
The Return of the End: Apocalypse Reborn

When the apocalypse strikes, The world as we know it started to come to an. The once-blue skies turn dark and Black rain started to fall, the streets run red with the blood of the fallen. The apocalypse has arrived, and humanity is on the brink of extinction. But for one survivor, the end is only the beginning. Thrown back in time to a moment before the catastrophe, he must navigate the treacherous landscape of a world about to be destroyed. Create a team of powerful personnels with his knowledge of future.With the clock ticking and the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, he must race against time to survive the impending doom once more.

Devil_Yagami · Action
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25 Chs

chapter 23: Heavy driving

Disclaimer: This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real events, people, or places is coincidental. The author does not endorse or promote any harmful or illegal activities, including violence, discrimination, or harmful survival practices. The novel's content is intended for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as a guide for real-life survival or preparedness. Always prioritize safety, respect, and well-being in your actions and decisions.


Min-su and Min-ho strained as they maneuvered the heavy water storage tanks down the narrow stairwell from the eighth floor. The tanks were bulky and awkward, each step a grueling effort as they descended, their muscles burning with exertion. The air was thick with the musty smell of the building, mixed with the faint, metallic scent of blood—a constant reminder of the horrors outside. Every creak of the stairs under the tanks' weight made their hearts race, but they pressed on, determined to get the tanks outside.

Finally, they reached the ground floor, both panting and slick with sweat. The afternoon sun beat down on them as they dragged the tanks across the cracked pavement, their shoes scuffing against loose gravel. The truck loomed ahead, its rusty frame a stark contrast against the bright sky. Min-su wiped his brow, glancing at the others who had finished packing up the apartment's essentials. Ji-yoon, Kang-min, and Hyunsoo were busy securing the last of the supplies in the truck, their faces tight with concentration.

With the packing complete, Min-su quickly issued orders. "Min-ho, get on top of the truck and keep watch," he instructed, his voice firm but weary. "Hyunsoo, inside the container—make sure those tanks don't tip over if we hit any bumps." Min-ho nodded and scrambled up the side of the truck, while Hyunsoo climbed into the container, the metal floor clanging beneath his feet.

Min-su slid into the driver's seat, the leather cracked and worn from years of use. Ji-yoon and Kang-min took their places beside him, the tension in the cab palpable. Without another word, Min-su turned the key, and the truck's engine roared to life.

The drive was nothing short of a nightmare. Min-su drove with reckless precision, weaving through the wreckage-strewn streets with an almost unnatural ease. The tires crunched over broken glass and debris, and every so often, a sickening thud would reverberate through the truck as they ran over the lifeless bodies of zombies that littered the road. The stench of decay seeped through the vents, mixing with the acrid smell of burning rubber.

Inside the container, Hyunsoo braced himself against the sides, struggling to keep the tanks steady as the truck jolted and bounced over the uneven terrain. His hands were slick with sweat, his knuckles white from gripping the metal so tightly. Each bump sent a shockwave through his body, the water sloshing dangerously close to the edges of the tanks.

In the cab, Ji-yoon and Kang-min clung to their seats, their faces pale and drawn. Every lurch of the truck made their stomachs twist, the constant motion sickening. The windows rattled, and the entire vehicle creaked and groaned as if it might fall apart at any moment.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally reached the school. The truck screeched to a halt in front of the gate, its once solid frame now battered and barely holding together. The heavy iron gate creaked open, and two members of the school's surveillance team rushed out, their faces a mix of relief and alarm as they motioned for the truck to enter.

Min-su was the first to step out, his movements calm and collected despite the harrowing drive. He stretched, rolling his shoulders as if he had just finished a leisurely stroll. Min-ho climbed down from the roof, a little shaken but otherwise fine, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any immediate threats.

Ji-yoon and Kang-min were next, stumbling out of the cab with pale faces and trembling hands. They leaned against the truck, taking deep breaths to steady themselves, the nauseating motion of the drive still lingering in their bodies. Lastly, Hyunsoo emerged from the container, his face a sickly green. As soon as his feet hit the ground, he doubled over and vomited, the stress and motion finally catching up to him.

The group took a moment to gather themselves, the school's courtyard a quiet refuge from the chaos outside. But even in this brief respite, they knew they couldn't let their guard down. The drive may have been over, but their fight for survival was far from finished.

Min-su stepped out of the truck and immediately barked an order, his voice carrying through the school grounds. "Everyone, out here now!" The command was sharp, leaving no room for hesitation. In response, people began to emerge from the school building, gathering in front of him with curious and expectant expressions.

As the last person joined the group, Min-su addressed them, his tone authoritative. "I've brought you all the essentials we need to survive. Now it's your turn. Unload everything from the truck. Bring the food and water to the canteen, the medicines to the infirmary, and store the rest of the supplies in a room that we'll call the storeroom. The water storage tanks go to the rooftop."

No one questioned him; they simply sprang into action. Those with the strength to lift heavy loads took charge of the water storage tanks, their muscles straining as they carried the cumbersome containers up to the rooftop. The others focused on distributing the remaining supplies, moving quickly and efficiently through the building.

Min-su and Min-ho didn't stay idle. Each took hold of one of the massive water tanks, lifting it with a grunt of effort. The climb to the rooftop was arduous, the weight of the tank pressing down on their shoulders, but they managed to reach the top without incident. The rooftop was exposed to the elements, a perfect place to set up the tanks for what Min-su had planned.

After a few minutes of intense labor, all the water storage tanks were successfully transported to the rooftop. Down below, the others were still busy shifting supplies into their designated areas.

"What are we going to do with these now?" Min-ho asked, wiping sweat from his brow, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

Min-su shot him a glance, a mix of exasperation and amusement in his eyes. "Are you dumb or what? These are water storage tanks. We store water in them, obviously. They'll work as rainwater catchers, and we'll connect them to the one water storage tank this school already has. That way, we can store a lot more water."

Min-ho nodded, feeling a bit foolish for asking, but relieved to understand the plan. Without wasting any more time, Min-su began the process of joining the tanks together. He worked with a focused intensity, his hands deftly connecting the pipes and fittings, ensuring that each tank was securely linked to the next. The setup would allow them to collect and store a significant amount of rainwater, a precious resource in their new reality.

As he worked, the wind picked up slightly, rustling through the trees surrounding the school. Min-su glanced up at the sky, noting the gathering clouds with a hint of satisfaction. If they were lucky, the rain would come soon, and their efforts would pay off.