
The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib

rd_mohib_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 12 A Musician's Journey!

(After having defeated Paul, Ashh was feeling very happy.)

Brock:- What's do good about defeating Paul, Ashh?

Ashh:- He is too arrogant and selfish and a few more bad things, that's why defeating him made me feel like I taught him something good.

Brock,:- E--..... You are just feeling good after defeating him in a battle, nothing more.

Dawn:- Really Ashh's?

Ashh:- No! No!

(Our young heroes start their journey as a team and cross the forest to get to the next town.)

(While travelling, trainers find many Pokemons they haven't ever seen or even heard of, and sometimes they get the chance to battle them and catch them.)

(Similarly, Dawn today got an opportunity to catch the Buneary that escaped the other day.)

Ashh:- Dawn you can't miss this chance! Use your Pokeball properly and throw it at it.

Dawn:- Yes, dont worry. Go Pokeball!

(The moment Dawn throws the Pokeball, Ashh's reaction changes to shock. Why? It's because of what Dawn did. And yes, the Buneary escaped.)

Ashh:- What!!!? What. Just. Happened!!?

Dawn:- Oh no it's getting away.

Brock:- It got away Dawn.

Ashh:- Dawn tell me, is it true that you learnt about how to catch Pokemons in schools?

Dawn:- Yes, But it's not like we actually do. So.. So, catching them in the first few tries is hard.

Ashh:- Did you get a good remark from your teacher on this lesson?

Dawn:- Yes! Ah~ I was praised by everyone.

Ashh:- Then....

(Suddenly the atmosphere changes to type when you realise the facts.)

Ashh:- Why did your Pokeball land 10 metres away from where Buneary was standing?

Dawn:- 😱😱😱

You were making fun of me all this time?

Brock:- He never said that he was praising you.

Dawn:- 😧 But...

Ashh:- What's your point on this Dawn?

Dawn:- It's simple, I don't have any real experience with cute Pokemons that I want to catch.

Ashh:- So it was because you were nervous or something?

Dawn:- Yes 😗

Brock:- There is nothing to be ashamed of if you can't catch a Pokemon in the starting few days.

Dawn:- But I need to compete in the Jubilife town for a Contest ribbon. 🎀

Brock:- When I started my journey, basically getting the first Pokemon, there was no rush to catch other Pokemons.

Dawn:- Why?

Brock:- Because we first focused on getting our starter Pokemons much stronger than before. That's the most efficient way to increase the chances of catching a Pokemon.

Dawn:- Which is your first Pokemon, Brock?

Ashh:- It's an Onix. It's super strong!

Dawn:- Please show it to me.

Brock:- I didn't bring it here.

Dawn:- I wanted to see how it looks like in real life.

Ashh:- Have you never seen an Onix?

Dawn:- No. I have seen it on T•V and stuff but, not in real life.

Ashh:- Brock has other Pokemons too.

Dawn:- Yes show them to me.

Brock:- Come on out guys.

This is Crobat whom you have already met, this is Marshtorm and this little one here is Bonsly.

Dawn:- Oh wow! Let me check them all.

{Pokedex- Marshtorm, a water(P) and Ground(S) type Pokemon. This is the evolved form of mudkip. It is most commonly found in Hoenn region. This Pokemon can easily travel in mud and is veryfast in muddy waters.}

Dawn:- Wow~ A water and ground type Pokemon. This is amazing!

{Pokedex- Bonsly, a rock type Pokemon. This Pokemon evolves into Sudowoodo. This Pokemon acts alot like a child, as a result it get very attached to those who treat it nicely.}

Dawn:- And I have actually never seen this Pokemon. I haven't even heard of read about it

Ashh:- Sudowoodo and Bonsly are very rare afterall.

Brock:- There are more Pokemons as rare as Bonsly, and there are Pokemons even rarer than Bonsly.

Dawn:- Wow I can't wait to see them. And if I get the chance, I'll catch one of them.

Ashh:- Then let's continue our journey.

Dawn:- Yes, I can't wait!

Brock:- She seems to be in high spirits.

Ashh:- Hehee! What will happen to her if I say 'that Buneary was very good' ?

Brock:- 🤫 Shh! Don't cause trouble. Let's go!

(Ashh, Brock and Dawn continue walking towards the next town.)


Dawn:- Ah~ Why didn't we reach the town yet?

Ashh:- It's still very far away. And why are you so out of steam already?

Brock:- It's her first time walking for so long Ashh.

Ashh:- But I wasn't like this ever. Let's march forth.

Dawn:- What's with him~?

Brock:- He is always like this when it comes to his Pokemon battles and travelling.

Don't feel bad about not being able to match his spirit.

