
The search for Add

If you see any errors, please post them in the comments. Watch as Add traverses different worlds in his quest to return to his old world and fix his past, avoiding despair I hope you like this light novel, I am a new author and this is my first project ... constructive criticism accepted (pity T_T) this is a translation directly from google

maldito_y_sensual · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

chapter 8

... now that I have returned to lucidity, the climax of this volume is about to begin ...

In an empty white room with a chair and several data screens on the walls

Pov / Add /

"/ Eve / we are moving, the heroes are fighting with / All for one /"

"I understand, preparing the assault and rescue team ./Eve/"

"Yes, I will be very weak when I absorb the quirk of / All for one / !!!"

"I'm going to go tell Eri. / Eve /"

"If it would be the best, also in case you have to put an illusion"

End Pov

--- 45 minutes before the battle / All Might / Vs / All for one / ---

In an area on the outskirts of the city at night there is a badly injured man waiting

Pov / Add /

"We are all out of this lock"

"It is necessary to break the block of the heroes, it seems that they mobilized all their forces?"

"We should occupy half the soldiers we brought in. / Eve /"

"It would be a good distraction, while we get closer to the main party"

(We could also take advantage to capture some quirks)

"Come on Eri, you just have to follow my voice"

"Yes big brother. Eri"

(It's time to leave)

Spear / Neutron Bomb /

"Go !!!!!"

End Pov

Half the forces start running towards the heroes

"Hey stop !! . Random hero"

* Pak *

* Noise of a body falling to the floor *

"They are not human, they are robots !!!! . Random hero"

* Pak pak pak *

"They are many, although they are not so strong it is wearing us down. Another random hero"

"There is to inform the situation to the others, we will not be able to hold much"

* Boom *

"I cannot communicate, we are alone in this. another random hero"

* Pak pak pak *

Pov / All Might /

(I'm finally going to finish with you / All for one /)

"/ All Might / robots are attacking the blockade. / Eraser Head /"

"I'm going to stop them, I'm not going to be useful against / All for one /. /Midnight/"

"Be careful, I think they want to save / All for one /. / All Might /"

Pov / Midnight /

Going where the shots of the battle against the robots are heard, I meet / Mt. Lady / and / Kamui Woods /

"Hey guys, how is the situation?"

"Madam / Midnight / a large group was able to break the blockage we had, they are heading towards / All for one / .kamui"

"Accompany me to stop that group,

/ Endeavor / should come soon to help us"

--- a few minutes later ---

I see a group of children being escorted by robots

"Hey kids stop, if you don't want me to punish you !!!"

"Isn't that / Add / the child we were looking for? . / Mt. Lady /"

Suddenly / Add / shoots us with his magic sticks, but kamui makes a wooden wall

* Pak pak pak *

"Thanks Kamui, I'll take care of the boy"

"Understood miss / Midnight /, we will stop the robots. / Kamui Woods /"

"Be careful ma'am / Midnight / ./Mt. Lady /"

Occupying my quirk I stunned him and with my whip took him by the foot and threw him away from his group

"Now that we are alone, you can surrender to your older sister !!!"

Now that he is stunned by my quirk he approached me to tie him

* Pak *

(Why do I feel so tired?)

I look down and see a hole in my chest where my heart is

(Like, if he was stunned?)

* Noise of a body falling to the floor *

I feel my eyes close

"Lady / Midnight / !!!!!!!! ./ Kamui Woods / y / Mt. Lady /"

End Pov

Pov / Add /

"What has happened ?"

"She stunned you with her quirk and I had to take control of your dynamos. / Eve /"

(Damn, I almost got caught there, good that we are one / Eve /)

"Thank you / Eve /, you saved me"

"Mmmmh. / Eve /"

Watching the duo slaughter my forces, he made up his mind

(Let's finish this quick)

Occupying my dynamos, I use my / Particle Accelerator / skill on the duo

I quickly see how the kamui hero creates a wooden dome to protect himself

"Let's go, we can't be late for the party !!!"

--- battle / All Might / Vs / All for one / ---

The city burns while the streets are battling, heartbreaking screams are heard in this dark night, but in one place the 2 titans of this world are fighting, their blows were heard from miles away

... / Add / no harem needed, just a toaster, I say to / Eve / ...