
The Sixth Deal has been struck!

[3rd POV - Irene]

Irene was angry, shocked, and scared. It had been days since she regained a human form, but learned that she was still cursed with the existence of a dragon.

She couldn't taste the food she ate. She had difficulty sleeping. It was always cold for her and she couldn't stop itching.

She had despaired at the fact that she wouldn't be able to give birth to her child as a human. And out of nowhere as she was drowning in her despair, an ornate door had appeared in front of her, etched into the side of a tree for some reason.

"A door...? What sort of magic would cause this door to suddenly appear like this?" She murmured to herself and then cautiously approached the door. What was it? How did it appear out of seemingly nowhere?

"Should I investigate it?"

And so, out of curiosity, she entered and then looked to see where she was...

"A store?"

Yes, this was a store, but she wasn't sure what kind of store this was. It seemed to be...more advanced than what she has seen from stores in Ishgar. And this selection of weaponry from firearms to swords and daggers and polearms that was being shown. She could feel that they were all unique in one form or another, some of them even enchanted in some manner as well even if she couldn't discern what they were. How interesting.

Her eyes then found a lineup of bottles that were on the opposite wall behind the clerk's counter, spotting a set of drinks. She could feel magic from them, though she wasn't sure what they were for.

There were even accessories of some kind behind glass displays, all of them beautiful in their own right and just like the weapons, they seemed to be carrying some enchantment unknown to even her.

It seemed as if this was a combat oriented store exclusively for mages or warriors. How fascinating.

But still...where is she though? What is this place doing here out of the blue? And where is the owner?

"H-Hello? Is anyone here?" Her tired voice croaked out and not long after, she could hear a cacophony of footsteps coming from the back before an admittedly handsome young man who was a head taller than her with red-violet hair and amber eyes arrived and when it seemed like he was going to say something, he looked at her with surprise.

In his defense, she had to confess that she didn't look the most civilized with the clothes she was wearing, especially since she wanted to keep her stomach freed to not affect her unborn child.

But then he began to show a look of interest on his face. Not an interest in her as a woman. No, it looked like he was amused about something and was looking at her like she was an interesting toy.

"Oya?" He had said as if making some gimmick noise, but before he spoke, he was joined by another man with hair just a shade lighter than her own. But unlike the first man who seemed normal, she could feel great power from him, greater than any other being she has ever encountered in her life. And for some reason, it resembled a dragon's power.

What was such a monstrous person doing here? And why does he have that same look of interest too?

"Oya oya? What powerful magic this young one has. And it certainly seems different from the magic that is practiced on Earth. But something seems strange. This one feels like a dragon and yet a human at the same time."

What? He knows? He knows what she turned into?!

The first man started to smile as he began to speak up next.

"Oya oya oya?"

'Seriously, what is that noise?' Irene thought to herself, unsure if it's some sort of jab towards her that she doesn't know about.

"Well then this is a surprise. Hey Ddraig? You remember those worlds I told you about, specifically the one about how ten percent of its population practices magic? Well, we're here. It's actually called Earthland, and it seems we have met one of its inhabitants, someone who will interest you quite a lot."

'Wait, what? Are they from another world then? Are there more worlds out there than just Earthland? And how would I be of interest to them? I don't even know who *they* are!' But Irene didn't have the chance to speak up as the man continue to talk, his next words throwing into shock.

"Although I've got to say that I'm actually quite surprised with who I'm meeting to be honest. I didn't expect to see you of all people here in rags and an unkempt appearance...ah, you poor soul. You've already met Zeref haven't you, that's why you've taken a human form after so long? But your stomach suggests that...I see. I know exactly what brings you here to the Rainbow Bridge."

'What?! He knows who Zeref is? He knows what happened to me?! Who is this man?!'

And then he stepped around the counter he was at to look down at her as she was trying to comprehend how this man knows so much about her situation despite never having met.

"So tell me, Irene Belserion, the mother of Dragon Slaying Magic. What are you willing to pay in order to revert to your previous state? What would you be willing to give me in order become a human once more, not simply a dragon that has taken a human form and give birth to your child as a human? Because you see, I have the solution to your wish that the Black Wizard Zeref didn't when he only made you look like a human. And all you have to do is make a deal with me."

"You...you can make me a human again?" Irene asked him with a shaky voice and was answered with a single nod before the woman dashed forward and then grabbing the shopkeeper by the collars of his coat and began to shake him, her eyes wet with tears as she looked up with him, clinging onto a fleeting hope that she had been losing.

What is she willing to give and pay to become a normal human again?

"I'll do anything! I'll give you anything! I want to be able to go back to being a normal human!

I want to taste food!

