
The strong who came out of the nuclear explosion

The strong are fearless, the strong are fearless, the strong are invincible, and the strong are the strongest. The development of science and technology brings the end of the warrior? But... When Li Qiuxian walked out of the nuclear explosion center unharmed, the world was shocked!

KenyattaPeng · Sci-fi
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97 Chs

Chapter 94 Telephone

Li Kuxian closed his eyes and sat in the car, letting the car drive through the brightly lit city.

  Kantan ...

  Danjin Zongzi!

  A patriarch who had stepped into the patriarchal realm for many years and had gone into the deep forests on more than one exploration mission.

  This is definitely a top powerhouse who has been through many battles.

  If you look at the Sovereign Master realm, he is not even called a weak one.

  In the history of Kang Tan's debut ...

  He had defeated no less than three Patriarchs.

  Facing such a terrifying enemy, Li Quxian looked calm.

  But hidden beneath his calm face ...

  but is a cold heart.

  He knew that this battle, he could not lose.

  If you lose, he will die, and his related Li Shaoyang will die, Qiu Li will die, along with Qiu Ji, Li Wei, Kunna, Lancelot these people will also die.

  Do not overestimate the bottom line of a king of the underground world.

  Qiuji, Levi, Kunna, Lancelot, all participated in the hanging of that squad of the Silver Society, with the ruthlessness of such underground world kings as Kantan, would never let them live peacefully in this world, and would try to assassinate and assassinate them all.

  Only now ...

  He, the biggest prick of all, attracted Kang Tan's attention.

  Li Quxian opened his eyes, slightly lowered his head and looked at his hands ...

  Under the illumination of the orange light, these hands can not be called delicate, some places because of the practice of boxing also formed a layer of calluses, Star God quenching fist can not raise back.

  Next ...

  May be a day, may be two days, but he has to use these hands to decide his, and several people's life and death.

  "Master, send me to Evergreen Mountain."

  Li Quxian said.

  At that moment, the vehicle turned the road and drove towards Li Quxian's villa on Evergreen Mountain.

  His villa renovation is nearly completed, just some details on the stitching and sanitation cleaning, at most another ten days or so to live, plus it is now eleven o'clock at night, and there is no one in.

  When he arrived at the villa, Li Quxian did not turn on the lights and came directly to the completed cultivation room, while taking out a phone.


  Soon, the voice of Wen Wan came from the phone.

  "Have the renovation company stop the renovation for a while, and for the next few days, don't let anyone come over."

  "Okay, I'll call Mr. Wen right now."

  Wen Wan immediately said.

  "In addition, during this period of time, put off all activities, anyone looking for me, no need to pay attention."


  Although Wen Wan was a bit puzzled, but as an assistant, she only needed to do as her boss told her.

  Next, Li Kuxian explained a few more points, and then hung up the phone.

  After hanging up the phone, Li Kuxian looked at his phone for a moment, and called Qiu Li ...

  Red Leopard had the grace to guide him, in the interest of reason, he should remind.

  "Brother Li?"

  Receiving the call from Li Quxian Qiu Li was very surprised.

  "Is everything okay lately?"

  "No ... no, I'm fine."

  "That's good, don't go out for a while ..."

  Li Quxian said this, seems to have thought of something.

  With the power of the Silver Society, if it really wants to be detrimental to Qiuli, hiding in any place in Flame City is not safe ...

  "Come to Char City for a few days and contact Qiu Li."

  "Charl City?"

  Qiu Li was a little worried and a little scared: "Can I ... I go to Char City?"

  "We will leave first thing tomorrow morning."

  Li Kuxian said.


  Qiu Li finished, slightly lowered her voice and said, "Brother Li ... is something happening?"

  "A small matter, you can take it as a trip."

  Li Quxian said.

  Qiu Li is also a smart girl, good behavior did not ask again: "I understand."

  "That's it for now, rest early."

  Li Kuxian hung up the phone.

  And then, he paused for a moment ... to call Qiu Ji again.

  He did not inform the Silver Society Kantan, this matter, Qiu Ji even if he knew it would not solve any problems ... he just claimed that he had something to do, let him entertain Qiu Li.

  This little thing, Qiu Ji since the generous response, promised to personally accompany.

  After hanging up the phone, Li Quxian's gaze once again fell on the phone ...

  There is still one last call left.

  Li Shaoyang ...

  Li Xuxian looked at the phone ...

  Long time no words.

  For a while, put his hand on the phone screen and dialed that number.

  The phone rang for less than four seconds and was quickly answered.

  But after the connection ...

  But no one spoke.

  It took a while before Li Shaoyang's voice came from the other side: "What's the matter?"


  It suddenly occurred to Li Quxian that even if he informed Li Shaoyang about Kang Tan's threat, so what?

  Just like dealing with Qiu Li, the Silver Society was going to deal with him, and it was not safe for him to hide anywhere, telling him would not help.

  The matter of Kang Tan was caused by him, then let him fix it at the root.

  "Wrong number."

  Li Quxian said, hanging up the phone.


  Dongyang Group.

  The largest conglomerate enterprise in Yaoyang City, of which the chairman of the Dongyang Group, Li Shaoyang, was currently known as the new richest person in Yaoyang City, and his financial power was ranked among the top in Koryo Province.

  At this moment, this chairman is in his own company, working overtime day and night, trying to lead the Dongyang Group to a whole new level.

  In fact ...

