
The Multiverse Merchant (Dropped)

So you guys know those NPC shopkeepers or immortal merchants in video games who, by some ungodly means, are able to appear places ahead of you where they have no reason to be at to sell you their wares that seemed to always expand every time you see them? Well that's me now, except I'm not an NPC, I have a vast amount of wares and most importantly, I also deal in making well...deals applied with a touch of reality warping! And my job is pretty much as implied. I'm here just to be a businessman and traverse through the multiverse to grow my business, expand my clientele, maybe fuck up the canon of the many worlds within my multiverse, and also get some new hires! After all, I'm certainly not a one man operation. So will I work with villains? Sure why not, so long as they don't try to do anything cute! Will I work with protagonists? Well absolutely, so long as they aren't a bother to deal with! Welcome to the Rainbow Bridge.

NovaAias · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

The 'Hell' of a Steal with the Fourth and Fifth Deals

"Oppai?! You can show me lots of oppai?!"

What the fuck? Huh...I guess he's speaking Japanese since he's not a devil and since I know what that word means, I'll hear it as 'oppai' rather than boobs. Goddamn, this sounds like a shitty fanfic where English is mixed with Japanese, but I guess them's the apples.

Fuck sake though, this guy really likes his boobs doesn't he?

"Wait, where am I anyway? This door appeared in my room all of a sudden and now I'm in a store? Why does this place look like a modern fantasy store or something? Holy crap are those weapons real?!"

Seriously? His time of need was because he probably wanted boobs? This guy is a horny motherfucker. I still can't believe that this guy is a protagonist, and nothing against him, but it's shocking is all.

"And how do you know my name?!"


"Well to answer your questions in the reverse order. Let's just say that you're pretty infamous at Kuoh Academy for being a member of the Perverted Trio. As to where you are and what this door is...well I won't beat around the bush. In short the supernatural world is real, so surprise, that means that there are a lot of supernatural girls who also have big breasts too."

"Really?! Like cat-girls and all that?!"

"Exactly so!" I answered the first person in mind being Kuroka.

"Anyway...my store is pretty much a store for the supernatural, which is why it looks like a modern fantasy store. As to why my door was in your room...that's my bad. I was trying to do an experiment that shifted my store at points around the world since I have a supernatural friend who lives in Kuoh Town, but my door ended up being anchored to your room for some reason. Don't worry though, I'll get it removed by the time you leave so your parents don't end up freaking out. And as to where you are, welcome to the Rainbow Bridge." I continued and then gave a bow to the boy.

"My name is Adagium, it's nice to meet you."

"Oh, I'm Issei Hyoudou. It's nice to meet you as well...even if you are a damn pretty boy..." Issei said with the last bit being a mumble I can hear.

You son of a bitch, now I won't regret this as much.

"Anyway, you said that you can give me lots of pictures of girl's oppai!?"

"You got that right! You see, a friend gave me all of them as a bad joke or something because I'm more of a legs guy-"

And that's the dead God's honest truth, I'm absolutely a legs and thigh guy all the way!

"-so I've been trying to get rid of them, but I didn't know who would want to take them off my hands. But since you're here, one of Kuoh's Perverted Trio, who I heard loves boobs, how about you take them off my hand on one condition?"

"You got it! What's this condition?"

"Well I just wanna shake your hand is all. I've heard about your exploits, and I gotta say, they're all pretty entertaining. Because of that, I can't help but to respect that drive and want to shake your hand to get that 'Boosted Gear' that is in you. That's all to it." I said and held out my left hand for him to take.

"So do we have a deal?"

"Uh...well that's kind of an odd thing to say, but as a fellow admirer of women, even if you're not a man of the Way of Oppai, I'll do it! Put 'er there!" Issei cheered and then slapped his hand into mine, the ledger in the back of my store recording this arrangement.


In order to actually remove the Boosted Gear from him, especially in a manner with my reality warping that leaves him alive, I need to be able to form a deal with him, otherwise this would have never worked. But this idiot actually agreed to give me his Boosted Gear due to the wording that I used. You see, I can't just say that I want to shake his hand to get his Sacred Gear. Deals that I make are quite literal. If I say I'd give him the photos for just a handshake, then that's game over. He'll just shake my hand and he gets it, so I need to be explicit in my demands.

But since I explicitly stated I wanted the Boosted Gear that was part of him, and he agreed to it, then it's all mine. After all, a deal is a deal, and it's not my fault he doesn't understand what he got himself in. For all intents and purposes, I wrote up a deal and carried it out. Pics for his Boosted Gear through a left handshake, whether or not he knows what he willingly agreed to.