I want to be able to feel warmth!

I want to be able to sleep!

I want to give birth to my child as a human being!

I'll give you whatever you want and do whatever you please! Just please! Help me become a human again!"

She sobbed, grasping at the man as if he was her lifeline, and for all intents and purposes, he really was. For all her centuries' worth of knowledge in magic, she could never figure out how to become a human, and when Zeref came along, he only changed her form, but not her very being into a human. And now this man claims that he can do what no one else could. She had been tortured and beaten by her former bastard human and his men and was humiliated in front fo her own people before becoming a dragon, and if she must suffer some more or pay a large price just to be a human again, she will accept it!

"Shhh...shh...now now..."

Her hopeful savior wrapped his arm around her and held her in his embrace as a hand reached up and pressed her head against his chest, her tears soaking his clothes as she clung onto him while crying, wanting to desperately feel a warmth that was missing. A warmth that he was offering.

"Take a deep breath alright? I promise you with absolutely certainty that I can revert you back into a human and destroy the Dragon Seed inside you that caused this transformation. But I need you to just calm down, alright Irene? Is it alright if I call you Irene?" The man whispered into her ear as he held her.

"Y-Yes...Irene is fine." She confirmed as she did as asked and took deep breaths to calm down, her sobbing having died down to sniffles, reassured that whatever his method was, it would work. No one is that confident unless it is a tried and true method.

"It's nice to meet you Irene. You may call me Adagium. It's a pleasure to meet the former queen of Dragnof and the first Dragon Slayer. I wish that your circumstances were much better in your life, but I promise you that I'm here to help you, alright?"

"Yes...thank you Adagium. I'm sorry for my behavior. It's just that-"

"It's fine." He said to her, cutting her off. "You've gone through a lot, Irene. While I've never been in your shoes, I can only imagine how much you had to endure. But just hang on just a little longer okay? By the end of today, you'll be a normal human, I promise you that."

"Okay...I've waiting centuries for this moment, I can wait until the end of today." She answered calmly as she nodded against his clothes.

"Good. Now, Irene, are you willing to let go of me so that we can-"

"No!" She yelped and tightened his hold, causing a small groan to escape Adagium's mouth, causing Irene to quickly loosen her hold on him as he took a deep breath of air.

"I'm flattered Irene, but I'm not going anywhere alright? So long as you're in the Rainbow Bridge, I won't up and disappear on you. If you're really that desperate, do you want to hold onto my hand?"

"Yes please..." She murmured and then reluctantly let go of her lifeline as they pulled away from each other, but she quickly grasped his hand and held it like a vice.

[1st POV]

Yikes, so that hurt. I mean, I'm flattered, but that squeeze hurt like hell.

I honestly feel sorry for the soon to be mother. I can literally taste her anguish and despair about being a dragon in all but her physical form and mind and the way that she had clung on to me and started crying.

It was no wonder why I called her a poor soul. When I told her about the chance to become human again, she was like a puppy, desperate for this opportunity. Thank God that my price for this wasn't insane, but even then, it'll definitely be worthwhile.

"Hey Ddraig, would you mind leaving me and Irene alone to talk? I'll call you when I need you."

"Of course Adagium. I'll head out to the back." Ddraig said with a nod and then turned to walk away, leaving the two of us alone.

"Alright Irene, so let me explain the process of how this works alright? You don't have to talk, just shake your head yes and no and save all questions until the end. You understand?" I asked her to which she nodded her head.

"Great. So, as you can probably guess, since you're a pretty smart lass, my friend and I are from another world, Earthland being one of the many out there with another called Edolas being one of your world's counterparts, and that brings forth many more sorts of powers and magics never heard of. Now, how my powers work is that they operate on the concept of deals and contracts. In exchange for an explicit service that I am providing you, in this case turning you back to a human, I am the one who sets the price that you have to pay in order for me to help you. It can be something material to actions that I expect you to perform. Do you understand?"

A nod followed by an 'Mhm'.

"Once the deal has been made, with both parties agreeing to the conditions that were made, for a brief moment of time, my magic that can help you, let's just say, will be temporarily unlocked so that I can revert you back to human. Now, because you are pregnant with a child, I can't make you a new vessel unless you want your child to die."

A quick shake of her head pretty much screaming now with wide scared eyes.

"That's what I thought. So what I will be doing is performing a complicated 'subset' of magic, if we can call it that, that is based more on science known as Alchemy along with my unique magic so that I can perform what is known as human transmutation, where I break down and reconstruct your body, specifically in which case I am aiming to destroy the Dragon Seed that formed in your body when you began to use Dragon Slaying Magic from the dragon Belserion, your surname's namesake. It might hurt, but I promise you that it will get you the desired result while keeping your child safe. Now do you have any questions?" I asked her and she paused for a moment before speaking.

