
The strong who came out of the nuclear explosion

The strong are fearless, the strong are fearless, the strong are invincible, and the strong are the strongest. The development of science and technology brings the end of the warrior? But... When Li Qiuxian walked out of the nuclear explosion center unharmed, the world was shocked!

KenyattaPeng · Sci-fi
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97 Chs

Chapter 97 - Blood Dan Eruption

Dark power and chemical power are both ways of using power.

  Dark power penetrates the bones and can injure the lungs and the heart, while the transformation of power is at the heart and changes as desired.

  Although there are various differences, but in general, the total amount of strength does not increase much, but only the use of different.

  But Dan power is different.

  To hold qi into dan is to condense one's own qi and blood into a ball.

  And when a person fights, he uses most of the power of his hands, waist and legs, the use of power is limited, even if the most sophisticated skills, can not mobilize all the power in the body to explode to fight.

  But Dan Jin can!

  The power that has been held into a ball to form a snow Dan hit with a single blow, like a huge hammer blow, more like a cannonball bombardment, the power far beyond the imagination of the chemical energy.

  The same wall, the chemical power master hit with all his might, perhaps can leave holes in the wall, but Dan Jin master ...

  But the Dan Jin Grandmaster is able to collapse the whole wall with his Dan Jin burst.

  When Li Quxian's fist and Kang Tan's Dan energy collided in the void, it was as if he had not hit a fist at all, but ...

  A cannonball!

  A cannonball that exploded violently at the moment of collision!

  When the collision took place, he was not disadvantaged by the power of the Ultimate Collapse, and he had a vague advantage, but when the power exploded like a cannonball, the terrifying power of the Stone Breaker violently tore his arm apart.

  "Divine Deity!"

  The arm that was about to be torn apart and blown apart was stopped by the infusion of a surge of qi and blood, but even so, the explosive force of the Dan Power still caused three of his finger bones to be broken and countless capillaries to be shattered, filling most of his palm with blood.


  One punch will be Li Quxian seriously injured, Kang Tan did not hesitate, body energy surging, Dan Jin master of Qi and blood handling so that the next second he struck a blow, already from the body to mobilize more Qi and blood power, through the tendons and bones, straight to the upper body, the body as if hidden in a violent dragon power, and under his mobilization infused in the left hand, a full explosion, into a huge sword cutting down the sky, against Li Quxian face to face Slash down!

  The palm knife has not arrived, contained in the exhaustion to already shatter the air waves, forming a compelling air pressure, so that a foot in front of the palm knife into a vacuum, the atmosphere does not exist.

  The next moment, the majestic energy in the body crazy vibration, squeeze, and then with the heart beat, forming the same frequency, and finally rolled upward, into the throat, into a roar, roar out!


  Bloodthirsty Thunder Sound!

  The intimidating sound waves formed a nearly naked-eye visible column of qi and ruthlessly blasted into Kang Tan's body.

  Even though Kang Tan was a Dan Jin master, his qi and blood had formed into a ball and condensed into Dan Jin, he was still shaken and gushed under the impact of the Bloodshed Thunder Sound.

  But ...

  The biggest advantage of a Danjin master over a Chemical Power master is the degree of control over one's own qi and blood.

  This can be seen from the fact that they can easily carry the qi and blood in their bodies and hold it to become a dan.

  The Bloodshed Thunder Sound can make a Chemical Master helpless, but for a Dan Master, it only makes his qi blood stagnate slightly and his heart beat slightly.

  The next moment, Kang Tan forcibly raised his Qi, heart limit beat, Qi blood raging flow, majestic power again filled in Kang Tan limbs and bones, chopping down the power of the palm knife fell less than 30%, and immediately climbed, the momentum of the next second back to the peak.

  But, Li Quxian will not give Kang Tan this time.

  In a life-and-death struggle, any slight breakthrough will be magnified to the extreme.

  "Xuan Guang!"

  As Kang Tan's qi and blood were stagnant from the Bloodshed Thunder Sound, his left hand shook fiercely, and at the moment of this shake, a force squeezed out from the left half of his body, tears rolled and injected into his arm, and immediately afterwards this arm turned into a stream of light that was hard to catch by shadows, and stabbed into Kang Tan's chopped down left hand at the Extreme Spring point at an incredible angle, that is... ...


  The extreme spring point is the first important point of the hand Shaoyin meridian, which leads directly to the heart chakra.

  If an ordinary person has a heart attack, popping the key point of Jiquan can delay the disease and buy valuable time for first aid.

  But don't forget ...

  Kang Tan just to get rid of Li Xuxian's Bloodshed Thunder Sound, forcibly lifting Qi, pounding the heart, the heart is already under load, and then by Li Xuxian stabbing the extreme spring point, instantly formed the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

  Kang Tan straight feel as if the heart position was pierced with a golden needle at once, penetrating pain, also erupted in the heart vitals, let him instantly become white.

  The strength of the crossed blade chopping attack that was easily re-raised up as if a balloon was punctured, the power was scattered, and the terrifying and fierce breath that was mixed in his body was also rapidly declining, just like a supreme tiger turned into a dying sick cat.

  The left hand that stabbed into Kang Tan's left armpit at the Extreme Spring point turned into a palm, and from the bottom up, half of his shoulder was snapped.


  Li Quxian's body half crouched, the concrete ground where the foothold stone chips burst out.

  This is a sign that the strength under the feet exploded to the extreme.

  With this force rising from under his feet, through his spine, through his whole body, into his left hand, making his entire left hand like a golden hoop, five fingers sinewy, almost to shatter Kang Tan's shoulder blade.