Dawn:- 😔 Yes...

Brock:- Oh! There is a Pokemon Center ahead. It's not far from here

Dawn:- Hurray! 🙌 Finally the luxury of a Building and ac and many more things.

Ashh:- Let's hurry Brock or Dawn will leave us behind.

Brock:- Ok..

(When Ashh and his friends reach a field of green gras, they feel extraordinary warmth and light from the sun.)

Ashh:- What is this Brock?

Brock:- Ah, it's the Sunny Day move.

Ashh:- I guess you get different result when using it on a sunny day?

Brock:- Yes, so it seems.

Dawn:- Look that's a Budew.

Ashh:- Budew?

{Pokedex- Budew, a *Grass type Pokemon. It evolves into Roselia. This Pokemon is a natural charmer that can make anyone fall for its cuteness.}

Ashh:- So Roselia evolves form Budew.

Brock:- I learnt it just a few days ago too.

"🎶 Isn't it fascinating to see that Sunny Day can make a hot day into something relaxing~ Almost as if the purest of the essence of hot days are extracted so that we can enjoy it. 🎶"

Ashh:- Right .

(A man in long coat with a small string musical instrument comes and talks to our heroes. He is the trainer of Budew.)

"I am a Pokemon trainer who believes that the beauty of Pokemons and their sounds is unparalleled in this world. That's why I like to hear to them and make sounds like they do to get closer to Pokemons."

Brock:- That's amazing! There are many Researchers who suggest that sometimes behaving like a Pokemon makes us closer to it.

"I am sure you are talking about the same Researcher who is my role model. I have lived 15 years of my life learning about Pokemons without catching one but I didn't get as close to them as I am now."

" Then on I collected some of the Pokemons that I found most similar in nature to me, or I became like them."

Ashh:- Why did you become a Pokemon trainer then?

" Because training Pokemons not only teaches them how to battle but it also makes us closer. I took it upon myself to do Pokemon battles and learn more about them myself."

Brock:- You sound like the most perfect Pokemon trainer I have ever met.

" You flatter me, I am not that special. Sorry for the late introduction, I am Nando and this is my first partner Budew."

" I am Ashh, it's nice to meet you."

" And I am Brock, a Pokemon breeder. I would love to know more about your Budew and other Pokemons you saw on your journey."

" Hi, I am Dawn. it was a great experience meeting you two here."

" 🎶 To those who battle, my friends and foes,

I love peace and harmony, I am calm and quiet,

But I love battles too, they are my stage,

I want to share the moments with you, because we

come from the same white, just different hues. 🎶"

Ashh:- Ahh~~ I just want to keep listening to these.


Brock:- What happened Dawn?

Dawn:- I got an idea on how to catch Pokemons.

Nando, will you accept my challenge?

Nando:- Sure I will, Dawn. But I would like to ask you first, do you aspire to win the Sinnoh Championship?

Dawn:- No.. I aspire, to become a Top Coordinator by winning the Sinnoh Grand Festival.

Nando:- Ah! Then how about a match with some beauty.

Ashh:- That's an amazing way to become stronger Dawn, but this will be your first battle with a trainer.

Dawn:- I am ready!

Nando:- Let's begin``

Dawn:- Piplup, Make a grand entrance!

(Piplup comes out fo the Pokeball and lands on the ground doing a Summer Sault.)


Nando:- An entrance showing Piplup's bravery and proud nature, worthy to be praised. 🎵

Since it's your first battle, let's see what move you use first.

(Dawn gets into her full- Coordinator mode. She thinks things like a Pokemon Coordinator and chooses a move that suits Piplup. She thinks...

" Peck would be good but not for the first ever attack Piplup makes, So we will use Bubble Beam for a few seconds.")

Dawn:- Piplup, let's use our best Bubble Beam attack.

Nando:- Budew if you may, please counter attack with Bullet seed.

Brock:- It's good that they are both showing the best of their Pokemons.

Ashh:- But isn't Roselia best at using petal dance?

Brock:- Budew can't do that.

Ashh:- Oh..

Dawn:- Piplup, let's go with a tackle.

(Piplup get very near to Budew.)

Nando:- Jump high like a spring Budew.

Dawn:- Can a Budew jump 4 metres?

Ashh:- Budew's legs seem to be similar to squishy and like rubber.

Brock:- It works like spring, amazing. I hope May knows this.

Ashh:- Right..

Nando:- Sunny Day would be nice Budew.


Dawn:- Go back Piplup.


Dawn:- It's doing nothing, let's go with peck!


Nando:- Let's use it once, Energy Ball attack.



(Piplup gets hit by Energy Ball and gets pushed back.)

Ashh:- What was that?