And as we shook hands, I could feel the pull that was being exerted on the power in his left arm and after a few seconds of shaking, which I can tell was getting awkward for Issei as he looked at me, I could feel the power of the Boosted Gear transferring to my left arm.


"Sorry about that, I just needed to shake your hand a bit longer to take in your bravery so that I can perv on girls I know." I lied with a smile and Issei just gave me a grin the poor boy.

"No worries, buddy! Now lemme get those oppai!"

"Yeah sure thing, just stay there while I go to the back."

And with that I left and went to the back. And with some concentration with my reality warping abilities, I created a large book with pictures of beautiful anime women from Rangiku Matsumoto from Bleach, Hinata Hyuuga from Naruto, Esdeath from Akame ga Kill, Irina Jelavic from Assassination Classroom, Erza Scarlet and Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail, and many many more that I can try to remember, making sure that the pictures were in such a manner that their breasts were on display. They were all dressed of course, even I have human decency. Nah, these are pretty much bikini shots or just them in their standard clothes, which can also probably pass off as cosplay, thank God.

After all, deal's a deal and I got a hell of a steal for pictures I can easily make and just throw him.

And with that, I walked to the front and then handed the large picture book to Issei.

"Whoooooooaaaaaa! Look at all these massive oppai! Why are a lot of them so damn perfect! Damn the lucky bastards who got to take pictures of these chicks, but let's goooo!" He cheered aloud when he snapped the book open and I can't help but to awkwardly laugh at this scene.

This is so awkward. I'm dying inside because of the cringe.

"Well, I'm glad you like them Issei. Now if you wouldn't mind leaving so that I can remove my door from your house?"

"What? Oh right, sorry! Thanks Adagium-san!" Issei yelled out as he ran out the door and then slammed it shut behind him.

Well then...that was a thing...but onto more pressing matters.

I looked at my left arm and then pictured in my mind and mighty red dragon with green eyes towering over everything around it.

"Awaken, Boosted Gear. Come forth, Red Dragon Emperor, the Welsh Dragon, Y Ddraig Goch."

And at my command, the Boosted Gear appeared on my right arm, skipping right past the initial Twice Critical phase that Issei had unlocked it as.

[So you are my new wielder then? How bold of you to strip me from my current wielder. Now tell me, who are you?]

"My name is Adagium, Red Dragon Emperor, and I'm here to make you a deal."

[A deal you say? Is it safe to presume that you possess an authority over deals or contracts, which was how you removed my from my previous host?]

"You got that correct, Ddraig." I nodded, impressed with how the dragon managed to piece how I acquired him so quickly even though I only mentioned a deal just once, and it was clear that he knew that I was impressed.

"As long as a deal is made with explicit conditions, in this case his new pictures in exchange for me taking the Boosted Gear, and it is agreed to by both parties, whether or not you are aware of such a thing, much like how Issei didn't know about the power in his left arm, then it is binding and can be easily down while circumventing the laws of the world."

And it was true, but this was the first time I actually got to circumvent the rules when extracting a Sacred Gear. For Greed when I got him from Ling, I couldn't just pull his soul from nowhere, which was why I needed to speak to the Truth, which was convenient since Ed had made the deal with me to restore his left leg in exchange for me accessing his Gate of Truth.

[I see...what a terrifying power, though it is fair in its own way. As long as both parties are fully aware of what is being exchanged then there is no room for either party to backstab the other. Then for all intents and purposes, it comes down to negotiating prices to see who has the better deal. And unlike my previous host, I'm no fool. So tell me, youngling. What is this deal of yours?]

How smart indeed...

"Well tell me Ddraig...how would you like to escape your container and be free of this jail? I'm capable of making it happen quite easily, especially since the Biblical God bit the bullet during the Great War."

[The Biblical God is dead? For some reason, I know that what you say is true...but is he truly dead?]

"Oh yes. You see, he had been weakened severely sealing the beast known as Trihexa before he perished in the War with the Four Great Satans. So his system, as far as I'm aware has been commandeered by Michael and as such it's far weaker than it should be. Not to mention that this location you're in is far beyond even the Dimensional Gap so Boosted Gear is no longer under the effect of God's System. And because of that..."

[You can easily free me from this Sacred Gear with the power of your deal...]

"That's correct. And while I'm sure that I'm able to find a wielder who is capable of being the strongest past, present, and future Red Dragon Emperor, I feel like you'd appreciate stretching your wings instead. So what do you say Ddraig? How does freedom sound to you?

[...What's your condition?]

Yes...so close.

"Well, you're a dragon right? As such you want to be able to prove your strength? Especially against your rival?"

