
The Niger Area Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    The Wallflower & The Alphas

    It's about Avery Williams, who is special as she is not just a wolf/witch, but she got two sides: her wolf- Angelstar, and her Veela-Anglica. She is a nerd, loser, and whom everyone made fun of, even her friends called her Wallflower. Usually, when the Moon Goddess finds you your other half, one or two mates the most there will be for you. But Avery is a different werewolf, she does not have one or two mates but four mates. She fated to the four most dangerous, most popular, and most arrogant boys in school, the four horsemen Alphas: Elijah Woods, Jake Stone, Andrew Bradford, and Matthew Steele. The four bad boys knew the whole time that she is their mate but doesn't want anyone to know, instead they hide their feelings about Avery. Avery finally finds out her mates are her bullies and torturer, but when she turns 19 on her birthday, that is when it all changes. That is when she finds out she is a Veela. Will Avery forgive them about they make a bet to see how to get her to fall in love with them? What if someone in her family's past wants her too and they kidnap her right at the dance.? What if the guys find her in time but she is married off the Vampire Prince: The Duke Conway...? Will the Quads break everything in their path to get to Avery including the walls she has built around her heart? It all remains to be seen in The Wallflower & The Alphas

    Addison Winters · Fantasy
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    The Servant Of The Empire

    Adnan is a slave. His wish is to be purchased by a master that won't mistreat him. On the day he was being sold, a mysterious man showed up at the shop demanding an untouched slave. As the only virgin slave in the shop, he was given to the dangerous-looking man. Before Adnan could process what was going on, he was transported to the palace. The man gave him clear instructions about his duties there. Serve the king and Queen's every desire without complaint. With the weight of the task on his shoulders, how will a lowly slave keep up with the desires of the rulers of the empire?

    precious_pruddy · LGBT+
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    Dimulai dari Fuyuki Matsuda seorang pengguna kekuatan spiritual berbakat di Divisi Nol Rakugaki menerima wasiat dari ayahnya yang meninggal di Kantor Perusahaan Miyamoto 4 bulan lalu. Dalam wasiatnya, ia diminta untuk bersekolah di SMA Abeno dan meneruskan perusahaan yang orang tuanya tinggalkan. Tidak ada orang lain selain Fuyuki yang bisa menggantikan posisi ayahnya di perusahaan. Selain itu, Fuyuki beranggapan ayahnya meninggal karena dibunuh dan wasiat itu merupakan dying message. Kini Fuyuki menjalankan wasiat tersebut dengan bersekolah di SMA Abeno bersama Hiyori Fujisaki dan Mawaru Yoshioka, dan menjadi direktur utama perusahaan sambil menyelidiki penyebab kematian Ayahnya. Hiyori dan Mawaru merupakan pengguna spiritual yang sedang dalam mode pelatihan. Mereka berdua memanggil Fuyuki sebagai pelatihnya dengan sebutan “Master” namun karena Fuyuki menjadi ketua kelas, mereka memanggilnya dengan sebutan “Ketua”. Di samping itu mereka sebagai pengguna spiritual harus menyembunyikan identitasnya karena dikhawatirkan dapat menyebabkan kesenjangan sosial yang parah. Tetapi, rahasia mereka sempat akan terbongkar karena ada seorang gangster meminta bantuan bernama Madara Madarame yang ternyata cucu dari guru mereka bertiga, tak lama kemudian mereka menjadi sahabat. Suatu ketika pada pelajaran olahraga, Mawaru tak sengaja bertemu dengan sahabatnya bernama Kana Ayami yang baru saja memulai debutnya sebagai idol. Mawaru mengenalkan Fuyuki, Hiyori, dan Madara kepada Ayami. Karena alasan tertentu, Fuyuki terlibat lebih dalam ke kehidupan Ayami yang membuat identitasnya terbongkar. Momo yang saat ini merupakan teman dekat Ayami ternyata sekretaris muda perusahaan Miyamoto sehingga dirinya terpaksa menjelaskan semuanya terkait dengan kehidupan Fuyuki. Ayami yang tidak menyangka bahwa dirinya adalah keturunan penyihir memutuskan untuk mengunjungi Nekomichi atas saran dari Fuyuki. Nekomichi adalah peramal nasib legendaris, tak hanya urusan nasib saja ternyata malah meramalkan cinta dan katanya kini Ayami terikat takdir bersama Fuyuki. Ayami mencoba meyakini hal itu, namun melihat sikap Fuyuki yang begitu dingin membuat Ayami ingin menyerah. Ketika berada dalam satu klub “Paramistic” yang terbentuk karena faktor kesengajaan, hubungan keduanya semakin dekat semakin bisa mengungkapkan perasaan satu sama lain. Mampukah Ayami mempertahankan cintanya dengan Fuyuki? Apakah kehidupan Fuyuki akan berubah setelah bertemu Ayami?

