
The Return of the End: Apocalypse Reborn

When the apocalypse strikes, The world as we know it started to come to an. The once-blue skies turn dark and Black rain started to fall, the streets run red with the blood of the fallen. The apocalypse has arrived, and humanity is on the brink of extinction. But for one survivor, the end is only the beginning. Thrown back in time to a moment before the catastrophe, he must navigate the treacherous landscape of a world about to be destroyed. Create a team of powerful personnels with his knowledge of future.With the clock ticking and the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, he must race against time to survive the impending doom once more.

Devil_Yagami · Action
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25 Chs

chapter 22:- G.T.A

Disclaimer: This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real events, people, or places is coincidental. The author does not endorse or promote any harmful or illegal activities, including violence, discrimination, or harmful survival practices. The novel's content is intended for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as a guide for real-life survival or preparedness. Always prioritize safety, respect, and well-being in your actions and decisions.


The morning air was thick with the scent of decay and the faintest hint of dew, a stark reminder of the world they now inhabited. The growls of the undead echoed endlessly, a chorus of the damned that never seemed to fade. Min-su and Hyunsoo stood on the rooftop, surveying the desolate landscape below.

Min-su, perched on the edge of the wall, scanned the area, his sharp eyes cutting through the misty dawn. Below, a horde of zombies clawed desperately at the wall, their ragged nails scraping against the stone, but they were too far below to reach him.

Satisfied with what he saw, Min-su turned to Hyunsoo, his voice low and steady. "I've found it. Come with me," he said, motioning for Hyunsoo to follow. They moved quietly along the wall until they reached the left side of the school.

Min-su turned to Hyunsoo, his expression serious. "I'll go down and clear the zombies. Once I'm done, I'll call for you. Jump over the wall and join me. Got it?"

Hyunsoo nodded, his face a mask of determination. "Okay."

Without another word, Min-su vaulted over the wall, landing silently among the undead. He moved like a shadow, his movements swift and precise.

The sound of steel slicing through rotting flesh filled the air, accompanied by the occasional thud as a zombie's body hit the ground. The stench of blood and decay grew stronger with each kill, but Min-su remained unfazed, his focus unbroken.

Minutes later, the courtyard was littered with the remains of the zombies. Min-su wiped his blade on one of the corpses before calling out, "Hyunsoo, it's clear. Jump over!"

Hyunsoo climbed over the wall and landed beside Min-su, his eyes widening at the sight before him. The ground was slick with black blood, and the sheer number of dead zombies was staggering. But what caught his attention even more was the large truck parked nearby, its paint smeared with the same dark blood.

Min-su's voice cut through Hyunsoo's shock. "Hotwire the truck."

Hyunsoo hesitated for only a moment before nodding. He approached the truck, his hands trembling slightly as he worked. The tension in the air was almost suffocating, each second feeling like an eternity. Finally, the truck roared to life, and Hyunsoo exhaled in relief.

Min-su climbed into the driver's seat, his expression unreadable. The drive back to his apartment building was a blur, the truck plowing through any remaining obstacles, the front end becoming increasingly damaged and caked in the viscous black blood of the undead.

When they finally arrived, the building loomed ahead, a stark reminder of what they had once called home. The front of the truck was battered, almost unrecognizable, a testament to the chaos they had driven through.

Min-su led Hyunsoo up to his apartment, the heavy silence between them broken only by the occasional creak of the building settling. When they reached the door, Min-su knocked, but there was no response. He knocked again, harder this time, his patience wearing thin.

Finally, a voice called out from within. "Coming!" The door creaked open, revealing Ji-yoon Han. Her eyes widened in shock at the sight of Min-su, her surprise quickly turning to unease as she noticed the fury etched on his face.

"O-Oh, oppa! You're back," Ji-yoon stammered, her voice trembling. "I'll wake Min-ho right now."

Min-su's expression darkened, a twisted smile forming on his lips as he gritted his teeth. "There's no need. Let him rest. He must be exhausted." His tone was laced with a sinister edge. "Why don't you tell me what happened yesterday while we wait for him to wake up? Hehehe..."

His unsettling laugh echoed through the hallway, and Ji-yoon's heart sank. She knew she had no choice but to let them in. She could sense the storm of anger brewing within Min-su, and with his power, she feared what he might do if pushed too far. Silently, she stepped aside, allowing them to enter.

Min-su and Hyunsoo stepped into the apartment, the stale air inside a stark contrast to the chaos outside. The dim light filtering through the curtains cast long shadows across the room, and as Hyunsoo's eyes adjusted, they landed on a figure sprawled out on the couch. The person was half-naked, his chest rising and falling with the rhythm of sleep. Hyunsoo blinked in surprise.

"Min-ho! What is he doing here? Wait… is he your brother, leader?" Hyunsoo's voice was filled with both shock and curiosity.

Min-su sighed, a mix of frustration and resignation evident in his tone. "Yes, he's my one and only rascal brother."

Turning his attention to Ji-yoon, Min-su's expression hardened. "Now, Ji-yoon, care to explain what you all were doing yesterday?"

Ji-yoon hesitated, the weight of Min-su's gaze pressing down on her. She began to recount the events of the previous day, her voice shaky, each word carefully chosen as if she were treading on thin ice.

As she spoke, a low murmur disrupted her explanation. Min-ho stirred on the couch, the noise pulling him from his sleep. He yawned loudly, stretching in awkward, exaggerated movements. "Yeahhahahah!" His eyes remained closed as he finished his stretch, then slowly blinked them open. Groggily, he looked around the room, his gaze eventually landing on Min-su.

