
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasy
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119 Chs

Wind evil-II

His lips trembled and he muttered a few words silently. Jiang Cheng almost stood up on the spot.

It's Wei Wuxian!

However, apart from that face, this man looked nothing like the original Wei Wuxian from head to toe.

Wei Wuxian was clearly a bright and handsome young man, with a smile on his eyes and brows, but he never wanted to walk well. As for this man, there was a cold and gloomy air surrounding him. He was handsome but pale, and his smile was full of sinisterness.

What they saw in front of them was too unexpected, and the situation was unclear, so they couldn't act rashly. Even though the two people on the roof were shocked, they didn't rush in rashly. They just lowered their heads and got closer to the cracks in the tiles. .

Inside the room, Wei Wuxian, dressed in black, slowly turned around. Wen Chao covered his face, and only his breath was left: "Wen Zhuliu... Wen Zhuliu!"

Hearing the sound, Wei Wuxian's eyes and corners of his mouth slowly curved up, and he said, "To this day, do you still think it's useful to call him?"

He took a few steps this way and kicked something white at his feet. When he lowered his head, he saw that it was the meat bun that Wen Chao had just thrown out.

Wei Wuxian raised his eyebrows and said, "Why, are you picky about food?"

Wen Chao fell down from the stool and said heartbreakingly: "I won't eat! I won't eat! I won't eat!"

While he was howling like a ghost, he was crawling on the ground with his hands without fingers. The black cloak that was mopping the floor slid down his lower body, exposing his two legs. These two legs hung under him like cumbersome ornaments, covered with bandages and unusually slender. Due to his violent movements, a gap opened between the bandages, revealing the white bones with bright red blood and flesh hanging inside.

The flesh on his legs was actually chopped off. Moreover, I'm afraid... he will eat all this meat himself!

Wen Chao's sharp screams echoed in the empty inn. Wei Wuxian seemed not to have heard it, lightly lifted the hem of his clothes, and sat down at another table.

The second oil lamp was dimly lit, and in front of the bright yellow flame, Wei Wuxian's face was half in the light and half in the dark. He lowered his hand, and a pale face emerged from the darkness under the table. There was a crunching sound under the table.

A white child squatted at his feet, like a small carnivorous beast, gnawing on something Wei Wuxian fed him.

Wei Wuxian withdrew his hand and patted the white ghost boy's sparse-haired head twice. The ghost boy took the food he fed in his mouth, turned around, sat at his feet, hugged his calf, and continued to chew viciously in his mouth while glaring at Wen Zhuliu with his cold eyes.

What he chewed in his mouth were two human fingers.

Needless to say, it must be Wen Chao's finger!

Lan Wangji stared at the sinister ghost boy and the equally sinister Wei Wuxian, and tightened his grip on Bichen's sword hilt.

Wen Zhuliu still stood in front of Wen Chao. Wei Wuxian lowered his head, making it difficult to see his expression, and said, "Wen Zhuliu, do you really think you can save his life from my hands?"

Wen Zhuliu said, "Give it a try."

Wei Wuxian sneered and said, "What a loyal and warm dog."

Wen Zhuliu said: "You must repay the kindness of knowing someone."

Wei Wuxian's tone suddenly turned sinister, and he said sternly: "What a joke! Why should someone else pay the price for your kindness?"

Before he finished speaking, Wen Chao's shrill wails could be heard behind Wen Zhuliu. Wen Chao climbed to the corner of the wall and squeezed hard into the wooden boards, as if he thought he could squeeze himself out of the gap. Unexpectedly, a red shadow suddenly fell from the ceiling, and a long-haired woman in red clothes with an ashen complexion fell heavily on him. This woman's dark green face, bright red clothes, and long black hair formed a dazzling and terrifying contrast. She grabbed the bandage on Wen Chao's head with her fingers and tore it off with all her strength!

This bandage was re-wrapped by Wen Zhuliu after applying medicine to Wen Chao just now. The ointment, skin and bandage were sticking together. The skin burned by the fire was already very fragile. After being torn off with such force, it was instantly restored. The unpeeled scars were torn off together with the extra thin skin, and even the lips were torn off. A bumpy bald head instantly turned into a bloody bald head.

