
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasy
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119 Chs


The first thought of Wei Wuxian was that the flags of the teenagers made a mistake.

What he made, using a little carelessness, will cause a big disaster, which is why he deliberately confirmed whether the painting method of calling the flag was wrong. When a few pairs of big hands were dragging him out, Wei Wuxian made them drag up and saved themselves. Drag to Dongtang, so lively, people are not less than that of the town people in Mojiazhuang during the day. All the servants and relatives of their families have come out. A panic. Mrs. Mo was paralyzed on the seat, as if she had just woke up from fainting, tears seeing tears on the cheeks, and her eyes still had tears. However, as soon as Wei Wuxian was dragged in, her tears immediately turned into the cold light of resentment.

A human -shaped thing was lying on the ground, and the body was covered with a white cloth, only one head was exposed. Lan Sixuan and the young people were dignified, and they were leaning over to check and whispered. The voice was missed into Wei Wuxian's ears:

"... I found that the time is less than a fragrant?"

"Just uniforming the corpse, we rushed from the western courtyard to the East Court, and the corpse was on the gallery."

This humanoid is Mo Ziyuan. Wei Wuxian glanced at it and couldn't help but look at it again.

This corpse is like Mo Ziyuan, but it doesn't look like Mo Ziyuan. Although his facial features are clearly like his cheap cousin, his cheeks are deeply sunken, eyebrows and eyeball protrusions, and the skin is wrinkled, compared with Mo Ziyuan, who was just young, as if he was 20 years old. It seemed to be absorbed to the flesh and turned into a skeleton covered with a thin layer of skin. If the original Mo Ziyuan was just ugly, now his body is old and ugly.

Wei Wuxian was looking closely, and Mrs. Mo suddenly rushed over. The cold light in her hand flashed, and she was holding a dagger. Lan Si chased his eyes and shot down. Before he opened his mouth, Mrs. Mo screamed at him: "My child died tragically, I want to get revenge and hate him! What do you stop me?"

Wei Wuxian hid behind Lan Si, squatting: "What does your son die?" What does it have to do with me? "

During the day, Lan Si chased Wei Wuxian in Dongtang, and later he heard a lot of rumors about the illegitimate son's oil and vinegar from the population. He was very sympathetic to this sick person and couldn't help talking for him: "Mrs. Mo, the shape of the corpse, the flesh and blood of the corpse were all absorbed, and it was clearly killed by evil spirits. It should not be done by him."

Mrs. Mo's chest was undulating: "What do you know! The father of this lunatic is Xiu Xian, he must have learned a lot of evil techniques!"

Lan Si chased Wei Wuxian, who looked like dementia, and said, "This, the lady has no evidence, or ..."

"The evidence is on my son!" Mrs. Mo pointed to the body: "You see! A Yuan's body has told me who is the person who kills him!"

Without the hands, Wei Wuxian rushed to lift it and lifted the white cloth from the head to the toe. Mo Ziyuan's body was missing.

His left arm, below shoulder, disappeared!

Mrs. Mo said: "Did you see it? Today, you heard it, what did you say? What did he say in this lunatic? He said, if A Yuan touched his things again, he cut off A Yuan's arm! "

After being excited, she choked with her face: "... just pity my A Yuan never touched this lunatic at all, not only was framed by him, but also murdered by him ..."

Suddenly sick!

I haven't heard this evaluation on myself for many years, it is really kind. Wei Wuxian pointed at himself, but he was speechless. I don't know if he is sick or Mrs. Mo is sick. If he wants to destroy the family, he does not say anything when he is young, but he is just talking about it when he was young. If he can really do it, he has long dominated a hundred. Mrs. Mo didn't want to avenge her son to hate, but just found someone to vent his grievances.

Wei Wuxian did not entangle with her, thinking about it slightly, put his hand into Mo Ziyuan's arms, searched, and pulled out something. At first glance, it was a flag of calling.

Suddenly, his heart was bright, secretly: self -do evil, not alive!

And Lan Sixuan and others saw what Mo Ziyuan took out, and also understood what was going on. Lenovo's farce today is not difficult to guess for the cause: Mo Ziyuan was crazy during the day by Mo Xuanyu, and he hated it. He had a heart to find him accounting, but Mo Xuanyu ran outside and shaking it. Mo Ziyuan wanted to come back when he went back at night.

But until the night, he went out secretly and passed by the western courtyard, but saw the summon flag inserted on the eaves of the wall. Although I have been admitted, they must not go out in the middle of the night, do not go to the western courtyard, let alone these black flags, but Mo Ziyuan thought that this was just a man who was afraid of being stolen from the rare magic weapon to deliberately intimidate. The efficacy of the flag is ominous. Once the whole person is in his arms, it becomes a live target. He was unclean in his hands and feet, stealing the madman's cousin's Fu Xuan instrument to steal addiction. When he saw such a strange thing, he felt itchy and uncomfortable. , Quietly took away one.

