
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasy
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119 Chs


Within a few days, Wei Wuxian found that he might make a wrong choice.

Obviously it is just a donkey, but only eat fresh tender grass with fresh dew, the grass tip is a little yellow, not to eat. Passing by a farmer, Wei Wuxian stole some wheat straw to feed it and chewed a few mouthfuls. If you do n't eat well, you refuse to leave, lose your temper, and you can be kicked by Wei Wuxian several times. The cry is extremely unpleasant.

Whether it is a mount or a pet, it's all useless!

Wei Wuxian could not help but miss his sword. The sword is mostly displayed on the wall as a warrior to show people.

Pulling a few sections of the road, the road via a large village field. The scorching sun was burning, and Tian Yan had a large locust tree with a thick shade at the bottom of the locust tree. There was also an old well. The villagers put a barrel and a scoop by the well for passers -by to quench their thirst. The flower donkey ran here, and he refused to leave. Wei Wuxian jumped down and took a look at his hips: "You are still a wealthy life, it is more difficult to serve than me."

The donkey spray him.

There are many rogues, and a group of people walking in the distance.

These personal backs are made of bamboo baskets, cloth shirts and straw shoes, and rustic from head to toe. There is a little girl in it, a round face, and her appearance is barely pretty. Maybe it 's been a long time in the scorching sun. I also want to come to take a cold water, but I see a flower donkey with a knock on the tree under the tree. The lunatic emitted by the red hair, dare not come over.

Wei Wuxian always claimed that he was a person who was pity and cherished the jade. He saw the nest and moved out of the ground to toss the flower donkey. The group of people saw him harmless, so they came safely. All sweaty cheeks flushed, fan wind, and water beating with water, the girl was sitting beside the well, as if he knew that he had a heart and smiled at Wei Wuxian.

One of them was holding a compass in his hands, looking at the distance, and bowed his head to confuse: "Why is it almost at the foot of Danshan Mountain, this pointer is still not moving?"

This compass is very weird, not ordinary compass. It is not used to refer to the southeast and northwest, but to refer to the "wind evil disk" that refers to the evil demon. Wei Wuxian knew that this was a fascinating rural retail investor. In addition to the excellent family of Yangchun Baixue, there are many small households who have closed doors and self -study. Wei Wuxian was thinking, maybe it was the big family who came from the countryside to come to the country, or to hunt at night.

The middle -aged man in the leader greeted people in the past: "Is your compass? Is it broken and turn back to you new. There are less than ten miles. If you are relaxing here, it will be worth the first, and it will be worth it. "

Sure enough, it is night hunting. Many Xianmen family liked elegance, saying that they traveled to the Quartet and the demons were "hunted", and because these things often appeared at night, they were also called "night hunting". There are so many Xiuxian family, but there are only a few people who come and go. If it wasn't for the accumulation of the ancestors, the ordinary family wanted to be included in the superiors and ranked among the famous doors. In the Xuanmen, they won the reputation and respect, and they must achieve their performance. Seeking the cruel monsters or Li Sha for the disaster, the family speaks.

This was Wei Wuxian's masterpiece, but he ran around on the road in the past few days and made a few graves. He was a ghost who helped him pretend to be a blessing at hand, and he decided to go to Daxi Mountain to touch his luck. If it is a good thing, catch it and use it.

The pedestrian resting was enough and was ready to go on the road. Before leaving, the round -faced girl took out a half -green apple from the back box and handed him to him: "This will give you."

Wei Wuxian reached out with a smile, but the flower donkey was bite with his head. Wei Wuxian quickly caught. Seeing that the donkey was salivated with this little apple, he was blessed to the soul, picked up a long branch and a fishing line, hanged this apple, and picked it in front of the flower donkey's head. The flower donkey smelled the apple in front of the apple and wanted to eat it. He chased the apple that was always a little bit almost a little bit. Intersection

The donkey stopped, and Wei Wuxian arrived in Damn Mountain before dark. It wasn't until the foot of the mountain that he knew this Van Fei. From a distance, the mountain shape is like a dwarf -hearted dwarf Buddha, so he got this name. There is a small town under the mountain, and it is called Foot Town.

The monks who gathered here were far more than he thought. The fish and dragons were mixed. Somehow, I looked nervous, and I didn't have time to laugh at the ghost.

In the middle of the long street, a group of monks gathered together and were talking seriously. It seemed that the opinions were quite different. Wei Wuxian heard their conversation far away. It was okay at first, but later I was excited: I was excited:

"... I don't think there is no soul -eating beast or soul -soul, all the pointers of all wind and evil disk are not changed here."

"If not, how did the soul loss of these seven town people come? Will it never be the same strange disease? You can never hear this disease!"

"Is it necessary to not point it out of Fengxie Pan? It can only refer to the general direction, insufficient precision, and not fulfilling it. Maybe there is something nearby to obstruct the direction of its pointer."

"I don't want to think of the wind and evil plate, and I have never heard anything that can disturb the direction of its pointer."