For a moment, Min-ho's expression was one of confused disbelief. He rubbed his eyes, blinking rapidly as if trying to clear away the remnants of sleep. When he looked again, recognition finally dawned, and his eyes widened in shock.

"H-h-hyung!!! W-what are you doing here?"

Min-su's response was immediate. He stood, his movements deliberate and controlled, but the tension in the air was palpable. Grabbing a handful of Min-ho's hair, he pulled him up with an unnerving calm. "Come, let me explain why I'm here," he said, his voice cold.

Min-ho yelped in surprise and pain as Min-su dragged him down the hallway and into his room. The door closed behind them with a heavy thud, and almost immediately, the muffled sound of Min-ho's wailing filtered through the walls.

"Please! Hyung! I'm sorry! I made a mistake! Forgive me!" Min-ho's voice was a mix of pleading and terror, his cries growing louder with each passing moment.

In the living room, Hyunsoo stood frozen, his eyes darting between the door and Ji-yoon. The screams sent a chill down his spine. "Miss… are they really brothers?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Before Ji-yoon could answer, a particularly loud scream echoed from the room, causing Hyunsoo to flinch. Ji-yoon's expression was one of resignation as she responded, "I think so....."

Hyunsoo, trying to distract himself from the unsettling sounds, shifted his focus back to Ji-yoon. "Well, what's your relationship with them?"

Ji-yoon's eyes softened slightly as she recalled the past. "My brother and I were rescued by them. They… they saved our lives."

Before she could say more, Min-ho's voice cut through the air once again, desperate and pained. "Aaah! I made a mistake! Forgive me, Hyung!"

The screams and wailing continued, the sound reverberating through the small apartment. As the noise persisted, Hyunsoo took the opportunity to ask Ji-yoon more about the brothers.

He was particularly interested in learning about Min-su and Min-ho's personalities and the extent of their powers. Each question was carefully posed, trying to gather as much information as possible while the chaos continued behind closed doors.

The wailing and screams had barely subsided when another door creaked open, and a young man stumbled out, rubbing his eyes. "Sis, what's going on? Why all the noise?" Kang-min asked groggily, his voice thick with sleep.

Ji-yoon's heart skipped a beat as she jumped up, her face a mix of fear and urgency. "Hey, you dimwit! Get dressed, now! Min-su Oppa has returned, and he's… uh… 'interrogating' Min-ho. Hurry up and get ready unless you want to be next!"

Kang-min's eyes widened as he glanced at the closed door from where the screams had come. Realization dawned on him quickly.

Without another word, he dashed back into his room, his urgency fueled by the thought of facing Min-su's wrath unprepared.

A few minutes later, the door to Min-ho's room swung open. Min-su stepped out first, his expression unreadable, but the air around him crackled with an intensity that made the room feel smaller.

Min-ho followed closely behind, his appearance a testament to the 'interrogation' he had just endured. His body bore no visible bruises, but his face was swollen, marred with blue and black spots, and other swollen areas were scattered across his arms and torso.

Min-ho's gaze flickered around the room, and he froze when he saw Kang-min, now fully dressed and standing at attention. "You really got all dressed up for this?" Min-ho muttered in disbelief. His eyes then fell on Hyunsoo, standing awkwardly in the corner. "Huh? What are you doing here, Hyunsoo?"

Before Hyunsoo could respond, Min-su cut in with his cold, authoritative tone. "I brought him here because he's more useful than you. Now, get yourself ready. We're shifting locations."

The room fell silent as everyone absorbed Min-su's words. His orders were clear, and no one dared question them. "Hyunsoo, Ji-yoon, Kang-min—start packing everything I've here and move it to the truck. I don't care how many trips it takes. Min-ho, you're with me. We're going to the rooftop."

Without waiting for a reply, Min-su turned and headed for the stairs, his presence commanding an immediate response. Min-ho followed, wincing slightly with each step but not daring to show more discomfort.

Meanwhile, Ji-yoon, Hyunsoo, and Kang-min quickly began gathering the supplies and resources Min-su had meticulously collected. The apartment was packed with essential items—food, water, weapons, medical supplies—all of which had to be transported to the truck, even if it meant making multiple trips.

On the rooftop, the early morning air was cool, a slight breeze ruffling Min-su's hair as he and Min-ho approached the large plastic water storage tanks. The towering structures loomed over them, their surfaces slick with condensation from the morning dew.

Min-ho stared at the tanks in disbelief. "Don't tell me we're taking these with us," he said, his voice tinged with a mix of exhaustion and incredulity.

Min-su's reply was blunt and unyielding. "Why else do you think we're up here? Start disconnecting the tanks from the pipes, and be quick about it. We're also taking the emergency water storage tanks."

Min-ho sighed but didn't argue. The task ahead was daunting, but he knew better than to question Min-su's decisions.

The brothers set to work, their movements efficient and precise. The sound of plastic creaking and the clank of tools filled the air as they detached the tanks from the rooftop system, their hands working quickly to secure them for transport.

Meanwhile, below, Ji-yoon, Hyunsoo, and Kang-min were making steady progress, though the effort was grueling.

The staircase became a conveyor belt of supplies, each trip down to the truck a test of endurance. The weight of the items they carried was nothing compared to the weight of the responsibility on their shoulders. They knew they had to work quickly—time was not on their side.

As Min-su and Min-ho worked, the bond between them was clear, though tinged with an unspoken tension. Min-ho knew that, despite the harsh treatment, Min-su's actions were driven by a need to protect, to ensure their survival in this unforgiving world.

But the weight of the situation bore heavily on all of them, the responsibility of staying alive pulling them ever closer to the brink.