
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasy
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119 Chs


Several teenagers over there were also fledgling, and they looked nervous, but they still strictly stepped on Mo Zhai, and were filled with runes inside and outside the house. The servant Ai Tong had been lifted into the hall. Lan Si chased his left hand holding his pulse and pushing Mrs. Mo's vest in his right hand. Both sides could not be cured.

Abing's "Ah" said: "Ah Tong, you wake up!"

Before she had time to show his joy, she saw A Tong raised his left hand and pinched her neck.

Seeing this, Lan Si chased on several acupuncture points. Wei Wuxian knew that although the people in their homes looked at Sven, their arms could not be Sven at all. Such a shooting method could not move immediately, but Ai Tong did not know, the tighter left hand, the more the expressions, the more expressions, the more expressions, and the more expressions, the more expressions. The more painful. Lan Jingyi went to his left hand, but it was like a piece of iron, and the lines remained motionless. Without a moment, a "Kazakh" sounded, and A Tong's head was tilted, and his hand was released. However, the neck bone has been broken.

He even strangled himself in the eyes of the public!

Seeing this, Abing trembled, "... Ghost! There is an invisible ghost here, let A Tong strangle himself!"

Her voice was sharp, her voice was scarce, and she could hear the creepy beside everyone, and believed it. Wei Wuxian's judgment is just the opposite: not Li Gui.

He has seen the runes chosen by these teenagers, all of which are exclusive to the whole Dongtang. If it is really a ghost and enter the Dongtang, the spell will automatically burn the green fire immediately instead of the present, not as it is now Generally there is no movement.

It's not that this group of children responded slowly, but that the comer was really cruel. Xuanmen has strict prescribed standards for the word "Li Gui". If you kill one person a month and continue to work for three months, you can already be attributed to Li Gui. This standard is set by Wei Wuxian, and it is still used now. He is best at dealing with such a category. According to his opinion, killing one person for seven days can be regarded as a frequent ghost. This thing has been killed by the three, and the interval is so short. Even a famous monk can hardly come up with the response strategy, not to mention that this is just a younger who has just debuted.

He was thinking that, the fire flashed, and a gust of wind hit. The entire yard and all the lanterns and candlelights in Dongtang went out.

At the moment of the lantern, the screams came one after another, and the men and women pushed the push, fled and fled. Lan Jingyi drank: "Stand in place, don't run around! Who runs who!"

This is not alarmist. While it is dark, and touches the fish in muddy water is the nature of evil spirits. The more you cry, the more likely it is to cause the upper body without knowing it. At this time, it is extremely dangerous to order or chaos. However, how can the soul fly out of the sky, how can I hear it clearly, I can hear it, and the Dongtang is quiet, except for the slight breathing sound, it is a slight sobbing sound. I'm afraid there are no people left.

In the darkness, a fire lit suddenly, and it was Lan Si led a bright fire symbol.

The flames of the Minghuo rune will not be blown out by the wicked yin wind. He holds this symbol to lit the candlelight again, and the remaining teenagers will appease others. With the light, Wei Wuxian looked at his wrist without intention, and healed another scar.

At this point of view, he suddenly realized that the number of scars was wrong.

Originally, his two wrists had two scars each. Mo Ziyuan died and healed; Mo Ziyuan's father died, another; his family servant Ai died, and one again. In this way, there should be three scars healing, and only the last traces of the last trace and the deepest hatred.

But now on his wrist, empty and empty, one is not left.

Wei Wuxian believes that Mo Xuanyu's revenge is certainly indispensable. The longest and deepest wound was left for her. And it disappeared.

Mo Xuanyu suddenly looked away and gave up resentment? That is impossible. His soul has long been sacrificed at the cost of calling Wei Wuxian. To wound healing, unless Mrs. Mo died.

His eyes slowly opened, moved to Mrs. Mo, who had just woke up, was surrounded by everyone in the central government, and pale pale.

Unless she is already a dead person.

Wei Wuxian can be sure that something is attached to Mrs. Mo. If this thing is not a soul, what will it be?