    ANABANTINGAN · Fantasy
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    Wabah zombie semakin meluas, kota-kota disekitar Seoul telah mati. Hal ini berawal dari para peneliti yang mengembangkan senjata biologis manusia. Mereka mengembangkan manusia-manusia mutan yang dapat bermutasi dan dapat meningkatkan kekuatan pada setiap keadaan. Zombie yang telah bermutasi mencipatakan dua golongan zombie, yakni zombie mutan dan zombie monster yang lebih ganas dan telah kehilangan kemanusiaan. Nenek Nam yang tinggal di sebuah Panti Jompo di pegunungan, mau tidak mau harus keluar dari Panti Jompo untuk mencari bantuan yang katanya, ''Pemerintah mengoperasikan Tim Evakuasi Udara.'' Mendengar sang cucu telah berada di gedung evakuasi, membuat nenek Nam membangun semangat untuk mempertahankan nyawanya. Ia bersama enam lansia, bergerak sembunyi-sembunyi di kota Zombi menuju perbatasan kota. Tetapi mereka tidak tahu, bahwa ada banyak misteri yang meliputi tiap mayat hidup di kota itu. Siapa yang mati? Siapa yang berkorban? Siapa yang selamat? Atau mungkin tidak ada! Semuanya tak dapat diramalkan, kecuali anda membaca seluruh ceritanya. Cerita ini dikemas dalam 5 vol. atau 5 season. Anda dapat memilih setiap season yang ingin dibaca, #Sekilas Daftar isi Novel. Season 1, perjuangan para lansia dan seorang ketua perawat menuju gedung isolasi. season 2, menceritakan cucu nenek Nam, Yeo Han dan para mahasiswa bergerak menuju gedung isolasi. Cerita nuansa anak muda in tidak kalah mendebarkan, karena mengikuti pola pikir anak muda untuk menemukan cara selamat. season 3, menceritakan seorang mutan zombie yang melawan mutan dalam dirinya. Zombie yang berusaha mempertahankan kesadaran kemanusiaannya. season 4 dan 5, menceritakan penelitian besar dan hasrat para mutan untuk membangun peradaban tersendiri di tengah manusia. [ akan ada perang besar antara manusia dan mutan zombie ].

    Vince_Umino · Action
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    The Lord Of The Darkness

    (WARNING 25+) Kau hanya diam, di balik tirai yang memisahkanmu dengan kerumunan orang yang kau sebut sampah. Seolah, kau ingin membuktikan jika dirimu adalah manusia paling tak bisa disentuh oleh makhluk mana pun. Namun, rupanya kau mulai ragu dengan apa yang menjadi keyakinan awalmu. Meski membunuh adalah salah satu tujuan dari hidupmu. Tapi, hatimu sepertinya mulai berdenyut saat mengelnya. Ya... dia, perempuan kecil yang keluarganya telah kau bantai dengan sadis. Perempuan kecil yang kau kurung dalam kastil megahmu. Perempuan itu adalah, Grace Hester. Lalu, apakah kau pikir Grace akan menerimamu setelah ia mengetahui jika kau adalah orang yang telah membantai keluarganya? Terlebih, bukan hanya hal itu yang membuatmu ragu untuk mendekat ke arahnya. Wajahmu yang tak sempurna membuatmu menjadi lebih beringas dari biasanya. Tatkala, hatimu mulai disentuh dengan rasa cinta. Sanggupkah kau meyakinkannya? Sanggupkah kau membuat dia untuk tetap berada di sisimu?

    PrincesAuntum · Urban
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    The End of The Death

