
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasy
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119 Chs

Wind evil-I


Wang Lingjiao screamed and sat up from the bed. Wen Chao, who was reading a letter at the table, slapped the table and said angrily: "What the hell are you screaming at in the middle of the night!"

Wang Lingjiao took a few breaths in shock and said, "I...I dreamed about that man named Wei, and I dreamed about him again!"

Wen Chao said: "I threw him into a mass grave for more than three months. Why do you still dream about him? You have dreamed about him several times!"

Wang Lingjiao said: "I...I don't know why, but I keep dreaming about him recently."

Wen Chao was so distracted by the letter that he had no time to pay attention to her, and he had no intention of hugging her and comforting her like before. He said impatiently: "Then don't sleep!"

She got out of bed, threw herself at Wen Chao's table, and said, "Mr. Wen, I... the more I think about it, the more scared I feel. I think... did we make a big mistake back then?... He was thrown into the chaos In the burial mound, is he still alive? Could he..."

The veins in Wen Chao's temples were pulsing, and he said: "How is it possible? How many groups of monks have our family sent to clear out mass graves before? Has one of them ever come back? He was thrown in there, and I'm afraid the corpses are all rotten and smelly now. It's been one round."

Wang Lingjiao said: "It would be terrible to die! If he turns into a ghost and comes back to find us, as he said..."

As she said this, they both remembered Wei Ying's face and expression when he fell that day, and they both shuddered in unison.

Wen Chao immediately retorted: "It's impossible even if you die! The souls of those who died in the mass graves will be imprisoned there. Don't scare yourself. Don't you see that I am bothered!"

He crumpled the letter and newspaper in his hand into a ball, smashed it out, and said angrily: "What's the sun-shooting expedition? Bullshit shooting the sun. Want to shoot the sun down? It's a dream!"

Wang Lingjiao stood up and carefully poured him a cup of tea. She thought about her flattering words in her heart and then said charmingly: "Master Wen, those families can be rampant for a while. Sect Master Wen will be able to do it immediately." …"

Wen Chao scolded: "Shut up! You know nothing! Get out and don't bother me!"

Wang Lingjiao felt aggrieved and somewhat resentful. She put down her teacup, straightened her hair and gauze, and walked out with a smile on her face.

As soon as she went out, the smile on her face fell and she opened a paper ball in her hand. When she came out just now, she quietly picked up the letter that Wen Chao had thrown out, wanting to see what news it was that made him so angry. She didn't know much about literacy, so she read it over and over for a long time, and finally guessed that the letter was about: Wen Xu, the eldest son of the head of the Wen family, Wen Chao's eldest brother, was beheaded by one of the family heads who led the rebellion, and was still picked up in the battle. Demonstration in front!

Wang Lingjiao was stunned.

The Gusu Lan clan was burned, the Yunmeng Jiang clan was exterminated, and countless other families, large and small, were suppressed in various ways. There were voices of resistance, but the voices of resistance were always quickly suppressed by the Qishan Wen clan, so , three months ago, when the four families of Jin, Nie, Lan, and Jiang formed an alliance and took the lead in causing rebellion, and they used the banner of "shooting the sun", they didn't take it seriously.

Sect Leader Wen spoke at that time. Among these four families, the Lanling Jin family is a loser. Seeing how the families are indignant and launching a crusade, he will join in the fight. However, if he retreats steadily, he will soon realize that he is asking for trouble. Maybe he will come back soon and hug the Wen family's thighs and cry for father and mother; the head of the Nie family in Qinghe is easy to break and cannot last long without others taking action. Sooner or later, he will die in the hands of his own people; the Lan family in Gusu was burned to a complete defeat, and Lan Xi I moved the library and came back to succeed the family head. He is just a junior and cannot handle any big things. The most ridiculous Yunmeng Jiang family has slaughtered all the people in the family. Only Jiang Cheng, who is younger than Lan Xichen, is left. A young brat with no subordinates still dares to call himself the master of the family, raises a flag to attack, and recruits new disciples while doing so.

In short, eight words: underachieving, overestimating one's abilities!