Suddenly, Adin cried, "Hand ... hands, Ai Tong's left hand!"

Lan Sihan moved the bright fire to A Tong's body. Sure enough, his left hand really disappeared.

Left hand!

In the electric light, Wei Wuxian's eyes were clear, the stimuli, and the disappearing left arm, connected into a line. He suddenly laughed. Lan Jingyi said: "This fool, at this time you can laugh!" But again, since he was originally a fool, what would he care about him?

Wei Wuxian grabbed his sleeve and shook his head: "No, no!"

Lan Jingyi was irritating to pull back his sleeve: "Isn't it? Isn't it a fool? You don't want to make trouble! No one can care about you."

Wei Wuxian pointed at the body of Mo and A Tong on the ground, saying: "This is not them."

Lan Si pursuing Lan Jingyi who was angry and asked, "What do you mean," This is not them ', what does it mean? "

Wei Wuxian said solemnly: "This is not Mo Ziyuan's father, that is not Ai."

The fascinating face with a fat manner now, the more he feels sick. But this sentence is creepy in the quiet candlelight. Lan Si chased for a while, and asked involuntarily, "Why?"

Wei Wuxian proudly said: "Hands, they are not left -handed, I always use my right hand, I still know."

Lan Jingyi couldn't bear to say: "What are you proud of! See you proud!"

Lan Si chased a little cold sweat. Think back: A Tong strangled himself, using his left hand. When Mrs. Mo's husband pushed his wife, he also used his left hand.

However, when Mo Xuanyu was in trouble during the day, these two people caught people and rushed people, and they were used to their right hands. Before the two people were dying, they suddenly became left -handed.

Although I do n't know what the reason is, but if you want to prove something, you must start with the "left hand". Lan Si thought about this section, slightly suspicious. After looking at Wei Wuxian, he couldn't help thinking: "Suddenly he said this, it is not a coincidence."

Wei Wuxian just laughed with a face, knowing that this prompt was still too deliberate, but he couldn't help it. Fortunately, Lan Si chased did not investigate, and said: "In any case, since Mo Gongzi reminded me, most of them are not with the mind." Abing fell on Mrs. Mo.

Looking down from her face, walking to her hands. The arms were drooping flat, mostly in the sleeve, and only a small half -hand finger was exposed. The fingers of the right hand are white and slender, and it is the hand of a woman who has a prime minister and a work.

However, her left hand fingers were a little longer and thicker than her right hand. The knuckles are aroused and full of strength.

Where is this hand that should grow on a woman -it is clearly a man's hand!

Lan Si chased: "Press her!"

Several teenagers had twisted Mrs. Mo, Lan Si chased "offens", and a rune was shot when she turned her hands.

The arm of the living person should be twisted like this, unless the bones are broken. And she shot very quickly, and she was about to grab his neck. At this time, Lan Jingyi yelled "ah", rushing to Lan Si chasing, helping him block this grab.

I saw the flashes flashed, and the arm just grabbed the shoulder of Lan Jingyi, and the green flames were raised on the arms, and the five fingers immediately let go of the five fingers. Lan Si pursued a disaster. He just thanked Lan Jingyi to save his body. "What do you kick me, death lunatic, do you want to kill me?!"

Wei Wuxian hugged his head and rushed: "I didn't kick!"

He kicked. The inner side of the Lanjia school uniform is embroidered with dense mantra mantra with the same color line, and has the magical effect of protecting the life. However, when you encounter such a powerful one, you can only use it once. In a hurry, he could only kick Lan Jingyi, and let him help Lan Si take care of his neck with his body. Lan Jingyi had to scold, but Mrs. Mo fell to the ground, and her flesh on her face was sucked only one layer of leather with a skull. The man's arms that did not belong to her fell off from her left shoulder, and the five fingers were still flexible, as if the bones and bones were mobilizing, and the bones and blue tendons could be seen clearly.

This thing is the evil thing called by the summoning flag.