[But of course! I am the Red Dragon Emperor after all and it goes without saying that I must prove my strength against the White One!]

"Well you see...this store of mine has the potential to connect to many worlds far beyond the Dimensional Gap. There is a world where legends like the dragon slayer Siegfried and King Arthur are brought back into the mortal plane to fight other legendary figures of similar caliber like Gilgamesh, Karna, Achilles, Heracles, and Cú Chulainn. There is a world where magic is more prevalent, with ten percent of its people being able to use magic, and amongst them are mages capable of using a lost form of magic called Dragon Slaying Magic and even consume magic based on the affinity of said magic.

Hell, there is even a world where there are individuals who are as powerful as Gods themselves perhaps even more so than the Gods of your world, one of them able to trap you in his nigh unstoppable illusions and another possessing the ability of completely erasing a soul while also seeing the future. There is even a man whose flames are as hot at the sun, and I mean that literally. Flames that can be so hot that there isn't even any visible fire. All of these worlds exist and this store has a chance to form a bridge between here and there.

Now, you may be wondering why I'm saying all of this right? Well in exchange for getting you a body of your own, you will be an employee for my store, and when at any point my store gains access to such worlds, I will give you free reign to challenge these mighty warriors and whenever we happen to return here at our own leisure, you can challenge this generation's White Dragon Emperor, who as a matter of fact, is confirmed to be the strongest past, present, and future host of Albion.

So what do you think Red Dragon Emperor? Do we have a deal?"

[That is one hell of a deal...I accept, young Adagium.]

The ledger recorded the two deal between Ddraig and I, and I can absolutely feel my reality warping powers kick in.

The thing is, these powers are only available and usable when I'm completing a deal or using them for the sake of the store and my wares, otherwise I'd pretty much be a god if I always had it. So every other power I have, I have to gain from deals and such, which was why I asked to look at Ed's gate and got knowledge of Ling's ability to read the Dragon's Pulse. I now have Alchemy and an excellent sensory ability that I can use outside of my reality warping.

I also have another unique set of powers when I had first reincarnated into the Rainbow Bridge, but let's save that for another time.

Sure, I don't expect to be in any fights soon, but who doesn't want free powers though?

I held my hand out and focused on what I wanted to manifest into this pocket world. A strong vessel in its human form that could take on the burden of the Welsh Dragon's power and is capable of transforming into his draconic form when he desires. And there was only one person who I can think of that embodies the color red and had powers that involves majestic flames.

A swirl of energy appeared in front of me and coalesced into a humanoid form, a bright red light shining from it as Ddraig's new body form and once it was complete, I was greeted to the sight of a tall, muscular Japanese man with red hair. His red hair is kept short, ruffled, and spiked, with two strands of hair near the opposite sides of his head falling over his face, as well as distinct sideburns. He was wearing a black, leather jacket with a fur collar and a white V-neck underneath. On top of that, there were also dark blue jeans with a brown belt, and finally a pair of black shoes to top off the rest of his outfit.

The vessel that was formed from my imagination was a vessel worthy of the Red Dragon Emperor. A replica of Mikoto Suoh from the anime K Project.

"Ddraig, I would like you to meet your vessel. It's based on a Japanese man by the name of Mikoto Suoh. He is also known as the Third King and the Red King in his world, and though the supernatural did not exist throughout the world, he and six others in Japan were given powers that were beyond human from an artifact uncovered in World War II, and each of them were based on seven colors that could in turn be bestowed onto followers of their own. His Aura as the Red King resembled fire itself, and I figured that he would make a proper vessel for you, Red Dragon Emperor. Because the motto of his group, HOMRA is 'No blood, no bone, no ash' a testament to what will become of those his flames touch. So...how do you like him?"

[Yes...just through your words, I feel invigorated by hearing the words you have spoken about this man! Yes, this vessel of the man known as Mikoto Suoh, the Red King and Third King, is a fine vessel worthy of the Red Dragon Emperor! I accept your gift, young Adagium!]

Well, the dragon gave his judgement so here we go.

"Alright, let's do this." I said and then knelt on the floor and placed my left hand containing the Boosted Gear over the vessel's chest, using my reality warping abilities as I forcibly separated Ddraig's residing spirit from within his Sacred Gear jail and watched as a bright green orb traveled from the Longinus and then began to implant itself into the body's chest before its glow disappeared.

I looked at my left arm and could only watch in interest as the Sacred Gear Boosted Gear started to crumble, no longer being fueled by one of the DxD universe's Heavenly Dragons. How interesting, I thought that some residual power could have been left behind for it to devolve into a Twice Critical, but it seems I was wrong. Oh well. I still gained something great of this. An employee whose power can take on even the Gods.