Everyone on the side of the Wen family regarded this sun-shooting campaign as a joke. Unexpectedly, three months later, the situation did not develop according to the path they had imagined!

Many important places such as Hejian and Yunmeng were accidentally captured, so that's fine. Now, even Sect Leader Wen's eldest son has been beheaded.

Wang Lingjiao felt uneasy in the corridor for a while, then returned to her room restlessly, her eyelids twitching wildly. She rubbed her eyelids with one hand and pressed her chest with the other, thinking about her retreat.

She has been with Wen Chao for almost half a year. Half a year is already the limit of how long it takes for Wen Chao to go from liking a woman to being tired of it. She originally thought that she was different and the one who could persist until the end, but Wen Chao's recent increasingly impatient behavior told her that she was no different from other women.

Wang Lingjiao bit her lip, thought for a while, squatted down, and pulled out a small box from under the bed.

This small box was the property and treasures she had managed to collect while following Wen Chao for half a year. Property can be spent, and treasures can be used for self-defense. Although I was unwilling to give in, the day finally came.

She wanted to count how much inventory she had, so she took out a small key from her belt, and while opening the lock, she muttered: "Bitch man, you are going to die sooner or later. I don't have to serve you anymore. I'm happy with that." em!"

She suddenly fell to the ground.

Just now, the moment she opened the box, she saw what was inside.

There was no treasure she cherished, only a pale-skinned child huddled in a box!

Wang Lingjiao was so frightened that she screamed and kicked her legs to move back. She always kept this box locked, with only one key she carried close to her body. How could there be a child in it? She couldn't open it once a month. If there was a child hidden inside, how could she not know? How can this kid survive? !

The small box was kicked over by her. The top of the box overturned and the bottom of the box faced her. There was no movement for a long while.

Wang Lingjiao got up from the ground with trembling legs. She wanted to get closer and take another look, but she didn't dare. She thought to herself: "There is a ghost, there is a ghost!"

Her cultivation was extremely poor and she couldn't deal with ghosts, but she suddenly thought that this was the supervisory house, and there were talismans outside the gate and every room. If there were ghosts, the talismans would definitely protect her, so she rushed out. , took off the talisman outside her room and stuck it to her chest.

With the talisman in front of her chest, she felt reassured. She crept into the room, found a clothes pole, and used it to turn the box over from a distance. Her treasures were neatly packed inside, and there were no children at all.

Wang Lingjiao breathed a sigh of relief and squatted down with the clothes-crossing rod. Just as she was about to start counting, she suddenly noticed two dots of white light under the bed.

Those are a pair of eyes.

There was a white child lying under the bed, looking at her.

This was the third time Wen Chao heard Wang Lingjiao's scream tonight. He became even more angry and roared: "Stupid bitch! Why don't you stop bothering me for being so frightened?"

If it weren't for the irritating news that keeps coming these days, and I don't have time to look for new beauties at the moment, I'm also afraid that what I'll find is the female assassin sent by the bastard family. They are not honest and reliable, and they are in need of a bed warmer. I have already told this woman to get as far away as possible. Wen Chao shouted: "Come here! Tell her to shut up!"

No one responded. Wen Chao kicked a stool away and his anger grew even higher: "Where have all the people died?"

Suddenly, the door opened wide. Wen Chao said: "I told you to shut up that bitch, not to let you in..."

When he turned around, the second half of his words got stuck in his throat. He saw a woman standing at the door of his house.

This woman's nose was crooked and her eyes were slanted. Her facial features seemed to have been broken and put back together again. Her two eyes were looking in different directions. Her left eye was staring diagonally upward, and her right eye was staring diagonally downward. Her entire face was distorted. Shameless.

It took Wen Chao a lot of effort to recognize her by her revealing gauze dress. This is Wang Lingjiao!

Wang Lingjiao's throat rumbled, and she took a few steps closer to him and stretched out her hand: "...Help...Help...Help me..."

Wen Chao shouted, drew out his new sword, and struck it with one blow: "Get out! Get away!"

