
The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn

The story revolves around Wei Wuxian, a former hero who falls from grace due to his controversial practices of cultivating demonic arts. After being betrayed and killed by those he once trusted, he unexpectedly reawakens years later in a younger form, possessing only fragments of his past memories. Wei Wuxian embarks on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding his past and the events that led to his downfall. Along the way, he reunites with his old friend Lan Wangji, a dignified and unwavering disciple of the Cloud Recesses sect. Together, they delve into a complex web of intrigue and deception, piecing together clues and revelations that gradually reveal the truth behind Wei Wuxian's fate. The narrative alternates between Wei Wuxian's present-day adventures and flashbacks to his past life, providing insights into his character development and the relationships he forged with various characters. The story is filled with emotional highs and lows, ranging from intense battles and suspenseful mysteries to tender moments of camaraderie and romance. The novel's writing style is engaging and humorous, making it a captivating read. The intricate plot, rich characters, and emotional depth of the story contribute to its popularity and enduring appeal. The worldbuilding is also impressive, creating a vivid and immersive fantasy setting that readers can easily envision. In addition to the original novel, "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn" has also been adapted into an animated series and a live-action drama series titled "The Untamed" (Chenqing Ling), both of which have garnered immense popularity among viewers. These adaptations further expand the story's reach and allow more people to experience the magic and wonder of "The Master of Evil Paths - Reborn."

Levi37 · Fantasy
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119 Chs


No matter how late it is, you should hold the torch to move forward in the forest. Wei Wuxian walked for a while and didn't meet a few monks. He was quite surprised: In the family of Mo Fei, one of the groups continued to talk about troops on paper in the town of Buddha's feet.

Suddenly, there was a sound of call for help.


"Save people!"

There are men and women in this voice, full of panic, unlike pseudo. The help of helping the barren mountains, eighty -nine are all evil spirits, and those who do not know about it went to the trap. Wei Wuxian was very happy.

The better the evil, the better, you are afraid of not evil enough!

He rushed to the sound of the donkey, and looked up at the same time, but it was not a fairy and ghost, but the rural retail investor he had met in Tian Yan before, was hung on the tree by the golden giant web.

The middle -aged man originally patrolled his descendants in the mountains and forests, and did not encounter their prey, but stepped on Luo.com, who was unknown, was hung on the tree and was suffering. Seeing someone coming, a fierce joy, but it was a lunatic, and immediately disappointed. Although this binding fairy network rope is thin, the materials are superior, and it is not broken. Once it is caught, you have to toss for a while. Unless it is cut off by the more advanced fairy ware. Don't say that this lunatic is letting them down, I'm afraid even I don't even know what it is.

He was trying to ask him to find someone to help. A light -soul -cutting sound approached, and a young and light -shirt boy in the black mountain forest.

This little boy's eyebrows were a little dan, and Junxiu was a little mean, very light, and was not much different from Lan Si. He was still a half -big child. The embroidery on the clothes was exquisite, and it became an extraordinary white peony in the chest.

Wei Wuxian sighed "money!"

This must be Lanling Jin's little boy. Only his family, with white peony as the family pattern, compares the national color, and uses the king of flowers to secretly advertise the king of his immortal; with cinnabar points, it means "Qi Zhi Mingzhi, Zhu Guangyao Shi".

This little boy originally wanted to shoot, but he saw that he lived in the binding fairy network. After disappointment, he turned into an impatient color: "Every time you are your idiot. The prey has not been caught yet, and you have smashed more than a dozen people! "

What Wei Wuxian thought was: "Money!"

An Jianxian.com is very valuable. He even put more than 400 pieces in one breath. The smaller family must be out of his family. It is indeed Lanling Jin's. However, there is no difference to capture such abuse of binding. It seems that the monks who had been withdrawn before were not because of the prey, but because it was difficult to mess with the famous door.

A few days along the way, and just after he listened to the interesting town of Buddhism, the ups and downs of the real world in the past years were ups and downs. Wei Wuxian also said a lot. As the final winner of the Centennial Fairy Men's Great Battle, Lanling's Golden Family Crossing leads the family, and even the owner is respected as "Xian Du". Jin's family style was originally arrogant and happy and luxurious. Over the years, the family has been high, and the family is strong. It is even more raised by the children in the family. The households couldn't afford to mess with it, so although the teenager was thin, several people hanging on the net blushed, but they did not dare to scold. Middle -aged people whispered: "Please make a convenience, let's let us down."

