
The search for Add

If you see any errors, please post them in the comments. Watch as Add traverses different worlds in his quest to return to his old world and fix his past, avoiding despair I hope you like this light novel, I am a new author and this is my first project ... constructive criticism accepted (pity T_T) this is a translation directly from google

maldito_y_sensual · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

chapter 10

Pov / Add /

Now he was in the surveillance room below the volcano, watching the next targets.

(Good thing that we made the base below and not above the volcano, that will buy us time for the (Phase jump) to my world)

"Now our biggest threat is Nighteye with (Prediction) from him, I have to take it"

"You know he must have the knowledge that we are going for the" Eve

"It is essential to be able to fulfill the plan"

"We should take hostages to threaten to turn himself in" Eve

(It will not be enough, the heroes are very insistent, we must leave them without option)

"I know "

"Let's occupy different bombs strategically located throughout the city"

"Although it all depends if he already occupies his quirk in us" Eve

"That is why we are talking in the afternoon, it is very unlikely that I will occupy it at this time"

"I understand, I am mobilizing our forces" Eve

"Also interrupts television, we must spread fear among people"

(If it is not delivered, people will deliver it)

---1 hour later---

(I can't occupy my face for the broadcast, it's good that we made a mask just in case)

Now putting on the mask and a voice synthesizer ... if you want to know what the mask is, search in Google (elsword mask Glave) ...

Pov Nighteye

Sitting in my office, I was going through the reports looking for any trace of that brat

(He changed the future, I have to find it before it's too late)

Suddenly my phone rings and I answer

(How strange, my akame secretary only calls me when it's important things)

"Hi Akame, what happened?"

"Sir you must watch TV, quick" akame

Without hesitation I turn on and see the brat with a mask instead of the news channel

"Welcome citizens of this country, today I bring you great special news, I have hostages and bombs scattered throughout the city, only the hero Nighteye must be delivered to my forces at the north entrance of the city, also let me tell you that the bombs will explode every 5 minutes "Add

"Hahahahahahaha .... hahahahahhahaha" Add

Suddenly I see how he holds his head and begins to have a panic attack

"Who am I ... where am I ... What am I!" Add

I see how 2 robots take him by the arms and then a third inject something into him

"Ahhhhhhgggggggg, you shouldn't have seen this" Add

And the transmission is turned off and I'm completely pale

(That damn brat is crazy and armed, we must stop them as soon as possible)

* Booooooom *

Shit, he really wants to blow up the whole city !!!!

(/ All Might / told me that I take the quirk from / All for one /, he must want to steal mine, although I don't have many options)

I hear my phone ring again and I take it again

"What happened Akame?"

"Sir, Director Nezu 00 wants to talk to you"

"Pass it to me"

"Hi Nighteye, I assume you watched TV too, do you have any information on the boy?" Nezu

"Yes, that changed the future in my visions"

"You mean he wasn't around before?" Nezu

"Yes, I think he is not from our world or timeline"

"This complicates things even more" Nezu

"I'm going to have to turn myself in, right?"

"Unfortunately yes, although we will put a tracker on you to find you later"

(Apparently this is my last hero mission, at least I can trust things to Lemillion)

"Before I turn myself in, I want you to promise me that you will help Lemillion"

"I promise Nighteye" I will be at the police station that is near the north entrance of the city "

"Bye Nighteye and I'm sorry"

I sigh and hang up the call, I look at my office for probably the last time and go down from my office building

Outside in the driveway I can see my secretary Akame with the car engine running

"It seems that this is a goodbye akame, if Lemillion asks for me, give him the letter that is from the box of / All Might /"

"Bye sir, it's been a pleasure to work with you" Akame with teary eyes

"Same here Akame"

(I'm going to miss you all)

End Pov

--- 4 minutes later ---

Pov / Add /

(Apparently everything went according to plan, for the first time)

"Mission log Eve?"

"Our objective is in the extraction zone" Eve

"Take him to the temporary base, he must have some kind of tracker"

I leave my room and go to the exit

"Remember that your body cannot hold more than 9 quirks, including the ones you have now, you could explode due to the instability of your body" Eve worried

"If my body becomes useless, will you help me / Eve /?"

"Of course, remember we are one, don't you / Add /?" Eve sad

(At least someone cares about me)

I nod my head in affirmation

---thirty minutes later---

In a room of a hidden underground base Nighteye was handcuffed surrounded by robots, suddenly the door opens and he enters / Add /

Pov / Add /

I see the hero Nighteye handcuffed and surrounded by my forces and he pulled me closer to him

"Tell me exhero, how does it feel to be abandoned by everyone you ever helped?"

"My sacrifice was by choice, did you withdraw your forces and bombs from the young city?" Nighteye

"I can be many things, but I will always be a man of my word"

"And also a transmigrator of worlds?"

Suddenly all my robots are pointing their guns at Nighteye

"What gave me away, my lack of information in your database, my way of acting or your quirk?"

"All" Nighteye

"Let me ask you something exhero, because your world limits the use of quirks, but this is what determines the social status of a person?"

"Because if everyone occupied their quirks freely, there would be no equality and democracy for all" Nighteye

"How stupid, human nature is the same, no matter what world you are in, it's always the same"

"This supposed period of peace of equality and democracy is going to fall, perhaps it is not for anyone, if not for himself, because it is in our nature"

"Let's stop talking useless, tell me what's going to happen to me?" Nighteye

"Easy, you will live, you still have living value but without quirk"

I put my hand on his head and it starts to glow deep purple, but I see the color of his eyes change in the moment

"So you took the opportunity to take a last look at the future, tell me what did you see?"

"Monster, you will kill us all, you will almost destroy this world" Nighteye

"So it worked!"


I laugh as I leave the room

End pov

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