"What do I have to give you? I admit that there is much I'm willing to do for this, that doesn't mean that I'm willing to do just anything." She said to me, her hand holding tightly onto my own.

Oh Irene...

"Actually, my price is a simple one. I just want two things. The first is for you to come with me."

[3rd POV - Irene]


Come with him? What does he mean?

"Well, as you can guess, I run a store, and I'm always looking for more wares to expand my store with, and with your Enchantments and your knowledge of magics, I figured that you could help me out by working as an employee, much like my friend Ddraig. Actually, it's funny that you actually came here, seeing as that Ddraig is actually a dragon who was freely given a human vessel that he could eat and sleep with. So consider him a prototype for what I'm gonna do with you."

"Wait, that man actually is a Dragon?! A dragon in a human body that can eat and sleep and you provided it to him?" Irene exclaimed in surprise as she gave him a piercing stare that didn't seem to phase him. Such a thing is actually possible?

"Yep. It's a long story though, probably longer than your own. But while he's a Dragon that needed a new vessel to inhabit, I'm instead changing your at-present dragon vessel and physiology so that you actually become a human. I'm sure he'd be interested in learning about Dragon Slaying Magic, since he's stronger than the mightiest Dragons in Earthland, able to contend with gods. I'm sure you'd be good friends...maybe."

"To be able to contend with gods? He's really that powerful? I knew that he was had a lot of power to begin with, but to such an extent...and he works for you?" Irene asked, wondering how Adagium was able to pull off that feat.

"Oh yeah, it was actually pretty easy. He's a dragon, so he enjoys proving his strength, and due to the nature of my existence, I'm actually not allowed to ever interfere with the events of the worlds I end up in unless it's done through my deals, so he's essentially my muscle who can fight all he wants on my behalf if needed. As for how I got him, well, let's just say that anything beats an eternity of imprisonment."

"Ah...I see..." She murmured as she looked where the Dragon in human skin had gone off to. An eternity of imprisonment does seem like a hell of it's own, but he must be a more cooperative Dragon if a man like Adagium brought him in.

"Anyway, your answer? Would you be willing to come work with me? After all, there's really nothing else for you here in Earthland aside from just your child and the two of you will be able to experience new sights and cultures while also learning about new magics that exist with a possibility for you to learn them possibly." Adagium stated as he looked at them.

He wasn't wrong...she had left Dragnof many centuries ago especially since her people turned on her and all she has left is her unborn child. And the chance to explore other worlds and learn about more magics with her child? How could she pass that up?

"Yes...yes, I'm willing to work for you Adagium." She said and gave him a small smile.

"Excellent! Now onto the second request, but this is more optional. I want to be your child's father."


"Erm, excuse me? Can your repeat that?"

"Oh you heard me right. I want to be the father of your currently unborn child. It's a facet of what I'm able to do with my unlocked magic if I have your permission. So pretty much every trace of your former husband, Rung-"

A small hiss escaped her lips on instinct upon hearing her former husband's name from Adagium before she covered her mouth with her hand in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry. Please continue."

"Right...as I was saying, if you give me permission, pretty much every trace of your former husband that makes up your child will be replaced by my own bloodline and possible features. Though I don't expect a change in their appearance or anything once they are born since we both have similar hair and eye colors. Besides, your blood is actually fairly strong and I'm sure your kid take after their beautiful mother more than me."

"A-A beautiful mother? Me?"

A blush flared across the soon-to-be mother's face upon hearing the compliment that her child will take after their beautiful mother. How long as it been since she's been complimented like that? It feels like it's been too long...not since...Rung...

It took all she had not to scowl at the thought of that man.

"Obviously you. You're an objectively beautiful woman Irene, never doubt that. Besides, I already knew who you were and had a vague idea of your situation with a single glance when you came in. You don't think that I wouldn't know what your future self looked like and what your child would look like in turn?" Adagium said to her before he continued his thoughts, a cold shiver doing down Irene as she thought on the implications of his words.

This wasn't supposed to happen to her. This was merely a miracle that he appeared before her this day. She would have absolutely remained a dragon even after giving birth.