Wang Lingjiao was struck in the shoulder by his sword, and her facial features became even more distorted. She screamed: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-"

Wen Chao didn't even dare to draw his sword, so he picked up a stool and threw it at her. The stool fell apart after hitting her. Wang Lingjiao swayed, knelt down, and lay on the ground. She seemed to be kowtowing to someone, and said incoherently: "...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...spare me, spare me." , Spare me, wuwuwu..."

As she kowtowed, blood flowed from her seven orifices. The door was blocked by her, and Wen Chao could not rush out, so he had to push open the window and shouted heartbreakingly: "Wen Zhuliu! Wen Zhuliu!!!"

Wang Lingjiao, who was on the ground, had already picked up a stool leg and crazily stuffed it into her mouth, laughing and saying, "Okay, okay, I'll eat it, I'll eat it! Haha, I'll eat it!"

The stool leg was actually stuffed in by her!

Wen Chao was so distraught that he was about to jump out of the window and escape, when he suddenly found a black figure standing in the courtyard in the moonlight.

 at the same time.

Jiang Cheng stood in front of a forest, and when he noticed someone approaching, he tilted his head slightly. The person who came was dressed in white, tied up and wiping his forehead, with streamers fluttering behind him. His face was as white as jade, and he was extremely handsome. Under the moonlight, his whole person seemed to be shrouded in a faint halo.

Jiang Cheng said coldly: "Second Young Master Lan."

Lan Wangji looked solemn, nodded and said, "Sect Master Jiang."

After the two said hello, they had nothing to say. They took their respective monks and walked silently with their swords.

Two months ago, Lan's twin swords and Jiang Cheng made a surprise attack and took back the confiscated fairy swords from the children of Wen Chao's "Education Department" and returned them to their original owners. Only then did Sandu and Bichen return to their respective hands.

Lan Wangji's light-colored eyes glanced at the other sword on Jiang Cheng's waist, and then turned his gaze back.

After a while, he looked straight ahead and said, "Wei Ying hasn't shown up yet?"

Jiang Cheng glanced at him, as if wondering why he suddenly asked about Wei Ying, and replied, "No."

He looked at the casual item on his waist and said: "The people on my side haven't found any news about him yet, but he will definitely come to me when he comes back. When he appears, I will return the sword to him."

Not long after, the two of them led a group of monks to the supervisory house where Wen Chao was hiding, preparing for a night attack. Before entering, Lan Wangji's eyes narrowed and Jiang Cheng frowned.

Yin energy overflows and resentment arises.

However, the talismans on both sides of the gate were intact. Jiang Cheng made a gesture, and the monks he led dispersed and crouched under the wall. He waved three poisons, the sword energy came out, and knocked open the door.

Before entering, Lan Wangji glanced at the talismans on both sides of the door.

The scene in the surveillance cell was extremely tragic.

In the courtyard, there were corpses all over the ground. And not only the courtyard, but also the flowers, corridors, wooden railings, and even the roof were filled with corpses.

These corpses were all wearing Yanyang flame robes and were disciples of the Wen family. Jiang Cheng used three poisons to turn a corpse over. When he saw the pale face covered with bloodstains, he said, "Bleeding from all the orifices."

Lan Wangji stood on the other side and said, "This one is not."

Jiang Cheng walked over and found that the corpse had its eyes rolled up and was beyond recognition. There was yellow bile flowing from the mouth. It was scared to death.

One of his disciples said: "Sect Master, after checking, they are all dead, and each corpse died in a different way."

Hanging, burning, drowning, poisoning, freezing, slitting the throat, piercing the brain with a sharp weapon... After hearing this, Jiang Cheng said solemnly: "It seems that someone else has helped us complete our task tonight."

Lan Wangji remained silent and entered the house first.

The door of Wen Chao's room was wide open, and there was only a female corpse left in the room. This female corpse was dressed in thin clothes and had half a stool leg stuffed in her mouth. It turned out that she stabbed herself to death because she was trying to swallow the table leg.

