
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Awakening of the Assassin

After their job in Israel, Yosef returned to the base with his team. The Dead Sea Scrolls were given to the research team that was in charge of taking care of the relics.

"This scroll doesn't even have any aether left in itself. Did we get the wrong one?" One of the researchers asked.

"That's the real one. The aether in it was absorbed by Yosef when he touched it with his bare hands. How long will it take for you guys to restore it?" Jason asked.

"All six of them will require more than a year to be fully restored. But it may take less if the aether level keeps increasing everyday."

"Alright, you guys get to work. The sooner they are restored the better."

Jason left the lab and went to the room Yosef was at. Yosef was sleeping while Greg was doing checkups.

"Did you find anything?" Jason asked.

"One way or the other, you are responsible for what happened in Israel," said Greg.

"I know. But how is his condition right now?"

"Stable. But the suppressed aether might cause an aether overload."

"Then we better put him in a stasis chamber before the overload happens."

"Alright, I will tell my men to prepare the chamber. By the way, what are you going to do now?"

"Nothing important. Why?"

"Sam asked me to tell you that she wants to meet you. So, don't forget to pay her a visit if you are free."

"Alright, I will go meet her now."

Jason and Greg both left the room.

Thomas and Fredrick came after a while to check up on Yosef. At that time, Yosef was awake.

"How are you doing now?" Thomas asked.

"As you can see, lying on the bed."

"So what actually happened in Israel? And what was that shadow curtain? We asked Jason, but he didn't want to tell us," said Fredrick.

"Come on now, Fred. We talked about this. Yosef is still recovering. Why are you asking him questions now?"

"It's alright. It was just a mild setback...."

Yosef told them about his heist.

"Why didn't Jason inform us?" asked Fredrick.

"What could you have done anyway?" asked Thomas which made Fredrick silent.

"Alright, no infighting. You two should focus on your training," said Yosef.

"You are oddly calm which is a bit unusual," said Fredrick.

"Well, I am a bit tired after all," replied Yosef.

"Then we should be going. You rest well," said Thomas as both he and Fredrick left the room.

"Weren't you supposed to meet Sam? What are you doing here?" Yosef asked.

"I did. Despite her age, she is quite reasonable and understanding. So it didn't take long," said Jason.

"So, you are going to tell me about it or should I ask first?"

"You were awake the whole time, weren't you?"

"Maybe uncle Greg shouldn't have said that in front of me."

"That's where you are wrong. He knew you were awake, just like I knew it. He said that so that I have to give you an explanation for the incident that happened."

"Well then, tell me what uncle Greg meant when he said the aether within me was suppressed?"

"I will tell you the truth. Your not showing any signs of awakening was my doing. But I can't tell you how I did that."

"Then tell me, why did you do it? Do you have any idea what I have been through all these times? When my father gave up his opportunity and passed it down to me, I thought it was finally my time to make my father proud. I wanted to make sure my father doesn't regret it. That's why I trained deliberately day and night so that I can increase my affinity to the Darkness Element shown by the moonstone. And you are telling me all this time you were holding me back?"

"The reason I delayed your progress is because I wanted all six of you to awaken at the same time right before the global awakening. If you guys had awakened earlier there's a high chance you would have been noticed by other organizations and governments."

"That's just your excuse. Maybe it's because you won't ever become an awakener...."

Yosef quickly stopped himself from finishing the sentence.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to say that." Yosef apologized.

"It's alright. It doesn't bother me anymore."

"That's not... I know you are doing all of these for us. But you could have at least said so. It's not like I would have gone against it. And we might have been able to avoid the incident in Israel."

"Oh, that was totally your fault. I am not taking responsibility for that," said Jason with a smile.

"Hey, you were just saying how everything was your fault. Now why the sudden change?"

"You were the one who didn't follow the instructions and forgot to wear the gloves especially made to hold the scrolls."

The air in the room returned to normal as the two of them were fighting with their words as they used to.

Greg was standing outside the room. He entered the room after the two of them settled their matters.

"The stasis chamber is ready," said Greg.

"How long will it take?" asked Yosef.

"We are not certain. It may take days or even months." Greg replied.

"Then inform my father that I will be staying here for the time being," said Yosef.

"Will do." Jason replied.

Yosef went with Jason and Greg to another research room where the stasis chambers were located. It was the same room where Samantha was kept inside the stasis chamber after she was brought back from the campsite.

"Five, six, seven... There are a total of seven stasis chambers. What if you required more of these at the same time?," said Yosef.

"There are 12 more on the 14th floor," Jason replied.

When Yosef went inside the chamber and put on the respirator, the chamber was closed. Yosef went to sleep. After the chamber was activated, the stasis fluid entered the chamber and filled it up. At this period, the aether in the body supplements the person's necessities. So it wasn't a problem if the process took several months.

"Now that he is finally asleep, inject him with a vial of sample B," said Jason.

"But isn't he your friend? He would never appreciate you doing something like that to him."

"I am doing this exactly because he is my friend. It's alright if he blames me after finding out but at least it will prevent him from doing something he will regret for the rest of his life. We cannot underestimate the other organizations and governments."

"I won't do it. If you want then do it yourself," said Greg as he left the room.

"I am sorry, but I am sure one day you guys will understand," said Jason as he injects Yosef with the sample B.


Character Profile : Jason

(Information so far)

Name : Jason

Current Age : 22

Element : None

Height : 5'11"

Hair Color : White

Eye Color : Red

Affiliation : Leader of a secret organization

Relics : Currently Unknown

Abilities : Currently Unknown

Special Traits : Currently Unknown

A pale-skinned boy with white hair and red eyes. At first glance, anyone will think he is anemic. The leader of a secret unnamed organization. Likes to have total control over a situation. Planning something big which is currently unknown.