
The strong who came out of the nuclear explosion

The strong are fearless, the strong are fearless, the strong are invincible, and the strong are the strongest. The development of science and technology brings the end of the warrior? But... When Li Qiuxian walked out of the nuclear explosion center unharmed, the world was shocked!

KenyattaPeng · Sci-fi
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97 Chs

Chapter 98: The curtain falls


  The fourth of the nine extreme stances!

  With the power of descending from the sky, it is overwhelming.

  Right now, although Li Quxian's position is not from the sky, but also located in several meters of the void, high above the ground, and then using the six broken stars as a guide, with the momentum of falling body, a punch, overwhelming the world.


  The brain shock, but with the power of the explosion of the Dan and came to Kang Tan carrying a heaven-destroying power rushed to kill in front of Li Quxian, a fist cohesion, like a giant cannon, bursting the void, through and through, from his body of fierce blood as if to condense into substance, into a flame, burning, ordinary martial artists, not to mention resist, just witnessing the terrifying pressure emanating from the body of Kang Tan at this moment, will be frightened to scatter the fighting spirit, liver and guts The heart will be split.


  Under twenty years of age to cultivate into a master of chemical energy genius?

  The future is expected to hold Qi to become a master, and even practice Qi to become a supreme evil!

  So what!


  Under Kang Tan's fist, all of them must die!

  "I, Kang Tan, am a true powerhouse, no one can defeat me! No one!"

  The berserk roar carried a heart-stopping fierce fury that overwhelmed the world.


  The strongest strike of the two top powerhouses finally collided head-on below the small building, and for a moment, it was as if a cannonball had exploded in the air.

  A shockwave visible to the naked eye exploded in all directions the moment the two forces collided.


  All the glass in the small building shattered under the shock wave.

  The arm sleeves of the two clashing fists went up in smoke, carrying more force than the bones and muscles could hold in an instant, fracturing inch by inch, blood bursting out.


  Kang Tan, who was on the ground, let out a wild roar.

  His arm seemed to be a thousand kilograms, falling from hundreds of meters in the air and hit hard, the terrifying force through his arm, his arm radius, ulna, humerus, scapula broken on the spot, the remaining force continued to penetrate his body, blasting the right half of his body, and through the body long drive into his thighs femur, patella, fibula, tibia, toe bone ...


  From top to bottom, all the bones, all broken!

  This is a complete and utter collapse!

  Relying on the strong qi blood detonated by the explosive dan, Kang Tan thought he could be invincible, but he was confronted with Li Quxian who detonated six qi blood stars at the same time, and then with the limit of the sky, overwhelming the world, a fist blast down ...



  A dozen major bones in the whole body were shattered and cracked.

  One second it was emitting endless fierce fury, like a high-ranking tyrannical bear-like body, the next second it was Li Quxian with the Sixth Shattering Star with the power of overwhelming air, blatantly beaten to half kneel on the ground.


  From there, the Heavenly General's Li Quxian landed on the ground, stumbling on his feet, nearly unable to stabilize his figure.

  But his gaze ...

  however, fell on Kang Tan who was half-kneeling on the ground in front of him.

  In a high position ...

  Looking at Kang Tan who had almost a dozen bones broken all over his body could not even stand up.

  "No... possible..."

  Kang Tan reluctantly raised his head ...

  Looking at Li Quxian in front of him.

  The corners of his mouth, his body, there was not a single place that was not bleeding, miserable to the extreme.

  "Who is the real strong one!?"

  Li Quxian looked at Kang Tan.

  Blood, flowing down the side of his mouth, along his right hand and left hand, stained the ground red.

  But his eyes were full of unrestrained, cruel, and arrogant.

  "It's me!"

  An explosive roar!

  The king proclaimed!

  Two words, containing a mind-shattering power, instantly crushed the last wisp of Kanthan's supporting heart energy, and the unyielding, resigned look in his eyes was quickly replaced by the ashen white of death ...


  All the injuries in Kang Tan's body exploded in full force at this moment, as if a block castle that had been ripped away from its most crucial support point, collapsed with a bang, the perfect and leak-free true body, the round and flawless essence, leaked out of him wildly, leaking for a thousand miles ...

  Kantan ...




  The moment the breath on Kang Tan's body rapidly slipped, the Vermilion Bird Hall Hall Master who came with Kang Tan on the same car let out a mournful roar.

  "He killed the chairman, kill him, kill him and avenge the chairman!"

  With his order, a dozen of people present at the same time a jolt, from the shaking of the two supreme powerhouse just now, and then under the order of the Vermilion Bird Hall master quickly reached out towards the guns on their bodies and pulled them out.

  However, at the moment when the gunmen pulled out their guns, Li Quxian, who was covered in blood and seemed to be at the end of his mountain, with injuries of unknown severity, raised his head violently.


  A thunderous roar seemed to come out of the void.

  It was as if an extremely fierce beast, looking up to the sky and roaring, the sound shook the nine heavens.

  Bloodshed Thunder Sound!

  The Bloodthirsty Thunder Sound of a ranged and indiscriminate attack!

  All the gunmen within the range of the sound waves felt a vicious pain in their hearts at the same time, as if pierced by steel needles, and the three gunmen who were closest to Li Quxian were the first to scream miserably, covering their hearts to death and rolling on the ground.

  And after bursting out a blood-death thunder sound, deterring everyone present, Li Quxian's figure stepped out violently.

  In the moment he stepped out, his body oiled up like blood, power, once again by the precise to the extreme control of the power to suppress out, forming a huge momentum, blasted on the remaining twelve qi blood stars, immediately ...