The body that had Ddraig's spirit implanted in it began to move and the first thing I saw was his eyes opening, but instead of Mikoto Suoh's amber eyes, it was instead green, the same shade of green that Ddraig's eyes had as well as the Boosted Gear.

"Welcome to the mortal plane, Ddraig. It looks like the operation was a success. So how do ya feel?"

"I..." Ddraig trailed off as he lifted his hand and then touched his face and then patted himself down.

"I can feel. I can feel the cold against my skin, I can smell the metal of the weapons in this store...I can see the world with my own eyes now! I finally have a body now after all these years!" The Red Dragon Emperor shouted before he began laughing in joy, and if I was bold enough to say so, I could swear that he was also crying tears of joy as well from finally escaping the prison that the Biblical God stuck him in. Oh well, I'm happy for him.

When Ddraig turned away and took a deep breath while raising his arm to wipe at his eyes, a sign that he definitely had cried in happiness, he turned back to face me before raising his hand up in a handshake.

"Thank you Adagium. I'm truly in your debt. Allow me to introduce myself as I never had the chance. My name is Y Ddraig Goch, the Red Dragon Emperor of Domination. It's a pleasure to meet you, my friend."

I raised my hand and took it in his own for a firm handshake.

"The pleasure is all mine Ddraig. While I wish I could give you a real name, I'm afraid that even I don't know it, so until I find one for myself to share with you, you can continue to call me Adagium." I said with a smile that Ddraig returned.

"Adagium it is. Now, it seems that you have completed your end of the deal. As promised, you now have my service as your employee. While I might be inexperienced to mortal dealings such as this, I have the experiences of my hosts to fall back on whenever any of them had a job at a point in their lives, so I have an idea of how this works. In any case, I look forward to working for you and I look forward to the many battles that are in my future."

"Oh trust me you will. You see, I'm bound by my very nature to not interfere with and take part in the events of any world we travel to that would directly impact the world unless for some miraculous reason, they're the aggressor and I can defend myself, but you are not bound by this, so you can feel free to have fun, knock some heads and cause some chaos for me. Hell, I can probably send you back to your universe whenever we return and you can just wreck havoc for all I care, I just can't personally do something about it. In any case, welcome aboard Ddraig. Feel free to help yourself to the stuff here. I have a kitchen in the back with some food if you feel hungry-"

I could hear him muttering to himself in excitement 'I can eat now, can't I'.

"-and you can go to the basement to flex your powers some and get used to your body. I took inspiration from a man from one of those worlds named Kisuke Urahara who was able to create large underground chambers in the oddest locations where people can obviously go down and train their powers while not being detected. Just don't destroy the place alright? The place is durable, not invincible...yet."

"Of course. I'll make sure to be careful, though I do admit that I'm quite excited to throw my own power around." Ddraig said to me with a smirk.

'Please, just don't destroy the basement. I worked for days out of those two weeks to actually get that set up just because I could on principle. I am not having it destroyed on the first use.'

I can only internally pray on the inside that he won't do something absolutely insane.

"Anyway, let me show you around the place. First, I have this assortment of restoration items that are pretty much on par if not better than the Phoenix Tears that the Phenex family can produce...fucking narcissistic birds..."

[Days later...]

"You know...you'd think that a customer would arrive by now. I guess I was just lucky when I got Edward, Ling, and Issei on the same day." I grumbled as Ddraig and I were chilling in separate hammocks that I had set up in the underground chamber.

"Hm, it's not too bad." The Dragon commented as he swing in his red and green hammock, playing Pokemon FireRed on the GBA that was provided with me.

Hey, I needed entertainment during the first two weeks, didn't I? Thankfully, the Devil wasn't that much of a dick and provided me with entertainment from my past life's Earth to waste my time if I wasn't jumping around the multiverse causing chaos and making deals.

That said, he made it a point to not let things get meta in case people from those worlds come here, so if I ever see a Red or Ash Ketchum showing up, then I gotta hide it. Thankfully, I'm not an idiot.

I didn't feel like going to Amestris since they're still recovering from the events in Central, so I wanted to give them some time to rebuild before I visit them, and I didn't want to go to the DxD world so soon after I freed the literal Heavenly Dragon and draw possible attention. So we've pretty much been huddled up in here the past few days.

Oh well. I'm sure we'll get something. After all, time passes differently here and out there, so I'm sure something we'll hook someone in at some point.