Jiang Cheng turned the twisted face of the female corpse over, stared at it for a while, sneered, grabbed the stool leg, stuffed it into her mouth, and inserted the remaining half of it into her mouth.

He stood up with red eyes and was about to speak when he saw Lan Wangji standing in front of the door, frowning in thought. He walked over and followed Lan Wangji's gaze, only to see a talisman with a yellow background and red characters posted at the door.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this talisman seal, but if you take a closer look, you will find some subtleties that make you extremely uncomfortable.

Lan Wangji said: "Too many."

Jiang Cheng's brows froze and he said, "As expected."

They could memorize this method of painting the house seal talisman by heart as early as fifteen or sixteen years old. However, there are a few extra strokes in the cinnabar of this talisman seal with dragons and phoenixes dancing. And just these few strokes changed the texture of the entire spell. Now it seems that the charm posted on the door looks like a human face, smiling solemnly.

No bodies of Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu were found in the surveillance cell. Jiang Cheng speculated that they must have fled in the direction of Qishan, so he immediately led his people to withdraw from the abandoned surveillance cell and pursued them with his sword. Lan Wangji, however, went back to Suzhou first.

On the second day, Lan Wangji caught up with Jiang Cheng, took out the last talisman and said, "This talisman has been reversed."

Jiang Cheng asked: "Reversal? What is reversal?"

Lan Wangji said: "Ordinary talismans can drive away evil spirits. This talisman can attract evil spirits."

Jiang Cheng was astonished: "The talisman and seal script can also attract evil? That's unheard of."

Lan Wangji said: "It is indeed unheard of, but after testing, it does have the ability to summon Yin and gather evil."

Jiang Cheng took the talisman and looked at it carefully, saying, "Just adding a few strokes reversed the function of the entire talisman? Is this artificial?"

Lan Wangji said: "There are four strokes added in total, and they were painted with human blood. The seal scripts of the entire Supervisory Office have been altered. The strokes of the strokes belong to the same person."

Jiang Cheng said: "Then who could this person be? Among all the famous people, I have never heard of anyone who can do such a thing." Then he added: "But no matter who he is, his purpose is the same as ours - to kill Wen Wen." dog!"

The two of them followed the intelligence all the way north. Everywhere they passed, they could hear that strange corpses had appeared in the local area. All of these corpses were Wen family monks wearing blazing robes of blazing sun. They were all of high rank and accomplished in cultivation. However, all of them died in tragic circumstances, with various methods of death, and their bodies were all exposed in crowded places. Jiang Cheng asked, "Do you think these people were killed by that same person?"

Lan Wangji said: "The evil spirit is very serious. It must be the work of one person."

Jiang Cheng snorted: "Evil? In this world, can there be anyone more evil than Wen Gou!"

After chasing until late at night on the fourth day, the two finally caught Wen Zhuliu's trace near the inn in a remote mountain town.

The inn has two floors, and next to the building is the stable. When Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng arrived, they happened to see a tall figure rushing into the building and locking the door. The two of them were afraid of Wen Zhuliu's "Alchemy Hand" skill, so they climbed up to the roof instead of entering through the door to scare the snake. Jiang Cheng suppressed the overwhelming hatred in his chest, gritted his teeth, stared at the cracks in the tiles, and looked down.

Wen Zhuliu, who was covered in travel dust, held a figure in his arms, walked up to the second floor with shuffling steps, put the figure on the table, ran to the window and pulled down all the curtains to make it airtight, and then returned He went to the table and lit the oil lamp.

The weak light illuminated his face, which was still pale and cold, but there were two thick black lines under his eyes. The other person at the table was wrapped up tightly, even his face was covered in the cloak, like a fragile cocoon, shivering in the cloak, breathing heavily, and suddenly said: "Don't light the lamp!" What to do if he finds out!"

Lan Wangji raised his head and looked at Jiang Cheng. Both of them had the same doubt in their eyes.

This person must be Wen Chao. But why did Wen Chao's voice become like this, sharp and thin, not like Wen Chao at all?

Wen Zhuliu lowered his head and rummaged through his sleeves, saying, "If I don't light the lamp, he won't be able to find it."