The dispersion of corpses is the standard of miserable death, which is slightly decent than Wei Wuxian's death method, and it is not decent. Different from the case of broken powder, the body corpse will contaminate the grievances of the deceased, eager to return to the other body, and eager to die, so it will try to find other parts of the body. If you find it, you may be satisfied with your peace of mind from then on, and may be more powerful. And if you can't find it, this part of the limb can only retreat.

How to retreat? Find the living person's body to make up.

Just like this left hand: eat the left hand of the living person and replace it. After absorbing the essence of the living person, he abandoned his body and continued to find the next parasitic container until he found other parts of its corpse.

Once the upper body is upper, the parasitic person is died immediately, but before the flesh and blood of the whole body are absorbed, they can still walk as usual under its control, as if they are still alive. After it was called, the first container found was Mo Ziyuan. The second container was Mo Ziyuan's father. When Mrs. Mo asked her husband to get out, he pushed her back. Wei Wuxian originally thought that it was the distress of his son's death, and he was tired of his wife's arrogance. But think about it now, that's not what a father who has just lost his son. That was not the heart of gray, but the dead, the dead of the deceased.

The third container is Ai Tong. The fourth container is Mrs. Mo. While the chaos that was disappeared, the ghost hand moved to her. When Mrs. Mo died, Wei Wuxian's last scar on his wrist also disappeared.

The young people of the Lan family saw that they could not work, but they used the clothes, but they unpoved their coats and dumped them. They covered the left hand, and layered as if a thick white cocoon wrapped it. After a while, this group of white clothes was burned, and the green flames were different. Although it is used for a while, it won't be long after the school uniforms are burned out, and the hand will still break out. With no attention, Wei Wuxian went straight to the west courtyard.

The corpse captured by the teenagers stood silently in the yard, there were as many as ten. On the ground was painted with the spells that sealed them. Wei Wuxian kicked one of the words, destroyed the entire formation, and hit the palm twice. The corpse rolled suddenly, as if he was awakened by a thunder.

Wei Wuxian said: "Get up.

He drives the corpse's crickets that never need any complex spells and calls, as long as the most ordinary straight commands. Standing in front of the corpse trembled and struggled for a few steps. However, as soon as Wei Wuxian was close to Wei Wuxian, he was lying on the ground as if he was scared, he was lying on the ground.

Wei Wuxian couldn't laugh and laughed, and took another twice. This time it was much lighter. But this group of corpses is probably born in Mojiazhuang and died in Mojiazhuang. I didn't see much about the world. I instinctively obeyed the instructions of the summoners, but I was afraid of the person who issued the instructions. Dare to get up.

The more brutal evil evil spirits, Wei Wuxian is more able to drive. These corpses have not been tuned, and they can't afford his direct control. He has no materials at hand, and he cannot make up props immediately. He can't even make up. Seeing that the green flames of the East Courtyard were gradually dim, and suddenly, Wei Wuxian was bright.

Why do you need to come out to find a very heavy and cruel and poisonous deceased? Intersection

There are Dongtang, and there are more than one!

He flickered back to the East Court. Lan Si chased a count, and he put another plan. He pulled out the sword and formed the sword bar. The ghost hand was hitting in the sword bar. They pressed the horn handles to prevent it from breaking, and they had no time to pay attention to who was going in and out. Wei Wuxian entered Dongtang, one left and right, mentioned the corpse of Mrs. Mo and Mo Ziyuan, and whispered: "Don't wake up yet!"

Call out, immediately return to the soul!

After that, Mrs. Mo and Mo Ziyuan turned their eyes white, and the sharp howls unique to Li Gui returned to the soul in their mouths.

In the sound of one high and one low, another corpse also climbed up, and he couldn't let the weakness in the lowly. It was Mrs. Mo's husband.

The sound is big enough, and the grievances are sufficient. Wei Wuxian was very satisfied and smiled: "Do you recognize the hand outside?"

He ordered: "Tear it."

The Mo family's three mouths were like three black winds, and they scraped them out in an instant.

The left arm broke a long sword and broke out. As soon as it came out, the three corpses without left arm rushed to it.

