
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Flames & Shadows

As the alarms went off on the 13th floor, Jason and Greg rushed back to check what happened. But Due to the excess heat, they couldn't get close to the room Ashton was kept in.

"There goes a million dollar cryo chamber," said Jason.

"You still don't look surprised," said Greg.

"Putting out the fire won't be an issue."

"No, you are not going to use another drop. There are mechanisms installed to bring the situation under control."

Just as Greg said, he pressed his watch and a holographic screen appeared in front of him which looked like a control panel. He put the whole room in lockdown. A glass-like cage appeared surrounding the whole room keeping the fire inside and stopping it from spreading.

"So, how are you going to put out the flames?" Jason asked.

"Everything inside is melting. Because of that we won't be able to inject any sedatives. We have to wait till the aether in him runs out."

"That will take a while. Like I said, let me do it," said Jason.

"That won't be necessary." They heard a familiar voice.

"When did you wake up?" asked Jason.

"A while ago, I heard from the guys in the room that you guys were on the 13th floor. And while I was on the elevator, I got the system alert. So that's Ashton in there right?" Yosef asked.

"Even though now's not the time, something about you is different," said Jason.


"Well, you don't look like an idiot anymore."

"Did you just say I was an idiot?"

"My bad, you didn't change at all."


"Let's focus on what's in front of us," said Greg.

"So how are you going to handle it, Yosef?" asked Jason.

"I don't know about the others, but while I was asleep, It was like I was inside a void," Yosef continued speaking while getting close to the cage, "It was as if time stopped. At first it was terrifying. But when I calmed down, I started to feel something. It was like I was becoming one with the emptiness. The darkness around me became my companion," Yosef put his hand on the wall of the cage, "I remembered that I had the same feeling when I touched the scrolls in Israel. And when I realized that, the darkness around me was already under my control."

When Yosef put his hand on the cage the whole cage turned black. What was left inside couldn't be seen from the outside.

"Is that the Shadow Curtain?" Greg asked.

"I don't know where you get these names from, I will ask about it later. For now, leave Ashton to me," said Yosef.

The shadow curtain surrounding the cage grew smaller. And it stopped when the curtains were just surrounding Ashton's body.

"Where are you planning to put him?" asked Yosef.

"If you can contain him like you are doing now, we will first inject a sedative which will temporarily stop the aether circulation. Then we will put him in a stasis chamber," said Greg.

"Then do it fast, I don't think I will be able to handle it for long," said Yosef.

"Look at you. Weren't you just acting all cool a few minutes ago?" said Jason.

"Don't joke. At least I am helping you guys."

Greg quickly injected Ashton with a sedative. Then he was taken to the stasis camber room on the 11th floor. There Ashton was put inside a stasis chamber just like how Yosef was inside one.

"There's no need to worry about Ashton for now. Let's get back to you, Yosef. How are you feeling?" asked Greg.

"The body feels a bit lighter," Yosef replied.

"You go take some rest for now. You have just awakened and you have already used your ability. You must be tired," said Greg.

"I want to go meet my father now," said Yosef.

"Alright, if you say so. But return quickly after your visit. We need to run some tests and also check the other abilities you might possess."

"Then I will be going," said Yosef as he left.

"You two didn't talk?" Greg asked Jason after Yosef left.

"He has more important things to do," Jason replied.

"After seeing how Yosef's shadow curtain took control over the cage and engulfed it, I understand why you wanted to inject them with sample B."

"Even though we got some clues about the powers beforehand, we still can't forget that everything about these powers is unpredictable. And what if there's something that we don't know about yet? That's why I want to be prepared for every situation before our fight against that thing."

"You are going to inject Ashton with one too, aren't you?"

"Yes. Why ask when you already know?"

"Well, then let me do it this time," said Greg.

"Why the sudden change of heart?"

"As a researcher, I know I shouldn't be doing something like this. But as your uncle and one of the precognators, at least I can carry a little bit of the burden you are carrying."

"Do as you like. It's not like it's changing the results....But thanks," said Jason quietly.

Greg didn't reply anymore and just gave a smile. He injected the serum inside the veil of sample B in Ashton.

The next day, Yosef returned.

"A new mask?" asked Jason when he saw Yosef wearing a black mask.

"Father gave it to me," said Yosef.

"Looks nice."

"Alright, where's Uncle Greg? He told me he wanted to run some tests."

"Seeing how your physical condition is well, we will go straight to training your powers. Uncle Greg has selected a nice place for you."

"Wait, isn't this the same campsite we went to last month?" Yosef asked when he saw the address.

"For your information, the whole place is owned by our organization."

" *sigh* I am not surprised anymore," said Yosef as he left to meet with Greg at the campsite.


Character Profile : Yosef

(Information so far)

Name : Yosef

Current Age : 22

Element : Darkness (Beginner)

Height : 5'11"

Hair Color : Black

Eye Color : Black

Affiliation : Heir to an ancient assassin family, mid ranked authorization in the unnamed organization.

Relics : Currently none

Abilities : Shadow Curtain¹, ...

Special Traits : Highly cautious, ...

The heir to an ancient assassin family. Doesn't trust anyone. Not very fond of Jason because of how they first officially met.


¹Shadow Curtain

Curtain of shadows that completely cuts off the things inside from the outside but the efficiency depends on the caster's power. It can be of any shape depending on the caster's desire. First mentioned in chapter 19. [Further Information Not Found Yet]