
The search for Add

If you see any errors, please post them in the comments. Watch as Add traverses different worlds in his quest to return to his old world and fix his past, avoiding despair I hope you like this light novel, I am a new author and this is my first project ... constructive criticism accepted (pity T_T) this is a translation directly from google

maldito_y_sensual · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

chapter 3

'...' = thought

"..." = dialogue

(...) = character

----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ ----- -----------

In an abandoned house we can see Add/ sitting in the only functional chair in the house

(Eve) "Why didn't you use the Phasic Jump to get back faster?"

(Add) "you know the side effects of the phase jump, disorientation, nausea, etc"

'And also because it has been years since he walked freely'

"You have to create a long-term plan, tin we go over the quirks, I think we can benefit from this"

(Eve) "formulating ... Error ... quirks are anomalies generated to the humans of this world, which manifests itself at the age of 4 years"

"Note: these quirks can be generated by the individual's DNA or by his personality and thought, also these manifested quirks can affect the individual's mind"

"They can be classified into 3 categories"

"Category: Emitters: quirks that require voluntary activation, with little or no change in appearance"

"Category: Mutants: ever-active quirks, manifesting in the form of controllable body parts"

"Category: Transformers: quirks that cause temporary bodily alterations"

"There is also another category, which is 10% of the population"

"Category: Quirkless: People who have never owned Quirks or who have owned them before"

(Add) "that is, normal humans huh"

'The good thing they have the habit of saying their quirk, where there is a strength there is a weakness, I think I already know what I'm going to do

"Is it possible that my body can have these quirks?"

(Eve) "analyzing ,,, error ,,, 70% probability to have several quirks, the probability decreases according to the amount of quirks in the host's body"

(Add) 'Looks like there is no quirk stealing technology, why haven't they investigated that yet?'

"Then you have to prioritize theft of quirks, time, space, energy, mechanical, bodily enhancements"

(Eve) "there is a villain named (All for one) that his quirks according to the history analysis would be the theft and mixing of quirks permanently, although he is missing"

(Add) 'he must be a king without a crown in this world and still someone could make him hide'

"Shit, he must have a lot of strong quirks including some with mental protection, find someone who can disable quirks"

(Eve) "I found some people with that kind of quirks"

"Subject Eraser Head that his quirk is Erasure, deactivates other quirks at the cost of her sight, unfortunately he is a hero, 5% chance that he will help you"

"Subject Eri that his quirk is rewinding, he returns the victim to his original form, in the case of quirks they can disappear temporarily or permanently, it is a girl ,,,, error ,,, lack of subject data, probably kidnapped, 67% chance of success "

(Add) "perfect, a young and manipulable mind, in the worst case I can occupy Break thoughts in it"

'Well, I'm going to save her from her kidnapper, she can pay me with a small job, in the end there is nothing for free in this world ,,, actually in all worlds'

"Eve, who was the last person Eri joined?"

(Eve) "50% chance the new boss of the mafia in this city, called Overhaul, his quirk is to arm and disarm"

(Add) 'that skill is very useful, it would have saved me many months in the development of the dynamos'

"You don't have to kill him, that ability can improve my dynamos even more"

"Eve hacks into her media to track down her main base and search for the nearest appliance factory"

'tonight I will go out to dance in this new world'

(Eve) "understood"

Add raises his hands and dynamos pointing to a clear area of ​​the abandoned house, suddenly a purple spark is fired that quickly disappears

(Add) 'psychic beacon finished, now I just have to wait for the night'

Add/ takes the only good chair in the place and sits down and closes her eyes, falling into deep meditation as thes dynamos of him revolve around he.

--- 8 hours later ---

We see in the abandoned house at night how Add/ sitting in the chair will , ,,,open his eyes

(Add) "tin is billiards time"

(Eve) "crazy ,,, error ,,, remember not to kill, we can pass as a new watchman in town"

(Add) "I know"

Add/ watches around the abandoned house before exiting through the back door, silently running to the appliance factory.

--- 2 hours later ---

We see Add/ enter the factory in silence

Although he has several guards, Add/ occupies his dynamos to shoot stun energy bullets ... That is, he does not kill them, but generates various damages and burns to the skin ...

Although one notices the lack of co-workers and sets off the alarm

Angry Add/ shoots him in the crotch

(Add) "shit is that nothing can go well, Eve inform me when the heroes come, you have to gather all the necessary materials for the plan"

'i have to hurry'

--- 34 minutes later ---

(Eve) "2 targets have entered the area running, prepare for the confrontation"

(Add) "it seems that I can only act as if I have been possessed by some quirk, I cannot lose my vigilante facade"

(Eve) "act crazy better, it comes naturally to you"

(Add) "shut up tin"

Suddenly 2 shadows enter the factory, when they are under the light of this you can see these famous heroes, Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods

(Lady) "hey child why don't you give yourself peacefully to your older sister !!!"

(Add) "I can't he, he, he, he controls me, he's inside me !!!"

(Eve) "recording ,,, error ,,, what homo"

(Add) 'no homo damn tin'

(Lady) "hey child, who is controlling you? !!!"

(Add) "he told me that he was the biggest and strongest villain of all, I just wanted to be a vigilante ahhhhhhgggg shut up boy !!!!!"

"Hahahahahaha hahahahaha !!!!!"

Add/ starts charging his dynamos and shoots energy bullets at the heroes

* Puk puk puk *

(Kamui) "watch out !!!"

Kamui occupying her quirk creates a wooden barrier to stop the projectiles

(Lady) "thanks kamui, but we still have to stop the child without hurting him, I can't believe that there is such a despicable villain who manipulates a poor child"

Lady occupies her quirk to grow and throws herself at Add to be able to catch him with her hands

But Add/ occupying his dynamos to jump back, thus dodging

* Trak *

although he is still trapped by kamui roots that appeared underground

Seeing this lady takes the opportunity to catch /Add/

Add/ seeing this does not doubt occupies his Pulse Shot with 2 dynamos towards lady

* Boom *

And break the roots with your dynamo

* sound of body flying *

at that moment lady flies towards kamui crashing him

(Add) 'it's time to stop playing'

Now that the heroes fell together Add/ fires his Particle Prism

The heroes realizing that he is trapped in this strange prison beat him with all their might

(Add) 'the Particle Prism will only last 1 minute, it's a shame I have to save energy to take the materials with the Phase Jump'

Add/ runs to the materials and jumps on them as his dynamos begin to spin around him.

The heroes seeing this, rush in their attempts to destroy their prison but it was too late

* Sufff *

Suddenly Add/ disappears with the materials

(Lady) "nooooo !!!, the child escaped"

(Kamui) "we must warn all heroes that there is a villain who can control people with his quirk"

(Lady) "also warn the child and the strange quirk of him to control those rare magic sticks"

... I'm still learning to write fights and keep them entertained, I'm looking for opinions ... And I noticed that the translator changes the meaning of my words especially with / Add /...