This teenager is not showing the anxious prey. He just sprinkled his breath on these villagers, and said, "You can hang it here, saving it everywhere, hindering my business! When I caught it, I caught it. Eating soul -eating beasts, you can afford you to let you go down. "

It was really hung on the tree like this for one night. In case they met the thing wandering wandering in Danfan Mountain, they couldn't move, but they only had to be sucking the soul. The round -faced girl who sent the apple to Wei Wuxian was scared in her heart, crying. Wei Wuxian's original leg was sitting on the back of the flower donkey. When the donkey heard the cry, his ears shook, and suddenly he ran out.

I went out and had a long sound. If it wasn't for the end of it, the unstoppable heroic momentum, it was said that it would never be a lot of praise. Wei Wuxian was caught off guard by his back from his back, and almost fell his head. The flower donkey rushed to the young man ahead of the head, and seemed to be convinced that he could fly with his head. The teenager was still in the arrow, just to pull the bow at it. Wei Wuxian didn't want to find a new mount so soon, and dragged it in the reins again and again. The teenager looked at him, but suddenly revealed a surprise, and immediately turned to disdain, and he said, "It turned out to be you."

This tone was surprised by two points. The teenager said, "How, after being rushed back to my hometown, you are crazy? Tu Cheng like this ghost, dare to let you go out and see people!"

He seemed to hear something wrong? Intersection

Is it -Wei Wuxian patted his thigh. Isn't Mo Xuanyu his father's family owner, but the famous Jin Guangshan? Intersection

Jin Guangshan is the owner of the previous generation of Lanling Jin. Speaking of this person, it is difficult to say. He has a prominent lady with a prominent family, and the name of fear is far away, but he is afraid of it. Women still have to do it. Yuan, a prostitute to the countryside, will never let go of it. Moreover, although he loves to stole the flowers around, there are many illegitimate children, but it is easy to like the new and hate the old. When he tastes the woman's greasy taste, he has no sense of responsibility. Among the many illegitimate children, only one person was extraordinarily brilliant, and was recognized back. It was the current Lanling Jin family owner Jin Guangyao. Moreover, Jin Guangshan's death is not colorful. He is confident and strong, to challenge himself, and to mix with a group of women, but unfortunately fails to fail. This is really hard to teach too much. Therefore, Lanling Jin's unanimous claims that the old prince was overworked, so all the families were unhappy and pretended not to know. In short, these are the real reason for his "famous".

At first, the burial post was siege. In addition to Jiang Cheng, the second copy was greatly contributed. Now that Wei Wuxian has occupied his illegitimate son, he really does not know how to calculate this account.

The teenager saw him in a daze and hated his heart, and said, "It's not fast! When you see you, you're disgusting enough."

For the sake of generation, Mo Xuanyu may not be said to be an elder like this young uncle and uncle. It was even humiliated by a younger generation. , Said: "It's really a mother -in -law and no mother."

As soon as this sentence, the two clusters of furious flames flashed in the eyes of the teenager. He pulled out his back with a long sword, and he was authentic: "What do you say?"

The golden light of the sword body is a rare sword. Many families have worked hard for a lifetime without seeing such swords. Wei Wuxian looked at it carefully, and felt that this sword was a little familiar, but he had not seen the golden sword of the golden sword. bag.

This is a "locking spirit sale" that he picked up a few corners the day before. The young man chopped his sword to cut him. He took out a small piece of paper cut into an human -shaped from the locking spirit sac and avoided him with a mistake.

The teenager's movement was very fast, but Wei Wuxian's feet stumbled behind the people. The teenager only felt that the vest was numb and sank behind him. The whole person could not help but fell to the ground, and the sword fell aside. On his back, he was stubborn and died of a soul, and he couldn't breathe firmly. Although the little ghost is weak, it is not a way to deal with such hairy children. Wei Wuxian picked up his sword, stood up, and cut off the upper binding fairy net.

The family of several people fell on the ground, and rushed to run away without saying a word. The round -faced girl seemed to be thanked and was pulled away by her elders. I'm afraid to say a few more words to be hated by the Jin Gongzi. The young man on the ground said angrily: "Dead sleeves! Okay, you, low spiritual power, unreasonable cultivation, and this kind of evil way, you should be careful of me! Do you know who is here today?! Today I ..." I ... "

Wei Wuxian said with no sincerity: "Ah! I'm so scared!"

