
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Fire didn't Burn Him

While Jason came to check Yosef's condition the next day, he was called to the office by Greg. When he went there, he saw one of the men who was assigned to watch over Ashton.

"What's the matter? You are Tim, right? Weren't you in charge of watching over Ashton?" Jason asked.

"You tell him," said Greg to Tim.

"We are extremely sorry, Sir. We failed to do our job properly," said Tim.

"Cut the crap. Tell me what happened?"

"The thing is, Sir, we were observing Sir Ashton as we were told. But last night, while he was returning home, somehow the brakes of his car failed which led to the car crashing into a fire hydrant. After that the car instantly caught on fire. He somehow managed to get out of the car but fainted after taking a few steps. We rushed to the spot but the people around there already called in an ambulance. So we couldn't take him away while so many people were watching."

"So, which hospital was he taken to?" Jason asked.

"Jules Verne Clinic, Sir."

"Alright, you take your men and go to the hospital and bring him here. Remember to wipe out every record of him at the hospital and check the car or what's left of it to find the reason behind the break failure."

"Yes, Sir."

Tim left the room.

"Brakes of a car usually don't stop working," said Greg.

"I know. But till now we haven't found out anything about his background except for the orphanage of the church he grew up at."

"What will you do with him then?"

"All six of them are important for what's going to come. And I guess like Yosef, he is going to awaken soon."

"You are thinking that he's going to awaken as well?"

"For whatever the reasons the brakes failed, the sudden shock from the crash might have acted as the trigger behind his power outburst. It's good that he didn't go into aether overload."

"So, you are no longer suppressing them?"

"That won't be necessary anymore."

"That's good to hear. By the way, how's Yosef doing?"

"Fine. He might wake up anytime soon."

After a few hours, Tim reached the hospital with his men.

"You two go to the registry and you two to the record room and erase every data related to Sir Ashton." Tim ordered his men.

Tim and one of his men dressed up as doctors and went straight to the room where Ashton was kept. When they reached the room, they found a nurse who was watching over the patient.

"How strange! They say the car was caught up in a fire and parts of his clothes were burnt as well when he was brought here. But there are no burn marks on his body. It's as if the fire didn't burn him at all," the nurse was saying to herself.

"Oh, you are here, Doctor," said the nurse when she saw them, thinking of them as doctors.

"What's the patient's situation?" Tim played his role properly, looking at her name tag, "Nurse Daisy."

"Here take a look," Daisy handed over the reports to Tim, "Patient's vitals are all normal. It's just that his body temperature is very high, around 45 °Celsius."

"Alright, you can leave him to us now, nurse Daisy. We will take the patient for further checkup," said Tim.

"Should I come with you, doctor, in case you require any assistance?" Daisy asked.

"That won't be necessary. This patient's case is a bit special. I believe you can tell that by his condition," said Tim.

The one with Tim, took nurse Daisy out of the room. Even though Daisy felt a bit restless, she went back to finish her other works. After an hour, she returned to check on the patient. But when she came, she found nobody in the room. She quickly went to the register, but she was shocked to know that there were no records of the patient she was looking after, a few hours ago. She asked about the two doctors who came in the room but to her utter surprise, she found that there was no doctor with that name in the hospital. Nurse Daisy didn't inquire any further as she thought that the hospital authority might have something to do with the situation and she didn't want to lose her job as well.

Ashton was brought to the base. Given his body's high temperature, he was kept in a cryo chamber on the 13th floor to stabilize his conditions before putting him in the stasis chamber.

"It's a good thing, we know how to handle the awakening of a Fire Element awakener," said Greg.

"Well, we already have Sara and Racheal. We also have a few guards who are Fire Element awakeners."

"It seems there are more Fire Element awakeners compared to other element awakeners."

"It's still in the early phases. After the global awakening, we will know the actual percentages."

While they were checking Ashton's conditions, one of Jason's men came to update Jason on Yosef's condition.

"Sir Yosef has woken up," said that man.

"That's surprisingly fast," said Jason.

"But you don't look surprised at all," said Greg.

"I am."

"Alright, let's go pay that kid a visit," said Greg.

The two of them left the room where Ashton was kept inside the cryo chamber. After they left, the temperature of the cryo chamber started to rise.


Character Profile : Greg

(Information so far)

Name : Greg Lester

Current Age : 48

Element : Earth (Intermediate)

Height : 6'1"

Hair Color : Brown

Eye Color : Brown

Affiliation : one of the high

ranking members of the


Relics : Currently Unknown

Abilities : Ground Chains¹, Instant

Cave², ....

Special Traits : Currently Unknown

Father of Sara and Samantha and Uncle of Jason. A middle aged researcher and the person with the highest authority after Jason in their unnamed organization. One of the few people who started researching on aether when it was first rediscovered.


¹Ground Chains,

The chains made from solidified ground which were used to bind Samantha when she went through an aether overload. (mentioned in chapter 6) [Further Information Not Found Yet]

²Instant Cave,

The major part of chapter 6 took place in the cave. It was mentioned that the cave was man-made. [Further Information Not Found Yet]