
The search for Add

If you see any errors, please post them in the comments. Watch as Add traverses different worlds in his quest to return to his old world and fix his past, avoiding despair I hope you like this light novel, I am a new author and this is my first project ... constructive criticism accepted (pity T_T) this is a translation directly from google

maldito_y_sensual · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

chapter 4

... in this chapter I will deal with another form of writing (the typical webnovels) or rather I will try ...

Pov / Add /

Well for my first fight not bad, what do you think Nasod?

Hahahaha ... mistake ... a wonderful performance. Said eve

Remind me never to act again, useless Nasod!

(At least they won't suspect my psychic abilities)

Give me a moment to rest

--- 5 minutes later ---

I got enough rest

(Although we can already start the plan to obtain a base)

Eve give me the blueprints for the infiltration robot.

Broadcasting, Eve said.

It's time to work

---3 hours later---

Well we did what we could, even though he couldn't kill, he still will

Hey, rusty Nasod, did the heroes discover my fake records?

Yeah now they are searching you all over the city and they also picked up your "fake" skills, how occupying your dynamos makes you more of an idiot hahahaha. Eva said

What does that mean, damn Nasod !!!

(At least they won't suspect my psychic abilities)

(All this nonsense is getting me tired, I should sleep)

Hey useless Nasod, it's time for you to get to work, control the robot to take me

I'm going to sleep, you know the rest of the plan

Eve pov

(Now that the madman sleeps ... mistake ... it's time to teach him to follow a plan well)

put him in a garbage bag (where he should be) I carry him on my back

---2 hours later---

I found a 2 story house for sale in a location close to the city center.

(Now only the peaceful and stealth purchase)

Hello, do you want to buy this house? .said the owner

Yes, the money has already been transferred directly to his bank account.

OKAY? Well, get the papers out of the house !!! Said the owner hastily

* The man rushes out, as if he's scared of something *

Owner pov

(Shit, that man was not normal)

(Dressed in a cloak and a garbage bag behind)

(He would have called the police if the bag had blood on it)

Eve pov

(Now only lacks provisions and establishes friendly relations with the aborigines)

--- 1 hour later ---

(I have already completed the tasks of the plan, although I do not know why the aborigines were so pale, would this be a common feature in this area of ​​the city?)

... this chapter will be shorter because it is a test, what do you think? It was easier for me ...