
The Return of the End: Apocalypse Reborn

When the apocalypse strikes, The world as we know it started to come to an. The once-blue skies turn dark and Black rain started to fall, the streets run red with the blood of the fallen. The apocalypse has arrived, and humanity is on the brink of extinction. But for one survivor, the end is only the beginning. Thrown back in time to a moment before the catastrophe, he must navigate the treacherous landscape of a world about to be destroyed. Create a team of powerful personnels with his knowledge of future.With the clock ticking and the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, he must race against time to survive the impending doom once more.

Devil_Yagami · Action
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25 Chs

chapter 24:- Half-mutant

Disclaimer: This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real events, people, or places is coincidental. The author does not endorse or promote any harmful or illegal activities, including violence, discrimination, or harmful survival practices. The novel's content is intended for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as a guide for real-life survival or preparedness. Always prioritize safety, respect, and well-being in your actions and decisions.


After everyone had completed their tasks, Min-su called them all to the rooftop. The sky was darkening, thick black clouds gathering ominously overhead. A cold wind swept across the rooftop, tugging at their clothes and carrying the scent of impending rain. The group gathered around Min-su, their expressions a mix of curiosity and unease as the weather seemed to mirror the tension in the air.

"I've called you all here to meet the other members of my team," Min-su began, his voice cutting through the wind. "First is my brother, Min-ho Kim. Many of you already know him since he's also a student at this school." Min-ho nodded slightly, his expression calm but alert. "Next is Ji-yoon Han and Kang-min Han. Both were rescued by me and are now part of our team."

He paused, letting his words sink in, the cold wind biting at his skin. "Now, I will assign you two a job. Kang-min, you'll join the surveillance team." Kang-min straightened at this, his face serious. "Ji-yoon," Min-su continued, "you'll be in charge of food distribution."

Min-su's gaze swept over the group, making sure he had everyone's attention. "There's another rule in our group," he stated firmly. "You'll be given food according to what you do. If you work in the fighting, surveillance, or scavenging teams, you'll be given enough food to eat until you're full. Everyone else will receive only half of that amount."

A ripple of relief passed through those in the fighting and surveillance teams. They exchanged glances, reassured by the promise of fair treatment given the risks they faced daily.

Then, without warning, Min-su waved at Hana, who had been standing quietly to the side. She immediately understood and threw a small pouch towards him. Min-su caught it effortlessly, and from within, he pulled out four Nexarions, their crystalline forms glowing faintly under the darkening sky.

"Now," Min-su announced, holding up the Nexarions for all to see, "you will witness how a normal person breaks the limits of humanity and enters the realm of mutants. Kang-min, Ji-yoon, Yuna Jeong, and Donghae-step forward."

The named individuals hesitated for a moment, the gravity of the moment pressing down on them like the weight of the coming storm, before stepping forward to stand before Min-su. The rest of the group watched in silence, the atmosphere charged with a mix of awe and anxiety.

"Kang-min, Ji-yoon," Min-su said, addressing the siblings first, "you're being given this because of the promise I made. Donghae, Yuna-you're receiving these Nexarions because you're members of the scavenger team."

Donghae, his brow furrowed, couldn't help but ask, "Then what about our previous positions as captains?"

"You're still the captains of your respective teams," Min-su replied without missing a beat, "but now you're also members of the scavenger team. This doesn't change your leadership roles-it just adds another layer to your responsibilities."

Satisfied with the answer, Donghae nodded, though the tension in his stance remained.

Min-su then turned to Kang-min. "You first. Ingest this." He tossed the Nexarion to Kang-min, who caught it, his hands trembling slightly. The shock of everything happening so quickly was written all over his face, but he didn't hesitate further. With a deep breath, he swallowed the Nexarion and immediately sat down to meditate, as Min-su had instructed.

The group watched in silence as Kang-min's body began to emit a faint, white mana, similar to Hana's, but noticeably weaker in intensity. The light pulsed gently around him, a sign that the transformation was taking place.

Ji-yoon, her face pale with concern, asked, "Is my brother also a mana mage?"

Min-su sighed softly, already anticipating the question. "No, he isn't a mana mage," he explained. "Kang-min is a half mutant. This means he'll never awaken an element, but don't worry-half mutants are the best assassins. Since they don't have any mana attributes, they go unnoticed by both zombies and mutant humans. I'll personally train him to be the best assassin."

As if on cue, Kang-min opened his eyes, the mana around him dissipating. He slowly stood, feeling the changes in his body. His movements were more fluid, his body lighter, and there was a newfound strength that hadn't been there before. Yet, despite these enhancements, a shadow of disappointment crossed his face.

"So...what about me? What kind of mutant am I?" Kang-min asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Min-su met his gaze, speaking with a calm assurance. "You're a half mutant, Kang-min. You won't have the flashy powers others might, but your abilities will be unique. You'll be the best assassin, and that's no small feat."

Kang-min nodded slowly, absorbing the words. Though a part of him felt disheartened, Min-su's reassurance bolstered his spirits. He knew he had a unique role to play, one that could make all the difference in their survival.