
The search for Add

If you see any errors, please post them in the comments. Watch as Add traverses different worlds in his quest to return to his old world and fix his past, avoiding despair I hope you like this light novel, I am a new author and this is my first project ... constructive criticism accepted (pity T_T) this is a translation directly from google

maldito_y_sensual · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

chapter 1

'...' = thought

"..." = dialogue

(...) = character

----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ ----- -----------

* Boom *

In a city at night an explosion was suddenly heard, in a dark alley, if you look closely you could see a child limping with some strange devices floating on his back in the form of wings

(Add) "damn tin, we almost died because of a miscalculation ,,,, give me a diagnosis"

(Eve) "it's your fault, crazy, we still had 50 minutes to calculate the phasic jump ,,, error ,,, fatigue 67%, it is recommended to find a rest shelter"

(Add) "I was not going to change anything situation, in any case it looks for signals in all energy frequencies that do not expose us"

(Eve) "investigating"

(Add) 'that explosion had to alert the locals, you have to move quickly and silently'

Add/ limping away from the explosion in the opposite direction to the large buildings that could be seen, a few minutes later a couple of men are seen approaching the scene of the explosion dressed in a badly made cosplay type

(? 1) "hey here the explosion happened, it even burned the walls of the alley"

(? 2) "yes, although anything that happened here smells bad"

(? 1) "At night in an alley near the suburbs there was a mysterious explosion, you definitely have to follow it"

(? 2) "wait I have his smell, he went south towards the suburbs"

(? 1) "man sometimes I wish I had your wolf quirk"

The men go quickly to where it was add/ ... which will most likely reach him because he is still limping ... You have to do exercises at home this quarantine ... Returning to our protagonists

(Add) "tin any result?"

(Eve) "found an open satellite network, local language translation 10%"

(Add) "at least it is not an uncivilized ,,,,,, who is there ?"

The 2 subjects that were following Add/ appear and they get into a combat stance ... I want to emphasize that only Add/ can hear Eve, because they are connected ... Literally ...

(? 2) "÷ | ÷ × ¶. ¶∆¶¶ × ÷ |"

(? 1) "√ ¥ √ ° ¢ ¥ × ¶ √ ÷ by ×"

(Add) "tin hurry with the translation, we have 2 mans in front"

(Eve) "complete translation ,,, error ,,, crazy"

(? 2) "so you will come with us, do not resist child"

(Add) "I will never be a slave again !!!!"

(Eve) "it is recommended to calm down ,,, error ,,, take your drugs crazed "

(Add) "shut up tin!"

(?2 What ?"

Add/ aiming his dynamos, fires a bullet of energy at the man, although the subject with a wolf peculiarity manages to dodge with his sixth animal sense

The bullet pierces the concrete floor, leaving a smoking hole

(? 2) "hey that could have killed me !!"

(Add) "just stay still, will not hurt !!"

(? 1) "beware werewolf !!!"

Add/ this time occupying the 6 dynamos of him fires a burst of energy bullets at the werewolf which he tries to dodge but does not succeed, hitting 2 in the breasts, killing him instantly

(? 1) "noooooo werewolf !!!"

(Add) 'now there is only one left eh'

Add/ taking advantage of the moment of weakness of the man who remains, shoots another burst, which hits all the projectiles, but before the man in a moment of lucidity begins to shine in a golden tone

(? 1) "increased !!!!!!"

* Bak * bak * bak *

* Noise of a body falling to the floor *

(Add) "interesting, it can increase the power of his body but even with that he will not survive, hey tin analyze that"

(Eve) "adding to research list"

Seeing that there are no more witnesses, Add burns the bodies to avoid leaving evidence of their involvement and begins to go south in search of a safe refuge

--- 47 minutes later ---

(Add) "this abandoned house is perfect for us" 'although it is curious that I escaped from an abandoned place to get to another'

(Add) "hey tin, how was the analysis of this place?"

(Eve) "completed, would you like to transfer the results?"

(Add) "do it ,,,,,,, ahhhhhhgggg for tin stop that hurts !!!!"

(Eve) "error ,, crazy data transfer cannot be canceled"

(Add) "hey Eve, darling I've always appreciated you as a partner"

(Eve) "100% fatigue"

(Add) "when I wake up"

* Noise of a body falling to the floor *

In a building with a big led sign that said

--- Agency of heroes Hercules ---

(?) "whaaaaat !!!, They found the remains of a werewolf and augmenter"

(?) "look for the damned culprit, they were our star duo"

(?) "Increase the day and night patrols, he must still be in the city, I don't think he was unharmed after the fight"

... what do you think of the first real chapter and especially of the battle? ...