Honestly, it really isn't that bad like he said. Ddraig and I would go downstairs where I showed him some Alchemy without a transmutation circle by creating targets for him to destroy as he began to train himself, especially since I slid him a tidbit of knowledge about how Crom Cruach, one of the Evil Dragons of the DxD world was stronger than he was through training.

While my knowledge of that world is jack and shit, even without my past memories, I still had some tidbits of knowledge, most likely from my former world's wiki, that informed me of the existence and strength of the other dragons in that world, and I don't think Ddraig took kindly to that knowledge, so this time around, he's begun to apply himself to training, with me using my Alchemy to create obstacles, targets and others stuff so that he could train and warm up. Sooner or later though, I gotta toss him out into a world so that he can flex on some bastards at one point, but for now, we're just chilling and right as rain, even if bored.

"You know...if we stick around here any longer, I might just head out into your world just for fun to see if I can't get my hands on Ajuka Beelzebub's Evil Piece set and play around with it some so that they can be used for another race that isn't the devils and sell it. And if I use my reality warping powers to set them up as a set that can be used for other races...well imagine some enhanced humans or something along those lines with powerful Sacred Gears. Maybe they actually will be worth something on their own and can beat back the supernatural folks without relying on others. But that's just an idea."

"Hm...an Evil Piece set...but for dragons...I reckon that would be interesting." Ddraig said aloud, catching my attention.

"Ddraig, don't give me interesting ideas man. Especially with stuff I don't have on hand." I said and sighed as I stared at the ceiling. I got to admit, that sounds really cool though...


"Ddraig, we got a customer! Holy crap, let's go man, get your ass moving!" I shouted and then dashed out of my hammock and proceeded to run up the stairs of the training room to greet whoever had just entered, my new friend struggling to escape the hammock that trapped him as he tried to get out.

And when I came up from downstairs to greet my customer...

"H-Hello? Is anyone here?"

And my inner Haikyuu showed up.


Ddraig finally managed to get out of his deathtrap and then popped up from behind me to see who I had seen and even his interest was peaked. And due to him having a few Japanese hosts at some points in his existence as Boosted Gear...

"Oya oya? What powerful magic this young one has. And it certainly seems different from the magic that is practiced on Earth. But something seems strange. This one feels like a dragon and yet a human at the same time."

And even I had a small smile on my face as I continued to verbally show my interest.

"Oya oya oya? Well then this is a surprise. Hey Ddraig? You remember those worlds I told you about, specifically the one about how ten percent of its population practices magic? Well, we're here. It's actually called Earthland, and it seems we have met one of its inhabitants, someone who will interest you quite a lot. Although I've got to say that I'm actually quite surprised with who I'm meeting to be honest. I didn't expect to see you of all people here in rags and an unkempt appearance...ah, you poor soul. You've already met Zeref haven't you, that's why you've taken a human form after so long? But your stomach suggests that...I see. I know exactly what brings you here to the Rainbow Bridge."

And I stepped around the counter to stand face to face with the disheveled yet still beautiful woman with scarlet who had entered my store, looking up at me with shock, probably due to how knowledgeable I was about her situation.

Well, fear not. Rejoice, my lady. Your wish will finally come true.

"So tell me, Irene Belserion, the mother of Dragon Slaying Magic. What are you willing to pay in order to revert to your previous state? What would you be willing to give me in order become a human once more, not simply a dragon that has taken a human form and give birth to your child as a human? Because you see, I have the solution to your wish that the Black Wizard Zeref didn't when he only made you look like a human. And all you have to do is make a deal with me."

{AN: Read the Creator's Thoughts for post chapter notes}

Who expected that?! Ddraig get! You read this right, Ddraig, the mf'ing Red Dragon Emperor is now a permanent addition in the staff of the Rainbow Bridge and will be given many ample opportunites to fight against strong people just because he can all in exchange for him being liberated from the Boosted Gear. That's right kids, canon has been absolutely fucked in the DxD universe, there is no copout Boosted Gear to save their sorry collective asses now, no matter what Volume they're at (not that I've read them mind you). So Riser, they're fucked. Kokabiel, fucked. Peace Summit, fucked. Young Devils Gathering, fucked.

Don't worry, we'll definitely be revisiting worlds so we can also see some of the immediate repercussions of Adagium's deal with Ddraig being completed so you'll be able to witness it in person.

And the end of the chapter, what do you think? I bet you didn't expect to see the beautiful and stunning Irene Belserion herself being the shop customer did you? But what a shocker that this is an Irene from before she gave birth to Erza and shortly after meeting Zeref but learning that she was still physiologically a dragon. What do you think Adagium will try to get from her in exchange for him turning her back into a human?

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this, and thanks for your continued support.

NovaAiascreators' thoughts