"What do you mean? How do I listen to you to speak strange? Of course, I know that Feng Xie Duan was done by Wei Ying, but what he did was not perfect. Isn't it allowed to question others?"

"I didn't say that you didn't ask you to question, let alone say that what he did was perfect, why did you have a blood spray!"

So they began to quarrel in another direction, Wei Wuxian rode a flower donkey and heheh. I don't want to have passed so many years. He still does not fall in the monks' lips and swords. The so -called "every Wei must be noisy."

In all fairness, the monk said that it is right. Now the universal wind evil disk is the first edition he made, and it is indeed insufficient. He was originally improving. Whoever taught the old nest and was pounded without changing the old nest, so he had to grieve and continue to use the first edition of the precision.

Having said that, most of the low -level flesh and flesh bones are eaten, such as the corpse; only the more popular high -ranking monsters or ghosts can absorb and digest the soul. They also ate seven in one breath. No wonder so many families have gathered here. Since the night prey is not small, it is inevitable that the errors in the wind and evil are inevitable.

Wei Wuxian held the rope, jumped off the donkey's back, and sent the apple with the flower donkey all the way to its mouth: "A bite, just a bite ... ah, you want to eat my whole hand. ","

He picked up the other side of the Apple and stuffed it back to the mouth of the flower donkey. He reflected why he fell into the same apple as a donkey, and suddenly hit a person. When I looked back, she was a girl. Although she hit him, she didn't take him at all, her eyes were godless, with a smile, and looked at a certain direction.

Wei Wuxian looked along her eyes. That direction was a mountain top, exactly Danan Mountain.

Suddenly, the girl danced in front of him without warning.

This dance posture is wild, Zhang Ya dances, Wei Wuxian is looking at it. A woman rushed over with a skirt and hugged her and cried: "A route, let's go back, go back!"

A Rou struggled to throw away her, and the smile on her face did not fade from beginning to end. With a creepy love, she continued to dance while dancing. The woman had to chase her on the street and ran while running. cry. On the side, a cargo Lang said: "As a sin, Zheng Gongmi's family ran out again."

"Her mother is so pitiful. Aunt's husband's husband, and her husband, none of them ..."

Wei Wuxian strolled around the west, and sorted out the strangeness from the words of the people from all walks of life.

On Danfang Mountain, there is an ancient graveyard. Most of the ancestral graves in the town of Buddhist town are here, and sometimes the unknown corpse can be placed here for a pit. A few months ago, there was a night of lightning and thunder, and the wind and rain. The rain was washed away. After the night, Danan Mountain had a landscape landslide collapsed, which was the graveyard. Many old tombs were ruined, and several coffin flipped out of the soil, and was chopped by a thunderbolt to fly the coffin cover.

The people in the town of Buddhism were very disturbed. Who knows that since then, the Buddha's Town has begun to appear frequently.

The first is a lazy man. This person is poor, and he is idle on weekdays, because he always likes to catch birds to catch birds on the mountain. He was trapped in Danan Mountain at the night of the landslide, scaring half of his death. It was a few days after he returned, he suddenly married a daughter -in -law, and he had a close relative, saying that he would have to do good and accumulate virtue and live with peace of mind.

On the wedding night, he was drunk, and he didn't get up on the bed. The bride called him not to respond, and when he pushed, he found that the groom's eyes were straight and cold. He could breathe, and was no different from the dead. After eating so much or lying for a few days, I was so relieved. The poor bride married the widow.

The second is Zheng Rou's family. The little girl just booked a family relationship, but in the future, the husband was killed by a wolf on the mountain the next day. After she learned of the incident, she also happened like the previous lazy man. Fortunately, after a while, her soul -lost disease was better. But from then on, people have become crazy, dancing outside with a smile every day.

The third is A Rou's father Zheng Gessy. Seven people have been killed so far.

Wei Wuxian thought that most of them were soul -eating, not soul -eating beasts.

Although the two are different, they are completely different. It is a ghost, and the beast is a monster. According to his opinions, it may be that the landslide has collapsed the ancient tomb, and the coffin split the coffin, which released the old and old evil. Is it? Let him see what kind of coffin is, and whether there are seal residues. However, the people in the town of Buddhism must have burnt the burnt coffin another long ago, and converge the bones into the soil. There must be no traces left.

Going up the mountain to walk from the town, Wei Wuxian kicked the donkey and walked slowly on the slope. After walking for a while, a few people looked down.

Some people have wounds on their faces, seven -mouth. The sky was dim, and he hit a donkey -riding person with a ghost makeup on his face. Wei Wuxian looked back, is it the prey tie his hands, and the feathers come home? Thinking slightly, patting the donkey hips, and a trot ride on the mountain.

He just missed this group of people's next grievances:

"I have never seen such a domineering!"

"So the owner of a large family, I need to get here to grab a soul -eating evil? He has killed how many one when he was young!"

"What's the way, who calls others as a prince. Nothing to offend who offended the Jiang family, no one can offend Jiang Cheng.