Wen Chao shouted: "We, we have run so far and for so long, he, he should not be able to catch us!"

Wen Zhuliu said indifferently: "Maybe."

Wen Chao said angrily: "What do you mean maybe! Why don't you run away before you can escape!"

Wen Zhuliu said, "You have to take medicine. Otherwise, you will die."

With that said, he suddenly lifted Wen Chao's cloak. This time, the two people on the roof were startled.

Under the cloak, instead of Wen Chao's arrogant, domineering and handsome face, there was a bald head covered with bandages!

Wen Zhuliu peeled off the bandage layer by layer, exposing the bald man's skin. This face was covered with uneven burns and scars, making him look as if he had been cooked, ferocious and ugly, with no trace of the former person at all!

Wen Zhuliu took out the medicine bottle, gave him a few pills, then took out the ointment and applied it to the burns on his head and face. Wen Chao whimpered in pain, but Wen Zhuliu said, "Don't shed tears, otherwise the tears will make the wound fester and make the pain worse."

Wen Chao had to hold back his tears and couldn't even cry. Next to a flickering firelight, a bald man with a burned face was baring his teeth and making weird strange noises. The fire would not go out, and it was dim and yellow. This scene is truly unparalleled in horror.

At this moment, Wen Chao screamed and said: "Dizi! Dizi! Is it a flute?! I heard him playing the flute again!"

Wen Zhuliu said, "No! It's the sound of the wind."

However, Wen Chao was so frightened that he fell to the ground and howled, and Wen Zhuliu picked him up again. It seemed that there was something wrong with Wen Chao's legs and he was unable to move around on his own.

Wen Zhuliu finished applying the medicine on him, took out a few buns from his arms, handed them to him, and said, "Eat it. After eating, continue on your way."

Wen Chao trembled, picked it up and took a bite. Seeing this, Jiang Cheng remembered the miserable situation that he and Wei Wuxian were in when they fled. The two of them couldn't even eat a morsel of solid food. This situation was really retributive!

He was full of joy, raised the corners of his mouth, and laughed silently.

Suddenly, Wen Chao seemed to have bitten something, showing an extremely terrifying expression, threw the bun out, and screamed: "I don't eat meat! I don't eat it! I don't eat it! I don't eat meat!"

Wen Zhuliu handed another one over and said, "This one is not meat."

Wen Chao said: "Don't eat it! Take it away! Get away! I want to find my father. When can I go back to my father's place!"

Wen Zhuliu said: "At this rate, there are still two days."

He speaks very honestly, never exaggerates, never lies. This sincerity made Wen Chao extremely painful, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Two days? Two days?! Look at me now, what do I look like? What will I look like if I wait two more days?! It's useless thing!"

Wen Zhuliu stood up suddenly. Wen Chao shrank in fear, thinking that he wanted to run away alone, but suddenly he felt scared. All the guards died tragically in front of him one by one. Only Wen Zhuliu was his strongest and last support. He quickly changed his words: "No, no, no, Wen Zhuliu, Brother Wen! Don't leave, You can't abandon me. As long as you take me back to my father, I will ask him to promote you to the highest guest rank! No, no, no, you saved me, you are my eldest brother, and I will ask him to admit you into our sect! You will be my big brother from now on!"

Wen Zhuliu stared in the direction of the stairs and said, "No need."

Not only did he hear it, but Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng also heard it. The sound of footsteps came from the stairs of the inn.

There was a man walking up the stairs step by step.

Wen Chao's burnt face instantly lost its excess blood color. He tremblingly stretched out his hands from his cloak and covered his face, as if he was too frightened and wanted to cover his eyes to protect himself. And these palms are actually bare, without a single finger!

Boom, boom, boom.

The man walked up the stairs slowly. He was dressed in black and had a slender figure. He had a flute at his waist and walked with his hands behind his back.

Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng on the roof both pressed their hands on the hilts of their swords.

However, when the man leisurely walked up the stairs and turned around with a smile, he saw the handsome face of Lan Wangji, and his eyes widened in disbelief.