
The strong who came out of the nuclear explosion

The strong are fearless, the strong are fearless, the strong are invincible, and the strong are the strongest. The development of science and technology brings the end of the warrior? But... When Li Qiuxian walked out of the nuclear explosion center unharmed, the world was shocked!

KenyattaPeng · Sci-fi
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97 Chs

Chapter 96 - The Patriarch

Li Quxian tone is calm, to Pulis as if to an old friend, pulling the family, quietly described.

  But he said the words in the ears of Pris and others, but let their hearts cold, shudder.

  Anyone, alive, have their own meaning of living.

  Anyone, alive, are not really endowed.

  They all have their own relatives, their own friends, or what they care about and value.

  Even if you don't have one now, who can guarantee that you won't have one in a few years or a dozen years?

  People, after all, are an emotional creature.

  But Li Quxian's calm words are to strangle anything they value and cherish, any family and friends, once they really tear their faces off, it will be the same as unleashing a demon, a bottomless, unethical, unemotional, unconcerned demon, when the time comes, who can resist?

  Especially ...

  This demon, still so young, has unlimited possibilities!

  Up to the Silver Society President Kantan, Vice President Pulis, down to every mid-level member present, the more clearly they understand Li Quxian, the more they understand the terrifying nature of this young man.

  Outsiders thought ...

  Li Quxian grew up practicing martial arts, and may even have a patriarch behind him to guide him, which can cultivate to such a degree in just a dozen years.

  The only people who understand that Li Quxian ... is the head of the Silver Association of the Koly province and has carefully investigated Li Quxian's experience are the several presidents.

  It is possible that he did not grow up learning martial arts at all.

  He really contacted the martial arts time, may only be a year!

  And it was such a year ...

  He actually practiced from an ordinary person, to the level of a top Hua Jin master.

  In the battle at the Wave-Guiding Gate, he even defeated two Heralds with the power of one person.

  Just as Li Quxian said earlier, this duel of life and death would be the most likely to kill Kang Tan in his life ...

  Arrogant, arrogant, sightless?

  But if that speculation is true, all of these, are true!

  Don't dare to bet!

  No one under the entire Silver Meeting dared to bet on whether Li Quxian would be able to become a Patriarch in the future, no one dared to bet on whether he would become a Grand Master in the future.

  This is also the reason why Kang Tan was called by Li Quxian and actually really ran to the city of Xiaer.

  If not for the death of one of the most promising son, if not for the real hope of killing Li Kuxian this time, the white silver will be up and down, afraid that they will really choose and Li Kuxian to turn the dry grievances into peace, even if they can not be friends, but also can not become enemies.

  Even if they died a Green Dragon Hall Master, a White Tiger Hall Master is no exception.

  Long time ...

  Pulis only gave Li Quxian a deep look and reopened his mouth, "The president will be here soon."

  Li Quxian nodded.

  At the same time, he glanced at the dozen gunmen around him: "Remove them, even though they can't threaten me, but when being pointed at by a gun, I will give birth to an instinctive reaction, I am afraid that if I am not careful at that time, I will kill them, and if someone dies within the Silver Club, it is not a small trouble, right?"

  Pulis coldly snorted.

  He did not feel that Li Quxian's so-called these gunmen can not threaten his words are true.

  It was because these gunmen threatened him that he said the words to remove these gunmen himself.

  But ...

  As he previously estimated, even if he plus these gunmen, the probability of killing Li Quxian are only fifty to sixty percent, and once the action and did not kill Li Quxian, so that he from now on hide up, until the sectarians do not come out, and constantly secretly kill, at that time, the entire silver meeting will have to be shrouded in a nightmare, in order not to alert the snake, wait for the president to come, in the competition will be killed squarely The best way.

  For the president ...

  The silver meeting under all have absolute confidence.

  Waved his hand, many gunmen quickly retreated with their guns.

  Pulis also picked up the phone and called.

  Next, since the wait.

  A small town with a lot of population, the town of Shangkou as only a few dozen kilometers from the city of Char, the resident population is even more.

  But I don't know what the silver will use, actually make this section of the town mouth cold and clear, almost can not see the people.

  This influence outside of Charleston is a testament to the terrifying nature of the Silver Club.

  Fourteen minutes later, a high-grade business car came from outside the town.

  The car stopped on the road.

  Not long after, from the car down four people.

  Not many people.

  But among these four people, one chemical jin master, one dark jin martial artist, one bright jin martial artist, and the remaining one ...

  The remaining one ... has a rounded aura, cultivated into a leak-free body, no half leakage, looks ...

  The first one is the one who is the most powerful martial artist in the world.

  But when looking at his face, which is a household name in the underground world, and even in the entire Xaya Kingdom martial arts circle, no one dares to have a hint of underestimation.

  President of the Silver Society, Kantan.

  The black list ranking that included all the strongest people in the entire ASEAN underground world, the eighty-third.

  A Dan Jin master who had transcended the form of an ordinary martial artist.

  Upon seeing him, the three people behind him, including the Vermillion Bird Hall Master, were all ignored by Li Quxian.


  A rounded and unified body with no leakage.