  He took over the company in the past half a year, he did achieve all kinds of promises to the company's seniors, not only the group's several main products bigger and stronger, but also the Dongyang Group's flag spread to the Cory Province, becoming the star enterprise in the Cory Province, the company's market value also from the previous 10 billion less than, rushed up to 10 billion mark, into the first-class group club.

  The ability, but also dedicated, age can be called young and promising, the chairman of the group soon received the support of all people up and down the group, those who initially had a lot of criticism of his ascension to the top of the patriarchs, this time is also to shut up, become one of his many supporters.

  This time ...

  The chairman of the board, who always works until twelve o'clock at night before he goes to bed, has strangely put down his work in hand.

  Just sitting against the chair, do not know what in contemplation.

  For nearly half an hour, he suddenly thought of something and came to the floor-to-ceiling window, from the twenty-storey building looking down at a car parked on the road in front of him.

  If ...

  he remembered correctly, this car was there three days ago.

  Li Shaoyang pretended to move his body bones as if nothing had happened, while summoning his secretary, asking about the company's little bits and pieces during this period, focusing on the details.

  Soon ...

  The time came to twelve o'clock.

  After waving his hand and letting his secretary go ahead to rest, Li Shaoyang came to the bedroom of his office cubicle, and closed the doors and windows while preparing to wash up and pull the curtains.

  He even ...

  deliberately checked the bedroom for eavesdropping devices.

  Busy for half an hour ...

  Li Shaoyang turned off the lights, the whole person, just sitting in the middle of the darkness.

  A sitting is ten minutes.

  Finally, he seems to have made some kind of decision, took out his cell phone and dialed a phone number.

  The call was answered, but it was a relay station.

  It was a cross-country call.

  After the relay, soon, a voice full of authority came from inside the phone.

  "This is Li Donglai."

  "I'm Li Shaoyang."


  There was some surprise on the other side of the phone, "What, have you thought it over? We injected capital to acquire Dongyang Group, this will be beneficial to you."

  "I don't accept the capital injection."

  Li Shaoyang said, "However, we can change the way we cooperate."


  "Haven't you always wanted to open up the market of the Xaya Kingdom, our Dongyang Group is willing to be your springboard to enter the Xaya Kingdom."


  Li Dongyang on the phone had surprise in his tone, "If you do this, aren't you afraid of offending the nine great families of Xia Ya? Although the Dongyang Group has small assets, but if you break the rules and privately unite with the forces outside the country, with the power of the nine great clans, any one of them a little launch will be able to crush you into pieces, then not to mention your Dongyang Group will be swallowed to nothing, you yourself will face jail, although we have the intention to enter the market of the Xia Ya Kingdom, but it does not mean that then will be willing to tear face with the nine great clans for you. "

  "How to avoid being noticed by the nine great families, that is my business, it depends on whether you have the guts."

  "Oh, since you are not afraid, what do we have to worry about, I will arrange for someone to go over and negotiate with you about this matter, with the distance from Dajing to Xaya ... three days."


  Li Shao Yang finished, lightly said: "However, when you have people come to negotiate, it is best to bring a few experts over, Kori Province is not the city of Xaar, the investment environment is not very safe."

  There was silence.

  After a while, he suddenly smiled: "I also wonder why you have always refused to intervene in the matters of the Dongyang Group will suddenly take the initiative to contact us, why, in trouble? With the means of your business, the open means want to nail you is not a simple matter, is the trouble of the underground world?"

  Li Shao Yang avoided answering: "I'm just a suggestion, listen to it or not, it's up to you."

  "Don't worry, since you have shown enough sincerity, we naturally won't let our Li family's strayed sons and daughters be cold-hearted, a backward little place like the Xaya Kingdom's Kori Province ... I'll bring two Heralds over, it's enough... ...Haha, but I guess, you should not yet know what is called pioneers it ..."

  Li Shao Yang slightly narrowed his eyes: "I advise you better not underestimate the influence of the underground forces in the Kori Province, when the time comes, you, along with the funds you carry in vain, you will not have any compensation from our Dongyang Group."

  During this period of time, although he did not contact Li Quxian, father and son have not even seen each other, but for Li Quxian's movement, he is very concerned.

  Naturally ...

  The battle at the Wave-Going Gate, he also heard about it.


  Li Shaoyang's words caused Li Donglai over there to pause slightly for a moment.

  It was a while before he reopened his mouth, "In three days, we will arrive at Koryo Province, I hope your Dongyang Group will be ready to assist us in promoting the Internet channel with full force."

  "I understand."

  Li Shaoyang answered, but there was a faint cold light in his eyes.

  Internet technology.

  Broadband has just been promoted in the Kingdom of Xaya, but in the Kingdom of Dajing, fiber optic technology has been popularized, and these, are the basis of Internet technology.

  Dajing, Xia Ya, as well as other ASEAN kingdoms, are all crossing into the Internet era at a very fast pace.

  At this time, whoever is able to occupy enough markets will be able to become the hegemon of the Internet world.

  And in the modern era where technology is becoming more and more advanced and the proportion of electronic weapons is becoming higher and higher ...

  Dominate the Internet ...

  In the future, it may even dominate the entire world.

  The Internet industry in the Kingdom of Xaya has just started, the Li family can't wait to get involved, and he, Li Shaoyang ...

  While lending a hand, why not see the benefits of it, so as to seize the opportunity to survive and seek skin with the tiger?

  Nothing more ...

  It is to see whose tactics are higher a chip