Brock:- He said it's name, Energy Ball.

{Pokedex- Energy Ball, a Grass type move. This attack is like a ball of energy fired at the enemy to deal damage. Pokemon first gathers energy from sun, then packs it in ball to shoot it.}

Nando:- Solar Beam, Budew.


Dawn:- We haven't lost yet Piplup, that was just a small attack from a small Pokemon. You are much more durable than that.

"Piplup--! Piplup!!"

Dawn:- Let's end it when Budew is preparing, use Peck Attack.


(Piplup dashes very quickly towards Budew to attack with its Peck attack.)

"!! What!?"

Nando:- Please fire it if you are ready.


Dawn:- Piplup!

(The fierce Solar Beam attack hits Piplup when it was marching towards Budew and knocks him out.)

Ashh:- Wow that was cool.

Dawn:- Ah Piplup~


Dawn:- How did Budew fire that Solar Beam so quickly?

Brock:- Budew had used Sunny day and today's weather was already so sunny, that's why Budew launched Solar Beam so fast.

Ashh:- And Budew isn't a very big Pokemon, so doubt its attack would take so long to fire.

Nando:- Yes. Budew's Solar Beam takes the least time on average, as such it doesn't provide as much power.

Brock:- But even that level of attack is amazing for a little Pokemon with so little attack variation.

Dawn:- Thanks for the duel Nando.


Nando:- What!!? You even came here?

Ashh:- Its you thre again?

Nando:- So they have disturbed you as well?

Ashh:- Yes, alot. They have disturbed me the most all their life.

Nando:- I'll get rid of them.

James:- We are famous Jessie~

Jessie:- Yes~

Nando:- Solar Beam.

Get ready Pikachu.

Meowth:- Oh No!

Jessie:- Let's take our time, it's Solar Beam~

James:- Let's present our new style of introduction~

Nando:- Fire Budew!

Ashh:- Thunderbolt Attack Pikachu!!


Nando:- They even fly?

Brock:- Yes always.

Dawn:- Why?

(Teams Rocket for blasted off even before properly entering the scene. It seems they came unprepared for facing a Solar Beam And a Thunderbolt.)

Meowth:- Why did it happen?

James:- But the good thing is, that we are famous in Sinnoh already~

Jessie:- Yes~ We must have stole a few Pokemons in front of that man.

James:- Wait! We don't even know him.

Meowth:- That's right! Who was he?

Jessie:- Did he mistake us for someone else? 💢

I'll destroy those he mistook us for!!!

James:- Calm down Jessie,

"We Are Blasting Off Again!!! Wobbuffet!"

Nando:- I hope they don't come to get back at us.

Ashh:- I'll teach them a lesson if them do.

Nando:- Please be careful Ashh. These people aren't normal criminals, but members of a world renowned criminal organisation.

Ashh:-We know that actually. But I doubt I'll get in trouble for beating those guys.

Nando:- It's good to know you are brave and strong. Let's again meet sometime.

Brock:- Sure, tell us more about your encounters with Pokemons.

Nando:- Until we meet again. Bye~!


(Brock, Ashh and Dawn first get their Pokemons checked, and bricks also wants to get checked but that's not possible, then Dawn calls her mother and introduces her new friends.)

Dawn's mom:- Thanks for accompanying Dawn Ashh! and Brock!

Ashh:- We are thankful to Dawn that she saved Pikachu.

Dawn's mom:- Please be safe and take care of each other.

Brock:- We'll look after each other, ma'am.

Dawn:- Don't worry mom, I will win the Jubilife ribbon with ease.

Dawn's mom:- 😔 Dear, that's when I worry the most you know. Good luck for your Sinnoh Championship Ashh. And Good luck for you Contests Dawn. Make it to the Grand Festival.


Dawn's mom:- Bye!

Brock:- Your mother is also a Pokemons Coordinator, Dawn?


Dawn:- Didn't I tell you, she is a top Coordinator. But she doesn't participate in Contests anymore.

Brock:- There are some limitations on this who win Leagues and Grand Festivals, but they still decide to stay active.

Dawn:- Maybe my mom stopped after I came to the world? It is possible she did it to take care of me.

Ashh:- Yes, it's most likely that is what happened.

Brock:- Her Glameow was gorgeous.

Ashh:- Yes, as gorgeous as Umbreon.

Dawn:- What Pokemon is that?

Ashh:- It's an evolution Evee.

(After sometime, a familiar face enters the building.)


[|]Last Quiz Answer [|]

(c) Meowto. He has had a big war with Team Rocket. It was because of Giovanni.


Which Pokemon evolves into more than one Pokemon.






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Thank you! Keep reading and tell others too who love Pokemon.

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