
The Radiant Ascendancy Chronicles

Jackson Ryder is a model student studying at Hoover Crest High School in Hoover, Alabama. With a flawless academic record and a passion for knowledge, Jackson's life seems perfect, at least on the surface. But deep down, he feels an unshakeable void that no amount of straight-A grades can fill. Despite his academic success, Jackson yearns for something more. Every time he walks past the football field, he longs to be out there, leading his team to victory as a star player. But his dream seems impossible with his thin frame, geeky demeanor, and reliance on spectacles. Everything changes one fateful evening when Jackson chances upon the Solar Heartstone, a mystical relic with the power to harness Sun Qi. As the stone bonds with him, Jackson unlocks the secrets of the Eternal Radiance Scripture, a cultivation technique that allows him to utilize Sun Qi for personal growth and strength. As he delves into the teachings of the Eternal Radiance Scripture, Jackson undergoes a remarkable transformation. His once-frail body becomes robust and athletic, and his vision improves, freeing him from his dependence on spectacles. Now armed with newfound strength and confidence, Jackson is determined to pursue his dream of becoming a football star. Balancing his academic commitments with the rigorous demands of the sport, he continues to cultivate his abilities using the Solar Heartstone, his efforts destined for greatness on the football field.

Mujunel_the_Mystic · Sports
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19 Chs

The First Rays of Change

Jackson's alarm rang just as the first signs of dawn began to show outside his bedroom window. The house was silent, the gentle hum of the refrigerator and the distant chirping of early birds the only sounds accompanying the pre-dawn calm.

Jackson hurried to switch off his alarm and carefully slipped out from under the covers, mindful not to wake his mother. He dressed quickly in comfortable, loose-fitting clothes, including a t-shirt under a jacket, gym shorts, and his old Velocity Striders.

He tiptoed down the narrow corridor, away from his room and towards the small living room. Then, summoning all the stealth skills he had occasionally read about in comics, he unlocked the front door and swiftly slipped out into the cool, early August air.

Hoover, Alabama, was still blanketed in twilight. The quaint, humble neighborhood was a picture of serene simplicity in the early morning, with modest homes boasting well-tended gardens, picket fences, and the occasional stray cat prowling the streets.

Jackson jogged down the sidewalk, passing the familiar landmarks like the old oak tree where kids often played, Mrs. Crawford's flower-filled front yard, and the small park where families gathered on weekends.

As his strides covered more ground, he was even more aware that his body had already grown significantly stronger after he became the bearer of the mysterious Solar Heartstone.

He was still full of energy even after covering a kilometer, and he couldn't help but wonder what transformations he would undergo after practicing the contents of the Eternal Radiance Scripture.

Smiling, he upped his speed and continued on his way, his destination a secluded small, rocky outcrop at the edge of the nearby woods. He had discovered the spot a few days prior and noticed how it was shrouded in tranquility and hidden away from prying eyes. It was perfect for his morning cultivation.

He arrived just as the sky showed signs of shifting from pre-dawn deep blue to a captivating blend of oranges and pinks. Climbing onto a smooth, flat rock, Jackson settled into a cross-legged position, facing east, where the first rays of the sun would soon appear.

As the horizon brightened, Jackson closed his eyes and focused on his breathing rhythm while recalling the instructions from the Eternal Radiance Scripture. The air around him felt charged with radiant energy, and he could sense the approaching dawn in a way he never had before.

Finally, the sun peeked over the horizon, its golden rays stretching from above like fingers to touch the earth. He centered himself, once again focusing on the instructions of the Eternal Radiance Scripture that were already imprinted in his mind.

Today, he would begin with the Sun's Embrace Technique, the first crucial step on his journey to becoming a cultivator and gaining the power to harness Sun Qi.

He kept his eyes closed and began to breathe deeply, aligning his breath with the gentle rise and fall of the morning breeze. Just then, he felt something within him pulse in response, resonating with the first rays of sunlight that touched his skin.

In a moment of clarity, he knew that it was the Solar Heartstone, nestled near his heart, pulsating in harmony with his own heartbeat. With this realization, he eagerly delved into practicing the Sun's Embrace Technique.