Although he was criticized from the previous set of cultivation methods, he had a long -term harmful trainer's body, but it had a quick effect and was not limited by spiritual power and talent. Therefore, he was extremely attractive. The people of Xi have never been lacking. The teenager thought that Mo Xuanyu was kicked out of Lanling Jin. This suspicion is reasonable, and it also saves Wei Wuxian's many unnecessary troubles.

The teenager supported the ground, and he couldn't get up after trying it a few times. His face flushed, and his teeth said, "No more retracement, tell me, you are waiting for death!"

Wei Wuxian said strangely: "Why are you not a father? Which one of you?"

Suddenly there was a sound behind him, three points cold and seven points of Sennan:

"He is me, do you have any last words?"

As soon as he heard this sound, Wei Wuxian's blood seemed to rush his head, and his spinning immediately faded. Fortunately, his face was originally pale, no matter how white it was.

A purple -coated youth came in, the arrow sleeve was light robe, and his hand was pressed on the sword's hilt, and a silver bell hanging on his waist was hanging, but he could not hear the ringing when walking.

This young eyebrow apricot, looks like a sharp beauty, with a sinking eyes and a faint sense of attack, seeing people like two cold electricity. Walking out of Wei Wuxian's ten steps, stopped standing, his expression was like a string of arrows, ready to go, and even his body was arrogant.

He frowned: "Jin Ling, how did you consume for so long, do you want me to come back and ask you to go back? It seems that it seems that it looks like it, and it doesn't roll up!"

At the beginning of the numbness in his mind, Wei Wuxian quickly returned to his soul, hooked his fingers in his sleeves, and withdrew the paper man. Jin Ling felt a loose back, immediately grabbed his sword and climbed up, and flashed to Jiang Cheng, saying that Wei Wuxian scolded: "I want to interrupt your legs!"

The two nephew stood together, and they could see that there were two or three points of eyebrows, but it was like a pair of brothers. Jiang Cheng moved his fingers, and the paper man took off from Wei Wuxian's fingers and flew into his hands. He glanced at him, his eyes raised his breath, his fingers were hard, the paper pornked into the flame, and burned ashes in the screaming of Yin Ling.

Jiang Cheng said: "Interrupted his legs? Didn't I tell you, I met this kind of demon crooked, and killed the dog who fed you directly!"

Wei Wuxian couldn't even care about the donkey, flying back. He thought that after many years, even if Jiang Cheng had a big hatred for him, he should have disappeared. Unexpectedly, how cheap is not dissipated, but as long as the old old brewing, but now he has been furious to all the people who follow his cultivation!

Someone was guarding in the back, and Jin Ling's sword was getting fierce this time. Wei Wuxian's two fingers were into the lock spirit sac, waiting for action. A blue sword light was lit. Ji Jin Ling's sword was hit, and the golden light of this fairy sword was instantly scattered.

It is not that the sword is high, but the exquisiteness of the swordsman. Wei Wuxian had calculated the opportunity, but did not want to be disturbed by this sword mang. He was stunned and rushed to the ground. For a moment, he slowly looked up.

The first thing that came into view was a clear and clear sword Feng Jianfeng like ice.

Among the hundreds, this sword can be described as famous, and Wei Wuxian also taught its power countless times when he fought side by side with his sword. The hilt is forged by the sterling silver made by the secret method. The sword body is extremely thin, clear and transparent, exuding ice and snow and cold, but ironing is like mud. In fact, there are very weight, and even the idle people can't even wave at all.

—— "Avoid Dust."

Jianfeng turned back, and Wei Wuxian's head came into the sheath. At the same time, Jiang Cheng's voice came from a distance: "Who is my Tao. It turned out to be the second son of Lan."

This pair of white boots around Wei Wuxian, not tight or slow, took three steps forward. Wei Wuxian looked up. Occasionally, when he wiped his shoulders, he seemed to look at him inadvertently.

The coming people are full of moonlight, carrying a seven -string Guqin. The piano body is narrower than the extraordinary guqin, the body is dark, and the wood is soft.

