
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · Fantasy
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41 Chs

The Sword that changed its Attribute

"Sir, we have another situation. For some reason, we can't touch the Holy Grail. It's as if there is a barrier around it." Julia reported.

"Seems like getting our hands on the grail won't be easy," said Greg.

"Well, haven't we already found the sword that can cut through anything?" said Jason.

"Using the Durandal? Both the Holy Grail and the Durandal represent the same Light Element. The Durandal won't be able to break the barrier," said Greg.

"Unless..." said Jefferson over the comms.

"Unless, what?" Greg asked.

"See, even the historian gets it," said Jason

"Let me explain, unlike the Holy Grail which has the characteristics of the Light Element, The Durandal is a sword that amplifies the wielder's own powers. The paladin Ronald, who wielded the Durandal supposedly had a high affinity to the Light Element. But at that time as there was no aether, there weren't any awakeners. And from the historical records, the materials used to make the Durandal might have contained a trace of aether just like how the moonstones stored aether inside of them," said Jefferson.

"Then who is going to use that sword? We don't have any awakeners in Julia's team," said Greg.

"Why? We have got Julia herself. Her affinity to the Darkness element, if that can be amplified through the Durandal, then taking down the barrier will be a piece of cake," said Jason.

"But can the Durandal amplify the Darkness element?"

"We will know after we try," said Jason.

"Julia, do you copy?" Jason asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Can you see the sword with a golden hilt on your left?"

"You mean this one, Sir?" Julia asked, pointing towards the Durandal.

"Yes, now take that sword. You will know the rest after wielding it."

Just as Jason said, Julia reached out her hand for the Durandal. As soon as Julia touched the sword, the golden hilt turned black. A faint dark purple aura came out of the silver blade.

"Sir, the sword? It somehow changed," Sara reported as she was shocked to witness such a transformation.

"Don't worry, now use this sword and strike at the barrier of the Holy Grail."

Julia did as she was told to. As soon as the sword landed the strike at the barrier, the barrier broke. Broken glass-like pieces were seen falling down and disappearing after the barrier was broken.

"You have got exactly three minutes before the priest arrives. He has already noticed something. As soon as you take the Holy Grail, he will rush to the vault room. And don't forget to take the sword with you on your way back."

Julia's team first prepared the case where the grail will be kept. After that, they took the Holy Grail and quickly put the replica in its place. Just as they were ordered, they didn't delay any longer and left the place with the Holy Grail. Julia also took the sword with her.

The priest at the fountain noticed it when the grail was moved from its place. He rushed to the vault room. But Julia's team's swift work left the place as it were before. Not being aware of his own powers, the priest didn't notice the broken barrier. Even though he didn't feel any connection to the grail in front of him, he took it as if God didn't want to talk with him at that moment. But when he was going out of the room, he noticed the holy sword wasn't at its place. This raised a huge uproar at the cathedral.

"Another successful heist," said Greg.

"We also got a bonus," said Jason.

"Yes, they will return tomorrow. But what will you do with the sword? I know why you needed those four items. But who will you give it to?" Greg asked.

"You want it?" asked Jason.

"Of course, not. I am a researcher, not a fighter."

"We will see about that. After Jefferson does his research on the sword, we will see if there's anyone among us who is compatible with its traits. Anyways, what's the situation on Yosef's side?"

"They have been doing recon till now. They are also waiting for your orders."

"Tell them to do a final recon today. Their mission will start tomorrow."

"Yosef will be mad because of the constant delays."

"That's the fun part, after all."

The next day, Julia's team returned to the base with the Holy Grail and the Durandal. Jefferson was more interested in the Durandal than the Holy Grail itself. The Durandal was given to Jefferson for research and the Holy Grail was kept with the other two items in the secured vault.

"You did well," said Jason.

"I just did as I was told. It's not worthy of your praise, Sir" said Julia.

"Well, if that's what you think then, I don't have anything else to say. But tell me one thing, how did it feel when you touched the Durandal?"

"It... it felt like the sword became an extension of myself as if the sword and I were the same at that moment."

"I see," said Jason. He called Jefferson from his lab. After a while Jefferson arrived at Jason's study room.

"Have you found anything about the Durandal from your research, Mr. Jefferson?" Jason asked.

"Well, as we suspected, the sword indeed amplifies the wielder's powers. The sword also has high aether conductivity. But it seems after Miss Julia's use, the sword can't be used by any other awakeners or people with elemental affinities and its appearance isn't changing anymore either."

"Then it seems the sword had chosen its wielder," said Jason.

Jason took the sword and gave it to Julia.

"But Sir, I am not an awakener yet," Julia resisted.

"But as it seems, there isn't anyone but you who can use this sword to its full potential. And also think of it as your reward for completing your mission successfully."

"Then, I will gladly accept it," said Julia as she took the sword.

Just like at the vault room of the cathedral, when Julia wielded the Durandal, the faint purple glow surrounded the silver blade.

"I am expecting great things from you," said Jason.

"You can always count on me, Sir," said Julia as she sheathed the sword.