    Kematian itu ditentang oleh Yuuto seorang pria berambut dan bermata hitam itu. Karena ia masih ingin hidup. Sayang keadaannya saat itu sudah menjadi roh dan hidup di alam lain. Hatinya memberontak, memprotes kematian tersebut, sehingga berulang kali rohnya mencoba masuk ke dalam raganya kembali, namun tidak pernah berhasil. Bahkan ia sempat menangis pada saat jenazahnya dimasukkan ke liang kubur, lalu ditimbun dengan tanah dan jadilah sebuah makam yang tidak dikehendaki. Pada saat menjadi roh, ia baru tahu bahwa ada gadis yang selama ini memusuhinya, namun ikut menangisi kematiannya. Ternyata gadis itu menyimpan cinta. Makin besar semangat Yuuto untuk bisa hidup kembali, untuk dapat meraih cinta yang ada di alam kehidupan itu, tapi bagaimana caranya ia sendiri tidak tahu. Sampai akhirnya, ia bersedia mengikat perjanjian dengan iblis, asalkan ia bisa hidup untuk cinta itu. Sayang, ia hanya mempunyai kontrak hidup satu tahun. Genre : Horor, Thriller, Romance, Reincarnation, and Action Novel lain: - You're My Love (Romance&Comedy) - Cinta dan Pengorbanan (Romance&Sad) - Only You in My World (Romance) Ig @julianatham Ig fanspage @staryinthesky

    Staryinthesky · Horror
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    The Twisted Two: the feisty and the docile

    “If only heaven was a little closer, she would have been an angel.” - ONE OF LU XINYI’S BELOVED. Reading the note Lu Xinyi slightly bows her head down, being shy. --------------------------------- “It's only because of people like her, I want to believe there is a hell out there.” -ONE OF LEI XINYI’S VICTIMS. Reading the note Lei Xinyi scoffs and rolls her eyes muttering a very obvious ‘Whatever’. ----------------- Twin sisters, mysteriously separated since birth, Lu Xinyi and Lei Xinyi didn’t know of each other existence until one eventful day, they land in each other’s life. Let’s find out what happens in the exchange of characters of a devil and an angel. When the fiery and mischievous, Lei Xinyi coming from a shady background, has to cope up with the fancy and formal life of the heiress of one of the most powerful families of the country and when the docile and meek, Lu Xinyi has to almost face the thrill of society as a commoner, the drama is bond to follow! Especially, when both of them were betrothed and were living loveless lives in their old worlds. Will they find love in each other’s life? Or will this fateful shift suck? Will they be able to see the blessing in disguise? The runaway bride, Lei Xinyi, and with the tame, Lu Xinyi, having devils on their tails are seeking all the thrill life can offer!! SNEAK PEAK!! ----------------------- At her reflection, Lei Xinyi raised her brow. She looked like a thoroughly satiated slut that was available to him anytime at his disposal! The thought suddenly had her stomach-churning. She bent men to her will since when did she become this desperate. And Damn! That stupid blush on her cheek! She glared at her reflection. Why the hell the blush?! She was no high school nerd making out with her crush for the first time! Lei Xinyi looked at her reflection and gave a tight slap on her left cheek. "Ow!" At once she cried out at the sting. She caressed for comfort, instantly regretting harming her beautiful blemish-free, vibrant face. No matter what, this will not happen again, she will make sure of it! And this time she will abide by this promise! She acted cordially in front of him for the sake of pretense but of course, the 'service' she was giving him was her selfish needs kicking in from time to time WHICH WILL HAVE TO SYOP!!! Taking out the makeup remover she wiped the excess makeup and reapplied it. Picking his brush from the vanity table she remade the braid on her hairs. Rearranging her dress as much as she could. Lei Xinyi gave herself a once-over and nodded in approval at her appearance. "Yes, I look like a Queen and I should act like one!" She said to herself with an encouraging smile. "Sweetheart, you look like my wet dream and you should act like one." Lei Xinyi heard the lazy sexy voice of Li Yuan leaning sluggishly on the doorframe of the bathroom, cleaned up. Instantly glaring Lei Xinyi muttered, "Shameless bastard!" Li Yuan shrugged with a sexy bedroom smirk, "What is shameless about confessing to your fiancé?" Lei Xinyi bit her lower lips and turned around to leave the room, inaudibly muttering to herself, 'Wouldn't have been shameless IF it was your fiancé…'

    YuXu · Fantasy
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    HadleyRoman · Teen
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    MrCancer · Fantasy
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    The Way Of The Villainess

    The villainess is the main antagonist of the story. She must be brutal, aggressive, and not give in to good. The villainess must be a woman that others admire but also despite. As for the House of Belladonna. To act evil is an act of kindness. Adriana Belladonna is the daughter who belonged to a powerful family that ruled the lands of Arabella. Also known for their studies of the dark arts. In short black magic. Given the title as ‘poison beauty’. Adriana was accused of many things such as the kidnapping of Astell Skydane, the heir of the Skydane House. In the year 4002 of Arabella, Adriana Belladonna, was executed when she had not committed any crimes. But when she woke up once more she was back to her eighteen years old self. Five years after her execution. "Open the curtains, and what year is it?" ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== ==== Illustrated by: laylee_hiu Editor: @nyctophile1970 (X) Instagram: author_ann0

    anlaS0 · Fantasy
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    Seorang gadis bangsawan cantik dengan berat hati harus menerima pernikahan dengan seorang bangsawan muda ternama di kota. Niger harus menerima kenyataan atas tertutupnya hati sang suami yang mencintai adik ipar Niger. Albus Heber mencintai perempuan lain,tapi menikah dengan Niger karna keinginan orang tuanya dan pihak kerajaan yang terikat darah dengannya. akankah Niger yang berperan sebagai orang baru dalam kehidupan Albus dapat membuat satu kedudukan dalam hati Albus untuk dirinya?