A total of six sides of the flags were used, of which the five sides were located in the Western Courtyard, with the young people of the Lan family as a bait, but they carried them in the same way. Although Mo Ziyuan only stole one side, there was no body -defense weapon on his body. The persimmons were softened, and the evil spirits would naturally be attracted by him. If you just leave the corpse, you will bite a few bites. Unfortunately, this was unintentionally summoning the flag, and he called something more terrible than the corpse. It was this unknown evil spirits that killed Mo Ziyuan and took one of his arms!

Wei Wuxian raised his wrist. Sure enough, the scars in his left hand healed. It seems that Xian She's contract has defaulted to the death of Mo Ziyuan. After all, Zhao Yinqi was originally passed down by Wei Wuxian, but it was a yin and yang difference.

Mrs. Mo knew about some of her son's minor problems, but never admitted that Mo Ziyuan's death was he asked for a moment. Throwing: "If you were not scattered in the face of so many people yesterday, would he go out in the middle of the night? It would be your wild breeding!"

Wei Wuxian had long been prepared and flickered. Mrs. Mo screamed again: "Also you! You are useless things, what evils are eliminated, and even a child is not good! A Yuan is only ten years old!"

These teenagers are still young before they have experienced several times. They did not measure the abnormalities here. I did not expect that there were such fierce evil spirits. They originally felt that they had omissions and regret it. Divided into scolding, and his face was slightly blue. After all, he was born in the famous Menwan family. No one dared to treat them like this. Gusu Lan's family tutoring was extremely strict, and he taboo ordinary people who were weak to return to their hands. They couldn't even rude. They were forcibly suppressed although they were unhappy, and they looked ugly.

Wei Wuxian couldn't stand it anymore, thinking: "For so many years, the Lan family is still so virtue.

He said heavily, saying, "Who do you think you are scolding, really treat others as their own slaves? People have come to retreat from the demon and do not take it out of the demon. Let 's still be a 'child'? How many years old children do n't understand people? Did you repeatedly urge anything in the array yesterday and do n't move near the western courtyard? Do you go out in the middle of the night and stole the chicken and touch the dog, blame me?"

Lan Jingyi and others breathed a sigh of relief, her face no longer greened. Mrs. Mo was so sad and resentful, thinking about the word "dead". It is not because he dies to accompany his son, but that everyone in the world will die, especially in front of them. When she was in trouble, she instructed her husband, and said, "Called people! Call everyone in!"

Her husband was Mumu. I wonder if the death of the only child was too much to hit, and she pushed her backhand. Mrs. Mo was shocked to the ground and was shocked.

In the past, Mrs. Mo had to push him. As long as she had a higher voice, he was doing it. Today, he dares to fight back today!

The servants were frightened by her face, and Abing helped her up. Mrs. Mo covered her heart and trembled, "You ... you ... you also roll out me!"

If her husband was unhappy, Adin Chong took several winks. A Tong was busy walking out with the male owner, and the inside and outside Dongtang was chaotic. Seeing that the family was finally quiet, Wei Wuxian was finally quiet, ready to continue to look at the corpse, but did not see his eyes, and a high scream of screaming came into the door from the yard.

The people in the hall came out. I saw that the two were twitching on the ground of the East Courtyard. A child who was paralyzed was alive. The other one fell to the ground, and the flesh seemed to be absorbed and emptied, and it was wrinkled. The left arm was gone, and the wound had no blood. The body is exactly the same as Mo Ziyuan.

Mrs. Mo had just shook Adin's help. At first sight, she fell to the ground, her eyes were straight, and finally she had no effort to make it, and fainted. Wei Wuxian happened to stand near her, supported her, handed it to the Audin who was running forward, and looked at the right hand, and the scars were gone.

Only after leaving the hall threshold, before going out of the East Hospital, Mrs. Mo's husband died tragically, but happened in a momentary. Lan Sizun, Lan Jingyi, and others also looked pale. Lan Si chased the fastest calm down and asked Ai Tong who was paralyzed: "Did you see what?"

Ai Tong was frightened, and the teeth could not be opened. He couldn't ask for a while, but couldn't help shaking his head. Lan Si was anxious, let the same door bring him into the room and turn to Lan Jingyi: "Did the signal send it?"

Lan Jingyi said: "The signal is issued, but if there are no seniors who can come to support nearby, our people may be half an hour to rush. What should we do now? ","

Naturally, they can't go. If they only take off their own children when they encounter evil spirits, they will not only shame their families, they will also be ashamed to see people. These frightened Mo people couldn't follow, because the evil spirits were mostly mixed among them, and it was useless to leave. Lan Si chased his teeth: "Keep, wait for someone!"

It has already issued a signal for help, and after a short time, other monks will come to support. Avoiding multiple incidents, Wei Wuxian should retreat. The people who come here don't know it. If you just come to deal with him or have been fighting, what will happen to be difficult to say.

But cursed, he couldn't leave Mojiazhuang now. And the summoned things seized two lives in such a short time, and their fierceness is unusual. If Wei Wuxian now comes with it and wait for the supporters to arrive, maybe the entire Mojiazhuang has been full of the street. There was a left -arm corpse, and there were several relatives of Su Lan's relatives.

For a while, Wei Wuxian said: "Quickly decide."