Wen Chao fainted on the spot. The moment he heard his screams, Wen Zhuliu immediately turned around and tried to save him. Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng on the roof also clenched their swords and prepared to attack, but when they heard a scream, the ghost boy at Wei Wuxian's feet had already pounced. Go up. Wen Zhuliu slapped the palm of his right hand, hitting the ghost boy's forehead, but he felt severe pain in his palm. The ghost boy opened two rows of sharp teeth and bit him. After trying hard to shake it off, Wen Zhuliu ignored it and went to save Wen Chao. The ghost boy bit off a large piece of flesh from his palm, spit it out, and continued to eat it down his palm. Wen Zhuliu grabbed the ghost boy's head with his left hand, as if he wanted to crush the cold and young head with his bare hands. The livid-faced woman threw the bloody bandage to the ground, like a four-legged creature, crawling to Wen Zhuliu in an instant Around him, waving his hand was ten bloody grooves. Two sinister creatures, one big and one small, were biting and entangled around him. Wen Zhuliu could not care about one side but not the other. He was in a panic and in a state of confusion. Turning his head, he saw Wei Wuxian watching with a sneer, and suddenly rushed towards him.

Both of the two people on the roof looked stern. Lan Wangji slapped it down with a palm, and the roof collapsed. He fell from the eaves to the second floor of the inn, standing between Wen Zhuliu and Wei Wuxian. Wen Zhuliu was startled, when a long whip with purple light suddenly struck him, twisted around his neck, wrapped three times around his neck with a whirring sound, and then lifted it suddenly. Wen Zhuliu's tall and heavy body was lifted up by the electric whip and hung in the air. The sound of "click-click" neck bones breaking was heard on the spot. At the same time, Wei Wuxian's pupils shrank, he pulled out a flute from his waist, and stood up. The ghost boy and the green-faced girl who were biting Wen Zhuliu quickly retreated to his side, watching the two of them warily. A stranger comes.

Behind them, Wen Zhuliu had not died immediately. His face was red, his whole body was twitching, and he was struggling. His eyes were wide open and almost burst out of his sockets. The ghost boy bared his teeth at Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng, showing hostility. Wei Wuxian raised his hand slightly to make him retract his fangs, and his eyes flicked back and forth between Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng. Not one of the three of them spoke first.

After a while, Jiang Cheng raised his arm and threw something over. Without thinking, Wei Wuxian raised his hand to catch it, and Jiang Cheng said, "Your sword!"

Wei Wuxian's hand slowly fell.

He looked down casually, paused, and then said: "...Thank you."

After another long moment of silence, Jiang Cheng suddenly walked up to him, slapped him in the face and said, "You brat! Where have you been for the past three months!"

Although this was a scolding, the tone was full of ecstasy. Although Lan Wangji did not step forward, his eyes were always locked on Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian was stunned by Jiang Cheng's slap. After a moment, he slapped him back and said, "Haha, it's hard to say it all, it's hard to say it all!"

The cold air on his body just now was diluted a lot by these two palms. Jiang Cheng was filled with joy and anger, hugged him hard, pushed him away, and roared: "Didn't we agree to meet in that shabby town at the foot of the mountain? I've been waiting for five or six days, but I haven't even seen your ghost!" If you want to die, don't die in front of me! I've been very busy these past three months!"

Wei Wuxian lifted the hem of his clothes, sat down at the table again, waved his hands and said, "It's hard to say enough. A group of warm dogs were also digging three feet into the ground to find me, and they were guarding me and caught me. , throw it into a hell place and go to work."

As he spoke, the green-faced woman crawled toward him on her hands and knees. Just now, she had a ferocious look on her face when she was biting and fighting, but after she leaned beside Wei Wuxian, her green face was pressed against Wei Wuxian's thigh, and she actually looked like a charming concubine who was obediently trying to please her master. , and a chuckle came from his mouth. Wei Wuxian sat slantedly at the table, stroking her long, silky hair with his right hand. Lan Wangji watched his movements with an increasingly grim expression. Although this scene made Jiang Cheng a little uncomfortable, he was even more stunned at the moment and said: "What the hell is this place? I have carefully checked and asked people in the town, and they all said they have never seen you?!"

Wei WuXian said: "You ask the people in that town? They are all country folk who have never seen the world. Who dares to tell you the truth for fear of causing trouble? And Wen Gou must have used some means to silence them, so of course they all said Never seen me."

Jiang Cheng cursed: "A bunch of old men!" and asked: "What the hell is this place? Qishan Mountain? The City that never sleeps? Then how did you get out? And it has become like this, you... two things... What? I'm actually willing to listen to you. Before, Second Young Master Lan and I took over the task of attacking Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu at night, but we were overtaken by someone. I didn't expect it would be you! Did you also change those talismans? "

Wei Wuxian caught a glimpse of Lan Wangji looking at them from the corner of his eye, smiled slightly, and said, "Absolutely. I said that I found a mysterious cave somewhere with mysterious books left by a mysterious master, and then it turned out like this He came out to kill everyone, do you believe it?"

Jiang Cheng spat: "Wake up, you must have read too many legendaries. There are so many masters in the world, and there are secret caves and secret books everywhere!"

Wei Wuxian spread his hands and said, "Look, you don't believe me after I tell you. I'll tell you more slowly when I have the chance in the future."