  This is not all!

  The left hand has limited power, even if it shatters Kang Tan's shoulder blade, it can't seal the deal!

  In the left hand will be a thick force poured into the same time, he is already the waist twist, just buckle Kang Tan's shoulder blade, the majestic force through the arm, Kang Tan nearly 90 kilograms of the huge body lifted a foot in the air, and then ...

  A big step, will Kang Tan overhead buckle right move three feet, and then a fierce press, towards the ground ruthlessly smashed down!


  Just as Li Quxian pressed Kang Tan smashed to the ground instantly, Kang Tan fiercely twisted his body, his right foot opened wide with a big step to support, ruthlessly trampled on the ground, actually was born to stop the slightly tilted smashed to the ground body.

  "Mixed element shock power!"

  At the same time, Kang Tan let out a roar, a majestic surge of energy from his body erupted again.

  Blood Dan!

  This was the power of the Blood Dan!

  The strength of the Qi-holding Dan realm is so rounded that it smashes out like a sledgehammer, and each blow is so powerful that it can be described as earth-shattering, and it is much greater than the transformation strength. It will take several months for the qi and blood to warm up and coalesce again, but at the moment of the outbreak ...

  But it is the strongest moment of a Danjin sect master.


  Li Quxian seems to hear the sound of a volcano erupting in the body of Kang Tan thick boom, tightly clasped Kang Tan's arm he instantly by a terrifying shock force shocked five fingers, the force through, straight through the finger bones, on the spot will be his five finger bones all cracked.

  Break free of Li Quxian five finger lock, Kang Tan is a violent twisting body, while the body twisted straight moment, tilted head in concert with the shoulders, the small half of the body, ruthlessly thrown into the upper body of Li Quxian.

  Like a bull on the horns!


  Hit with the shoulder!

  Hit with the head!

  Even if the skull cracked, the target would be crushed to pieces.

  "Divine Deity!"

  In the moment of life and death, Li Quxian's internal qi blood boiled violently.

  Such a short distance, such a fast speed, one could only resist hard!

  Divine Deity Hegemony Body!

  Hard resistance with the Divine Dipper Overlord Body!


  When his chest was hit by Kang Tan's head, Li Quxian felt an explosive force explode in his chest, the pure force mixed with physical impact madly crushed the muscles and bones in front of his chest, breaking the limit of muscles and bones in a flash.

  Even with the strength of the divine Deity Deity Overlord Body, it could not stop the fierce impact of this force.


  The sound of cracking ribs echoed.

  And Li Quxian's figure, but also under the force of this bull-like impact of the top horn the whole person flew backwards five or six meters, four or five meters above the ground, as if a cannonball, ruthlessly smashed on the stainless steel security net of a bed and breakfast building on the roadside.


  The entire stainless steel security net completely collapsed down, the fine steel fracture.

  People in the void, a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organs fragments has been spewed out from the mouth of Li Quxian.

  Will a person hit four or five meters into the air, hitting five or six meters away, this is what kind of terrifying force?

  But ...

  This is not the end!

  Was hit by the smash on the stainless steel security net, smashed, smashed bent not know how many stainless steel pipe Li Kuxian simply can not stabilize his body, and soon fell towards the ground.

  And hit Li Quxian Kang Tan in Li Quxian God Gang body recoil brain is also a little dazed, dizzy, nausea wrapped around his body, this time if he went to the hospital to take pictures, is definitely a moderate concussion.

  But he understood that now was never the time to succumb to these negative states or even to pass out.

  He shook his head hard, forcibly gathered his mind, and was able to lock on to his knocked out of the falling Li Quxian, mouth again a wild roar, the body because of the blood Dan outbreak increase in strength all mobilization, so that he was instantly transformed into a human tank ... body instantly burst out of the fierce aura... ...

  It is no less than the tyrannical bear that Li Quxian killed at first.

  Only ...

  The last time Li Quxian killed the tyrant bear, not only with explosives to the tyrant bear, the hand has a huge sword, occupy the weapon advantage, and this time, he not only no explosives, no weapon, right hand crippled, broken ribs, five internal burning, the situation can be described as miserable to the extreme.

  In such a situation to meet no less terrifying existence than the tyrannical bear ...


  Just as he said when he came earlier, he would be killed on the spot by Kang Tan!


  In the midst of severe pain, Li Quxian's mental stimulation snapped into clarity.

  If he did not want to be killed on the spot by Kang Tan, there was ...

  There was only one way!

  Beat Kang Tan to death!

  Without any hesitation, the qi and blood energy dao in his body fully exploded.

  The mere outburst of strength was not enough for him to turn the tides and block Kang Tan's blow that exploded the blood pellet, but after the qi-blood outburst, the condensed strength was like a tsunami that fiercely swept over a qi-blood star condensed from the Shattering Star Sword Technique.

  "Shattering Star!"

  The reason why the Shattered Star Sword Technique is called a sword technique is because the Qi and blood star erupts, and it is difficult for the flesh and blood body to carry it, only the sword can lead it.

  But right now ...

  If you don't use it, you die, there is no choice.

  In the sweeping power bombardment, this qi blood star, instant detonation!


  The increase of one qi blood star detonation is nothing, but ...

  With the detonation of one Qi-blood star, the other Qi-blood stars in his body seemed to trigger a chain reaction and exploded one after another.

  Two, three, four, five ...

  All the way to ...


  There were six of the eighteen stars that had been condensed within his body over these days, detonated at the same time, and their power skyrocketed by nearly double!

  "Limit - Hegemony!"