
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasy
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119 Chs


Wei Wuxian suddenly murmured: "...Lan Zhan."

He stretched out his hand and grabbed one of Lan Wangji's sleeves. Lan Wangji, who had been standing by his side, immediately leaned over and whispered softly: "I'm here."

Wei Wuxian was not awake, his eyes were still closed tightly, but his hands were holding on to him, as if he was dreaming, muttering: "...you...don't be angry..."

Lan Wangji was slightly startled and said softly, "I'm not angry."

Wei Wuxian said, "…Oh."

Hearing this, he seemed relieved and relaxed his fingers.

Lan Wangji sat next to Wei Wuxian for a while, and when he saw that he was motionless again, he was about to get up. Unexpectedly, Wei Wuxian suddenly grabbed him with his other hand, holding one of his arms and holding on, shouting Said: "I'll go with you, take me back to your house quickly!"

Lan Wangji opened his eyes wide.

After shouting this, Wei Wuxian seemed to wake himself up. His long eyelashes trembled and he slowly opened his eyes. His eyes changed from chaotic to clear. Suddenly, he realized that his hands were holding life-saving straws. Lan Wangji is hugged like a driftwood in the water.

He immediately withdrew his hand and almost rolled away. The movement was too big and affected the wound on his abdomen. He frowned with a sound of "ah" and then remembered that he was still injured. In the array of golden stars in front of him, Jin Ling, Jiang Cheng, Jiang Yanli, Jiang Fengmian, Madam Yu... many faces were spinning in front of his eyes. Lan Wangji held him down and said, "Abdominal injury?"

Wei Wuxian said, "Injury? It's okay, does it hurt..."

Lan Wangji held him firmly, lifted up his clothes, and found that his abdomen had been properly bandaged. When he took off the bandage again, he saw that the wounds had healed. Looking at my legs again, the evil curse marks have disappeared.

Wei WuXian asked, "How long have I been lying there?"

After confirming that his injuries were indeed fine, Lan Wangji let him go and said, "Four days."

Jin Ling's sword stabbed him squarely, and the wound was not shallow. It took four days to heal without a trace of scar. Gusu Lan's top-grade elixir was indispensable. Wei Wuxian thanked him and said sarcastically to himself: "I have become so fragile after a new life, and I can't hold it back even after being stabbed with a sword."

Lan Wangji said softly: "No one's body can survive being stabbed by a sword."

Wei WuXian said, "That's not necessarily the case. If I had the body I had in my previous life, I could stuff it back with half of my intestines and fight another three hundred times."

Seeing that he had just woken up and started talking nonsense again, Lan Wangji shook his head and turned away. Wei Wuxian thought he was leaving, so he hurriedly said: "Lan Zhan Lan Zhan! Don't leave. I'm talking nonsense, I'm not good, you don't want to ignore me."

Lan Wangji said: "Are you still afraid that people will ignore you?"

Wei Wuxian said, "Afraid, afraid."

It has been a long time since he experienced the feeling of having someone by his side after waking up from injury.

Lan Wangji had two swords on his waist. He took them off casually and handed them to him: "Your sword."

When Wei Wuxian saw the sword, he was startled for a moment, then said, "Thank you."

Holding the hilt of the sword, he gently pulled it out, and a pair of eyes appeared on the sharp edge of the sword. Wei Wuxian stared at these eyes for a while, then reinserted the sword into its sheath and asked, "Does it really seal the sword automatically?"

Lan Wangji also grabbed the hilt of the random sword and pulled it out without moving. Wei Wuxian sighed, patted the sword, and thought to himself: "I knew that Jin Guangyao didn't dare to make things up... but he actually sealed the sword. A rare good thing happened to me, This is great, the proof is solid, the person who pulled it out must be Wei Wuxian and he didn't run away, even if he wants to deny it."

Looking around, I saw that this was a clean and simple room with dim light, except for a paper lamp shining in the corner. Wei Wuxian asked, "Where is this?"

Lan Wangji said: "I don't know where the clouds are."

Wei Wuxian said, "You take me back to the Cloud Recesses? What if your elder brother discovers me?"

One person said: "I have discovered it."

A person came in from behind the screen, wearing white clothes and wiping his forehead, with a face as beautiful as jade and a solemn expression.

He had been recuperating in an unknown place in Yun Shen for four days before he was captured by the Lanling Jin clan. Lan Xichen should not be a threat, and Lan Wangji was right beside him, so Wei Wuxian was not wary. He suddenly remembered something and asked: "Where is the body of Lord Chifeng?"

Lan Xichen said: "Every family has seen the body of eldest brother with their own eyes. It is currently in the custody of Huaisang. I have also sent trustworthy people to take care of it."

Wei Wuxian felt slightly reassured and asked, "Jin Guangyao's reaction?"

Lan Wangji said: "It's perfect."