  Six of the twelve blood stars were quickly detonated.

  Shattered stars!

  Six qi-blood stars made Li Quxian's state seem to return to its peak in an instant, even ...

  beyond the peak level.

  The fierce and fierce aura that had climbed to the peak extreme burst out from his body, rushing up to the sky and overwhelming the world as he brazenly beat and killed the Silver Society president Kang Tan.

  And then ...

  Under the priming of special power, aimed at the ordered Vermilion Bird Hall Master - Berserk Charge!

  Limit - Thousand Miles!

  "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  Li Quxian took big steps, every time his feet landed on the ground, it was like a supreme beast trampling on the ground fiercely, causing the ground to rumble, the power of trampling on the ground even penetrated the barrier of space and stepped directly on their hearts, with every step, it made their hearts press hard and their qi and blood stagnated ...

  This is still the case for ordinary people, let alone the Vermilion Bird Hall Master who was locked by Li Quxian.

  The human body of Li Quxian, in the eyes of the Vermilion Bird Hall master, but into a prehistoric beast tens of feet tall, along with his charge, every step, the earth shakes, the sky and the earth, and Li Quxian's fierce pillar of Qi, has gone straight to the clouds, tearing the heavens, forming a mountain overturning the sea of monstrous power, all the beings in front of the block, all crushed into pieces.


  This is momentum!

  The momentum of the evolution of fist intent to a higher level!


  Under the power of the fist, a titanic mountain crushed the top.

  Before the Vermilion Bird Hall Hall Master could get rid of this terrifying fist power bombardment, he already felt as if his entire body had been hit by a cannonball, all the bones and muscles in his body, were all torn and crushed ...

  But in the eyes of ordinary people, but Li Quxian stride out, the fury of the sky, as a master of the Hall of the Zhuque Hall, but as if stunned, standing in place, motionless, by the fierce rush to Li Quxian fierce hold, wrapped to the front ...

  Finally ...

  Crashed into a three-story building on the opposite side of the building.


  At the moment when their bodies hit the wall of the building, the whole ground shook fiercely, the solid wall actually collapsed under the impact of the two flesh and blood bodies, countless bricks and stones, earth debris, dust, splashed in all directions ...


  "My goodness ..."

  The gunmen who slowly recovered from the Bloodshed Thunderbolt blast looked at the wall that had been collapsed by Li Quxian with inhuman strength, and one by one, their eyes widened ...

  Some of them looked at the invincible President Kang Tan, who was killed by Li Quxian, and then looked at the collapsed stainless steel security net, as well as their footprints on the concrete floor ...

  Could not help but swallow a deep mouthful of saliva, the heart of the fear beyond measure.

  The atmosphere in the field ... this moment is actually incomparably weird quiet.

  There were obviously fourteen people present, but no one spoke, no one dared to speak.

  For a while, the building was collapsed wall smoke and dust dispersed, no sound came from inside, and there was no noise.

  But everyone understood that the incomparably terrifying existence was now in that building.

  No need to ask, no need to listen, no need to see, single from that building in the suffocating horror of the oppression, let everyone breathe poorly, even the courage to take a big breath, afraid of their movements, woke up the building of the world's most ferocious beast, leading to the scourge of death.

  Ryoga ...

  The highest status of the Silver Club side of a vice president Pulis only to raise some spirits, try to make their tone clear, calmly said: "According to the rules of martial artists, if there is an irreconcilable grudge can be resolved through a battle of life and death, now, the victory has been divided, our president Kantan died in battle, from now on, our Silver Club and your grudge is written off! ... Mr. Li think how ..."

  There was a dead silence in the building.

  It was a while before a voice came out from inside.


  Two simple words.

  When these two words came out from the building, all the people present felt their hearts and minds were relieved, as if a thousand pounds of weight had suddenly been lifted from their shoulders.

  Even Pulis, a master of chemical energy, was no exception.

  After the relaxation of his mind, he also felt a deep fatigue.

  This was the aftermath of too much mental attrition.

  It might have been injured by Li Quxian's punch, or it might have been other reasons ...

  "I hope that in the future, we will no longer be enemies."

  Pris said, and then, waved his hand.

  At once, many gunmen got into their cars, and soon, the vehicles started, and everyone left the town entrance one by one.

  Their side ...

  There were more than a dozen gunmen, as well as a master of chemistry like Pris.

  With Li Quxian's current strong state, the probability of them killing the target in front of them was above 60%.

  But ...

  Not to mention 60%, even if there is more than 90% hope to kill the other party, so what?

  The fight of the trapped beast is the most tragic.

  After they finally killed Li Quxian, how many of the fourteen would be able to survive?

  Especially Pulis ...

  The other gunmen may be able to live, but Pulis understands that if Li Quxian really wants to fight back, he will definitely be on the death list.

  The one who has a life-and-death feud with Li Quxian is Kang Tan and not him, Pulis.

  Now that Kantan is dead, the feud between Li Quxian and the Silver Club has been resolved, why would he, Pulis, want to fight to the death? Just for the so-called face, prestige?

  Don't be ridiculous!

  These, can be compared to their own lives important?

  Not to mention ...

  The silver club is bound to lead to a change of old and new forces, those originally oppressed by the silver club will definitely all jump out to seek revenge on them, even if they immediately announced to the public that the president went to the wilderness to carry out the mission can not be concealed for long, at this time if he still barbaric choice and Li Quxian deadly war to the end, it is really brain rust through.

  Reconciliation, retreat.

  This is the best choice.