"Such a strong will. The willingness to die again for people you care about. You haven't changed at all Atlas."

What was that? He spoke as if he knew about my first life.

"Do you-."

"Of course I do!" Rowan interrupted me as I was asking him. "I see them you know. Those rare blessings you have. You better stay away from the God of Gluttony. He would devour you!" The boy then turned around and began pacing back and forth. I waited for him to elaborate on the God of Gluttony and what he meant but he seemed to have no plans on telling me.

"Now then! I've decided! I will tell you where this person is as long as you do two things for me!" I just nod and smile. I need to find the ancient god soon. Bringing Noel and the others back is my main priority.

"One! You must listen to my story. And two! You must accept my request after!" Seems easy enough.

"I agree. Please continue."




The story went a little something like this.

According to Rowan, when he first came into existence, he was all alone. For days, weeks, months and years he was alone. It was that way until one day a man with pointy ears called out to him. The man was an elf. The elf prayed to him and begged him for help. He needed new land for his people. Rowan agreed to help as long as they agree to clean his roots and keep them from dying. Both parties agreed and this was how the elves came to worship the World Tree.

After generations have gone by, Rowan kept his promise. He protected the elves and gave them new land to live on. He even went as far as to put up a barrier to protect them from the outsiders. With the elves prayers, he continued to grow. Collecting a little bit of mana from every prayer.

One day, the elven leader came to him. "Please sir! My people nearly died while hunting! I wish to make them stronger." Rowan was caring so he tried his best to help them. With the mana he had, he created the elemental spirits. The elves accepted the elements with all their hearts. They learned to create contracts with them, that way the relationship would remain fair for both parties. Many elves could only make a contract with up to two spirits. There were the rare exceptions such as the Elf Sage.

Everyone was happy. Rowan once again helped his people. The elves once again were grateful for World Tree's help. The spirits were even happy. Yelling and laughing like children that finally found their purpose in life. But not everyone was happy. The first spirit Rowan created wasn't happy.

"I will leave and explore the world! I want to learn more about what's out there!"

The first spirit was different. This spirit looked like a human. Rowan found it to hard to keep making them this way so he began to form them as floating spirit balls instead.

This spirit had a strong interest in the world. It may have wanted to leave but it still respected Rowan. It had asked for Rowan's permission to leave first. He was reluctant but he eventually gave in. He looked at the spirits as his own children. He didn't want to hold them back.

"Please take care of yourself young one. Make sure to tell me of all the adventures you go on."

The final thing the spirit said to him before leaving the barrier was "Of course sir! I will tell you everything!".

Once more, years go by. One day the spirit returned but the happy and excited one had vanished. The one that return was a shell of its former self.

"The world is scary sir! I was betrayed and lost for years. I wish to never leave again."




A story about finding happiness and another about how one lost that happiness. I wonder who the spirit was and if they are even still around.

"That's the story! What did you think?" Rowan had the biggest smile on his face. It's weird how he could still smile after that story.

"It's tragic really. It was like that spirits child like innocence was taken away. I know how cruel this world is."

"Ohhh. So you can relate huh? Is this world more cruel than your last?"

I nod. This world was by far more cruel. At least in my past life, everyone tried their best to live. This world was filled with selfish people that would end others just to get a little further in life.

"Hm. That truly is interesting. I hope to see your world some day. Ahhh! Don't worry! I won't tell a single soul about your secret. I can see those worried eyes of yours!"

I was a bit worried but I guess he could be trustworthy. Ceto was the one to introduce us to each other.

"So, what was that request?"

"Right! I did say I had one. *clears throat* Atlas, I wish for you to care for your four spirits."

The silence was loud. Is this what he really wanted to request?

"Uh. Of course? Why wouldn't I?"

Not even a second passed before Rowan yelled out in joy. "Perfect!!! Then let's do it!! Let's do it Ceto! It's time for you to return to your origins!" I look at the floating blue ball. Ceto doesn't say anything and just follows behind Rowan. The other three also followed behind.

I run after them. Wondering what Rowan meant.

We reach the base of the tree. Rowan turns around smiling at me. "It's time Atlas! It's finally time!" Before I could ask what he meant, he already had the four spirit line up in front of him.

"Ceto, Genesis, Uri and Juno. Today you four will finally return to your origins. Remember that you are now one with Atlas, the Human Sage. Just like your predecessors, you will be one for all of eternity. Even when he passes on you will never be allowed to be contracted to anyone else. Is that understood?!"

"Of course sir!" Ceto was the only one I heard. Did the others have names as well?! I wish Ceto would of said so! I'm slightly embarrassed now.

"Good, I will now force the evolution." Rowan waved his hands and the spirits began to glow. There was a high pitched noise and Ceto screaming. I was going to help them but it was already to late. A bright light shines and blinds me.

Once my vision came back and I could focus. I could clearly make out Rowan but there was now four more human silhouettes there.

"Atlas! Please meet your new and improved spirits!"

I hear Ceto's voice but I also hear three new voices. Two males and a female.

"Hello Master! We can finally serve you the way we were meant to!"

The four enthusiastic voices echoed throughout the area. I stood there, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that my spirits now had human bodies.

Sorry! One more chapter from Atlas POV after this. Then we move onto Lucy’s POV. I really thought I could squeeze everything into one chapter.

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