The man was wrapped in a moisture, his skin was fair, and he was very elegant. The color of the eyes was very light, as if the glazed, made his eyes look too indifferent. There is a frost and snow in the face, and it is a nearly rigid faction. Even when I saw Wei Wuxian's ridiculous face now, there was no wave.

From head to toe, the dust is not dyed, and meticulous. I can't find a trace of misfortune. Rao is so. Wei Wuxian still pops up four characters in his heart:

"Putting Ma Daixiao!"

It is really hemp and filial piety. Any of the school uniforms of Gusu Lan's school uniforms. The death of his wife was deep.

The flow of years is unfavorable, and the end of the enemy is narrow. Blessings are coming, no scourge is not alone.

Lan Wangji didn't say a word, he didn't look at his eyes, and stood quietly opposite Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng is already a very beautiful and beautiful, but stands face to face with him, it is also inferior to a little bit inferior. Name, why are you coming to this deep forest today? "

The head of the family, who is such a identity, is generally disdainful of evil prey, but Lan Wangji is an exception. He never chooses the night hunting object, nor will he not be fierce because the monster and monsters are not fierce enough. As long as someone asks for help, he will come, since he was young, so it has been. Therefore, "every chaos will come out" is the evaluation of the world's mixing of Hanyu Junye, and it is also a praise for him. Jiang Cheng used this kind of tone at this time. It was not very polite. Lan Wang followed a group of juniors who followed the body. ? "

Jiang Cheng said coldly: "Oh, the elders speak, have you intervening? Gusu Lan's self -proclaimed fairy door of the fairy gate, it turned out to teach the children of the people."

Lan Wangji didn't seem to want to talk to him. After looking at Lan Si chasing, the latter would like to let the junior talk to the juniors, list, "Jin Gongzi, night hunting has always been a fair competition, but the son of Jin Gongzi, but the son of Jin Gongzi, is the son of Jin Gongzi. Sprinkling the nets around Danfangshan made the monks from other families struggling. Is it possible that it would have violated the rules of night hunting? "

Kim Ling's cold expression and his uncle's mold were carved: "They are stupid, step on the trap, what can I have. Everything is waiting for me to catch the prey."

Lan Wangji frowned. Jin Ling had to speak, and suddenly found that she couldn't speak, her throat couldn't make a sound, and she was shocked when she boarded. At first glance, Jin Ling's upper and lower lips were sticky and could not be separated, and his face appeared in a thin anger. If you can't discipline it, let me solve it! "

This prohibition is a child who is used by the blue family to punish the mistakes of making mistakes. Wei Wuxian has not eaten the loss of this small drama. Although it is not a complex and deep spell, the non -blue family must not solve the law. If you want to speak forcibly, either the upper and lower lips are torn bleeding, or the throat is dumb for several days, and you must shut up and quietly save them until the punishment time. Lan Si chased: "Jiang Zongzhu does not have to be angry. As long as he does not force the operation, the incense will be unlocked automatically."

Jiang Cheng hadn't spoken yet, and a purple clothes man in Jiang's clothes in the forest, shouting, "The Lord!" Goodbye Lan Wangji stood here, his face was hesitant. Jiang Cheng sarcastically: "Say, what bad news is going to report to me?"

The guest Qing whispered: "Not long ago, a blue flying sword destroyed the binding fairy network you arranged."

Jiang Cheng glanced at Lan Wangji, and the unhappiness in his heart showed his face directly, and said, "How many?"

The Ke Qing said carefully: "... All ..."

More than four hundred!

Jiang Cheng was annoyed fiercely.

It wasn't expected that this trip was so obscure. Originally, he came to help Jin Ling. This year, Jin Ling was 16 years old. He was already the age of his debut and other families. Jiang Cheng carefully screened it, and then picked out the hunting ground of Danan Mountain, scattered the nets and intimidated other family monks, taught them that it was difficult to walk and knew it, so that Jin Ling was drawn to get this head, so that others could not follow him with him. Rob. More than 400 Zhang Zhixian.com, although nearly sky -high, is nothing to Yunmeng Jiang's. But the Internet destroys small things, and it is big. Lan Wangji acted like this, Jiang Cheng only felt a bad breath, and he rose higher and higher. He squinted his eyes, and his left hand intentionally or unintentionally on the ring of the index finger of his right hand.

This is a dangerous action.

Everyone knows that the ring is a terrible magic weapon. Once the Jiang family owner started to touch it, he had a intention.