Jiang Cheng glanced at Lan Wangji, knowing that it was probably inappropriate to say it in front of foreigners, so he suppressed his joy and said, "That's fine. We'll talk about it later. Just come back."

Wei Wuxian said, "Yeah. Just come back."

Jiang Cheng murmured and repeated "It'll be nice to come back" several times, and then slapped him hard: "You are really...! You can survive being caught by a warm dog!"

Wei Wuxian said proudly, "That's right. Who am I?"

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but curse: "You are so proud! You won't come back sooner if you don't die!"

Wei Wuxian said, "Didn't I just come out? I heard that you and senior sister are doing well, and that you are working on rebuilding the Yunmeng Jiang clan and forming an alliance to join the war. I will kill a few warm dogs first to give you some relief. Take the burden and make some contribution. Thank you for your hard work these three months."

Hearing the last sentence, Jiang Cheng seemed to think of the hard work of running around in the past three months, with days and nights reversed, and his face moved slightly. Then, his expression calmed down, and he said in an evil voice: "Put away your broken sword! I will wait for you to come back and get it quickly. Let's go, I don't want to carry two swords around every day and be asked questions all the time!"

Lan Wangji suddenly said: "Wei Ying."

He had been standing quietly aside, but now he suddenly spoke, and Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng both turned to him. Wei Wuxian seemed to have just remembered to say hello to him. He tilted his head slightly and said, "Hanguang-Jun."

Lan Wangji said, "Were you the one who killed Wen's disciples along the way?"

Wei Wuxian said, "Of course."

Jiang Cheng said: "I knew it was you too, so why did you only kill one person at a time? It took so much trouble."

Wei Wuxian said, "It's just fun, let's kill them. It would be too easy to kill them all. Kill them one by one, slowly cutting them with one knife after another. Wen Chao doesn't need to say more, I haven't tortured him yet." Enough. As for this Wen Zhuliu, he was promoted by Wen Ruohan, changed his surname to the Wen family, and was ordered to protect Wen Ruohan's precious son." He sneered: "He wants to protect, but I want him to watch Wen Chao in his hands. Little by little, it becomes beyond recognition, becoming less human and less ghostly."

This smile was three parts cold, three parts cruel, and three parts happy. Lan Wangji clearly saw his expression in his eyes, took a step forward, and said, "How do you control these evil things?" ?"

The curvature of the corners of Wei Wuxian's mouth narrowed sharply, and he squinted at him. Jiang Cheng also heard the dissonance and said, "Second Young Master Lan, what do you mean by this?"

Lan Wangji stared at Wei Wuxian and said, "Answer."

The ghost boy and the green-faced girl became restless, and Wei Wuxian glanced back. They reluctantly retreated slowly and dived into the darkness. Wei Wuxian then turned to Lan Wangji, raised his eyebrows and said, "Excuse me...what will happen if I don't answer?"

Suddenly, he dodged and avoided Lan Wangji's sudden attack. He took three steps back and said, "Lan Zhan, we have just reunited after a long separation, and it's not good for you to arrest someone, isn't it?"

Lan Wangji was quick to move and silent, while Wei Wuxian was quick to show off his moves. After pushing his hand away for the third time, Wei Wuxian said, "I thought we should at least be acquaintances. Isn't it a bit heartless for you to fight like this over a disagreement?"

Lan Wangji said: "Answer!"

Jiang Cheng stopped between the two of them and said, "Second Young Master Lan!"

Wei WuXian said, "Second Young Master Lan, it's really hard to explain clearly what you're asking. And it's very strange. If I ask you about the secret skills of the Gusu Lan Sect, will you answer me?"

Lan Wangji crossed Jiang Cheng and went straight to him to get it. Wei Wuxian held the flute in front of him and said, "Isn't that too much? Why be so unkind? What on earth do you want to do, Lan Zhan?"

Lan Wangji said word by word: "Follow me back to Gusu."

Hearing this, Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng were both startled.

After a moment, Wei WuXian smiled and said, "Come back to Gusu with you? Yun Shen is nowhere to be found? What are you doing there?"

He suddenly realized: "Oh. I forgot, your uncle Lan Qiren hates evil heretics like me the most. You are his favorite disciple, of course, haha. I refuse."

Jiang Cheng stared at Lan Wangji warily and said, "Second Young Master Lan, we all understand the Lan family tradition. But before the massacre at the Xuanwu Cave in Muxi Mountain, Wei Wuxian had saved your life and had a friendship with you. , now you are mercilessly trying to accuse him, which is unkind."

Wei Wuxian looked at him and said, "Okay? He has the demeanor of a family leader."

Jiang Cheng said, "Shut up."

Lan Wangji said, "I'm not trying to accuse him."