  This was the patriarch's aura.

  "Kang Tan."

  "Li Quxian."

  Kang Tan's gaze likewise fell on Li Quxian as he got out of the car.

  The gaze that looked at him ...

  There was a hint of appreciation, a hint of complexity.

  But this gaze lasted for a moment and was soon replaced by an icy killing intent.

  "I have to say, you have a lot of courage."

  "It doesn't matter if it's courageous or not, it's just my choice."

  Li Quxian said.

  "A Dao seeker's choice?"

  "You can interpret it that way."

  Kang Tan surveyed Li Quxian.

  He was not the only one, the Vermilion Bird Hall Master behind him also sized up Li Xuxian.

  It was a while before Kang Tan let out a sigh, "Really young."


  "Unfortunately ... even younger, today is all to die here."

  Kang Tan said in a sighing tone, "Li Quxian, do you know that after understanding all your experiences, I have been very conflicted because ... I don't want to kill you, I really don't want to kill you."

  Speaking, he seems not to care whether Li Quxian answer attitude, self-consciousness: "I established the Silver Club back then, its intention is only to recruit those who can not mix with the fellow martial artists, to give them a way to live, after all,... martial artists, too difficult ... a martial artist, summer training three volts, winter training three nines, hard practice for dozens of years, and also have to have a good understanding of the case in order to cultivate the jin, during the period, a moment can not relax, otherwise, the decades of work may be abandoned, and then no chance to jin a ... ... ...But such a martial artist who has left a lot of blood and sweat, but can be killed by an ordinary person who has trained a few months, with a gun ... fate for martial artists, how unfair?"

  Li Quxian looked at Kang Tan and did not reply.

  And Kang Tan ...

  also just wanted to find someone to state his philosophy.

  "But there is no way ... times are different, now, not hundreds of years ago when martial artists were in power, the boom of thermal weapons has shifted the world's discourse to the hands of those who have the power and control of the armed forces of the noble stomach, we martial artists want to control their own destiny, want to take the right to speak, the only way The only way is to unite and support each other ... Li Quxian, your talent, is rare, the whole Xia Ya ... I did not find anyone in martial arts talent than you, even if you look at the ASEAN, can be compared with you young handsome are few and far between ... Therefore, I do not want to kill you ... instead I want to recruit you ..."

  Li Quxian looked at Kang Tan.

  Anyone, have their own beliefs, do, have their own sublime reasons.

  But ...

  For him ...

  It is good to hear.

  "Unfortunately, you should not, a thousand times, should not kill Kantan ... him, excellent talent, although inferior to you come half a chip, but ... he is my son ... ..."

  Li Quxian reached out and glanced at his watch ...

  "Kang Tan, you as a patriarch, I respect you, willing to listen to the statement of your mind, but ... can be a little faster."

  The look of regret on Kantan's face dissipated as much as possible, and became a morose chill.

  "Since you are so impatient, I will fulfill you!"

  The next moment, a terrifying breath erupted from his body.

  An incomparably violent power surged out of his body, which was originally rounded and integrated, as if he had cultivated his true body without any leakage, without any half of his force leaking out.


  As he stepped out, the entire ground shook fiercely, as if there was a huge hammer of a thousand catties, smashing the ground.

  As the ground shook, Kang Tan's body was even like a cannonball, whistling through the air, bursting out in a flash with a speed ...

  Fast to unbelievable!

  Twenty meters a second ...

  Maybe even faster!

  Li Quxian eyes refined light burst.

  In the moment when Kang Tan brazenly burst out and rushed to kill, the spiritual sensing generated by the light of the mind already allowed him to capture the direction of Kang Tan's blast to kill a fist.


  Tiger and leopard thunder sound!

  Li Quxian's qi and blood surged all over his body, and his strength and power rubbed together, making it seem as if a tiger's roar and dragon's roar rose within his body.

  The mastery of the subtle martial arts realm made him in a moment has all the energy under his body into a whole, and then meet Kang Tan's figure, without hesitation to charge out ...

  And ...

  The moment he struck, it was the strongest killing move to fight head-on!

  Limit - Avalanche!

  "Come on, let me see the true power of a Dan Jin sect master!"

  Li Quxian roared, the sound wave shocked, the power of the extreme collapse hit out in this shocking power stimulation again climbed, a punch out, really like a tarzan crushing the top, the sky and the earth cracked, mixed in the power of the fist in the fist intent is shocking mind and soul, just and Kang Tan stood in the same direction of the Vermilion Bird Hall Hall master in the impact of the aftermath of the fist intent, it is felt that the world is under the overturning sound of this punch, eyes Unstoppable surge of panic, actually ...


  Li Quxian's fist intent crushed the fighting spirit scattered, pulling back violently!


  The two fists collided, Kang Tan also roared, the strength contained in the blood dan exploded, as if a huge and terrifying furnace, thumping ignited, exploded with an unprecedented terrifying huge force.

  A time, the two fist collision position of the ground a circle visible to the naked eye burst out of the air wave, rolling the ground dust spread uncontrollably, even if the surrounding parked vehicles in the impact of this wave is a shock, alarm bells ringing loudly, the town mouth.