    Nanhi · Fantasy
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    Starting from Fuyuki Matsuda a talented spiritual power user in the Zero Rakugaki Division received a will from his father who died at the Miyamoto Company Office 4 months ago. In his will, he was asked to attend Osaka High School and continue the company his parents left. There is no one other than Fuyuki who can replace his father's position in the company. In addition, Fuyuki assumed his father died from being killed and that the will was a dying message. Now Fuyuki is carrying out the will by attending Osaka High School with Hiyori Fujisaki and Mawaru Yoshioka and becomes the company's president director while investigating the cause of his father's death. Hiyori and Mawaru are spiritual users who are in training mode. They both called Fuyuki as their trainer as "Master" but because Fuyuki was the class leader, they called him "Class Leader". Besides that, they as spiritual users must hide their identity because it is feared that it could cause severe social inequality. However, their secret was about to be revealed because a gangster asked for help named Madara Madarame, who turned out to be the grandson of their teacher, and soon they became friends. Once while studying sports, Mawaru accidentally met her best friend named Kana Ayami who had just debuted as an idol. Mawaru introduces Fuyuki, Hiyori, and Madara to Ayami. For some reason, Fuyuki is deeply involved in Ayami's life which makes her identity exposed. Momo, who is currently a close friend of Ayami, turns out to be the young company secretary of Miyamoto, so she is forced to explain everything related to Fuyuki's life. Ayami, who did not think that she was a descendant of a magician, decided to visit Nekomichi on the advice of Fuyuki. Nakamichi is a legendary fortune teller, not only a matter of fate, it turns out to predict love and Ayami is bound by destiny with Fuyuki. Ayami tries to believe it, but Fuyuki is very cold that makes Ayami wants to give up. When they are in a "Paramistic" club that is formed due to deliberate factors, the closer the two are to expressing their feelings for each other. Can Ayami maintain her love for Fuyuki? Will Fuyuki's life change after meeting Ayami? Spoiler: After the case of his father's death is revealed, Fuyuki goes to Tokyo to investigate the accident that happened to him several years ago. He intends to judge the mastermind behind it all, especially someone who wants to take his family's inheritance. After that, Fuyuki who was shocked and lost his memory was forced to live in Rakugaki World. Everything becomes clearer after knowing the figure behind the founder of the Paramistic club. Mawaru who was rejected by the man she has loved for a long time is now forced to marry an Onmyouji to continue the lineage of the temple owner of the Onmyodo experts. Everyone is asking about the future with the path of life they choose, the fact that Fuyuki can't return to the real world due to his unrecoverable memory causes deep sadness, especially for Ayami. So what method should Ayami use to bring Fuyuki back to look to the same future? There is only one sure way.

    ANABANTINGAN · Fantasy
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    "The Badass & The Beta"

    I was fighting my way out the door. Once I got to the door. I ran outside and kept running until I got to my bike. I had a plan to jump on my bike and drive off. But I didn't get to because someone grabbed me, and I was going into my fight or flight mode. But none of that happen because I was in a tight grip. Because the person that got me in that situation where I am stuck in his arms. I know it is him because I can smell his delicious scent of Woods, Old Spies, Mint, and now I am looking up into the eyes of Jayson Woods Dark dangerous eyes. What I heard shocked me, I know it you, at first, I panic, and my heart was racing inside my chest. But then I heard what he said. " I know you're my mate, but I don't know your name?" He says but then I was thankful. He has no idea who I am. He doesn't recognize me. That was when I remember I was still in costume. Because my mask was still on my face hiding my identity from everyone who was here tonight from my school. If everyone knew it was me. My secret will be out. I would be in trouble with my parents. But I need the money. It is for my mother's surgery. Three months ago, we find out she has throat cancer. So, I have been fighting underground for money for a couple of months now. To help pay for her operation. Now if I get caught! All the work will be for nothing if Jayson Woods finds out who I am. So, everyone welcome the story of The Badass & The Beta!