Jiang Cheng said: "Then why did you ask him to go back to Gusu with you? Second Young Master Lan, at this juncture, if you, the Lan Sect of Gusu, don't make a concerted effort to kill Wen Gou, are you still thinking about that set of old-fashioned dogmas?"

One-on-one, Lan Wangji still did not retreat. He stared at Wei Wuxian and said, "Wei Ying, practicing evil will eventually pay the price. There is no exception throughout the ages."

Wei WuXian said, "I can afford it."

Seeing his nonchalant expression, Lan Wangji said in a calm voice: "This way damages the body, and even more damages the mind."

Wei WuXian said, "I know best whether it will harm my body or how much it will cost. As for the nature of my mind, my heart is my master. I know it myself."

Lan Wangji said: "Some things are simply beyond your control."

A trace of displeasure flashed across Wei Wuxian's face, and he said, "Of course I can control it."

Lan Wangji took a step closer to him and was about to speak, but Wei Wuxian narrowed his eyes and said, "After all, what is my character like? What do others know? What does it have to do with others?"

Lan Wangji was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said angrily: "...Wei Wuxian!"

Wei Wuxian also said angrily: "Lan Wangji! Do you have to go against me at this juncture? Do you want me to go to the unknown place in the clouds to be detained by your Gusu Lan clan? Who do you think you are? What do you think you Gusu Who is Lan?! Do you really think I won't resist?!"

Animosity suddenly erupted between the two of them. The joints of Lan Wangji's hand that was placed on the hilt of Bichen's sword turned white. Jiang Cheng said coldly: "Second Young Master Lan, now that the Wen chaos has not been eliminated, it is the time when combat power is urgently needed. Everyone has too much time to take care of themselves, so why should the Gusu Lan Sect extend its hand too far? Wei Wuxian is on our side, do you want to punish your own people?"

Wei Wuxian softened his expression and said, "That's right. As long as the one you kill is a warm dog, why do you care how I kill him?"

The two of them have been talking to each other since they were young. At this time, every word of yours and mine is perfect. Jiang Cheng added: "Don't blame Jiang for saying rude words again. Even if we want to pursue it, Wei Wuxian is not from your family, so it won't be his turn." You, the Gusu Lan Sect, will punish him. If he goes back with anyone, he will not go back with you."

Upon hearing this, Lan Wangji's expression froze, he raised his eyes to look at Wei Wuxian, his throat trembled, and said, "I..."

Before he finished speaking, Wen Chao in the corner let out a weak scream. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng's attention immediately shifted. They unanimously bypassed Lan Wangji and came to Wen Zhuliu and Wen Chao. Wen Zhuliu was suspended by Zidian, still struggling in agony. Wen Chao was half dead and slowly raised his eyelids. When he opened his eyes, he saw two faces looking down at him.

These two faces were equally young and equally familiar, and they had both shown expressions of despair, pain, or hatred before him. At this moment, their condescending faces also had the same sneer, and the same cold light in their eyes.

Wen Chao neither screamed nor ran away. He stupidly held his hands without fingers and started drooling. Wei Wuxian kicked him, causing him to kneel down towards Yunmeng. The exposed flesh and bones rubbed against each other, causing Wen Chao to scream in pain, which was particularly harsh in the empty inn. Jiang Cheng asked, "Why is his voice so high-pitched?"

Wei WuXian said, "If something is missing, it will definitely be sharp."

Jiang Cheng said in disgust, "Did you cut it?"

Wei WuXian said, "It's a bit disgusting to think so. Of course I didn't cut it, it was the woman he raised who bit him like crazy."

Lan Wangji was still standing behind them, staring at this side. Wei Wuxian suddenly remembered his presence again, turned around and said with a smile: "Second Young Master Lan, the following scene may not be suitable for you to watch. Why don't you please avoid it."

Although he said "please", his tone was not negotiable. Jiang Cheng also said politely and distantly: "That's right. Second Young Master Lan, Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu have fallen into our hands. This mission has been completed and it's time to go our separate ways. What follows will be family feuds and personal grudges. You Please go back first."

Lan Wangji's eyes were still fixed on Wei Wuxian, but Wei Wuxian's attention had long been taken away by his lingering enemy. His eyes were shining as he stared at Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu, and he smiled excitedly and cruelly. , Jiang Cheng and he had the same expression. Both of them were immersed in the overwhelming pleasure of revenge, and no one had the time to deal with outsiders.

After a while, Lan Wangji turned around and went downstairs.

After leaving the inn, I stood guard at the door for a long time, but never left.

I don't know how long it took, but the silent night was broken by a long and shrill howl.

Lan Wangji raised his head and looked back, his white clothes and mop of hair flying in the cold wind.

The night has passed, and the sun is about to rise in the sky.

And the sun on the ground is setting.