
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Heist in Israel 'The Dead Sea Scrolls'

After the other three teams completed their missions, now it was time for Yosef's team to start their heist.

"We could have already returned with the item if it wasn't for you delaying our mission," said Yosef.

"The situation in Spain was a bit critical. There was no other choice," said Jason.

"It's not like I was in a hurry. You are the one who needs these items anyway. Do as you like."

"Alright, you can be as pissed off as you want, but be sure to finish the mission properly."

"Alright, we are at the 'Shrine of The Book'. There are only a few guards. We can take them down easily."

"Did you not pay attention when you were given the instructions? You do that and the whole country of Israel will be at your tail."

"Fine, I was just joking. The guards will change their shifts at 2PM. There are ten minutes left. Some of my men are already inside disguised as visitors. You handle the cameras, we will swipe the item in a blink of an eye."

"The cameras are already on a loop. The sensors are also disabled at the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition area."

"Alright, we are starting."

The team inside the 'Shrine of The Book' was in position. Yosef and a few of his men went in right before the change of shifts of the security guards. There was a five minute window for the team to finish their mission before the security guards of the next shift arrived.

Yosef was going to take out the Dead Sea Scrolls from the glass containers. The moment Yosef touched the scrolls, the writings on the scrolls became darker and right after that, the whole 'Shrine of the Book' was engulfed in shadow. The incident attracted the attention of everyone who was present there at that time.

The sudden appearance of such a curtain of shadow even drew the attention of the government officials. Soon even the Israel Defense Forces were deployed.

From the registry, they found that there were several people trapped inside the curtain. Many attempts were made but nothing was able to go through the curtain. Even communication with the people trapped inside wasn't possible.

As the body cams on Yosef's team members suddenly went dark, it left Jason and the others tensed. The team that was outside the museum was contacted. As they were giving their reports on what happened, almost all the news channels were broadcasting the incident live.

"What could have caused something like this? There shouldn't be any Darkness Element awakener yet to be capable of creating shadow curtains," said Greg.

"Until we receive news from the team inside, we won't know anything for sure." said Jason.

A few hours went by. The military tried everything they could to get in contact with the people trapped inside. Some world famous physicists also arrived at the scene to witness the situation with their own eyes. The thermal reading showed no heat signatures from the curtain.

"What should we do now, Jason?" Greg asked.

Hearing about the incident from the news, Fredrick and Thomas who were in training hurried to Jason's study room.

"Did you see that in the news? Maybe there's another awakener out there," said Fredrick as he was catching his breath.

"Do you know anything about it, Jason?" Thomas asked.

"Before that, shouldn't you two be training right now?"

"Don't ignore the question you were asked," said Thomas.

"Alright, we don't know what exactly happened. Yosef was sent there to retrieve an item. And now we have lost contact with them."

"Then could it be that Yosef is going through his awakening?" asked Thomas.

"That's a possibility. But we can't be sure of anything until we receive further information."

As they were talking, the comms went back online.

"This.... second...command...Ahmed... speaking... "

A message full of noise was heard.

"Command center to the team, I repeat, command center to the team. Can you hear me?" said Jason.

"Yes...can...hear..." The reply came.

"Can we do something to remove the noise?" asked Jason.

"Let me see," said Greg as he tried to stabilize the connection.

"Yes, I can hear you. This is the second in command, Ahmed speaking."

"Alright, Ahmed, what's the situation?"

"Right when the team leader touched the scrolls, the whole area around us went dark. And before I knew it, I fell asleep. I just woke up and nothing can be seen around. I am using the flashlight with me. I found the team leader lying with the scrolls in his hands. He and the rest of the team with the other visitors are still asleep."

"Did he touch the scrolls with his bare hands?"

"Yes, Sir."

"That idiot.... Alright, listen to me carefully. Do as I say. First put the replica of the scrolls in its original place."

"It's done, Sir. What should I do now?"

"Now, the bag you were supposed to put the scrolls in, find it."

After a few minutes,

"Found it, Sir."

"Now first wear the gloves that were prepared for this mission. And then carefully put the scrolls in the bag. And after you are done, remove your gloves and move Yosef a bit away from his current location and then you also lie on the floor as if you were still asleep."

Ahmed followed Jason's instructions. After the scrolls were put inside the bag, the shadow curtain began to disappear. When it fully disappeared, the military went inside and found everyone sleeping.

After a while, everyone inside woke up. Seeing the change of scenes, Yosef and the rest of his team members acted naturally. The authorities checked the items inside the 'Shrine of the Book' and found everything in their original places. After taking everyone's statements, the military released the victims who were trapped inside.

After returning to the Hotel, Yosef contacted the base.

"How are you feeling now? Any changes?" Jason asked.

"Something is definitely different but I am not sure."

"Okay, return as soon as you can. We will keep you under observation like Fredrick and Thomas."