
The search for Add

If you see any errors, please post them in the comments. Watch as Add traverses different worlds in his quest to return to his old world and fix his past, avoiding despair I hope you like this light novel, I am a new author and this is my first project ... constructive criticism accepted (pity T_T) this is a translation directly from google

maldito_y_sensual · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

chapter 9

... this part is the same as anime, if you want you jumped to the pov ...

In a destroyed area of ​​the city, you find the 2 giants of this world fighting

/ All Might / launches against / All for one /

"I'll make you return everything / All for one /" All Might

"Will you kill me again / All Might /?" All for one

* booooooom *

"This combination is fun" All for one

"I should add more types of expansion" All for one

* Baaaaaaaak *

"They will not escape" All Might

A group of young people fly away from the battle

"It's embarrassing, but now, I can beat you without reservation" All Might

"Detroit smash !!!!" All Might

* Booooooom *

"I can't forgive him" All Might

* Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak *

/ All Might / He flies into a helicopter but Torino caught him just in time

"You can dodge it, I'll steal everything you protected so far" All for one

/ All for one / shoot with your hands

* Booooooom *

"Show the world your pathetic form, symbol of peace" All for one

Out of the smoke comes a skeleton-like person, who was / All Might /

"Hollow cheeks and sunken eyes, what a great pathetic hero" All for one

"Don't be ashamed, it's your true form, the true you" All for one

"Don't lose, don't lose, don't lose !!!!!!" shouted all those who watched the fight

"That's why I won't lose" All Might

/ All for one / supports your right arm

"Spring limbs, kinetic impulse x4, force increase x3, multiplier, hypertrophy, rivets, I will hit you with the best combination of quirks I have" All for one

Launch the attack with great force

"Even as a teacher, you lose" All for one

"I can't die" All Might

"It is weak" All for one

/ All Might / Occupying all of his power in his arm

"United States of smash !!!!!!!!!!" All Might

Hit the / All for one / attack

* boooooooooooooooooooooooooom *

After the explosion smoke disperses we can see / All for one / unconscious lying on the floor and / All Might / standing weakly

* Sound of applause *

Pov / Add /

(What a good show this battle was, but I have a quirk to take)

Aiming my dynamos I shoot s / All Might /, but Torino saves him

"thc, how annoying, Eri hurry up" I said

"Yes big brother" Eri

I see how Eri puts her hand on / All for one / and starts to glow

"Do you want to save him?" All Might

"No, quite the opposite" I said

"Surrender young, it's all over" All Might

"You're wrong, the good is just beginning" I said

Suddenly / All for one / stopped, but it was a much younger version

"What did you do to me !!!!!" All for one

"Make you go back to your weakest state, man" I said.

Occupying my (Thought Bankruptcy) skill, he easily controlled it

"Now give me your quirk, man" I said

"What!!!!" All Might and Torino

"I understand teacher" All for one

"Impossible !!!!!" All Might

/ All for one / extends his hand to my forehead and it glows in a black light



(Finally with this power, I will be able to travel between dimensions)

"Increased level of instability of the body, react, we have to go / Add /" Eve

I open my eyes realizing that I almost lost myself in power

"Thanks for waking me / Eve /" I said

(I should sleep to rest)

"Eri our deal is complete, maybe we'll see each other again" I said

I release Eri from my control

"Where I am, it feels like a dream" Eri

I start the (Phase jump) but something interrupts me

* Boom *

"I won't let you go, villain !!!!!!" / Endeavor / while firing a bolt of fire

"Eve protect me"

Pov eve

I occupy my avatar as a shield against the fire ray

(I have to give / Add / time to escape)

"N.1 and N.2 against Torino and N.3, N.4 and N.5 for / Endeavor /" shout

"Got it" robots

(Good thing we brought the royal guard)

---5 minutes later---

(I feel like / Add / has escaped)

* Boom *

The last robot of the royal guard exploded

"Now you are single villain, surrender" / Endeavor /

"I will never be alone, we will always be one" I said

"Then don't blame me for what happens to you" said / Endeavor / while throwing a big fireball

Seeing that it is unnecessary to continue fighting, I throw my avatar against his attack

* Boooom *

When the smoke clears, it shows that there is nothing left of my avatar

"What have you done / Endeavor /" Torino

"I didn't think he would kill himself like this" Endeavor

"Now how will we explain to the media what happened?" Torino said as he looks at the television helicopter in the air.

---the next day---

News :

The greatest villain of all time falls

The true form of / All Might /?

The new big villain

Villains of love

The woman who became a villain for love

/ Endeavor / break villains hearts

The end of one era and the beginning of another?

/ Endeavor / Should I be a hero?

Pov / Add /

(Now that I'm rested, I can steal quirks)

"Nasod brings the captivated" I said

"I understand but be careful"

The door of the room will open and I see 3 robots entering with an astronaut, 2 escort him and the last one brings my medicine

(What little faith / Eve /)

(No.13, quirk black hole, caught in the heroes lock yesterday, what a good start)

I put my hand on his helmet and it starts to glow deep purple, suddenly I feel a great pain in my right eye

Ahhhhg !!!!!

"What happened?"

"Increased corruption in the body, especially his right eye from the Nasod core operation" Eve

(I understand, damn my luck)

"Equally that will not change anything of the plan, it is just another variable" I said

"And if you stay to live here, since you will be the strongest of all in this world" Eve

"But it's not my world" I yelled

"I understand, but remember, not even the Nasod were able to travel eternally through time" Eve

"I am not a Nasod" he yelled

"Worse, you are human, even if it doesn't destroy your body, it will break your mind, it was a good reason why the time traveling Nasod didn't have personalities" Eve

"Nothing changes in the plan, everything remains the same" I yelled

"As you wish" Eve sadly

... I'm still learning to write battles, what do you think of the couple's character development? ...