    Addison Winters · Fantasy
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    Angle niger Feather

    hah......So all this time.... I have been betrayed by her......and still believe that may be their is hope.... .I ...I thought that...she must be manipulated by something or someone....but .... As Tara fall down on the floor who was a white witch in her previous life felt sore.... She has been betrayed by the saint who she helped and in return she got.... what nothing but pain...... As she suddenly remembered what God of heaven said to her after she died as a witch..... He said.... "This time not just for Satisfaction but live a life with no regret" She figured out that God must knew her true colour.....up until yesterday....she believes that saint is innocent..no to be precious...she want to believe in that.....but ... it's all clear know.....as she wiped her tears from her eyes....... by cutting her left hand's palm... with a knife.. blood flow down from her veins to the magic circle..she is standing over......and said..... "My revenge....I will arvege my death...... " My dear saint.......... The show is just yet to began Do you wanna know how she is able to find saint true personality? or. How is she going to take her revenge? What's going to happen next....for more please read my novel........ """""' Angel Niger feather"""""""

    Mint0000 · Fantasy
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    The Pure and The Corrupted

    [Mature Content 18+] Anaya Willow, a resilient and beautiful Healer, enters Arcane Academy with a promise to steer clear from love. But her will is challenged within minutes of entering the academy when a she runs into a handsome stranger, Khai Heathcliff. A cosmic pull draws Khai and Anaya together, but scars from her past continue to haunt her, weaving themselves into her life at the academy. Despite her efforts to resist, his feelings for her remain unwavering. Will Khai’s love give her the strength to free herself from the shackles that confined her heart for so long? *** Anaya’s eyes narrowed when she saw that he didn’t believe her. “If you’re so good at reading me, what am I thinking right now?” She puffed her chest and folded her hands over them. Khai licked his lips, fighting his urge to kiss her as leaned towards her. She gasped softly, tilting back at his abrupt closeness. “Well, right now, I think you’re challenging me. Which means you’re curious about me. Tell me Anaya, are you curious about me?” *** This is a slow detailed book. Read until chapter 30 at least before you decide to drop it! Read my review so you know what to expect - or keep the suspense rolling and just start reading. I’ll love you either way :) *** This work is purely fictional. I don’t own the cover. If the owner needs me to take it down, my discord is Pato93 #4786

    Pato93 · Fantasy
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    Urban Hardened All-area System

    Wash your face once, improve your face value, raise your hand, increase your arm strength, read a book, improve your knowledge… it becomes stronger every second without limit, and from then on, Ye Hong began his journey of hegemony, healing, cooking God, Car God, God of Learning, God of War… Dominate the whole field!

    GSM1777 · Urban
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    Area Terbatas (Restricted Area)

    Jiang Chijing selalu memantau setiap gerakan tahanan untuk memuaskan hobi mengintipnya. Hingga suatu hari, seorang narapidana yang sangat berbahaya memasuki penjara—dan Jiang Chijing tertangkap basah sedang mengintipnya. Pengawas menjadi yang diawasi, pemburu menjadi yang diburu. Menghadapi Zheng Mingyi, yang semakin mendekat di setiap langkahnya, Jiang Chijing terpaksa menahan pergerakannya menggunakan tangannya di dada lawannya, sembari memperingatkannya: “Ini adalah area terlarang ku. Cepat keluarlah.”

    Rotten_Flower · LGBT+
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    Rahkeem_Mccray · Action
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    The Alpha From The Aurelius

    Many years ago, the destiny of the Aurelius pack was written in which the pack's alpha princess, Azura was destined to be separated from her pack as a child until she grew as an adult and is ready to fight for her pack. Now, Azura is an adult and a university student but she isn't aware of her being an alpha werewolf princess. She eventually begins liking her batchmate named Theo, only to discover that he's a werewolf. That's when she discovers about her past and wolf history. It is also unveiled that Theo is from her rival pack, Borealis. Azura is torn in between. She must either choose her love, Theo. Or her pack, Aurelius.

    RizzEditions · Fantasy
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    The Future In The Past

    ***DROPPED*** Dying once again, she was almost numb to the pain of death. "I have never regretted meeting you," she said, tears threatening to drip from the corner of her eyes. "I only regret that the heavens are crueler than hell." Meeting her once again, but unable to remember her, he could only try to make her fall in love with him again. "We separated again," he said. "But we'll meet again... I promise." Their history was there, but they could only miss each other once again. Would they once again separate and restart their history? Or would their life change, allowing them to start the romance that they so wish for?

    Supremely_Innocent · History