
The search for Add

If you see any errors, please post them in the comments. Watch as Add traverses different worlds in his quest to return to his old world and fix his past, avoiding despair I hope you like this light novel, I am a new author and this is my first project ... constructive criticism accepted (pity T_T) this is a translation directly from google

maldito_y_sensual · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

chapter 7

... the Cansino vaccine / they were very strong for me, I'm going to the lobby ...

Pov Add /

--- after the attack on Usj ---

Although it is strange that only those 2 will escape, they must be very important for / All for one /

Hey Eve, how's the production of other Nasod going

100 soldiers, 50 shooters, 10 royal guards and a body to occupy it as an avatar. Eve

I understand, although I don't think it's enough

The production of the primitive factory cannot take any more. Eve

We will have to make do with that, did you find the place with the most energy in this world?

A volcano near Tokyo, but when using quirk energy to make a (Phase jump) to another world, it will generate a great earthquake in both

It does not matter, I will pay any price to return !!!

Now send half of our forces to prepare the place, this (Phase jump) will have to be charged at least one day

When the heroes fight with / All for one /, take advantage to control it with (Bankrupt thoughts)

If everything goes according to plan, your body will be more injured and unstable than it is now, perhaps it would be best to stay in this world, at least it is more peaceful than ours. Eve, worried

How strange of you Nasod, but I guess this world is changing us both, hahahahahaha!

(I'll do my best to come back, no matter the price. I'll see you again mother soon)

Overhaul / is still looking for you, Eri and "Ady", hahaha, Eve laughing

Shut up Rusty Nasod !!!

You should see Eri, to convince her to follow the plan to the letter. Eve

I already know it !!!!

--- in a room full of toys and with a large television ---

Hey Eri, do you remember the plan?

If big brother / sister / Eve told me the plan, I have to erase all the quirks that the bad man stole. Eri

Well I'm glad you're so smart Eri

But why do you want to do that to the bad man? Eri

Cause I'm a vigilante and I have to catch the bad guys

You are super good big brother !!. Eri

(I'm glad you're so innocent Eri, I didn't have to use (Bankruptcy) on you)

Remember that you must always be prepared for when the Moment arrives, I will also give you this place as your new home Eri if everything goes well

And remember not to leave here that overhaul / is still looking for us

Yes big brother. Eri happily

See you later Eri

--- in / Add's room ---

(Shit, my head hurts, I can't focus like this)

Eve / bring the meds, quick !!!!

Pov / Eve

... if you want to know what it looks like, Google (elsword Eve) ...

+ I quickly activate my avatar and take an injection with the / Add medication

When I enter the room I see / Add / lying on the floor shaking, while she looks at his hands

He crouched behind him hugging +

Easy, easy, it's all a bad dream, you should rest. I say warmly

They are all dead, they should be too, they deserved to live, not me !!!. Cry / Add

+ Taking advantage of the fact that he is screaming, he injected him with his medicine while I hug him

I sing him a lullaby while he falls asleep crying +

(He asked me how long you can last until I lose you / Add)

+ I sleep with him hugging him while he sleeps +

No matter what happens to you / Add / remember that we are one at the end of the day. Whisper in her ear

--- after the kidnapping of Bakugo ---

Pov / Add

(Damn it, every time I need more doses of my medicine, the good thing is that I will not need it soon)


Eve tell me the information you found on the heroes?

They put a Tracker on an / All for one / follower, they're going to arrest him soon. Eve

Wonderful, tell Eri to get ready for action !!!

I understand . Eve

(I'm finally making progress in this damn world and I'm closer to my past)

... What do you think of this chapter, maybe I was wrong in some things? Vaccine is eating my mind :( ...