
The search for Add

If you see any errors, please post them in the comments. Watch as Add traverses different worlds in his quest to return to his old world and fix his past, avoiding despair I hope you like this light novel, I am a new author and this is my first project ... constructive criticism accepted (pity T_T) this is a translation directly from google

maldito_y_sensual · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

chapter 2

'...' = thought

"..." = dialogue

(...) = character

----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ ----- -----------

On any given day in the city you could see an abandoned house, if you entered it you could see Add/ lying on the ground with his dynamos spinning around him

(Add) "sometimes I hate you tin, at least this information will be useful in our current situation"

'because everything must be so complicated, in short, the sooner we get out of the current situation, the better'

Add stands up from the floor and dusts the clothes that were a lot in this abandoned house ... Add's clothes are the same on the cover ...

"Let's go over the information Eve"

(Eve) "understood ,,, error ,,, we have fallen into this world after the wrongly calculated phase jump, we are in the same dimension of the nasod station"

(Add) "good news at the end, at least we have not lost ourselves in nothingness and also if it is the same dimension it must have things in common"

(Eve) "confirmed ,,, one of the coincidences with our world is the existence of humans although it would be better to call them an evolution of these, since they have small but important genetic differences than the humans of our world, the safest thing is for this mysterious energy "

(Add) "at least we are not going to have energy problems"

'I'm glad I improved the energy extractors of the dynamos'

(Eve) "analyzing user body ,, error ,,, power is overloading host body ,,, error ,,, keep calm crazy"

(Add) 'shit just when I thought I was starting to have good luck ,,, reassure you, do not let yourself be disturbed by that tin'

(Eve) "according to the data collected from their satellites, genetic modifications cause anomalies that they call quirks"

(Add) "and that these grow and age with the user, it shouldn't be the other way around?"

'Normally a person's powers increase with age, more simply better, not the other way around, although that should be our genetic difference'

(Eve) "also this country that we are in has a higher density of this energy"

(Add) "that is to say that his quirks are stronger, damn it!"

(Eve) "the country is democratic, although with several factions fighting in a warlike way:

Government: maintains the order of society with a great restriction of the use of quirks, has different types of special agents

Rebels: they fight for the free use of quirks, usually they fight against government special agents

Heroes: they protect society according to government rules, following some kind of heroic moral code, they are the spiritual pillar of the country

Vigilantes: they follow their heroic moral code, without following government rules, they have neutrality with all factions except villains and sometimes the government

Villains: occupy their quirks for some personal purpose that may or may not harm society, they are enemies of all factions but especially heroes and vigilantes "

(Add) 'it seems that those 2 guys were heroes, because nothing can be simple ,,, damn my luck'

"Well it seems I already chose a side, now I just need a ridiculous name"

(Eve) "suggestion ,,, error ,,, name: crazy sick"

(Eve) 'sometimes I would like to annihilate that non-existent butt of rusty nasod'

* Empty stomach sound *

(Add) 'I need food, in the future I have to activate the sensitivity nerves of my body, like this to avoid these situations'

"Hey damaged tin, I need ID and money"

'We must be careful'

"Hack the government registry and create a fake registry like a baby left in some shoddy orphanage in the city by the name of Add/"

(Eve) "hacking vital registration network"

(Add) "it's time to go find that thing they call an ATM, tin shows the map of the area"

Now we can see add/ looking for an ATM isolated from the places normally passed peoples, on a holographic map inside his left eye

(Add) 'well at least it is not very far and also I do not need a costume to hide my clothes, now we will see if they have any hidden object of technological recognition in addition to the cameras of their satellites, how good that the cloudy night covered me yesterday '

Add/ goes to the back door of the abandoned house, before leaving he looks around, finding nothing he quickly leaves the house in the direction of the ATM marked on his map

--- 84 minutes later ---

In a corner at the end of an uninhabited street we can see Add/ in front of an ATM and a dynamo on it

(Add) "their software is not very secure, it is surprising that they use it to save money"

(Eve) "this civilization has not had a technological progress in a long time because of internal struggles and its thinking of quirk supremacy"

(Add) "they give so much importance to quirks but their society refuses to use them, how absurd"

'Well with that we all have, now we have to make a long-term plan to loot the technology of this world on the quirks and get out of this one'

Add begins to leave the street through an isolated alley, but in this one he was not alone, a man who looked like a hybrid of a human rat pointed a knife at him

(Rat) "hey brat, drop everything you have if you want to live !!!"

(Add) 'it doesn't matter in which world, there will always be thieves and bandits'

* Tack *

* Noise of a body falling to the floor *

'He couldn't even resist a bullet of energy, how weak'

A dynamo floats over the corpse of the rat and shoots a small spark that sets it ablaze

'if there are no witnesses or evidence, then nothing happened'

"Tin is looking for an isolated restaurant without much security"

(Eve) "ok"

--- 37 minutes later ---

We can see Add inside a normal restaurant sitting at a table in the corner of this

(Waitress) "Hey kid why are you eating alone?"

(Add) "I am an orphan, but the orphanage gave me permission to leave for my good behavior"

(Waitress) "ohhh poor boy, what do you want to order?"

(Add) "the special of the day miss"

(Waitress) "noted, you'll have to wait a bit"

(Eve) "crazy liar"

Ignoring Eve's comment, Add waited in silence until her order arrived.

(Add) "thank you miss"

(Waitress) "you're welcome boy"

(Add) 'now to eat the first decent meal after 2 years, I still remember those nasod nutritional pills even though they didn't taste like anything, eating the same thing 2 years in a row is boring'

After eating Add leaves money on the table and leaves the restaurant in the direction of the abandoned house

... Ufff this chapter cost me, I had to see a summary of the series and read the wiki a bit, they think that the chapters are a thousand words ...