Wei Wuxian had known that Jin Guangyao would definitely make a gesture to make sure that he couldn't destroy the body and eliminate traces. Unexpectedly, Lan Xichen said slowly: "He said that if this matter is investigated to the end, he will definitely give an explanation. And since Mr. Wei has woken up, Wangji, should you also give me an explanation?"

Lan Wangji stood up and said, "Brother."

Lan Xichen let out a long sigh and said, "Wangji, let me tell you what's good about you."

Lan Wangji said: "Brother, the head of Lord Chifeng is indeed in Jin Guangyao's hands."

Lan Xichen asked: "Did you see it with your own eyes?"

Lan Wangji said, "He saw it with his own eyes."

Lan Xichen asked: "Do you believe him?"

Lan Wangji said: "Letter."

He answered without hesitation, and Wei Wuxian's chest felt hot. Lan Xichen asked: "What about Jin Guangyao?"

Lan Wangji said: "It's not credible."

Lan Xichen smiled and said, "Wangji, how do you judge whether a person is trustworthy or not?"

He looked at Wei Wuxian and said, "You believe Mr. Wei, but I believe in Jin Guangyao. The eldest brother's head is in his hands. We didn't witness this with our own eyes. We all relied on our own feelings about the other person." Understand and believe what that person says.

"You think you know Wei Wuxian, so you trust him; and I also think I know Jin Guangyao, so I trust him too. You trust your own judgment, so can't I trust my own judgment?"

Wei Wuxian was afraid that the two brothers would get into a fight over this, so he said, "Sect Master Lan!"

It's not that he can't understand Lan Xichen. He saw Jin Guangyao from Nie Mingjue's perspective, seeing all of his cunning, cunning and ambition. However, if Jin Guangyao had been pretending to be in front of Lan Xichen for many years, there was no reason for him not to believe in his sworn friendship. Brother, you believe in a man who is notorious for being a bloody man.

Lan Xichen nodded and said, "Young Master Wei, you don't have to worry. Until the truth comes to light, I won't trust any party, and I won't expose your whereabouts. Otherwise, I won't let Wangji send you to my cold room. , and even healed your injuries."

Wei Wuxian said, "Thank you, Master Lan, for giving Wei this opportunity. It's absolutely true that Chi Fengzun's head was in Jin Guangyao's secret room. Not only did I see it, but I was also infected by his resentment and saw something. I don't know. Can this be considered a proof?"

Lan Xichen said calmly: "Master Wei, maybe you did see something, but you can't prove that you saw it in the secret room in Jinlintai."

Wei Wuxian said, "Hmm. That's true. Let me say something else. The direct cause of Chi Fengzun's death was indeed a deranged maniac, but Master Lan, don't you think this timing is too coincidental? The sword spirit was the cause. First, but you haven't thought about it, there are other incentives behind it?"

Lan Xichen said: "What do you think is the trigger?"

Wei Wuxian said: "The Mysterious Song of Pure Heart."

Lan Xichen said: "Master Wei, do you know that the Qingxin Xuanyin he played was taught to him by me personally."

Wei Wuxian said, "Then, Master Lan, please listen to it. Is there anything weird about this song?"

His flute was placed by the bedside. Wei Wuxian picked it up, lowered his head and thought about it, then started playing. After finishing the song, he said: "Sect Master Lan, is this song indeed the one you taught Jin Guangyao?"

Lan Xichen said: "Exactly."

Wei Wuxian was slightly surprised, but he calmed down and asked, "What's the name of this song?"

Lan Xichen said: "This song is called "Washing Flowers", it has the effect of clearing the mind and calming the mind."

Wei WuXian said, "Xi Hua. I have listened to many famous Xuanmen songs, but why am I not impressed by its name or melody?"

Lan Wangji said: "This song is unfamiliar and difficult to learn."

Lan Xichen said: "Exactly."

Wei WuXian asked, "Did Jin Guangyao ask you to learn this song?"

Lan Xichen said: "Not bad."

Wei WuXian asked, "Is it really so difficult to learn? Then why did Jin Guangyao choose this piece by name instead of other songs that are easier to learn?"

Lan Xichen said: "Because I told him that although "Xihua" is difficult to learn, it is very effective. This piece is indeed tricky. Didn't Mr. Wei play the wrong part just now?"

Hearing this, Wei Wuxian's heart moved and he asked, "Did I make a mistake just now?"

Lan Wangji said: "There is a section in the middle that is wrong."

Wei Wuxian smiled and said, "No, no. It's not that I was wrong. It was that Jin Guangyao was wrong! When resentment invaded, that's exactly how he played it. I can guarantee that I repeated this piece of music correctly. ."

Lan Xichen said in surprise: "So he learned it wrong? This... is impossible."