'Is this man some sort of seer?'*

*{AN: I'd like to point out that while he isn't really a seer, it is legitimately possible for people to think that, i.e. him casually knowing who Ling and Ed were and what Ed was doing, or him telling Ddraig about Crom Cruach and Albion. It's not like he's telling them that they're fictional from one world's point of view.}

"Anyway, this second request is optional since I wanted to entertain the thought of me having a kid of my own, since I doubt I'll ever really have a chance to marry and settle down. You don't have to worry about me trying to get custody of your kid or anything, nor do you have to expect yourself to marry me or any nonsense like that. For the most part, our relationship with be very simple, employer-employee and friends, nothing more while I get a chance to raise a kid of my own. Not to mention I'm sure that you'd appreciate the help as well. After all, I heard that being a single parent isn't that easy. So what do you say?"

Irene thought on his words, contemplating the pros and cons, and even then, she can only think that this will only benefit her child more than anything. She wouldn't want her child to be related to a monster who willingly tried to kill them and tortured his own wife, and it'd be nice for her child to be able to grow up with a father figure, especially if the man in question truly is able to help her, even if the child and Adagium are related by only blood and nothing more.

That said...Adagium...even if he seems to have a friend in the form of that dragon Ddraig, his confession about not ever really having a chance to marry and settle down makes it seem like he expects his existence to be a lonely one.

Something told her that he...

"Yes, that's fine with me, considering what has happened before this point. But are you sure? You're pretty much asking to raise a child that isn't yours. And well...what if I want to thank you in another way? I wouldn't mind if we did m-"

"Nope!" Adagium said and then flicked Irene on the forehead with his free hand, causing her to flinch a bit.


"I said nope. You're making this offer out of gratitude sure and I appreciate that, especially since you really are beautiful, but it's also because you're running on just your emotions, and you're only looking at me with tinted lenses. Let's get you a clean bath first, then we'll perform your...operation...after which you'll be getting tons of sleep, food, and water.

'Ah...he has a point. Maybe I am just rushing my thoughts and looking at him in a biased manner, since he's the one who is able to help me.' She thought to her self and shook her head.

"Oh...yes...I suppose I have been very emotional today." The enchantress confessed before a hand was placed on her head, and she felt her hair being ruffled.

"Nah, it's fine. After all, today is a day for you to rejoice Irene. Today, your wish will come true."

'Yes...my wish will come true. Thank you Adagium...' Irene thought to herself as she finally fully relaxed since coming here. Maybe she'll be able to make a happy life for herself here after all.

"Anyway, let's go. You're in need of a shower young lady." The shopkeeper said before sudden pulling her alongside him.

'Excuse me?' Her eye twitched a bit, her spirit fired up slightly from a mix of his casual attitude and the good news paired with the feeling that everything will be fine once she had finally relaxed, acting truly human for the first time in seemingly forever.

"I'm pretty sure that I'm older than you Adagium." She said as she stared up at her potential savior.

"Oh right, you're centuries older than I am...so it is old hag now?"

Unbeknownst to Irene, she began to show some of the traits that would be clearly inherited by her future daughter as she clenched a fist and gave him a menacing glare.

"Old hag am I?" She asked with a tense smile, now unaware that she's getting pulled into her future friend's shenanigans to break the ice and get her spirits rising.

"You said it, not me. Now hop to it, let's get you cleaned downstairs! A beautiful queen like you dressed in rags like this. For shame, woman."

'I think I know what I'm going to do to my new leader once he turns me back to a human.' Said beautiful queen thought to herself with annoyance, but even so, there was still a warmth in her heart, even if her skin was unable to feel it.

{AN: Read Creator's Thoughts for post chapter notes}

Alright guys, this is our sixth deal, but it's actually the next chapter where we see Adagium perform his operation on Irene.

Busty OP mage mommy get!

Real talk though. So this chapter, I wanted to delve a bit into the desperation that one feels (especially in anime) when there is something that they really want, in this case, Irene being human, so I wanted to show how desperately she had been wanting to be a normal human since it doesn't really show all that much in the FT manga and anime.

Also romance option? Platonic friendship? Who knows? All I know is that Adagium is sweet on kids, hence why he sorta wanted to semi-adopt Erza as his own daughter. Trust me, you'll see him wanna take in brats here and there if he gets a chance. As for Irene, keep in mind that she's been looking for a solution for a very very long time and someone finally ups and offers her a solution, which was why she was quick to make him an offer to be in a relationship, because she was in the heat of the moment and viewed him through rose-tinted lenses since he was pretty much her savior, unlike Zeref who made her look human. He recognizes this and wanted her to calm down and take a step back first so that she can re-evaluate herself.

Keep in mind that for all intents and purposes, she is still human in mind and as such, even she is prone to rash decisions as well, but he's just stopping her from making a possible mistake, even if yes, she is objectively a beautiful woman. This doesn't imply romance whatsoever though, so they might actually not be romantic partners, keep this in mind.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this.

NovaAiascreators' thoughts
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