Visualizing the sun's energy as droplets of a golden liquid, Jackson imagined them pouring into him, filling his entire being with warmth and light. As the golden rays intensified, Jackson felt the Sun Qi slowly seep into his body, prompting a subtle tingling sensation within him that gradually grew stronger.

The Sun's Embrace Technique and the Solar Heartstone pulsing near his heart guided him in drawing this energy deeper, allowing it to permeate his core. Seconds passed, and with each breath, he absorbed more of the radiant energy, feeling it swirl within a region somewhere in his lower abdomen like a gentle, glowing vortex.

This mysterious region was the Dantian mentioned in the Eternal Radiance Scripture.

Not allowing anything to distract him, Jackson transitioned seamlessly to the Solar Veins Mantra, the technique next in the sequence of the Eternal Radiance Scripture's contents, and began to channel the accumulated Sun Qi through some of his body's meridians.

He started with his legs, visualizing the energy flowing down to his feet and gradually back up through his calves and thighs.

The sensation was intense. It was as if molten gold was coursing through Jackson's meridians, melting away any blockages and filling his leg muscles with newfound vitality. His legs trembled slightly, but he forcefully ignored the pain and remained focused, ensuring a steady and even energy flow.

Holding back his tears and groans, he repeated the process, directing the Sun Qi up and down his legs until suddenly, he felt mysterious but wonderful sensations envelop his legs.

It was as if his lower limbs were being wrapped in cocoons of warm light, the energy coursing through the meridians within them strengthening them.

The sensation spread from the soles of his feet to his ankles and shins and finally to his knees and thighs, making his legs feel like they were glowing from the inside out.

This was the sign that he had totally opened up his leg meridians. Surprisingly, he had passed through the first gate of the Eternal Radiance Scripture cultivation and could now be counted as a rank-one meridian-opening stage cultivator after just one practice session.

Next, he would have to open the meridians of his arms, chest, abdomen, head, and other body regions to break through the following few ranks of his meridian-opening stage cultivation.

But he knew he couldn't do all that today. The mandated 30 minutes of cultivation under the early morning sun were almost over.

With his mind at ease, he opened his eyes and noticed that the sun had fully risen, its rays casting a golden glow over everything. He felt a sense of clarity and strength he had never experienced before, just like a new world had opened up.

He vividly took in the early August air that was cool and crisp, relishing the earthy scents of dew-kissed grass and distant pine.

Smiling, he stood up, feeling the solidness of the ground beneath his feet, the energy still humming within him. He knew this was just the beginning, but he could already feel the profound changes within him.

Just then, he noticed a few greasy substances on his legs. They were not smelly but were quite jarring on the eyes. Jackson's eyes narrowed with realization.

According to the Eternal Radiance Scripture, these were the impurities pushed out of his skin after he opened his leg meridians. Jackson quickly walked to the nearby brook and passed water over his legs there, the cool stream washing away the impurities.

After finishing the bit of cleaning up, he jogged back home, his thoughts dancing with excitement and anticipation. With each step, he could feel the newfound strength surging through his legs, thanks to unlocking their meridians with the Solar Veins Mantra.

He couldn't resist envisioning the possibilities ahead once he mastered the entire Solar Veins Mantra—which happened to be just the second technique in the awe-inspiring Eternal Radiance Scripture.

His heart raced even more as he thought of the later contents of the Eternal Radiance Scripture, like the Golden Skin Method and the Blazing Muscle Sutra. He was sure that if he could finish practicing all those techniques, he would be so strong and fast that no football player in high school could handle him.

But he knew he had to take it one step at a time. First, he needed to focus on mastering the Solar Veins Mantra and immersing himself in the theoretical knowledge of football. Only then could he begin to harness his enhanced physique through practice.

Fortunately, it was still the first week of the first semester of his junior grade year. He felt lucky that the football tryouts had been postponed and would extend into the following week. His immediate goal was to secure a spot on the team before the tryouts concluded.

He didn't know whether he had the time to make it, but he would try his best as always. He wanted to become an athlete before joining his senior year.