Wei WuXian said, "It's really impossible. Lian Fangzun is so smart and has such an extraordinary memory. How could he misremember the tune? I'm afraid it's probably intentional. I'll play it again, Master Lan, Lord Hanguang, please two of you. Listen carefully to the part about 'Blowed Wrong' for the first time."

Sure enough, he blew it again, and when he was near the end of the second verse, Lan Wangji said, "Stop."

Lan Xichen said: "That's the part just now."

Wei Wuxian took off the flute from his lips and said, "Is this really this section? But I think this section doesn't sound inconsistent."

Lan Xichen said: "It is indeed not against the law. However, it is definitely not part of "Washing China"."

If it were an ordinary playing error, it would never be so seamlessly integrated with the other parts of the original song. This melody must have been deliberately polished and then inserted. This section does not belong to "Washing China", but the strange melody mixed into "Washing China" may be the key to Nie Mingjue's death.

After thinking for a moment, Lan Xichen said, "Come with me."

After leaving the room, Wei Wuxian was slightly startled.

This is a secluded small building, located in a hidden corner of the cloud depths. Lan's Immortal Mansion lives in the mountains, with pine trees and canopies, mostly green trees and orchids. It's not that there are no flowers, but they are all fresh and elegant varieties such as magnolia, gardenia, and white chrysanthemum, and they are only scattered embellishments for a glimpse. In front of this room, there were purple gentian plants. The flowers are petite, colorful, and endearing. They seem to emit a faint fluorescence in the night, and are as beautiful as a dream.

Wei Wuxian felt that there must be something different here, but he only had time to take a quick glance and had no time to study it in detail. It was past Haishi, and most of the people in Yunshenzhuang had already gone to bed. It was extremely quiet, and there was no one on the road. Lan Xichen took them straight to the library.

Yunshen was burned by a fire somewhere unknown, and the Library Pavilion was no longer the same as it used to be. However, after the reconstruction, the layout was exactly the same as before. Even the magnolia tree outside the pavilion was replanted. The three of them entered the pavilion, and Wei Wuxian asked suspiciously: "Sect Leader Lan, can the source of this melody be found here?"

Lan Xichen said: "It doesn't work here."

He walked to a row of bookshelves, squatted down, lifted up a mat spread there, uncovered the wooden board underneath, and said, "It's okay here."

Under the wooden plank, there is a secret door.

Lan Wangji said: "Forbidden Library."

Under the secret door, there was a secret ladder with more than fifty steps. The three of them went down the secret ladder one by one. What appeared in front of Wei Wuxian was a dry and spacious underground stone chamber. The sound of footsteps evoked a spacious echo in the basement. . There are rows of bookshelves in the forbidden library. Books are scattered and sorted on the grids, covered with dust, as if no one has turned them over for many years.

Lan Xichen took them to a row of book grids and said, "This grid is all filled with strange books."

There is a book table in the forbidden library, and there is only a paper lamp on the book table. Lan Wangji took the pen and paper that had been on the grid for many years and silently wrote three copies of the score of that melody. The three of them sat around the book table and divided the work. Each person was responsible for dozens of books, one by one, and they compared the music scores listed in the forbidden book page by page, looking for the matching parts.

However, after two hours, none of the three people found a score that matched that melody. That is, its origin was not found.

While Wei Wuxian was reading through the score at a glance, he thought to himself: "Is it possible that the Lan family's collection of books and the forbidden library's Yipu Zhi didn't include this piece of music? It's impossible. If the Lan family doesn't even collect it, then it's even impossible for it to be collected elsewhere. Collection. Could it be that Jin Guangyao composed a divine song by himself? In this case, it would be troublesome. To prove that there is something wrong with this music, we have to find someone to listen to it for several months and test it. But although he is smart, he is still a monk halfway. , not smart enough to create your own..."

Wei Wuxian looked at these densely packed small characters for a long time, feeling a little dazzled. He still had a few books left, so he decided to put them aside for a while before reading them. Lan Wangji had finished reading his stack, and silently took the few volumes Wei Wuxian had put aside, lowering his head and continuing to rummage. Lan Xichen slowly raised his eyes, saw this scene, and hesitated to speak.

At this moment, Lan Wangji said, "This one."

He handed over the book in his hand, and Wei Wuxian immediately cheered up, but he carefully looked at the two pages he had opened, compared them with the fragments of music in his hand, and said, "Completely different?"

Lan Wangji stood up, sat next to him, and pointed to him: "Look at the front and back pages."

Their heads were brought together, and Lan Wangji's voice was right next to his ear, low and magnetic. Wei Wuxian's hand trembled slightly, and the book almost fell. With great difficulty, he calmed down and forced himself to take his eyes away from Lan Wangji's slender white fingers, distinguish them carefully, and said, "Ah, the front and back pages."

At first glance, there seems to be nothing wrong with this book of music, but if you are familiar with music and pay more attention, you will be able to see that on the page you open, the music on the previous page and the music on the next page are connected. Not available.