In addition to the order that did not dare to disobey Wei Wuxian, the family of three also brought anger to the ghost's hand with a fierce resentment to kill himself. The main killing is undoubtedly Mrs. Mo. After the female corpse changes, she is often extremely brutal. Her hair is exuding, her eyes are covered with blood, and five nails have many times long. Essence Mo Ziyuan followed her mother, and cooperated with her to bite together and used it together. His father followed, and then made up for the two other murderers' attack gaps. Several teenagers who were supported by hardships were stunned.

They have never heard of this kind of murderous fighting in the miscellaneous books and rumors. For the first time, they witnessed such a flesh and blood scene. They looked dazzling and couldn't look away at all.

The three corpses fought righteousness and evil. Suddenly, Mo Ziyuan shouted and turned away. His abdomen was taken out of the hand, leaking a few meals. Seeing this, Mrs. Mo kept roaring, protecting her son behind her, and she was even more fierce. Wei Wuxian saw that she had a faint attitude.

The three deadly corpses joined forces, and they couldn't suppress the arm!

Wei Wuxian watched the battle, his tongue was slightly rolled, and a whistle held in his lips, trying not to lose. His whistling out can arouse the greater suffocation of the corpses he driven, and may be able to reverse the war, but it is difficult to guarantee that he can find that he is tapping. In the blink of an eye, the manual was like a lightning, and Mrs. Mo's neck bone was broken.

Seeing that the Mo family's three mouths were defeated, Wei Wuxian was about to blow out the long whistle pressed at the bottom of the tongue. At this time, there were two string sounds from the sky.

These two sounds seemed to be picked up by people, very ethereal and clear, with a lingering pine wind chill. A group of monsters who killed the fiercely in the courtyard stiffened.

Several teenagers of Gusu Lama were glowing for a moment, as if they were reborn. Lan Si chased her hand with blood stain on her face, Huo Ran looked up, and was joyful: "Han Guangjun!"

As soon as he heard the two sounds of Tianwai Qin, Wei Wuxian turned and left.

There was another string. This time the tone was slightly higher, and the clouds broke the air, bringing two points of killing. Three mockery retreating again and again, covering his ears with his right hand. However, the sound of Gusu's obstacles was so available. Without a few steps, the slight burst of burst came out from their heads.

And the left arm just experienced a fight, and when he heard the string sound, it suddenly. Although his fingers are still flexion and stretching, his arms are silent.

After the short silence, the teenagers couldn't help cheering loudly. In this cheering, the ecstasy of the rest of the life after the robbery, the thrilling overnight survive, and finally waited for the family's support. Essence

Waving for a while at the moon, Lan Si chang suddenly noticing that someone was gone. He dragged Lan Jingyi: "What about people?"

Lan Jingyi is only happy: "Who? Which?"

Lan Si chased: "That Mo Gongzi."

Lan Jingyi: "Ah? What are you looking for that lunatic? Who knows that I am afraid of being beaten and where to run."

"..." Lan Si chased Lan Jingyi with careless rectum. He never thought about it in trouble.

Mojiazhuang is still sleeping, but I don't know if it is really sleeping or fake sleeping. Even if the corpse fighting blood in the Mojia and West courtyard, others would not get up in the middle of the morning in the middle of the morning. Seeing the fun is also to pick. The screaming is lively, and it is wonderful.

Wei Wuxian quickly destroyed the corpse in Mo Xuanyu's room in the room and rushed out of the door. It happened that the Lan family happened to come in the heart. This is one of the people who have had a deal with him and have been fighting, and quickly withdrew. He was in a hurry to find a mount, passing by a yard, a large grinding plate in it, a flower donkey with a mouthful of chewing, seeing him rushing over, as if a little surprised, looking at him like a living person, Essence Wei Wuxian and it looked at it for a while, and were immediately moved by a bit of contempt in its eyes.

He stepped forward and dragged his rope and dragged him out. Wei Wuxian dragged him, saying that he had cheated it on the road, and stepped on the dawn's belly, and ran into the big road.