After a few more minutes of jogging, he returned to his neighborhood, which was beginning to wake. He could see lights flicking on in windows and hear the distant sound of morning news playing on televisions. Jackson felt a part of it all but also apart from it as if he was now connected to something much larger and more powerful than he had ever imagined.

He eventually arrived back at his house and approached the front door quietly, hoping to slip back inside without drawing too much attention.

But as he turned the handle and stepped inside, he was greeted by the familiar, comforting aroma of breakfast being prepared. His mom's soft humming filled the air, a melody that always seemed to make the house feel warmer.

Before Jackson could even remove his shoes, Evelyn Ryder appeared in the living room, her eyes wide with surprise. She was a slender and tall woman with a perpetual air of tiredness, yet her eyes always held a spark of determination. But then again, that spark was coupled with curiosity and concern at that moment.

"Jackson! Where have you been? What are you doing out so early?" Her voice was soft, but there was an undeniable edge to it that demanded answers.

Jackson managed a casual smile, trying to hide his guilt for hiding many things from his mom. "Just went out for a jog, Mom. Thought I'd try something new."

Evelyn's expression softened, the corners of her mouth lifting into a proud smile. "Jogging, huh? That's good to hear. At least now I won't have to worry about your health as much." She paused, looking him up and down—as if trying to see if he had changed overnight. "Breakfast is almost ready. Go and freshen up."

Nodding, Jackson headed to the bathroom, his heart still pounding with the thrill of his morning's achievements. As he washed up, he marveled at the new sensations coursing through his body—the clarity, the strength, the energy. It was all so new and exhilarating.

After showering, he took a moment to look at his reflection in the mirror at the end of the corridor. The boy staring back at him was still Jackson Ryder but with subtle yet striking changes.

At 17, Jackson stood at a modest 5'9", his black hair and light brown skin radiating a healthy glow, a testament to his mixed heritage. His lean physique, once a mark of his academic lifestyle, now seemed slightly more defined, as if his muscles had been subtly refined overnight. His eyes, always intelligent but filled with shyness, now held a spark of something new—confidence.

He smiled at his reflection, feeling a sense of pride and anticipation for the journey ahead. With a final nod to himself, he entered his bedroom and dressed quickly before making his way to the kitchen.

The small, cozy kitchen was already filled with the smell of freshly cooked eggs and bacon. Evelyn was at the stove, still humming the soft melody as she worked. She turned and smiled as Jackson entered, her eyes softening with maternal warmth.

"Sit down, honey. Breakfast is ready," Evelyn said, placing a plate of food on the table.

"Thanks, Mom," Jackson replied, sitting down and eagerly digging into the food. The eggs were perfectly scrambled, and the bacon was crispy, just how he liked it.

Evelyn joined him at the table, her expression a mix of curiosity and affection. "So, what's gotten into you this morning? You're usually buried in your books early in the morning."

Jackson shrugged, keeping his tone light. "Just trying to mix things up a bit. I figured some exercise might do me good."

Evelyn nodded approvingly. "I think it's a great idea, Jackson. Just make sure you balance it with your studies. You've worked so hard to get where you are. You can't afford to falter now."

Jackson smiled, his heart swelling with gratitude for his mom's unwavering support. "I will, Mom. Don't worry."

Breakfast continued in comfortable silence, the occasional clinking of cutlery the only sound. Jackson savored the moment, appreciating the normalcy of their routine despite the extraordinary changes he was experiencing. But he also felt renewed resolve to balance his academic pursuits with his dream to join the football team as he enjoyed his mom's company.

After finishing his meal, Jackson glanced at the clock on the kitchen wall. It was already 7:00 AM. He needed to hurry if he didn't want to be late for school. He stood up, placed his dishes in the sink, and turned to his mother.

"Thanks for the awesome breakfast, Mom. Gotta grab my stuff and dash," he said, squeezing her in a swift hug.

Evelyn returned the hug, a proud smile on her face. "Have a good day at school, Jackson. And remember, balance is key."

Jackson nodded, then hurried back to his room. He grabbed his backpack and packed his books and notebooks. Then, after glancing around his room one last time to ensure he hadn't forgotten anything, he slung the bag over his shoulder and headed for the door.